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李忠东 《环境教育》2008,(11):88-88
为了更好地保护森林资源,造福子孙后代,美国早在几十年前就确立了杜绝所有森林野火的国策,一直奉行至今。按理说,该举措出自良好的动机,充满着理性和善意,应该取得满意的效果吧。可是自从上个世纪60年代起,美国人逐渐认识到,这项国策在获得巨大成功的同时也难以避免地留下了不容忽视的隐患。  相似文献   

周围 《环境教育》2007,(8):22-23
"保护生态",人们听得多了,但要"为生态作补偿"却是很多人还不熟悉的事.这是一笔怎样的开支呢? 需要"补偿"是因为有"不公平"存在. 以西部地区为例,在改革开放后很长一段时间,西部地区充当的角色就是为东部地区及东南沿海经济特区的经济社会发展输送各种自然资源及能源,以支撑其经济发展.西部地区又是我国江河源头、水土流失敏感地区和濒危物种的重要栖息地,是中国的江河上游、风沙源头,生态环境保护的成本高、投入大,为保护生态付出了较高的机会成本.  相似文献   

一淼 《环境教育》2007,(4):27-27
塞下曲李白五月天山雪,无花只有寒。笛中闻折柳,春色未曾看。晓战随金鼓,宵眠抱玉鞍。愿将腰下剑,直为斩楼兰。  相似文献   

污染减排是转变经济发展方式、优化经济结构的重要手段。通过2008年攻坚年的努力,全目新增城市污水处理能力1280万吨/日,超额完成2008年确定的1200万吨/日的任务;新增燃煤脱硫机组装机容量8600万千瓦,是计划任务的2.9倍;关停小火电1669万千瓦,是计划任务的1.3倍;淘汰造纸、水泥、炼铁、炼焦、酒精、味精、柠檬酸等行业落后产能工作进展顺利。2009年是完成“十一五”减排任务的冲刺年。为了实现“十一五”的减排目标,这一年至关重要。成绩虽然突出,但任务依然艰巨。从攻坚年到冲刺年,环保工作者需要面对更大的挑战。  相似文献   

正近年来,环保部门"因言获罪"、"背黑锅"事件层出不穷。四川省环保厅在舆论应对的实战中,摸索出了一条实用规律:将引导媒体作为引导舆论的关键来运行,取得事半功倍的效果。特别是2013年以来,四川环保部门坚持面对公众误解和舆论责  相似文献   

<正>2015年1月1日,新修订的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》正式实施。与1979年试行版和1989年版的环保法相比,新修订的《环境保护法》对传统的环境教育的认识、地位、作用和途径都作出了与以往不同的法律表述。公开和参与取代了环境教育1979版的环保法首次以法律的形式对环境教育工作进行了规定。如第八条把"会同有关部门组织协调环境科学研究和环境教育事业"作为各级环境保护机构的一项重要职  相似文献   

潘家华 《绿叶》2010,(8):38-41
低碳城市日益受到关注.但在对它的理解和规划上却存在着喊口号、恐惧症和大跃进三种误区。为此,必须明确低碳城市的评价标准,进而把低碳城市的建设落到实处。我们应该制定明确的低碳城市规划、提高基础设施建设的质量、建立低碳化的城市管理,通过这三方面的努力来保障低碳城市建设的稳步推进。  相似文献   

许定予 《环境教育》2014,(12):60-62
正近年来,我先后5次去到美国芝加哥。这不仅因为这个城市非常有名,更是因为我心中有一种莫名的芝加哥情结——我来自被誉为"东方芝加哥"的中国武汉。早些年,我就听武汉人自豪地说起武汉是"东方芝加哥"。我曾在地图上把二者做过比较,感到武汉还真与芝加哥有许多共同之处。首先这两个城市都处在国家中部,都是交通枢纽要地;其次都依水而建,武汉靠近长江汉水,是有名的江城,芝加哥地处密歇根湖  相似文献   

在高塔的肩膀上,旋转餐厅静静地转动着。你打开谷歌地图,把眼光投向台北市北投区的北投捷运站,垂直下来是一条宽大的洲美快速道,在道旁距离基隆河与五分港不远的地方,标注了一个“北投焚化炉景观台”。切换成实景图模式并拉近,一个完整的“北投垃圾焚化厂”就呈现在眼前,旁边还依附了一个小的“士林垃圾焚化厂”。  相似文献   

究竟该谁出银子买机器?安徽省环保局信息中心一资深人士认为,在线监测设备造价不菲,一般企业要花几万甚至几十万才可安装一套在线监测设备,然后自己又要配  相似文献   

Contemporary approaches to natural resources and environmental decision-making typically draw on a “systems” perspective to assess and improve management strategies. This paper describes the early genesis of the systems analysis approach. It concentrates on a period between the mid-19th to early 20th centuries. During the early part of this period, George Marsh's Man and Nature and related works laid out an approach to problem-solving that recognized the relationship among physically disperse elements in the environment, the need to balance benefits against costs, the potential for using quantitative modeling to understand management options, and the importance of integrating human and natural components into solutions. In the early 20th century, the Miami Conservancy District project brought this approach to fruition with its use of complex simulation and optimization modeling, detailed cost–benefit analysis, and its linking of economics, engineering, science, and law into a far-reaching solution to a complex water resources problem. The objective of this paper is to describe the early development and application of this conceptual approach to problem-solving. An examination of the origins of natural resources systems analysis can broaden one's perspective of the contemporary field to understand its roots as a philosophy for environmental problem-solving.  相似文献   

Natura 2000 is a network of natural sites whose aim is to preserve species and habitats of relevance in the European Union. The policy underlying Natura 2000 has faced widespread opposition from land users and received extensive support from environmentalists. This paper addresses the ethical framework for Natura 2000 and the probable moral assumptions of its main stakeholders. Arguments for and against Natura 2000 were analyzed and classified according to “strong” or “weak” versions of the three main theories of environmental ethics – anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism. Weak (intergenerational) anthropocentrism was found to underlie the Natura 2000 network itself and the positions of environmentalists, while strong (traditional) anthropocentrism pervaded the positions of economic developers. Land users seemed to fall somewhere between weak and strong anthropocentrism. The paper discusses the relation between ethics and different attitudes towards Natura 2000, highlighting some of the implications for the network’s ongoing implementation. It is shown that Natura 2000 achieves a strong reversal of the burden of proof from conservation to economic development and land use change under anthropocentrism. It is argued that the alleged theoretical divide between anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism in relation to the burden of proof does not seem to hold in practice. Finally, it is predicted that the weak versions of anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism, are likely to converge extensively in respect to nature conservation policy measures.“Charting the depths of law and policy disputes yield an understanding of ethical differences.” Paul B. Thompson (2002, p. 189).  相似文献   

毗邻景色秀丽的阜阳市文峰公园,有所一草一木都会“说话”的幼儿园。咦,幼儿园怎么会“说话”?镜头一:爱心竹林文幼的每一处景点,都会有一个小故事,就拿“爱心竹林”来说吧,2006年植树节来临之际,园里向家长和幼儿发出“我为文幼添绿色、我和小树一起长”的倡议,大家纷纷响应,报名参加的人可多啦,植树那天,好多家庭都是全家齐上阵,爷爷奶奶来了、叔叔阿姨来了,于是就有了这片“爱心竹林”。现在,  相似文献   

读书是学习,读树也是学习,是一种在户外感受自然、师法自然的学习,若能读出树的沧桑,听懂树的倾诉,那你的爱便是到了超凡脱俗的境界。   在北京麋鹿苑的户外生态教育活动中,有一个由二人进行的“读树”游戏,十分引人入胜。蒙面者在同伴的带领下,来到某棵大树前,通过用手触摸、用耳聆听、用心阅读,引发你对树木的亲和力,提高你对自然的感受力。做完游戏,你一定颇有感慨,那就请你一吐为快,与大家共享吧。   最近,美国自然教育家柯内尔来京教授了许多游戏,其中有一个叫“我的树”,是以人扮树,通过角色的转换,体验树的…  相似文献   

“十一五”是蚌埠市经济社会快速发展的重要时期,也是环境保护受到社会各方面关注,环保工作得到迅速发展的重要时期。在市委、市政府的高度重视和正确领导下,社会各界给予关心与支持,全系统上下提振信心、凝神聚气、攻坚克难、奋力争先,克服“流域限批”带来的种种不利局面,坚持以实施污染防治为抓手,以提高环境综合防治水平为目标,以解决突出环境问题为重点,全面提升环境监督管理水平,  相似文献   

Our food and farming system is not socially, economically or ecologically sustainable. Many of the ills are a result of market competition driving specialization and linear production models, externalizing costs for environmental, social and cultural degradation. Some propose that market mechanisms should be used to correct this; improved consumer choice, internalization of costs and compensation to farmers for public goods. What we eat is determined by the path taken by our ancestors, by commercialization and fierce competition, fossil fuels and demographic development. Based on those, governments and the food industry are the choice architects who determine what we eat; consumer choice plays a marginal role. Using market mechanisms to internalize cost and compensate farmers for public goods has been proposed for decades but little progress has been made. There are also many practical, ethical and theoretical objections to such a system. The market is not a good master for a sustainable food system. Instead we need to find new ways of managing the food system based on food as a right and farming as a management system of the planet Earth. The solutions should be based on relocalization of food production and de-commodification of food and our symbionts, the plants and animals we eat.  相似文献   

The independence of Switzerland from the EU has allowed the development of unilateral agri-environmental policies. Article 31b provides a comprehensive approach to ecological farming that now covers more than half of the farmed area of the country. It is a progressive direct payment system developedin full consultation with farmers and contrasts with environmental incorporation in the Common Agricultural Policy in a number of significant ways. Despite a number of modifications to the scheme in its initial implementation,it provides the foundation for a pervasive sustainable agriculture in combination with the production of high quality ecologically-based food products.  相似文献   

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