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《Ecological modelling》2007,201(2):163-170
The capacity of a predator population to suppress a prey population that varies in abundance and spatial distribution is explored in a lattice simulation model. The model is based on empirically derived parameters for particular species. Within season predation by Pterostichus cupreus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of varying densities and distributions of the prey Rhopalosiphum padi (Homoptera: Aphididae) in spring cereals was simulated. From these spatially explicit simulations prey population suppression was found to be largely dependent on the spatial distribution of the prey. A possible mechanism was that high degrees of prey aggregation provided refuge for the prey that, when aggregated, escaped detection by P. cupreus. In contrast, P. cupreus was found to efficiently suppress incipient outbreaks for evenly distributed prey populations, even at high prey densities. A higher predator density compensated for the lowered control ability of the predators for highly aggregated prey populations and hastened the decline of the prey population.  相似文献   

Commonly used functional response models (Holling’s type I and type II models) assume that the encounter rate of a predator increases linearly with prey density, provided that the predator is searching for prey. In other other words, aN (a is the baseline encounter rate and N is prey density) describes the encounter rate. This study examined whether the models are adequate when predators and prey interact locally by using a spatially explicit individual based model because local interactions affect the spatial distribution of predators and prey, which also affects the encounter rate. Predators were assumed to possess a spatial perception range that influenced their foraging behavior (e.g., if a prey is in the perception range, the predator moves towards the prey). The effect of antipredator behavior by prey was also examined. The results suggest that prey and predator densities as well as handling time affect the baseline rate (i.e., parameter a) as opposed to the common assumption that the parameter is constant. The nature of model deviations depended on both the antipredator behavior and the predators’ perception range. Understanding these deviations is important as they qualitatively affect community dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that while pattern formation can stabilize individual-based models of predator–prey systems, the same individual-based models also allow for stabilization by alternate mechanisms, particularly localized consumption or diffusion limitation. The movement rules of the simulation are the critical feature which determines which of these mechanisms stabilizes any particular predator–prey individual-based model. In particular, systems from well-connected subpopulations, in each of which a predator can attack any prey, generally exhibit stabilization by pattern formation. In contrast, when restricted movement within a (sub-)population limits the ability of predators to consume prey, localized consumption or diffusion limitation can stabilize the system. Thus while the conclusions from differential equations on the role of pattern formation for stability may apply to discrete and noisy systems, it will take a detailed understanding of movement and scales of interaction to examine the role of pattern formation in real systems. Additionally, it will be important to link an understanding of both foraging and inter-patch movement, since by analogy to the models, both would be critical for understanding how real systems are stabilized by being discrete and spatial.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》1999,114(2-3):195-211
Initial age structure influences the growth of a prey population and the outcome of the predator–prey interaction. In order to quantify that influence, we employed a simple numerical model using experimental data from the system Tetranychus urticae–Phytoseiulus persimilis. Four major points were drawn from the results: (1) A population created by young females grows much faster than a population created by the same number of females but distributed among the stable age structure. Final number of individuals after a few generations is then much higher than what a plant could support. Consequently, a stable age structure is probably never achieved under these conditions; (2) In the presence of a predator, such a population can persist for a sufficiently long time to overexploit its host plant and to produce enough individuals to allow dispersal; (3) The impact of the predator on the prey population is drastically different according to its own age structure at the beginning of the interaction; and (4) Predators disturb the prey age structure during the course of interactions and thus maintain the prey growth potential at a high level. These points constitute an important adaptation that determine the persistence of the prey and the predator at a metapopulation level. They bring a new insight on the adaptive characters of young female dispersal.  相似文献   

Understanding prey response to predators and their utilization of sensory cues to assess local predation risk is crucial in determining how predator avoidance strategies affect population demographics. This study examined the antipredator behaviors of two ecologically similar species of Caribbean coral reef fish, Coryphopterus glaucofraenum and Gnatholepis thompsoni, and characterized their responses to different reef predators. In laboratory assays, the two species of gobies were exposed to predator visual cues (native Nassau grouper predator vs. invasive lionfish predator), damage-released chemical cues from gobies, and combinations of these, along with appropriate controls. Behavioral responses indicate that the two prey species differ in their utilization of visual and chemical cues. Visual cues from predators were decisive for both species’ responses, demonstrating their relative importance in the sensory hierarchy, whereas damage-released cues were a source of information only for C. glaucofraenum. Both prey species could distinguish between native and invasive predators and subsequently altered their antipredator responses.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model was developed to assess the impact of predation of juvenile Notonecta maculata on size structured Daphnia magna populations and to provide a framework for quantifying the backswimmers uptake of food. Results of experiments and model predictions clearly demonstrate selective predation of backswimmers when fed with a choice of daphnid size classes, with patterns of selectivity differing across N. maculata instars. The model describes the foraging process empirically on the base of a general predation cycle including four conditional events instead of using classic functional response curves. For model parameterisation components of predation, namely probability of encounter, attack and success as well as time spent on handling prey was directly observed by means of video tracking experiments. Since attack rate, capture success and handling time appeared to be a function of prey size differing between Notonecta instars, the model takes into account ontogenic changes in both predator and prey characteristics. Independent data of functional response and size selectivity experiments were used for model validation and proved the model outcome to be consistent with observations.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,183(4):451-462
Since many predators can live under certain circumstances as saprophytes or consume more than one prey, and different enzymes are generally required for each prey or nutrient digestion, the predator must be sufficiently adaptive for effective utilization of the prey mass. Control modes as induction and repression, however, act at the level of genes and cause changes in the biosynthesis rate of these enzymes. In this work, an extension of the catabolic repression control mode from the level of genes to the level of the behavior of the predator is proposed, in order to model the balanced attack of the predator on the prey. It is demonstrated that, when the prey population has the competitive advantage over the predator (in using the common substrate), the catabolic repression mechanism favors the prey population, which dominates over the predator even at low specific dilution rate values, whereas, the stable steady or periodic coexistence state is not favored. When the predator has the competitive advantage at low substrate concentrations and the prey at high substrate concentrations, the introduction of the catabolic repression mechanism in the model again favors the stable steady state of the prey, while the coexistence region is dramatically reduced. Conversely, when the prey population has the competitive advantage at low and the predator at high substrate concentrations, dominance of prey and coexistence steady state could be favored by the catabolic repression mechanism. It is concluded that the catabolic repression control favors dominance of the prey population and, under certain circumstances, coexistence of both prey and predator populations.  相似文献   

Antipredator behavior studies generally assess prey responses to single predator species although most real systems contain multiple species. In multi-predator environments prey ideally use antipredator responses that are effective against all predator species, although responses may only be effective against one predator and counterproductive for another. Multi-predator systems may also include introduced predators that the prey did not co-evolve with, so the prey may either fail to recognize their threat (level 1 naiveté), use ineffective responses (level 2 naiveté) or succumb to their superior hunting ability (level 3 naiveté). We analyzed microhabitat selection of an Australian marsupial (koomal, Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) when faced with spatiotemporal differences in the activity/density levels of one native (chuditch, Dasyurus geoffroii) and two introduced predators (red fox, Vulpes vulpes; feral cat, Felis catus). From this, we inferred whether koomal recognized introduced predators as a threat, and whether they minimized predation risk by either staying close to trees and/or using open or dense microhabitats. Koomal remained close to escape trees regardless of the predator species present, or activity/density levels, suggesting koomal employ this behavior as a first line of defense. Koomal shifted to dense cover only under high risk scenarios (i.e., with multiple predator species present at high densities). When predation risk was low, koomal used open microhabitats, which likely provided benefits not associated with predator avoidance. Koomal did not exhibit level 1 naiveté, although further studies are required to determine if they exhibit higher levels of naiveté (2–3) against foxes and cats.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods typically exhibit escape reactions to hydrodynamic stimuli such as those generated by the approach of a predator. During the summers of 2000, 2001 and 2004, two small calanoid species, Temora turbinata Dana, 1849 and Paracalanus parvus Claus, 1863 were exposed to a visual predatory fish, the blenny Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar, 1919, and their predator–prey interactions were recorded using both high-speed and standard videographic techniques. Copepod escape reaction components, including swimming pattern, reactive distance, turning rate, and jump kinetics, were quantified from individual predation events using motion analysis techniques. Among the observed escape reaction components, differences were noted between the species’ swimming patterns prior to attack and their response latencies. Temora turbinata was a continuous cruiser and P. parvus exhibited a hop-and-sink swimming pattern. During periods of sinking, P. parvus stopped beating its appendages, which presumably reduced any self-generated hydrodynamic signals and increased perceptual abilities to detect an approaching predator. Response latency was determined for each copepod species using a hydrodynamic stimulus produced by a 1 ms acoustic signal. Response latencies of T. turbinata were significantly longer than those of P. parvus. Despite some apparent perceptual advantages of P. parvus, the blenny successfully captured both species by modifying its attack behavior for the targeted prey.  相似文献   

Summary During their first 1–2 years of life, juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) are stream-dwelling, and feed upon drifting invertebrates. They move upstream from a holding position to intercept individual prey items; the distance moved (attack distance) is an increasing, but decelerating, function of prey size. Since the fish are presumably more visible to predators during such feeding excursions, prey size and risk are associated variables.The effect on attack distance of the presentation of a model predator (a photograph of a rainbow trout) was examined in the laboratory. Attack distances are shortened following presentation of a predator; this is particularly true when the prey are large (Fig. 1). The extent of the reduction of attack distance is directly related to predator presentation frequency, although there appears to be a minimum level to which it will decline (Fig. 2). Hungry fish and fish in the presence of a competitor (simulated by a mirror) are less responsive to the predator, suggesting a trade-off of energetic requirements and risk (Fig. 3 and Table 3). The effect of predation risk should be to reduce the relative proportion of large prey in a juvenile coho's diet, and its net rate of energy intake.  相似文献   

The fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus, is an eavesdropping predator that hunts frogs and katydids by approaching these preys' sexual advertisement calls. In captivity, bats can rapidly learn to associate novel acoustic stimuli with food rewards. It is unknown how this learning ability is related to foraging behavior in the wild where prey and the calls that identify them vary over space and time. In two bat populations that differ in available prey species (Soberanía, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica), we presented wild-caught bats with frog calls, katydid calls, and control stimuli. Bats in Soberanía were significantly more responsive to complex calls and choruses of the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus, than were bats in La Selva. La Selva bats were significantly more responsive to katydid calls (Steirodon sp.) than Soberanía bats. We also examined seasonal variation in bat response to prey cues. Bats were captured in Soberanía in dry and wet seasons and presented with the calls of a dry season breeding frog (Smilisca sila), a wet season breeding frog (P. pustulosus), and four katydid species. Bats captured in the dry season were significantly more responsive to the calls of S. sila than bats captured in the wet season, but there were no seasonal differences in response to the calls of P. pustulosus or the katydid calls. We demonstrate plasticity in the foraging behavior of this eavesdropping predator but also show that response to prey cues is not predicted solely by prey availability.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,167(3):213-220
The effect of cannibalism on an age-structured predator–prey system is studied. Three stable equilibrium states are found. Using a Hopf bifurcation analysis, it is found that the non washout steady state looses its stability as the cannibalism attack rate increases past a bifurcation point Sc. The dependence of the bifurcation point on the other parameters in the model is found. It is shown that the trajectory of the solution spirals in for attack rates S<Sc and exhibits limit cycle behavior for S>Sc.  相似文献   

Urban MC 《Ecology》2007,88(10):2587-2597
Growth is a critical ecological trait because it can determine population demography, evolution, and community interactions. Predation risk frequently induces decreased foraging and slow growth in prey. However, such strategies may not always be favored when prey can outgrow a predator's hunting ability. At the same time, a growing gape-limited predator broadens its hunting ability through time by expanding its gape and thereby creates a moving size refuge for susceptible prey. Here, I explore the ramifications of growing gape-limited predators for adaptive prey growth. A discrete demographic model for optimal foraging/growth strategies was derived under the realistic scenario of gape-limited and gape-unconstrained predation threats. Analytic and numerical results demonstrate a novel fitness minimum just above the growth rate of the gape-limited predator. This local fitness minimum separates a slow growth strategy that forages infrequently and accumulates low but constant predation risk from a fast growth strategy that forages frequently and experiences a high early predation risk in return for lower future predation risk and enhanced fecundity. Slow strategies generally were advantageous in communities dominated by gape-unconstrained predators whereas fast strategies were advantageous in gape-limited predator communities. Results were sensitive to the assumed relationships between prey size and fecundity and between prey growth and predation risk. Predator growth increased the parameter space favoring fast prey strategies. The model makes the testable predictions that prey should not grow at the same rate as their gape-limited predator and generally should grow faster than the fastest growing gape-limited predator. By focusing on predator constraints on prey capture, these results integrate the ecological and evolutionary implications of prey growth in diverse predator communities and offer an explanation for empirical growth patterns previously viewed to be anomalies.  相似文献   

Navarrete SA  Manzur T 《Ecology》2008,89(7):2005-2018
Investigating how food supply regulates the behavior and population structure of predators remains a central focus of population and community ecology. These responses will determine the strength of bottom-up processes through the food web, which can potentially lead to coupled top-down regulation of local communities. However, characterizing the bottom-up effects of prey is difficult in the case of generalist predators and particularly with predators that have large dispersal scales, attributes that characterize most marine top predators. Here we use long-term data on mussel, barnacle, limpet, and other adult prey abundance and recruitment at sites spread over 970 km to investigate individual- and population-level responses of the keystone intertidal sunstar Heliaster helianthus on the coast of Chile. Our results show that this generalist predator responds to changes in the supply of an apparently preferred prey, the competitively dominant mussel Perumytilus purpuratus. Individual-level parameters (diet composition, per capita prey consumption, predator size) positively responded to increased mussel abundance and recruitment, whereas population-level parameters (density, biomass, size structure) did not respond to bottom-up prey variation among sites separated by a few kilometers. No other intertidal prey elicited positive individual predator responses in this species, even though a large number of other prey species was always included in the diet. Moreover, examining predator-prey correlations at approximately 80, 160, and 200 km did not change this pattern, suggesting that positive prey feedback could occur over even larger spatial scales or as a geographically unstructured process. Thus individual-level responses were not transferred to population changes over the range of spatial scales examined here, highlighting the need to examine community regulation processes over multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

A reduced predation risk is considered to be a major adaptive advantage of sociality. While most studies are concerned with non-predatory prey species, group-living predators are likely to face similar threats from higher-order predators. We studied the relationship between group size and predation risk in the subsocial crab spider Diaea ergandros by testing predictions from theoretical models including attack abatement as well as the formation of protective retreats. In a field survey, we found predatory clubionid spiders in 35 % of the D. ergandros nests and as predicted, nest size did not correlate with predator presence. In a subsequent laboratory experiment, we observed survival probability, nest construction activity and feeding behaviour including weight development between groups of different sizes as well as in the absence or presence of a predator. Large groups had an advantage in terms of survival and growth compared to smaller groups or single individuals. They also built significantly larger nests than smaller groups, supporting the idea of protective retreat formation being an adaptive benefit to group living. Even though clubionids did attack D. ergandros, they did not significantly affect overall mortality of D. ergandros. The feeding experiment showed that spiders fed on a larger proportion of flies in the presence of a predator. However, these groups gained significantly less weight compared to the control groups, indicating that the potential predators not only act as predators but also as food competitors, constituting a twofold cost for D. ergandros.  相似文献   

Observations on the subtidal seastar Pisaster brevispinus (Stimpson) indicate that this predator can extend the central tube feet into sand-mud substrate for a distance roughly equal to the radius of the seastar. Field and laboratory evidence demonstrates the use of the elongated tube feet by the asteroid for the capture of burrowed prey items. A relationship between predator size and the size of juveniles of the deep-burrowing clam Tresus nuttallii taken as prey is a product of the ability of larger seastars to extend the tube feet further into the substrate and capture deeper prey. The role of P. brevispinus as an important subtidal predator along the Pacific Coast of North America is discussed.  相似文献   

Avian escape strategy is highly dependent on the ability to fly, and the success rate of raptor attacks is reduced if the prey gets fully airborne. Therefore, when escaping from predator attacks, the initial take-off is crucial and a rapid take-off, high velocity, and high angle of ascent maximize the chance of survival. However, due to the laws of gravity, birds face a trade-off between maximizing its linear acceleration and maximizing its rate of climb when taking off. The optimal policy between velocity and angle of ascent when a bird escapes from an attacking predator might depend on the detailed nature of the predator’s attack, the proximity to cover, and the presence of conspecifics. Many small birds rely on a quick dash to protective cover. In this study, we examine how the availability of protective cover affects take-off strategy in birds. Male great tits (Parus major) were subjected to a surprise attack by a model predator either in the presence or absence of protective cover. When attacked by the predator, great tits took off and perched in the cover when it was available. Birds subjected to the predator attack in the absence of cover took off in 10° higher angle of ascent and flew faster in the start of the take-off, compared to birds that took off in the presence of cover. Thus, this study for the first time shows that a bird do trade off speed with angle of ascent in an adaptive way, depending on the presence of protective cover.  相似文献   

Threat-sensitive predator avoidance in damselfish-trumpetfish interactions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Predatory threat can vary during a predator-prey interaction as an attack escalates or among predators at different times. A Threat-sensitivity hypothesis is presented which predicts that prey individuals will trade-off predator avoidance against other activities by altering their avoidance responses in a manner that reflects the magnitude of the predatory threat. This hypothesis was tested in the field by presenting prey (threespot damselfish, Stegastes planifrons) with models of foraging predators (Atlantic trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus). During a presentation, damselfish displayed progressively stronger avoidance as predator models were brought nearer; response waned rapidly once predator models passed overhead. Larger predator models and those oriented in a strike pose evoked stronger avoidance reactions than smaller and non-attacking models, intermediate responses were evoked by size and orientation combinations that were intermediate in threat, and habituation was more common to weakly-threatening presentations. Smaller damselfish showed stronger avoidance of models than did larger damselfish. Nonavoidance activities, such as feeding and territorial defense, were curtailed during presentations or were more common during weakly threatening presentations. Approaches to the models, equated with mobbing, were more common among large damselfish, again reflecting degrees of vulnerability among different size prey individuals. These initial results indicate that damselfish threatened by predators respond in a graded manner that reflects the degree of threat posed by the predator, in accordance with the Threat-sensitivity hypothesis.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of acquired predator recognition in mediating predator–prey interactions, we know little about the specific characteristics that prey use to distinguish predators from non-predators. Recent experiments with mammals and fish indicate that some prey lacking innate predator recognition have the ability to display anti-predator responses upon their first encounter with those predators if they are similar to predators that the prey has recently learned to recognize. This phenomenon is referred to as generalization of predator recognition. In this experiment, we documented for the first time that larval amphibians (woodfrog, Rana sylvatica) have the ability to generalize the recognition of known predators to closely related novel predators. Moreover, we demonstrated that this ability is dependent on the level of risk associated with the known predator. When red-bellied newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster (known predator), was paired with simulated low risk, tadpoles displayed fright responses to newts and novel tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum, but not to novel African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis. However, when the newt was paired with simulated high risk, tadpoles generalized their responses to both tiger salamanders and African clawed frogs. Larval anurans seem to have a wider generalization frame than other animals.  相似文献   

Patches of the neritic ctenophores Beroe ovata and Bolinopsis vitrea were observed on the edge of the Great Bahama Bank in order to determine the interaction between the predator Beroe ovata and its prey Bolinopsis vitrea. Laboratory experiments on Beroe ovata showed that it responds chemokinetically to the presence of its prey; as it swims it collides with other etenophores on which it preys. The unique use of macrocilia as cutting implements aids the predator in removing tissue from its prey, yielding maximum gain from each encounter. By means of direct observations while diving, data on horizontal and vertical patchiness, swimming speeds, abundance, and feeding behavior were collected, and used to assess the impact of populations of the predator on its prey. Together, these two animal populations form an ecological feed-back system which affects other portions of the planktonic community.  相似文献   

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