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Plantations of short-rotation coppice (SRC) have a potential for being a useful measure to stop the ongoing impoverishment of farmland biodiversity by increasing structural diversity, and decreasing cultivation intensity and use of pesticides in intensively managed farmland landscapes. The aim of this study was to investigate the relative importance of the structure of the plantation and composition of adjacent habitats for breeding birds in 41 SRCs (meansize±S.E.=9.4±1.6 ha). Mean number of species per ha in the SRCs was 2.8±0.3 species and there were more farmland birds (32 species, 808 territories) than forest birds (22 species, 400 territories). A major result of the present study was the strong influence of adjacent habitats on bird community composition (18 of 22 analysed species affected). There were large differences in bird communities between forest-bordered and open-bordered sites, but occurrence of residual habitats (i.e. other habitats than forest, pastures, shrub areas and arable fields) was also associated with occurrence of several species. The second factor of major importance for the bird fauna was the height of the plantations. Most species (14) were associated with tall plantations (>2 m), seven species were associated with plantations of intermediate (1–2 m) height, and six species were associated with plantations of low height (<1 m). A comparison of ecological traits between species classified as preferring SRC and species classified as avoiding SRC suggests that nest height was the only ecological character associated with a preference for Salix habitats, i.e. species with nests on the ground or in shrubs were more abundant in Salix habitats than in farmland landscapes in general. However, a broad spectrum of species was found in the SRCs and many of these seemed to be dependent on habitat features outside the plantations. Planting of Salix in intensively managed farmland plains will have positive effects on bird diversity by increasing the structural diversity of the landscape. In contrast, plantations on infields in forest-dominated landscapes will have negative effects, since the mosaic structure (i.e. mixture of open and forested habitats) positive for most farmland birds will disappear, and Salix plantations favour relatively few forest species. Additionally, Salix could be planted along sharp edges between coniferous plantations and open farmland in order to increase the complexity of the ecotone in intensively managed forest-farmland landscapes.  相似文献   

Nests of White Stork Ciconia ciconia are commonly used by various passerines as nesting sites. In this study, we investigated factors determining presence and number of pairs of species breeding within White Stork nests in an extensive farmland in NE Poland. In 133 (57%) out of 233 White Stork nests, we found at least one breeding pair of passerine bird. These were from three species: House Sparrows Passer domesticus (68% of 133 nests with co-breeding), Tree Sparrows Passer montanus (65%), and Starlings Sturnus vulgaris (30%). The probability of breeding passerines within White Stork nests increased with increasing nest thickness, and was significantly higher in currently occupied nests. Sparrows were more likely to breed in White Stork nests located on electricity poles, situated closer to settlements and surrounded mainly by arable fields where meadows were not prevalent. In this paper, we show that White Stork nests are favorable nesting sites for passerines, as they are well insulated and provide an anti-predatory shield.  相似文献   

Spiders are important predators of insect pests. Some species invariably dominate spider communities in crop fields over large parts of Europe, and are therefore considered as “agrobionts”. It is however not clear if these species generally prefer arable habitats, or to what degree they utilize other habitats during times when crops are inhospitable. Here, spider abundances in 26 crop fields and 16 perennial habitats in Germany were compared during spring. Overall spider abundance in winter wheat was 75% lower than in perennial habitats, and species richness was reduced by 46%. Out of a total of 91 species, 73 had higher densities in perennial habitats, including the most dominant crop spiders Erigone atra and Tenuiphantes tenuis. Only one species (Oedothorax apicatus) was significantly more abundant in crops than in perennial habitats. Hence, the high dominance of most “agrobiont” species in crops was due to low densities of other species, and not to their own higher abundances. Therefore, perennial habitats adjacent to crop-fields could enhance spider populations and their potential for biological control in arable fields on a landscape level.  相似文献   

Data on birds occurring in farmland in the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were related to the spatial organisation of farmed habitats in three different agricultural landscape types. Species richness, abundance, and diversity of farmland bird communities, as well as abundance of the most frequently observed species were positively related to the number of residual non-cropped elements within farmland, the local mixture of annual crop and grass fields, and the variety of field types. The positive association of the species richness and abundance of the farmland bird community with richness in residual habitats and crops was most prominent in open landscapes. The results suggest that, by simplifying farmland structure and making it more homogenous, EU agricultural policies will have a detrimental effect on farmland bird populations in Eastern Europe. Ways of better targeting of the agri-environment schemes are suggested.  相似文献   

Green lanes are unmetalled tracks between fields of variable width, which may be sunk below or raised above field level, and bounded on both sides by ‘grass’ banks, hedgerows or dry-stone walls. In the UK they have no unique planning status and have been overlooked as discrete landscape elements. Green lanes were surveyed for butterflies in 1997 on lowland arable farmland on the Trafford/north Cheshire border (Warburton) and on upland grassland in the Yorkshire Dales (Ribble Valley). At the lowland site the green lanes were bounded by vegetation and were compared with grass banks and single hedgerow field boundaries; at the upland farm, the green lanes were bounded by dry-stone walls and were compared with grass banks and single dry-stone walls. Data from earlier work on a largely arable farm (Manydown) in Hampshire in 1987 and 1988 were re-analysed to make comparisons between a green lane, the rides and glades of two coppiced woodlands, and the grass banks and single hedgerows surrounding arable fields. Green lanes, whether bounded by vegetation or stone were superior to other common farmland biotopes with the exception of woodland, in terms of both butterfly abundance and species richness.Multiple regression of the Warburton data indicated the importance of green lanes, adjacent habitat type, and nectar sources for species richness and butterfly abundance. The interior of green lanes had lower windspeeds, and more bramble nectar sources than hedgerows or grass banks. By their nature they occupy a larger area of uncropped land, and are subject to a reduced disturbance regime and reduced inputs of agrochemicals and fertilisers. Their value as biodiversity reservoirs in intensively managed land is likely to be high.  相似文献   

基于多源遥感数据及其产品,以2010年新疆地区鸟类与哺乳动物物种丰富度空间分布数据为基础,结合土地利用、植被、气候、地形等遥感数据产品,探讨了影响新疆地区鸟类和哺乳动物物种丰富度的各环境因子空间分布及其差异.通过随机森林算法对影响鸟类和哺乳动物种数的环境解释变量进行了重要性评估,同时采用探索性回归分析对物种丰富度与环境...  相似文献   

In this paper, the role played by habitat diversity in the landscape on species richness and on the stability of farmland bird communities was investigated. Species richness was estimated on 374 samples monitored in farmland by the French breeding bird survey during the 2001–2005 period. A capture–recapture approach was used to estimate species richness accounting for the variation in detection probability among species of the 100 most common species detected in farmland. Landscape structure and composition were measured both in farmland and in adjacent habitats. The independent effect of each variable on community richness and stability was further assessed using hierarchical variance partitioning and taking spatial autocorrelation into account. A strong matrix effect was detected: non-cropped land deeply influenced richness and stability of bird assemblages.  相似文献   

张晓伟  许明祥 《环境科学》2013,34(7):2793-2799
以武功县为例,通过计算农田土壤碳储量及固碳速率,明确关中地区农田土壤有机碳动态变化的规律,进而揭示农田土壤有机碳与自然因素、人为因素的关系.结果表明:①80%的样点0~20 cm农田土壤有机碳含量在8.0~12.0 g.kg-1之间,总体上呈现正态分布.②武功县2011年0~20 cm农田土壤有机碳密度为26.3 t.hm-2,低于全国农田耕层土壤有机碳密度平均水平(33.45 t.hm-2).近30年农田土壤固碳速率为71.3 kg.(hm2.a)-1,近5年农田土壤固碳速率为480 kg.(hm2.a)-1,近期固碳速率高于全国农田耕层土壤平均固碳速率[380.78 kg.(hm2.a)-1].③在半湿润平原地区,土壤有机碳含量主要受土壤类型、地貌类型、有机肥投入的影响,其中土壤类型可解释30.2%的有机碳变异性,地貌类型可解释37.7%,有机肥可解释32.1%.综合分析表明,武功县农田土壤有机碳密度在过去30 a间呈增加趋势,这可能与化肥的施用和秸秆还田有关,具体有多大的影响程度还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

The set-aside obligation under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) brought widespread benefits for wild farmland species. Shortly after it was abolished in 2008, the national political process in Finland replaced it with a targeted agri-environment scheme for environmental fallow. Though potentially highly valuable, the value of the current scheme for securing biodiversity is yet to be confirmed. This study evaluates the importance of set-asides established under CAP to all birds of open farmland based on national monitoring data from 2001 to 2006. The set-aside fields supported 25-40% more species and held 60-105% more pairs of birds typical of open farmland in comparison with cereal fields within a similar landscape setting. The estimated effect of set-aside presence in farmland on the studied bird species is large enough to trigger considerable changes in bird populations on the national scale. The relevance of the results to the novel agri-environment scheme is discussed.  相似文献   

我国耕地总量的动力预测及其建议   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
近年来,我国耕地资源总量正在以较大的幅度逐年减少,其原因主要有:建设用地、生态退耕、农业结构调整、灾害损毁等占用,这将危及国家的粮食安全。为解决耕地面积大幅下降的情况,根据我国国情,建立了若干耕地总量动力方程。依据《中国的粮食问题》白皮书提出的实现粮食95%的自给目标,2010年耕地保有量应达到1.2166×108hm2的要求,在数值模拟的基础上提出了若干保护耕地的方案,并对2004~2010年我国的耕地总量进行数值预测。预测表明:①以目前的耕地减损速度仅依靠每年从耕地后备资源中开发补充耕地很难保障国家粮食安全;②在我国耕地减少总量中,生态退耕占了很大的比重,如何协调好二者的关系是保证国家粮食安全的重要方面。因此,建议我国应在降低逐年上升的建设用地对耕地的占用,制订合理的退耕计划下,提倡精准农业、提高粮食单产、降低肉类消费。  相似文献   

We used three approaches to assess potential effects of climate change on birds of the Northeast. First, we created distribution and abundance models for common bird species using climate, elevation, and tree species variables and modeled how bird distributions might change as habitats shift. Second, we assessed potential effects on high-elevation birds, especially Bicknell’s thrush (Catharus bicknelli), that may be particularly vulnerable to climate change, by using statistical associations between climate, spruce-fir forest vegetation and bird survey data. Last, we complemented these projections with an assessment of how habitat quality of a migratory songbird, the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens) might be affected by climate change. Large changes in bird communities of the Northeast are likely to result from climate change, and these changes will be most dramatic under a scenario of continued high emissions. Indeed, high-elevation bird species may currently be at the threshold of critical change with as little as 1°C warming reducing suitable habitat by more than half. Species at mid elevations are likely to experience declines in habitat quality that could affect demography. Although not all species will be affected adversely, some of the Northeast’s iconic species, such as common loon and black-capped chickadee, and some of its most abundant species, including several neotropical migrants, are projected to decline significantly in abundance under all climate change scenarios. No clear mitigation strategies are apparent, as shifts in species’ abundances and ranges will occur across all habitat types and for species with widely differing ecologies.  相似文献   

In this study territory densities of field-breeding farmland birds were compared on pairwise-selected organic and conventional arable farms for two years. Differences in territory densities between the two farm types were explained examining the effects of three factors on territory densities: (1) non-crop habitats, (2) crop types and (3) within-crop factors. In both years, densities of most species did not differ between organic and conventional farms. Only skylark and lapwing were more abundant on organic farms, but only skylarks showed a consistent pattern over both years. Differences in crop types grown between the two systems were the only explaining factor for differences in densities of skylark. For lapwing, the difference was only partly due to differences in crop type, but differences in within-crop factors (probably as a result of crop management) were likely to have had an effect as well. There were no significant differences in abundance of non-crop habitats between the two farming systems, so this could not explain differences in territory densities.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application as manure to agricultural soils in intensive livestock farming and arable cropping systems often exceeds P offtake by crops. This surplus could lead to P accumulation in soils, making them long-term diffuse sources of P loss to water. We investigated the impact of a range of manuring and fertilization practices in intensive farming systems on the accumulation of P in soils, soil test phosphorus (STP), distribution of organic and inorganic P, P-sorption capacity and degree of soil saturation with P (DSSP). The results from the 10 long-term sites investigated showed increases in both total soil P content and STP values (Olsen-P and Mehlich-3 P), as a result of P surpluses. The net total P accumulation in the soils across the sites ranged from 16 to 232 kg P ha−1 year−1. The effects of long-term P surpluses were a significant reduction in P-retention capacity and increase in DSSP. The sites investigated would attain 25% DSSP in 10–150 years, depending upon the size of P surplus and sorption capacity. A combination of large P surplus and low P-sorption capacity could saturate soils to 25% DSSP within 10–30 years. The values of Olsen (85 mg P kg−1) and Mehlich-3 (305 mg P kg−1) extractable-P predicted for the 25% DSSP are likely to result in environmentally significant P losses.  相似文献   

Structurally complex landscapes may enhance local species richness and interactions, which is possibly due to a higher species pool in complex landscapes. This hypothesis was tested using cereal aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) by comparing 12 winter wheat fields in structurally complex landscapes (>50% semi-natural habitats; n = 6) and structurally simple landscapes dominated by agricultural lands (>80% arable land; n = 6). Surprisingly, landscape structural complexity had no effect on aphid parasitoid species diversity. In complex landscapes 12 and in simple landscapes 11 species were found; 9 species occurred in both landscape types. Hence, arable fields in high-intensity agricultural landscapes with little non-crop area can support a similar diversity of cereal aphid parasitoids as structurally complex landscapes. This finding suggests that cereal aphid parasitoids may find necessary resources even in simple landscapes, making generalisations concerning the relationship between landscape composition and biodiversity in arable fields difficult.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the impacts of rural land use on lowland streamwater phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations and P loads and sources in lowland streams. Based on weekly water quality monitoring, the impacts of agriculture on streamwater P and N hydrochemistry were examined along a gradient of rural–agricultural land use, by monitoring three sets of ‘paired’ (near-adjacent) rural headwater streams, draining catchments which are representative of the major geology, soil types and rural/agricultural land use types of large areas of lowland Britain. The magnitude and timing of P and N inputs were assessed and the load apportionment model (LAM) was applied to quantify ‘continuous’ (point) source and ‘flow-dependent’ (diffuse) source contributions of P to these headwater streams. The results show that intensive arable farming had only a comparatively small impact on streamwater total phosphorus (TP loads), with highly consistent stream diffuse-source TP yields of ca. 0.5 kg-P ha?1 year?1 for the predominantly arable catchments with both clay and loam soils, compared with 0.4 kg-P ha?1 year?1 for low agricultural intensity grassland/woodland on similar soil types. In contrast, intensive livestock farming on heavy clay soils resulted in dramatically higher stream diffuse-source TP yields of 2 kg-P ha?1 year?1. The streamwater hydrochemistry of the livestock-dominated catchment was characterised by high concentrations of organic P, C and N fractions, associated with manure and slurry sources. Across the study sites, the impacts of human settlement were clearly identifiable with effluent inputs from septic tanks and sewage treatment works resulting in large-scale increases in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) loads and concentrations. At sites heavily impacted by rural settlements, SRP concentrations under baseflow conditions reached several hundred μg-P L?1. Load apportionment modelling demonstrated significant ‘point-source’ P inputs to the streams even where there were no sewage treatment works within the upstream catchment. This indicates that, even in sparsely populated rural headwater catchments, small settlements and even isolated groups of houses are sufficient to cause significant nutrient pollution and that septic tank systems serving these rural communities are actually operating as multiple point sources, rather than a diffuse input.  相似文献   

We applied a multi-isotope approach to examine aspects of niche partitioning, competition, and mobility for rodents in the Central Highlands of Madagascar. Specifically, we used carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope ratios in bone to investigate diet and mobility for endemic tufted tail rats (Eliurus spp.), and introduced black rats (Rattus rattus) and house mice (Mus musculus) within and outside a fragment of montane humid forest in the Ambohitantely Special Reserve. There was a clear spatial segregation in trapping success for different species: Eliurus was only in the forest interior and edge, Mus only outside of the fragment in a marsh and park housing complex, and Rattus in all habitats except the housing complex. We find only moderate support for mobility of rodents among habitats. Mus may routinely move between the marsh and housing complex. However, regular movement between the forest edge and interior, or between the forest fragment and surrounding grassland is not supported. Taxa appear to target different foods: Rattus tends to feed at a higher trophic level than Eliurus, and Mus consumes some C4 resources. To date, strontium isotopes have been underutilized in ecological research. Here, we show that they are highly complementary to carbon and nitrogen isotope data. Even in localities with relatively uniform underlying geology, it may be possible to distinguish individuals that regularly forage in different habitats.  相似文献   

地膜和有机肥料的大量投入已导致我国农田土壤微塑料污染日趋严重.为研究调查山东德州花生农田微塑料污染状况,分析了该区域不同覆膜年限(0、3、5和8 a)和有机肥施用对农田土壤中微塑料的丰度、粒径、颜色和形状等赋存特征的影响.结果表明,覆膜0、3、5和8 a后花生耕层土壤微塑料丰度的平均值分别为65.33、316.00、1 098.67和1 346.34 n·kg-1.随着土层深度的增加微塑料丰度降低,0~10、10~20和20~30 cm耕层中的土壤微塑料丰度分别为1 076.00、603.50和440.25 n·kg-1,并且增加覆膜年限和施加有机肥都显著增加了微塑料的丰度(P<0.05).粒径<1 mm微塑料占总量的77.30%,且随着覆膜年限的增加,小粒径(<1 mm)微塑料占比显著升高(P<0.05),随着土层深度的增加,其占比亦逐渐增加,施加有机肥对微塑料粒径没有显著影响.微塑料颜色组成以透明(49.77%)为主,其次是黑色(16.35%)和白色(16.27%),覆膜年限和有机肥施加对土壤中微塑料的颜色影响不显著(P>0.05),但覆膜年限显著增加了透明微塑料的占比.微塑料类型主要包括纤维类、薄膜类、碎片类、泡沫类和颗粒类,其占比分别为: 49.77%、25.41%、19.15%、3.26%和2.41%.耕层土壤微塑料的主要聚合物类型包含聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)和聚苯乙烯(PS),分别占总量的21.37%、18.57%和19.77%.由此,山东德州花生田耕层土壤中普遍存在微塑料,且地膜和有机肥施用是其主要来源,这可为花生田耕层土壤微塑料污染物防控提供重要依据.  相似文献   

The barn owl Tyto alba has been in decline throughout much of its range largely as a consequence of loss of foraging habitat resulting from agricultural intensification. The recent introduction of agri-environment schemes in the UK has resulted in the reinstatement of substantial areas of rough grassland which may be of benefit to small mammals and their avian predators. In this study mature grasslands provided by agri-environmental schemes (farm woodlands, permanent set-aside, 2 and 6 m field margins) were compared to better understand which hold the greatest prey numbers and how new areas of grassland targeted at barn owl conservation should be created and managed. In all habitats apart from farm woodlands, small mammal numbers were positively associated with taller swards. This study suggests that areas cut every 2 or 3 years supported more individuals and species than areas cut annually, although this trend was only significant for common shrews. With the introduction of the new Environmental Stewardship scheme in 2005, our results suggest that the area of suitable foraging habitat for barn owls is likely to increase.  相似文献   

国土空间规划是落实主体功能区战略、绘制未来“美丽国土一张蓝图”的重要抓手,资源环境承载能力和国土空间开发适宜性评价是国土空间规划编制的前提和基础.以贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州义龙新区为研究对象,围绕生态保护、农业生产、城镇建设功能特征,以定量方法为主、定性方法为辅,依次开展了资源环境要素单项评价、资源环境承载能力集成评价、国土空间开发适宜性评价,并与现状土地利用进行对比,识别其国土空间开发问题和潜力.结果表明:①义龙新区生态保护极重要区面积占比为36.93%,农业生产适宜区面积占比为24.84%,城镇建设适宜区面积占比为25.08%,三者可分别作为重点生态功能区、农产品主产区、城市化发展区.②生态保护极重要区中基本农田面积为23.60 km2、一般农用地面积为15.21 km2,农业生产不适宜区中基本农田面积为72.17 km2、一般农用地面积为27.63 km2,地块功能指向重叠性较大,建议结合城市发展意向,明确不同区域功能指向的侧重.③后备耕地面积为131.87 km2,后备建设用地面积为114.85 km2,与实地核查结果相符.研究显示,构建的喀斯特地区“双评价”方法体系可以很好地应用于区域国土空间规划,实现了格网单元地域功能优化分区.   相似文献   

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