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This study deals with pyrolysis of tetra pak which is widely used as an aseptic beverage packaging material. Pyrolysis experiments were carried out under inert atmosphere in a batch reactor at different temperatures and by different pyrolysis modes (one- and two-step). The yields of char, liquid and gas were quantified. Pyrolysis liquids produced were collected as three separate phases; aqueous phase, tar and polyethylene wax. Characterization of wax and the determination of the total amount of phenols in aqueous phase were performed. Chemical compositions of gas and char products relevant to fuel applications were determined. Pure aluminum can be also recovered by pyrolysis.  相似文献   

废旧硅橡胶酸性热解残渣热解馏出物组分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同温度下对废旧硅橡胶酸性热解残渣进行热解,通过气相色谱-质谱联用技术对馏出油的组分进行分离与鉴定.实验结果表明:当热解温度为180℃时,馏出油组分相对较单一,主要是低沸点硅油类物质,可再次回收利用,实现清洁生产;当热解温度为340℃时,馏出油组分多且复杂,主要为高沸点硅油类物质,还有硅油类物质氧化和高温热解后的产物...  相似文献   

Pyrolysis of plastic waste is an alternative way of plastic recovery and could be a potential solution for the increasing stream of solid waste. The objective of this work was to increase the yield the gaseous olefins (monomers) as feedstock for polymerization process and to test the applicability of a commercial Ziegler-Natta (Z-N): TiCl(4)/MgCl(2) for cracking a mixture of polyolefins consisted of 46%wt. of low density polyethylene (LDPE), 30%wt. of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and 24%wt. of polypropylene (PP). Two sets of experiments have been carried out at 500 and 650°C via catalytic pyrolysis (1% of Z-N catalyst) and at 650 and 730°C via only-thermal pyrolysis. These experiments have been conducted in a lab-scale, fluidized quartz-bed reactor of a capacity of 1-3kg/h at Hamburg University. The results revealed a strong influence of temperature and presence of catalyst on the product distribution. The ratios of gas/liquid/solid mass fractions via thermal pyrolysis were: 36.9/48.4/15.7%wt. and 42.4/44.7/13.9%wt. at 650 and 730°C while via catalytic pyrolysis were: 6.5/89.0/4.5%wt. and 54.3/41.9/3.8%wt. at 500 and 650°C, respectively. At 650°C the monomer generation increased by 55% up to 23.6%wt. of total pyrolysis products distribution while the catalyst was added. Obtained yields of olefins were compared with the naphtha steam cracking process and other potentially attractive processes for feedstock generation. The concept of closed cycle material flow for polyolefins has been discussed, showing the potential benefits of feedstock recycling in a plastic waste management.  相似文献   

Chicken litter generally consists of a mixture of bedding, manure, feathers and spilled food. Flock of birds litter (flock) is a litter consisting of hardwood shavings, feed, feathers and manure; and broiler litter (broiler) is a cake of chicken litter. A kinetic investigation of the pyrolysis of chicken litter (flock and broiler) was carried out using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at heating rates of 5 degrees C/min, 10 degrees C/min and 20 degrees C/min. Most of the materials decomposed between 270 degrees C and 590 degrees C at each heating rate. The region of decomposition of flock and broiler was slightly lower than that of the wood chips. Wood chips (bedding material) decomposed in two stages, while flock and broiler decomposed in three stages. Apparent activation energies increased from 99 to 484 kJ/mol for the three samples when the pyrolytic conversion increased from 5% to 95%.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis kinetics of waste PVC pipe.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The pyrolysis kinetics of waste PVC pipe was investigated with a thermal gravimetric analysis system at heating rates of 5, 10, and 30 degrees C/min in a nitrogen atmosphere. Freeman-Carroll method was employed to evaluate kinetic parameters. Two dominant peaks were observed on derivative gravimetric curves, hypothetically suggesting a two-stage apparent reaction model. The first-stage reaction was likely to be represented by stoichiometric reaction to yield volatiles (mainly HCl) and intermediates. The second-stage reaction might be described by thermal degradation of intermediates competitively into gas, liquid, and solid by-products. Quasi-isothermal operations were introduced to verify the reaction types of the first and second reaction. The generation reaction of intermediates achieved at lower temperatures was carried out independently with their decomposition reaction at higher temperatures. The effects of additives on the pyrolysis kinetics of waste PVC pipe seem to be significant, especially on the first-stage reaction. The first-stage reaction was retarded. A merged peak at low temperatures was observed on the derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) curve instead of two peaks usually observed for that of pure PVC resin. The first peak on the DTG curve of pure PVC resin may shift more, resulting in the complete overlap of two peaks. The quantity of evolved HCl was likely to decrease because of interaction of metal components of stabilizers with either HCl or active chlorine atom or both. The final residual fraction increased as a result of pyrolysis of organic forms of additives to yield extra char. On the other hand, the second-stage reaction kinetics demonstrates a similar pattern to that of pure PVC resin, implying that the effects of additives may be less significant in comparison with that at the first-stage reaction.  相似文献   

Approximately 1.5 billion tyres are produced each year which will eventually enter the waste stream representing a major potential waste and environmental problem. However, there is growing interest in pyrolysis as a technology to treat tyres to produce valuable oil, char and gas products. The most common reactors used are fixed-bed (batch), screw kiln, rotary kiln, vacuum and fluidised-bed. The key influence on the product yield, and gas and oil composition, is the type of reactor used which in turn determines the temperature and heating rate. Tyre pyrolysis oil is chemically very complex containing aliphatic, aromatic, hetero-atom and polar fractions. The fuel characteristics of the tyre oil shows that it is similar to a gas oil or light fuel oil and has been successfully combusted in test furnaces and engines. The main gases produced from the pyrolysis of waste tyres are H2, C1–C4 hydrocarbons, CO2, CO and H2S. Upgrading tyre pyrolysis products to high value products has concentrated on char upgrading to higher quality carbon black and to activated carbon. The use of catalysts to upgrade the oil to a aromatic-rich chemical feedstock or the production of hydrogen from waste tyres has also been reported. Examples of commercial and semi-commercial scale tyre pyrolysis systems show that small scale batch reactors and continuous rotary kiln reactors have been developed to commercial scale.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis kinetics of available bicycle/rickshaw, motorcycle and truck tire wastes in Bangladesh have been investigated thermogravimetrically in a nitrogen atmosphere at heating rates of 10 and 60 degrees C/min over a temperature range of 30-800 degrees C. The three tire wastes exhibited similar behaviors in that, when heating rate was increased, the initial reaction temperature decreased but the reaction range and reaction rate increased. The percentage of total weight loss was higher for truck tire waste and lower for bicycle/rickshaw tire waste. The pyrolysis of truck tire waste was found to be easier than that of bicycle/rickshaw and motorcycle tire wastes while it was comparatively more difficult for motorcycle tire waste. The overall rate equation for the three tire wastes has been modeled satisfactorily by one simplified equation from which the kinetic parameters of unreacted materials based on the Arrhenius form can be determined. The predicted rate equation compares fairly well with the measured TG and DTG data. DTA curves for all of the samples show that the degradation reactions are three main exotherms and one endotherm.  相似文献   

粉煤灰催化热裂解聚丙烯废塑料   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在自制的废塑料催化热裂解装置和液体蒸馏装置上,研究了聚丙烯(PP)在粉煤灰催化作用下的热裂解特性。实验结果表明:随粉煤灰与PP的质量比增加,液体产物收率下降、气体产物收率增加,产物更加趋向于轻质化;残渣收率先降低后增加,但残渣收率总体偏低,不超过3%;液体产物中的汽油馏分收率先增加后下降,热裂解温度为460℃、粉煤灰与PP的质量比为0.2时汽油馏分收率为40.4%,热裂解温度为440℃、粉煤灰与PP的质量比为0.3时汽油馏分收率为37.9%;柴油馏分收率变化不明显;重油馏分收率下降,但当粉煤灰与PP的质量比超过0.3以后,重油馏分收率下降不再明显。  相似文献   

介绍了回收废弃电路板的热分离方法,综述了热解技术在废弃电路板处理中的研究现状及其所具有的优势。阐述了废弃电路板热解产物的资源价值及热解油的分离与提纯的研究现状,讨论了热解技术处理废弃电路板过程中消除剧毒有机溴化合物及HBr回收的研究进展,同时简介了真空热解技术的研究概况,并指出真空热解技术是今后处理废弃电路板的研究方向之一,有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is the evaluation, on a pilot scale, of scrap tyre pyrolysis process performance and the characteristics of the products under different process parameters, such as temperature, residence time, pressure, etc. In this frame, a series of tests were carried out at varying process temperatures between 550 and 680 degrees C, other parameters being equal. Pyrolysis plant process data are collected by an acquisition system; scrap tyre samples used for the treatment, solid and liquid by-products and produced syngas were analysed through both on-line monitoring (for gas) and laboratory analyses. Results show that process temperature, in the explored range, does not seem to seriously influence the volatilisation reaction yield, at least from a quantitative point of view, while it observably influences the distribution of the volatile fraction (liquid and gas) and by-products characteristics.  相似文献   

In this paper rejected streams coming from a waste packaging material recovery facility have been characterized and separated into families of products of similar nature in order to determine the influence of different types of ingredients in the products obtained in the pyrolysis process. The pyrolysis experiments have been carried out in a non-stirred batch 3.5 dm3 reactor, swept with 1 L min?1 N2, at 500 °C for 30 min. Pyrolysis liquids are composed of an organic phase and an aqueous phase. The aqueous phase is greater as higher is the cellulosic material content in the sample. The organic phase contains valuable chemicals as styrene, ethylbenzene and toluene, and has high heating value (HHV) (33–40 MJ kg?1). Therefore they could be used as alternative fuels for heat and power generation and as a source of valuable chemicals. Pyrolysis gases are mainly composed of hydrocarbons but contain high amounts of CO and CO2; their HHV is in the range of 18–46 MJ kg?1. The amount of COCO2 increases, and consequently HHV decreases as higher is the cellulosic content of the waste. Pyrolysis solids are mainly composed of inorganics and char formed in the process. The cellulosic materials lower the quality of the pyrolysis liquids and gases, and increase the production of char.  相似文献   

Biomass is an important renewable and sustainable source of energy. Waste products from biomass are considered as attractive feedstocks for the production of fuel. This work deals with the pyrolysis of bean dregs, a biomass waste from soybean processing industry. A technique has been developed to study bean dregs pyrolysis by in situ visualization of bean dregs transformation in a quartz capillary under a microscope using a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera monitoring system. The technique enables us to observe directly the processes and temperatures of bean dregs transformation during pyrolysis. In situ visualization of reaction revealed that how oily liquids are generated and expulsed concurrently from bean dregs during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis characteristics were investigated under a highly purified N2 atmosphere using a thermogravimetric analyzer from room temperature to 800 °C at different heating rates of 10, 30 and 50 °C/min. The results showed that three stages appeared in this thermal degradation process. The initial decomposition temperature and the peak shifted towards higher temperature with an increase in heating rate. Kinetic parameters in terms of apparent activation energy and pre-exponential factor were determined.  相似文献   

Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and infrared spectroscopy were used to analyze the pyrolysis characteristics of printed circuit board scraps (PCBs), coal powder and their mixtures under nitrogen atmosphere. The experimental results show that there is a large difference between waste PCBs and coal powder in pyrolysis processing. The pyrolysis properties of the mixing samples are the result of interaction of the PCBs and coal powder, which is influenced by the content of mixture. The degree of pyrolysis and pyrolysis properties of the mixture are much better than that of the single component. The TG and the differential thermogravimetric (DTG) curves of the PCBs mixed with coal powder move towards the high-temperature zone with increasing amount of coal powder and subsequently the DTG peak also becomes wider. The Coats–Redfern integral method was used to determine the kinetic parameters of pyrolysis reaction mechanism with the different proportion of mixture. The gas of pyrolysis mainly composes of CO2, CO, H2O and some hydrocarbon. The bromide characteristic absorption peak has been detected obviously in the pyrolysis gas of PCBs. On the contrary, the absorption peak of the bromide is not obvious in pyrolysis gas of the PCBs samples adding 40% coal powder.  相似文献   

WEEE recycling: Pyrolysis of fire retardant model polymers   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pyrolysis treatments of model polymers were made with the aim of studying the recycling of wastes from electronic, electric equipment containing brominated flame retardants. Pyrolysis of flame retarded high impact polystyrene and epoxy resins were made both in flow and closed systems. Products of pyrolysis were analysed with FT-IR spectroscopy and GC-MS and the evolution of bromine was followed with a bromine ion specific electrode. The effect of alkali on pyrolysis was also studied demonstrating, as far epoxy resin is concerned, to be effective on decreasing bromine content in oil and volatile products leading to the recovery of bromine from the residue by washing. The alkali treatment was shown to be less effective in styrenic polymers containing brominated flame retardants.  相似文献   

The formation and decomposition of tetrafluoroborate ions (BF4) in H3BO3-Al3+-F solutions were investigated via experiments and thermodynamic calculations. The concentration of the formed BF4 increased with decreasing pH, raising the total fluoride concentration and lowering the total aluminum ion concentration. Once formed, BF4 was stable under neutral and alkaline conditions. Fluoride in the form of BF4 was converted to fluoroaluminate ions by adding an aluminum compound under acidic conditions. A method for removing fluoride in the form of BF4 is proposed whereby fluoroaluminate ions formed by the reaction of BF4 with aluminum are decomposed with calcium ions. This process was applied to the treatment of wastewater from flue gas desulfurization plants, and resulted in a satisfying level of reduction in the range of the fluoride emission limit of 8 mg/l.  相似文献   

Steam gasification of epoxy circuit board in the presence of carbonates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To recover useful metals from end-of-life electronic devices and to convert plastic components from these devices into clean fuel gas, steam gasification of epoxy board samples was carried out at 600–700?°C and 0.1?MPa pressure in the presence of a ternary eutectic carbonate (lithium carbonate, sodium carbonate, and potassium carbonate). Hydrogen and carbon dioxide were the main products, and methane and carbon monoxide were detected as minor products. The gasification proceeded in two steps: an initial rapid pyrolysis followed by secondary steam gasification of char produced from the pyrolysis. The ternary eutectic carbonate accelerated not only the latter steam gasification but also the initial rapid pyrolysis. The activation energy for the steam gasification of epoxy board samples in the presence of the carbonate was 122?kJ/mol.  相似文献   

废印制线路板真空热解产物分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自行设计的间歇式固定床真空热解装置中热解废印制线路板(PCB),对热解产物进行了分析.在热解温度为550 ℃、热解压力为20 kPa、恒温时间为60 min的条件下,得到的热解产物质量分数为:热解渣70%;热解油3%~4%;不可冷凝热解气26%~27%.经气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析,热解油经常压蒸馏后得到的低沸点液态油中含有29种化合物,主要有苯酚、对异丙基酚、3-乙基酚、4-甲酚及2-溴苯酚,还含有少量含溴化合物和含氯化合物.热解油经简单的蒸馏就可达到回收酚类化合物的目的.热解渣经风选可实现铜与黏附有碳黑的玻璃纤维的分离,其中铜质量分数约30%,黏附有碳黑的玻璃纤维质量分数约70%.  相似文献   

采用热重差热分析法和傅里叶变换红外光谱分析联用的方法(TG-FTIR)研究淬火油泥(QOS)的热解过程,解析了热解过程的动力学特性,分析了其中的矿物油(MO)和残渣(SR)在QOS热解过程中的相互作用。实验结果表明:QOS热解过程包含油分热解阶段和矿物质分解阶段;低温段热解温度为150~520 ℃,高温段热解温度为800~980 ℃;SR的热解过程分为油分热解反应和残渣中Fe2O3的还原反应;MO的热解过程只有轻质油分的挥发和重质油分的热解。FTIR表征结果显示:QOS热解过程析出的气体主要为CO2、CO和有机化合物;SR热解过程中CO2的特征峰强度高于其他气体的特征峰强度;MO热解过程中烷烃的特征峰强度高于其他气体的特征峰强度,且MO主要以轻质油分为主。在QOS的热解过程中,初温~480 ℃时,SR所含的Fe2O3对MO的热解起促进作用,300 ℃左右时促进效果最明显。  相似文献   

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