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唐山地震,惊天动地。岁月匆匆流过,蓦然回首,依稀感到那场对于地球的巨大震撼……一1976年7月28日,是我们永远也无法忘记的日子。那场将唐山夷为废墟的巨灾,让我们整整冷静地思考了30年。毫无疑问,我们还将长久严肃地思考下去。 相似文献
唐山大地震对人的伤害是立体的,人员伤亡的主要原因是房屋建筑的倒塌.唐山市区被废墟埋压者中有约84%的人活了下来.唐山地震中人员伤亡情况的分析,对如何减少地震伤亡以及有效开展救灾活动,提供了有益经验。 相似文献
汶川地震与唐山地震损失与救助之对比 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
1976年发生的唐山7.8级地震与2008年发生的汶川8.0级地震,是近年来破坏程度深、影响范围广的两次特大地震灾害,造成的人员伤亡与经济损失都是惨重与巨大的。但是,不同时代背景下,参数相近的两次地震在灾后救援与救助方面却相差甚远,表现在军队人数调动、受伤人口抢救、恢复重建资金投入、国内外援助、保险再保险分担等方面。着重对比了以上几方面后得出结论:在各项应急预案颁布并实施后,我国灾害救援工作更加有序,提高了救援效率;同时,保险与再保险的参与也减轻了政府负担,为灾民自主开展家园的恢复重建提供了便捷与保障。 相似文献
唐山抗震精神唐山抗震精神是指唐山大地震发生时及震后救灾活动中支撑、激励、鼓舞和引导唐山人奋勇崛起,艰苦卓绝,最终战胜地震灾害,重建家园的巨大精神力量。 相似文献
在纪念唐山大地震30周年的日子里,我有幸采访到了当年亲赴地震现场执行拍摄任务的八一电影制片厂记录片室的导演黄宝善和几位摄影师。当年,他们受命于危难之时,在第一时间赶赴地震现场拍摄了许多真情实景,但碍于历史原因,仍有不少震撼心灵的画面未能允许他们用镜头去记录。如今,他们都已年愈花甲,但那些镜头之外的斑驳记忆却久久挥之不去…… 相似文献
巨灾后幸存者心理恢复力初步探究——以1976年唐山地震为例 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
地震巨灾灾后幸存者如何恢复正常的生产、生活,是灾后救助的重点。在唐山地震30周年之际,对地震幸存者进行了实地调查访问,结合个体的灾情背景与城市重建、生产生活恢复的过程,分析了地震巨灾幸存者灾后心理恢复力的影响因子。调查结果显示,灾害影响具备整体共性与个体差异性的特点。通过分析实地调查数据,亲人伤亡程度、个体损伤情况、住房恢复状况是对灾民心理恢复力影响较大的3个因子。以家人平安为对照组,对家人轻伤、重伤和死亡3个研究组进行了比较;以自身安全者为对照组,对受压埋者和逃出建筑物者两个研究组进行了比较;以灾后6个月内搬进简易房为对照组,对六个月内尚未搬进简易房的研究组进行了比较。分析认为,家庭破裂、亲人失散会造成心理恢复极大的障碍,社会需要关怀失去亲人的灾民,尤其是孤儿;灾民消极态度与自身受伤程度明显正相关,随着身体的康复,灾民心理也能较快恢复;从地震棚搬入简易房的时间长短直接影响着灾民的情绪稳定。对幸存者的灾后恢复研究有助于灾后救助和社会安定,为灾害管理提供依据。 相似文献
Magrita Nicolene Wiggill 《Environmental Hazards》2016,15(1):43-57
Two-way communication and strong relationships between government and affected communities are necessary to enhance the latter's resilience to disaster risks. The Tlokwe City Council (TCC) in the North-West province, South Africa, is facing a dolomite and sinkhole disaster risk that threatens the safety of several residential areas, including informal settlements. A dolomite disaster risk reduction (DRR) management system such as the TCC Dolomite Management Desk (DMD) can be used to facilitate two-way communication and strong relationships between government and the affected communities. Semi-structured interviews with two different groups of people were conducted and the responses evaluated to determine in what way DRR communication via the Tlokwe DMD served to establish strong relationships between the TCC and the affected community. It was found that the two groups of interviewees had contradictory views on the risk communication and quality of relationships as facilitated by the Tlokwe DMD. These views illuminated the predicament of communicating about the dolomite and sinkhole risk. The Tlokwe DMD is unique in South Africa and its ability to enable communication and strong government–community relationships needs to be developed further. Recommendations are made in this regard. 相似文献
人是最重要的受灾体,准确的人口空间模拟是衡量洪涝灾情和实施防灾救灾的重要依据。利用遥感数据模拟人口空间分布需解决两大难题:(1)居民地类型、面积、位置的精确获取;(2)居民地类型、面积与人口数量的关系。基于地理意义和数学意义,对经典的城市人口一面积异速生长模型进行了扩展,导出了城乡人口一面积统一模型;并以大安市为例,建立了居民地分类体系,以1:5万地形图为辅助数据,利用ETM影像提取居民地信息,在上述模型的基础上建立了人口分布的反演模型,模拟人口的空间分布。通过精度评价,进一步证明了基于遥感数据的人口统计数据空间化的研究思路是切实可行的。 相似文献
城市重大环境风险事故应急救援系统的设计--以大连市为例 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
根据联合国"阿佩尔计划"(APELL),环境风险事故管理的一个重要方法是建立面向地区的应急0援系统.以大连市环境污染事故风险预警的实际工作为例,在研究环境事故应急管理现状的基础上,分析了救援系统支持平台GIS的优势,论述了该系统的需求、功能、数据库及救援网络等设计内容,完善了环境事故管理的方法研究,为环境风险事故应急管理提供了较理想的实用型管理手段. 相似文献
岩溶塌陷的致塌力学模型研究——以泰安市东羊娄岩溶塌陷为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2003年5月泰安市东羊娄村发生大型岩溶塌陷地质灾害,仅塌陷坑面积就达750m2。经调查研究,真空吸蚀致塌和重力致塌是该岩溶塌陷形成的致塌力学机制,致塌力主要为覆盖层土体自身重力和地下水快速下降过程中形成的真空负压吸蚀力。根据岩溶塌陷形成机理的分析结果,分3部分建立了岩溶塌陷的致塌力学综合模型,即基于普氏天然平衡拱理论的土洞极限平衡高度公式、基于极限平衡理论的桶状塌陷坑形成判别公式和基于莫尔-库伦强度理论的漏斗状塌坑形成判别公式,经东羊娄村岩溶塌陷后验分析,计算结果与岩溶塌陷的实际情况基本吻合。 相似文献
Kyoo-Man Ha 《Environmental Hazards》2016,15(1):1-15
In the field of disaster management, not many have considered the role and needs of people with disabilities despite their number and condition. The purpose of this paper is to push for specific inclusion of people with disabilities, their needs and participation, into disaster management by studying relevant cases from Indonesia, Korea, and the USA. Qualitative content analysis was used as a major methodology by comparing three factors identified in these nations: government policies, schools and advocacy groups’ efforts, and families and local communities’ awareness. Three models, one from each country, were considered major takeaways from this study: the Indonesian moral inclusion, the Korean medical treatment without exclusion, and the US’ extending social inclusion. In addressing the needs and participation of people with disabilities in disaster management, the following recommendations are put forward: for Indonesia, a move away from olden beliefs and misconceptions on disability (e.g. as a punishment) is imperative. In Korea, relevant fundamental laws (e.g. the Basic Act on Emergency and Safety Management) need to be revised while also studying advanced laws on the subject. For the USA, though the country is already advanced, overall improvement is still needed in terms of association with international non-governmental organizations, increase in the number of (emergency or disaster) response officials, and provision of better medical treatment. 相似文献
The flood defence agency in England and Wales has been pursuing a programme of flood warning system enhancement, engaging householders at risk in improving their warning responses. The immediate aim of this paper is to test and revise a model of economic benefits of warnings, but the survey data also generate insights into the constraints acting upon flood warning responses. Damage saving is less than previously anticipated: warning reliability and householder availability problems limit savings. Warnings are less likely to be received by those in lower social grades, and flood warning lead time is a factor in avoiding damage. The survey data indicate the complexities involved in improving flood warning response, and provide policy pointers. 相似文献