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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are present in many consumer goods. There is evidence that PBDEs are toxic to humans, particular young children. The purpose of this study was to assess indoor dust as an exposure source for PBDEs. Concentrations of 16 PBDEs were determined in dust samples from 33 households in New Zealand, and in breast milk samples from 33 mothers living in these households. Associations between dust and breast milk PBDE concentrations were assessed, and children's PBDE intake from breast milk and dust estimated. Influences of household and demographic factors on PBDE concentrations in dust were investigated. Indoor dust concentrations ranged from 0.1 ng/g for BDE17 to 2500 ng/g for BDE209. Breast milk concentrations were positively correlated (p < 0.05) with mattress dust concentrations for BDE47, BDE153, BDE154, and BDE209 and with floor dust for BDE47, BDE183, BDE206, and BDE209. The correlation for BDE209 between dust and breast milk is a novel finding. PBDE concentrations in floor dust were lower from households with new carpets. The estimated children's daily intake of PBDEs from dust and breast milk was below U.S. EPA Reference Dose values. The study shows that dust is an important human exposure source for common PBDE formulations in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Legacy environmental contaminants such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are widely detected in human tissues. However, few studies have measured PBDEs in placental tissues, and there are no reported measurements of 2,4,6-tribromophenol (2,4,6-TBP) in placental tissues. Measurements of these contaminants are important for understanding potential fetal exposures, as these compounds have been shown to alter thyroid hormone regulation in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we measured a suite of PBDEs and 2,4,6-TBP in 102 human placental tissues collected between 2010 and 2011 in Durham County, North Carolina, USA. The most abundant PBDE congener detected was BDE-47, with a mean concentration of 5.09 ng/g lipid (range: 0.12–141 ng/g lipid; detection frequency 91%); however, 2,4,6-TBP was ubiquitously detected and present at higher concentrations with a mean concentration of 15.4 ng/g lipid (range:1.31–316 ng/g lipid; detection frequency 100%). BDE-209 was also detected in more than 50% of the samples, and was significantly associated with 2,4,6-TBP in placental tissues, suggesting they may have a similar source, or that 2,4,6-TBP may be a degradation product of BDE-209. Interestingly, BDE-209 and 2,4,6-TBP were negatively associated with age (rs =  0.16; p = 0.10 and rs =  0.17; p = 0.08, respectively). The results of this work indicate that PBDEs and 2,4,6-TBP bioaccumulate in human placenta tissue and likely contribute to prenatal exposures to these environmental contaminants. Future studies are needed to determine if these joint exposures are associated with any adverse health measures in infants and children.  相似文献   

Within-house and within-room spatial temporal variability in PBDE contamination of indoor dust may influence substantially the reliability of human exposure assessments based on single point samples, but have hitherto been little studied. This paper reports concentrations of PBDEs 17, 28, 47, 49, 66, 85, 99, 100, 153, and 154 in indoor dust samples (n = 112) from two houses in Birmingham, UK. To evaluate within-house spatial variability, four separate rooms were sampled in house 1 and two separate rooms sampled in house 2. Up to four different 1 m2 areas in the same room were sampled to evaluate within-room spatial variability, and for all studied areas, samples were taken for eight consecutive months to evaluate temporal and seasonal variability. Concentrations of ΣPBDEs in individual samples from house 1 varied between 21 and 280 ng g 1; while the range of concentrations in house 2 was 20–1000 ng g 1. This indicates that where and when a sample is taken in a house can influence substantially the contamination detected. In one room, concentrations of PBDEs in an area located close to putative PBDE sources exceeded substantially those in an area 2 m away, with marked differences also observed between two areas in another room. Substantial within-room spatial differences in PBDE concentrations were not discernible in the other rooms studied. Concentrations of PBDEs in the majority of rooms within the same houses were not markedly different between rooms. Nevertheless, large differences were observed between PBDE concentrations detected in two rooms in the same house in both houses studied. In one instance, this is hypothesised to be attributable to the presence of a carpet in one room and bare wooden floor in another, but firm conclusions cannot be drawn. Within-room temporal (month-to-month) variability was substantial (relative standard deviations for ΣPBDEs = 15–200%). In some rooms, the introduction and removal of putative sources like a TV and a bed, appeared to exert a discernible influence on PBDE concentrations. PBDE concentrations in spring and summer were not markedly different from those observed in autumn and winter. Possible dilution of PBDE concentrations in dust at higher dust loadings (g dust per m2 floor surface) was investigated in a small number of rooms, but no firm evidence of such dilution was evident.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have previously been detected in children toys, yet the risk of child exposure to these chemicals through the mouthing of toys or other items is still unknown. We aimed to expand on the current knowledge by investigating the impact of infants' mouthing activities on exposure to PBDEs present in toys. This was established by a leaching model for determining the amount PBDEs that can leach from toys into saliva in simulated conditions. The PBDE migration rate was at its highest for the 15 min low-exposure scenario incubations (198 pg/cm2 × min) with the ERM EC-591 certified reference material (CRM) (0.17% w/w PBDEs). The leaching process was congener-dependent, since the percentage of lower brominated PBDE congeners that leached out was up to 4.5 times higher than for the heavier PBDEs. To study the scenario in which a child would mouth on a toy flame retarded with BDE 209 alone, a plastic item containing 7% BDE 209 (w/w) was also tested. The BDE 209 amounts leached out in only 15 min were higher than the amounts leached from the CRM after the 16 h incubation. For the Belgian population, the exposure scenario from mouthing on toys containing PBDEs in amounts similar to the REACH threshold was found to be lower than the exposure from mother's milk, but higher than the exposure through diet or even dust.  相似文献   

California residents may experience the highest polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardant exposures in the United States, the nation with the highest body burdens worldwide. It is hypothesized that Californians' high exposures are due to the state's strict furniture flammability standards. Ingestion of PBDE-contaminated dust, to which children may be particularly susceptible, is a dominant exposure pathway. Low-income populations may also face disparately high exposures due to the presence of older, deteriorated or poorly manufactured furniture treated with PBDEs. We collected up to two dust samples per home (54 samples total), several days apart, from low-income California households in the urban community of Oakland (n=13 homes) and the agricultural community of Salinas (n=15 homes). We measured BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-100, the major constituents of the penta-PBDE flame retardant formulation commonly used in furniture. All three PBDE congeners were detected in every sample with concentrations (loadings) ranging from 185 to 126,000ng/g (621-264,000ng/m(2)), 367-220,000ng/g (1550-457,000ng/m(2)), and 84-41,100ng/g (257-85,700ng/m(2)) for BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-100, respectively. Median concentrations (loadings) observed in Salinas homes for BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-100 were 3100ng/g (10,800ng/m(2)), 5480ng/g (19,500ng/m(2)), and 1060ng/g (3810ng/m(2)), respectively, and in Oakland homes 2780ng/g (10,700ng/m(2)), 4450ng/g (19,100ng/m(2)), and 1050ng/g (4000ng/m(2)), respectively. Maximum concentrations for BDE-47 and BDE-99 are the highest reported to date. Indoor concentrations and loadings did not significantly differ between communities; concentrations and loadings were strongly correlated between collections for all three congeners (Spearman rho=0.79-0.97, p<0.002). We estimated non-dietary ingestion of each congener for one child in each home (n=28 children) and found that estimated intake for BDE-47 and BDE-99 exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's recommended chronic reference dose for three and five children, respectively. Children's estimated intake via dust ranged from 1.0 to 599ng/kg/day, 2.0-1065ng/kg/day and 0.5-196ng/kg/day for BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-100, respectively. In order to mitigate these exposures, future research must address the factors that contribute to PBDE exposures in low-income homes.  相似文献   

Human serum samples (n=61) were collected in Attika, Greece between June and October 2007 and analyzed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). Thirty samples were collected from computer clerks of a large computer company in Athens working full-time with computers, and thirty-one from a control population in the Attika region with no computer use. Σ(5)PBDE concentrations (sum of tri- to hexa-BDEs) in all samples (n=61) ranged from 0.68 to 13.3 ng g(-1) lipid, with a median of 1.07 ng g(-1) lipid. These concentrations are on the lower end of those reported from other countries, probably reflecting lower usage of PBDE-containing products or lower exposures to these chemicals. Individual and Σ(5)PBDE concentrations did not statistically differ between the two groups of computer clerks and non-computer users (p>0.05), with the exception of BDE 153 (p=0.033). The predominant congener was BDE 153, followed by BDEs 47, 100, 99, 183, 154 and 28. HBCD was also detected in 70% of the samples. BDE 209 was detected in 8 out 61 samples (13%), with concentrations ranging from 1.18 to 19.1 ng g(-1) lipid, and a median of 2.94 ng g(-1) lipid. No age dependency was found for PBDEs. Σ(11)PCB (sum of PCBs 74, 99, 118, 138, 146, 153, 156, 170, 180, 183 and 187,) in all samples (n=61) ranged from 36 to 402 ng g(-1) lipid, with a median of 110 ng g(-1) lipid. pp'-DDE concentrations ranged from 53.8 to 1649 ng g(-1) lipid, with a median of 268 ng g(-1) lipid. This is the first study to report levels of PBDEs in a possibly occupationally exposed subset of the Greek population.  相似文献   

Many brominated flame retardants (BFRs)—including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)—have been shown to persist in the environment, and some have been associated with adverse health effects. The aim of the present study was to quantify serum concentrations of common brominated flame retardants in Inuit men from across Greenland, and in men from Warsaw, Poland and Kharkiv, Ukraine. Serum was sampled between 2002 and 2004 from men 19 to 50 years of age. 299 samples were analyzed for BDE-28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154 and 183 and the brominated biphenyl BB-153 using gas chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry. BDE-47 and BDE-153 were detected in more than 95% of samples from all three populations. All other congeners, except BDE-154, were detected in more than 70% of samples from Greenland; lower detection frequencies were observed in Polish and Ukrainian samples. Concentrations of individual congeners were 2.7 to 15 fold higher in Greenlandic relative to Polish and Ukrainian men. Geometric mean concentrations of the sum of the most abundant PBDEs of the Penta-BDE commercial mixture (BDE-47, 99, 100, 153 and 154) were 6.1, 1.7 and 0.87 ng/g lipids in the Greenlandic, Polish and Ukrainian men, respectively. Furthermore, significant geographical differences in BFR concentrations were observed within Greenland. Principal component analysis revealed distinct clustering of samples by country of origin. The associations between ΣPBDEs and age were inconsistent, varying from no association in Greenlandic and Polish study populations to a U-shaped relationship in Ukrainians. We report BFR levels for three populations for which sparse biomonitoring data exists.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for the determination of brominated flame retardants (BFRs), with a special emphasis on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are reviewed. A number of procedures, which can be applied to the analysis of PBDEs and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and in some cases for hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), in environmental and human samples are described. Because several BFRs, such as tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBP-A), BDE 209 and, to some extent, HBCD, may require a different approach, specific advice on their analysis is given separately when needed. Sample pretreatment, extraction, cleanup and fractionation, injection techniques, chromatographic separation, detection methods, quality control and method validation are discussed. For each topic, an overview is given of the current status of the field and recommendations for an appropriate analytical approach are presented.  相似文献   

Data on polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) concentrations from Stockholm, Sweden, indoor microenvironments were combined with information from detailed questionnaires regarding the sampling location characteristics, including furnishing and equipment present. These were used to elucidate relationships between possible flame-retarded sources and the contaminant concentrations found in air and dust. Median concentration ranges of ΣPenta-, ΣOcta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD from all microenvironments were 19-570, 1.7-280, 29-3200 and < 1.6-2 pg/m3 in air and 22-240, 6.1-80, 330-1400 and 45-340 ng/g in dust, respectively. Significant correlations were found between concentrations of some PBDEs and HBCD in air and/or dust and the presence of electronic/electrical devices, foam furniture, PUF mattresses and synthetic bed pillows in, as well as floor area and construction year of the microenvironment. Car interiors were a source to indoor air in dealership halls. Using median and maximum concentrations of ΣPenta-, ΣOcta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD in air and dust, adult and toddler (12-24 months) intakes from inhalation and dust ingestion were estimated. Toddlers had higher estimated intakes of ΣPenta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD (7.8, 43, 7.6 ng/d, respectively) from dust ingestion than adults (5.8, 38, 6.0 ng/d, respectively). Air inhalation in offices was also an important exposure pathway for ΣPenta-, ΣOcta- and ΣDecaBDE in adults. For ΣPentaBDE and HBCD, air inhalation and dust ingestion play minor roles when compared to previously published Swedish dietary intakes (median exposures). However, in worst case scenarios using maximum concentrations, dust ingestion may represent 77 and 95% of toddler intake for ΣPentaBDE and HBCD, respectively.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes are an important environmental and economic resource for Canada and the United States. The ecological integrity of the Great Lakes, however, is becoming increasingly threatened by a number of persistent, bio-accumulative and harmful chemicals that enter the Great Lakes ecosystem through fluvial and atmospheric deposition. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a class of brominated flame retardant, are among such chemicals, whose concentration in the Great Lakes has greatly increased in recent years. Despite growing concern over the possible health and environmental effects of these compounds, only four of the eight Great Lakes states have enacted regulations to ban/restrict the use of PBDE while the two Canadian Great Lakes provinces are yet to endorse any regulation. Of the three main commercial PBDE mixtures (pentaBDE, octaBDE and decaBDE), penta- and octaBDE are no longer manufactured or imported into the United States and Canada. DecaBDE, however, still finds use in a variety of products. In the present paper, the authors review the current regulations and policies for managing PBDEs in the Great Lakes jurisdictions and briefly review commercially available non-bromine chemical alternatives to PBDE. As these alternatives are comparatively more expensive than PBDE, future adoption of more eco-friendly flame retardants by the polymer industry will likely depend on stricter legislation regulating the use of PBDE and/or an increased public demand for PBDE-free products.  相似文献   

Some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been found in human semen but until this point it was unclear whether polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) could be detected in human semen. In this study, PBDEs were found for the first time in human semen samples (n = 101) from Taizhou, China. The concentrations of total PBDEs (∑ PBDEs) varied from 15.8 to 86.8 pg/g ww (median = 31.3 pg/g ww) and 53.2 to 121 pg/g ww (median = 72.3 pg/g ww) in semen and blood samples, respectively. The ∑ PBDE level in semen was about two times lower than in human blood, which was different in the distribution in the two matrices from other POPs. A correlation of ∑ PBDE concentration was found between paired semen and in blood. The results suggest that semen could be used to detect PBDE burden in human body as a non-invasive matrix. In addition, the levels of BDE-209 and BDE-153, especially the latter, were much higher in blood than in semen, while the levels of BDE-28, BDE-47 and BDE-99 were comparable in the two matrices, suggesting that low brominated congeners could be more easily transferred to semen than high brominated congeners. Considering different toxicities among the PBDE congeners, it might be more significant to measure PBDEs in semen than in blood for evaluating male reproduction risks of PBDEs.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are used as flame retardants in a wide variety of products. As part of the Integrated Exposure Assessment Survey (INES), this study aimed to characterize the exposure of an adult German population using duplicate diet samples, which were collected daily over seven consecutive days, and indoor air and house dust measurements. Our study population consisted of 27 female and 23 male healthy subjects, aged 14–60 years, all of whom resided in 34 homes in southern Bavaria. In these 34 residences the air was sampled using glass fiber filters and polyurethane foams and the dust was collected from used vacuum cleaner bags.The median (95th percentile) daily dietary intake of six Tetra- to HeptaBDE congeners was 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (3.3 ng/kg b.w.) or 67.8 ng/day (208 ng/day) (calculated from the 7-day median values of each study subject). Concentrations in indoor air and dust (cumulative Tri- to DecaBDE congener readings) ranged from 8.2 to 477 pg/m³ (median: 37.8 pg/m³) and 36.6 to 1580 ng/g (median: 386 ng/g), respectively. For some congeners, we identified a significant correlation between air and dust levels.The median (95th percentile) blood concentration of total Tetra- to HexaBDE congener readings was 5.6 (13.2) ng/g lipid. No significant sex differences were observed, but higher blood concentrations were found in younger participants. Using a simplified toxicokinetic model to predict the body burden from exposure doses led to results that were of the same order of magnitude as the measured blood concentrations.Based on these measurements and given our exposure assumptions, we estimated for the total tetra- to heptabrominated congener count an average (high) comprehensive total daily intake of 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (2.5 ng/kg b.w.). Overall, our results suggest that dietary exposure is the dominant intake pathway at least in our study population, responsible for 97% (average intake) and 95% (high intake) of the total intake of an adult population.  相似文献   

In utero exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) reduces the number of ovarian follicles in rat females and causes permanent effects on rat males. Little data have been gathered on the associations between PBDEs exposure and birth outcome and female menstruation characteristics in both epidemiological and animal studies. The aim of this study was to examine how PBDEs in breast milk are associated with infant birth outcome and maternal menstruation characteristics. Study participants were healthy women recruited from central Taiwan between December 2000 and November 2001. Twelve congener levels of PBDEs (BDE-17, 28, 47, 66, 85, 99, 100, 138, 153, 154, 183, 209) in 20 breast milk samples were measured by gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometer. The mean level of PBDEs in breast milk was 3.93+/-1.74 ng/g lipid. The estimated PBDE daily intake for a breastfed infant was 20.6 ng/kg b.w./day after delivery. After maternal age, pre-pregnant BMI, and parity were adjusted, increased PBDEs in breast milk was related with decreased birth outcome, particularly for birth weight and length, chest circumference, and Quetelet's index of infants. No significant differences in PBDEs were found between the two groups of menstrual cycle length higher and lower than 30 days after we adjusted for maternal age, pre-pregnant BMI, and parity. In utero exposure to low doses of PBDEs may result in lower birth weight and short or birth length. Our findings are limited based on the low doses of PBDEs and the small sampling size.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty-four biota samples (four species of invertebrates and ten species of fish) were collected from the Pearl River Estuary between 2005 and 2007 and one hundred and twenty four individual or composite samples were analyzed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The concentrations of PBDEs in organisms varied from 6.2 to 208 ng/g lipid weight. This PBDE level was significantly lower than those collected in 2004, showing a decreasing trend of PBDEs in biota in the study area. Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) for nine BDE congeners were calculated with values ranging from 0.78 to 3.0. TMFs of BDE47, 66, 100, 99, 154, and 153 were statistically greater than one, indicating a biomagnifcation potential for these congeners. Significant positive correlations were also found between concentrations of the total PBDEs, BDE28, 47, 66, 100, 99, 154, and153 and lipid content in biota, indicating the that bioconcentration also played an important role in the accumulation of PBDEs. No correlation between trophic level and lipid content was found, suggesting that biomagnification was not the result of lipid content effect but indeed occurred. The concentration ratios of BDE99 to BDE100 were much lower in biota than that in water implying that potential congener-specific biotransformation of PBDEs occurred and influenced the biomagnification of BDE congeners.  相似文献   

Breast milk samples (n = 74) from the general maternal population of Zhejiang province were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Samples were divided into urban and rural groups. Mean ∑PCDD/F, ∑PCB and ∑PBDE concentrations were 71.4 ± 40.8, 42774 ± 27841 and 2679 ± 944 pg g 1 lipid in the urban group and 38.6 ± 38.1, 26546 ± 11375 and 2731 ± 1093 pg g 1 lipid in the rural group, respectively. WHO-TEQ concentrations for dioxin-like PCBs and PCDD/Fs were 2.66 ± 1.43 and 3.90 ± 2.60 pg g 1 lipid in the urban group and 1.83 ± 0.93 and 2.27 ± 1.55 pg g 1 lipid in the rural group, respectively. Congener profiles for these pollutants were compared between human samples (adipose tissue and breast milk) and foodstuffs (seafood, hen eggs, and freshwater fish). Similar PCB and PCDD/F congener patterns were observed, suggesting that dietary intake is a significant source for human exposure to PCBs and PCDD/Fs. However, much lower PBDE congener levels were detected in breast milk than in foodstuffs, which implies that pathways other than dietary intake may also account for human exposure to PBDEs.  相似文献   

The levels of 21 PBDE congeners were detemined in the dust sampled from 66 personal automobiles. The dominant congener in automobile dust was BDE-209 with a median level of 8.12 μg g?1. Personal vehicle dust samples contained the characteristic profile of the PBDE congeners that comprise the PentaBDE and DecaBDE commercial formulations. Levels of PBDEs in personal automobiles are generally reduced in comparison to our previously reported levels in resale vehicles on dealership lots presumably due to a dilution effect introduced by dust or debris that does not originate from the vehicle. Laboratory photochemical studies were conducted on both automobile dust collected from personal vehicles as well as BDE-209 adsorbed to sodium sulfate. No significant degradation occurred in the personal vehicle dust after 56 days of constant UVA irradiation while significant degradation did occur with BDE-209 adsorbed to sodium sulfate. PBDEs from the degradation of BDE-209 were identified and potential degradation pathways elucidated. Human exposure potential to PBDEs from automobile dust ingestion remains a serious concern in the U.S. population.  相似文献   

Breast milk has been widely used as a bioindicator to assess the extent of human exposure to PBDEs via various exposure routes. In this study, 48 breast milk samples were collected from primiparous women in Shanghai city, and 14 PBDEs congeners (BDE-28, − 47, − 99, − 100, − 153, − 154, − 183, − 196, − 197, − 203, − 206, − 207, − 208, and − 209) were quantified using gas chromatography-electron capture negative ionization-mass spectrometry. The mean concentration of total PBDEs was 8.6 ng/g lipid weight, and ranged from 1.8 to 26.7 ng/g lipid weight. These concentration levels were similar to those reported in Europe and Asia, but one order of magnitude lower than those in North America. The congener profiles in this study exhibited a specific pattern in human milk found worldwide, BDE-153 and BDE-28 accounted for a relatively higher proportion of lower brominated BDEs (from tri- to hepta-BDEs), whereas higher brominated BDEs (from octa- to deca-BDEs) contributed more than 70% of the total PBDEs. The Spearman's correlation coefficient among higher brominated BDEs showed a positive relationship, and concentration levels of higher brominated BDEs were statistically different between office workers and housewives. Due to relatively higher proportion of PBDEs from octa- to deca-BDEs were detected, air inhalation and dust ingestion might be the major exposure routes of higher brominated BDEs. Further research is needed to clarify the major exposure route of higher brominated BDEs to humans.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are widely used flame retardants that enter coastal waters from multiple sources and biomagnify in marine food webs. PBDEs have been detected at relatively high concentrations in harbor seals, apex predators in the northwest Atlantic. Whereas tri- to hexa-BDEs readily biomagnified from prey fishes to seal blubber, Deca-BDE (BDE-209) did not biomagnify in blubber. To explore tissue-specific differences in the accumulation/biomagnification of BFRs, we analyzed tri- to Deca-BDES in liver of 56 harbor seals (6 adult males, 50 pups), and compared hepatic concentrations and biomagnification potential with those in blubber. HBCDs were analyzed in seal liver and blubber to enable similar comparisons. Hepatic ΣPBDE (tri- to Octa-BDE) concentrations (range 35–19,547 ng/g lipid weight, lw) were similar to blubber concentrations, while α-HBCD levels in seal liver (range 2–279 ng/g lw) were significantly higher than levels in blubber. Tissue distribution of PBDEs and α-HBCD varied significantly by age and, surprisingly, by gender among the pups. Biomagnification of α-HBCD from fish to seal liver and blubber was negligible to low, implying that harbor seals can metabolize this persistent isomer. Similar to the patterns in blubber, tri- through hexa-BDEs were highly biomagnified from fish to seal liver. In contrast, BDE-209 concentrations in liver were up to five times higher than those in blubber, which is consistent with observations that BDE-209 migrates to perfused tissues such as the liver in biota. Although detection frequency was low, BDE-209 levels in seal liver were up to ten times higher than those in their prey fish, suggesting that the accumulation/biomagnification of Deca-BDE in marine food webs is tissue-specific. As BDE-209 is the dominant PBDE found in marine sediments, its biomagnification in marine ecosystems is of concern.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 14 polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs) and 28 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) congers were measured in 137 samples of fish and meat from Nanjing, a city in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Total concentrations of PBDEs were less in fish (mean of 180 pg/g ww; range 8.0–1100 pg/g ww), but more in non fish foods (mean of 180 pg/g ww; range 15–950 pg/g ww) than those reported from other countries. The total dietary intake of PBDEs and PCBs by humans were 9.9 ng PBDE/d and 870 ng PCB/d, respectively. The daily intake by a 60 kg adult of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQWHO) from PCBs was estimated to be 49 pg PCBTEQWHO/d (0.82 pg PCBTEQWHO/kg bw), which is less than the tolerable daily intake suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). The daily intake of meat and fish accounted for 57.2% and 42.8% of the total intake of PCBTEQWHO.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and the organochlorine compounds polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, HCB, chlordane-related pesticides, HCH and toxaphene were analysed in blubber of juvenile ringed seals from Central West Greenland collected between 1982 and 2006. The longest time series could be established for PBDEs, partly based on archived material, while PCBs and DDTs covered a study period from 1994-2006. All organochlorines showed decreasing trends, most pronounced for DDT and HCH with an annual change of 8%. BDE-47 had a significantly increasing trend of 5% annually. It was the only BDE congener consistently above the detection limit, with annual median concentrations between 0.78 ng/g lw to 3.54 ng/g lw, i.e. about 10 times lower than values from East Greenland observed in a similar time trend study on ringed seal blubber [Rigét F, Vorkamp K, Dietz R, Rastogi SC. Temporal trend studies on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in ringed seals from East Greenland. J Environ Monit 2006; 8: 1000-5]. A clear East>West difference was also found for PCBs and DDTs, but not for chlordanes, toxaphene or HCHs. Sigma 10-PCB, Sigma DDT and Sigma Chlordanes had similar annual median concentrations, typically exceeding SigmaPBDE by two orders of magnitude. The concentrations of HCH and toxaphene were in an intermediate group, with highest annual median concentrations of 135 ng/g lw and 20 ng/g lw, respectively. For most compound groups, the circumpolar trend previously established under for example the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme was confirmed, but apparently, more data are needed for chlordane-related compounds and toxaphene. Statistical analyses of the compound patterns in the ringed seal samples revealed significantly greater differences between seals from East and West than between different sampling years. Higher proportions of PCBs and DDTs and lower proportions of chlordanes and HCHs were found in seals from East Greenland than in those from West Greenland. Based on principal component analysis of individual congener and compounds, seals from East Greenland were found to contain higher proportions of the higher chlorinated CB congeners. Varying patterns between sampling locations may be caused by different exposure situations related to contaminant emissions and transport, but different feeding habits may also affect the contaminant composition.  相似文献   

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