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林业生态环境评价原理和内容的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论述了林业生态环境评价的概念、特点、原则、内容、指标和标准等,构建出林业生态环境评价的基本框架,并提出了存在问题和建议。着重指出,林业生态环境的价值多重性决定了林业生态环境评价的特殊性和复杂性。  相似文献   

科学发展观是与时俱进,具有现代意义的.2000年开始的中国六大林业重点工程标志着全国生态环境保护和建设全面启动,是创建国家林业生态安全体系的航母.2000年以来,国家投资林业生态建设超过l000亿元,取得显著的生态效益.在全国生态环境中,其中有的项目或有的地方生态环境整体逐步转好,有希望全面转好.  相似文献   

今天,美国许多林业工作者正在研究城市林业。城市居民和社会团体每天都要接触都市环境,管理和使用城市林业资源,因此,城市林业与市民的关系是非常密切的。其相互作用也是非常重要的。 城市林业资源的管理和使用与普通林业有广泛地联系,有时,市民们是直接按普通林业的方式来管理城市林业的。 本文论述了在城市环境中,市民与城市林业的关系、说明了城市林业的多种效益、提出了与城市林业有关的一些论点。  相似文献   

太行山是我国山地植被破坏历史最长、生态环境严重恶化的山地生态系统,“七五”期间国家将绿化太行山列入重点攻关项目。从1986年开始,作者根据生态工程原理提出:环境辨识工程、种群引进选择工程、种群匹配工程、水土富集工程、时间节律工程和食物链工程为主的立体林业工程新思想,并在湘山小流域建起实施模式。经四年的工作,已取得较大进展。  相似文献   

本文针对目前多数林业企业缺乏市场活力、生产经营不景气这一现状,从改革途径、产权重组和产权交易方式三个方面,阐述了林业企业所有制改革的思路和看法,认为只有用价值规律这一杠杆来调节林业经济活动,才能实现林业企业资源的合理配置,促使林业生产力的不断提高。  相似文献   

三水市农业生态系统经济能值投入产出分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
进行生态学与经济学系统分析方法的交叉探索,将能值这一全新的生态经济度量尺度引入经济学投入产出分析表,对广东省珠江三角洲三水市农业生态系统经济能值的直接消耗系统和完全消耗系统分析,弥补经济学分析中自然环境投入价值缺失的同时,为复合系统能值分析中各系统间互作分析的量化评价探索了新的途径。分析结果表明:三水市农业生态系统中种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业之间存在经济能值的依存关系,有着直接的相互作用。种植业、渔业和畜牧业子系统间的经济能值交流网络较为发达。在种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业中,渔业对种植业的完全消耗系数最大,达到3.461×10-2,畜牧业对种植业的完全消耗系数也最大,达到了8.423×10-2;种植业对渔业的完全消耗系数最大,达到了7.685×10-2。林业与种植业、渔业、畜牧业互相的完全消耗系数都比较小,林业和其它三个子系统的经济能值交流较弱。种植业子系统是整个三水市农业生态系统的基础,渔业和畜牧业在种植业的基础上发展,对物质和能量的再利用起了重要作用。林业子系统是三水市农业生态系统内部物质能量交流网络的薄弱环节。三水市农业生态系统的内部结构有待进一步调整,以加强各子系统间的互作,提高物质与能量的使用效率。  相似文献   

结合常宁市林业有害生物普查工作,在实地调查全市林业有害生物发生种类和发生现状的基础上,通过分析常宁市林业有害生物发生特点和成灾原因,结合林业工作实际,提出了常宁市林业有害生物防控对策.参7.  相似文献   

广州市城市林业管理信息系统的研制开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将GIS技术引进技术林业研究,建立广州市城市林业管理信息系统,该系统具有采集,管理,分析和更新多种区域空间信息的能力,其分六个子系统,公园管理子系统,绿地管理子系统、市郊森林管理子系统、管理机构管理子系统,法规文件管理子系统。可以文字,数据,报表,图形,录像和声音等方式输入、存储、显示、输出绿化系统各类信息,并能随时查阅,检索、修改、录入、删除各类信息。  相似文献   

株洲市40多年来,林业科学技术有很大的发展,共获得市级以上科技成果125项(含中南林学院),如朱亭的“三深”造林法1978年获全国科学大会奖、攸县杉木地理种源试验点获部级一等奖等。本文以株洲市林业科技推广情况为例,进行初步分析和讨论。 1 株洲市林业科技推广现状及问题 株洲市林业科技推广的现状是基础薄弱、机制运转不畅,阻碍着科技成果的转化,究其原因主要是以下5个方面:  相似文献   

调研了湘中地区娄底市林业受灾的总体情况,总结了林业受灾的一些基本特点,提出了若干林业重建技术思路.  相似文献   

林业科技成果转化为现实生产力,须通过一系列的中介才能发挥作用,尤其是在社会主义市场经济条件下,其中介更主要地表现为市场.如何使湖南林业科技成果市场化,作者认为:加强湖南林业科技推广是实现湖南林业科技成果市场化的重要环节.  相似文献   

China has the fifth largest forest area in the world and any change in China's forestry development will have inevitable impacts on global ecological sustainability. China has undergone excessive logging of natural forests and also made tremendous efforts in afforestation during the past half century. China's forestry is now going through a variety of transitions and several forestry programs have been implemented to drive forestry transitions. The goal of these actions is to protect ecological services of forests and sustain China's forestry development. These forestry programs are spatially sophisticated and cannot be successfully implemented without accurate and transparent forest/forestry information. A variety of digital technologies, including forest modeling, remote sensing, geographic information systems, global positioning systems, and visualization, have been applied in handling diverse information in China's forestry. Digital forestry is not just a theoretical concept in China. Our digital forestry experience in northeast China suggests that digital technology is both usable and useful in China's forestry development. Digital technology is playing an important interactive role in China's top-down forestry administration system. The analog-to-digital transition in technology is expected to lead to the success of forestry programs and forestry transitions in China.  相似文献   

我国林业发展没有取得令人满意效果的主要原因是社会系统与自然系统不能协调发展.土地所有者虚位、国家投入不足、急功近利等都是人组成的社会系统这一控制主体自以为是的结果.树立人与自然是"伙伴关系"的观念,针对社会系统出现的与自然系统不协调的问题采取对策,采取林业社会化发展方式,必将实现林业的社会与自然协调发展.  相似文献   

无性系林业的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了无性系林业的基本理论及其发展状况,分析了无性系林业的优缺点,提出了无性系林业的发展方向。  相似文献   

Forestry development in China has undergone a series of reforms over the past six decades. This article examines temporal changes in forest resources and policies, the current status of forestry, and future challenges toward sustainable forest management in China. Excessive logging in the 1950s to 1980s badly damaged the nation’s forests, but the adoption of enlightened forest policies in the late 1990s has led to increases in China’s total forest area and growing stock. Forest degradation was ecologically and economically costly, and rehabilitation processes have become increasingly more expensive. The low quality and young age of forest resources, loss of natural forests, and more difficulties in afforestation and reforestation pose severe challenges for China’s sustainable forestry. It is critically important for China to enhance forest productivity through intensive management, strengthen enforcement, and educational programs for protecting and restoring natural forests, narrow the gap between domestic timber supply and rapidly expanding consumption, improve coordinating networks for management, finance, and technology transfer, and accelerate efforts to clarify and stabilize tenure arrangements for non-state forests. China’s experience and lessons in forestry may be helpful for other developing countries that are seeking to achieve the goal of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We studied 28 alien tree species currently planted for forestry purposes in the Czech Republic to determine the probability of their escape from cultivation and naturalization. Indicators of propagule pressure (number of administrative units in which a species is planted and total planting area) and time of introduction into cultivation were used as explanatory variables in multiple regression models. Fourteen species escaped from cultivation, and 39% of the variance was explained by the number of planting units and the time of introduction, the latter being more important. Species introduced early had a higher probability of escape than those introduced later, with more than 95% probability of escape for those introduced before 1801 and <5% for those introduced after 1892. Probability of naturalization was more difficult to predict, and eight species were misclassified. A model omitting two species with the largest influence on the model yielded similar predictors of naturalization as did the probability of escape. Both phases of invasion therefore appear to be driven by planting and introduction history in a similar way. Our results demonstrate the importance of forestry for recruitment of invasive trees. Six alien forestry trees, classified as invasive in the Czech Republic, are currently reported in nature reserves. In addition, forestry authorities want to increase the diversity of alien species and planting area in the country.  相似文献   

林病虫害已成为林业发展的一大难题,对中国林科院热带林业实验中心森林病虫害类型、危害特点等进行分析,并提出了具体有效防治措施与方法.参6.  相似文献   

本文讨论了高效林业的概念、特点及其内容,提出了建设原则与措施。  相似文献   

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