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Assessment of physicochemical parameters of Ganga Canal water was carried out during 2012–2013 at Haridwar (Uttarakhand) with two different sites, i.e., Bhimgoda Barrage (site 1—control site) and Bahadrabad (site 2—contaminated site), where canal water flows with loads of pollution from highly commercial and industrial areas. During investigation, maximum turbidity (287.72 ± 56.28 JTU), total solids (1167.60 ± 303.90 mg l?1), free CO2 (1.88 ± 0.22 mg l?1), total hardness (60.14 ± 1.13 mg l?1), pH (7.1 ± 0.13), nitrate (0.048 ± 0.010), nitrite (0.019 ± 0.001), biochemical oxygen demand (2.866 ± 1.098), chemical oxygen demand (6.8 ± 2.61) and phosphate (0.087 ± 0.015), while minimum velocity (1.71 ± 0.19 ms?1), transparency (0.12 ± 0.08 m) and dissolved oxygen (7.95 ± 0.44 mg l?1) were recorded in monsoon season at site 2 in comparison with site 1. The mean values of these parameters were compared with WHO and ISI standards and found significant differences (p < 0.05) in the mean values of turbidity, total solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, free CO2 and total hardness with sampling sites. The turbidity of both the sites 1 and 2 was recorded above the permissible limit. Turbidity of site 2 is much higher than of site 1, so it is counted as more polluted. The values of the studied parameters were more during monsoon season and summer season at site 2 as compared to site 1. The results indicated that most of the physicochemical parameters from Ganga Canal system were within or at periphery in comparison with permissible limit of ISI and WHO for drinking water and therefore may be suitable for domestic purposes, but it requires perceptible consideration due to intense changes in climate and increase in pollution.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) which contain diverse organic groups, such as antibiotics, hormones, antimicrobial agents, synthetic musks, etc., have raised significant concerns in recently years for their persistent input and potential threat to ecological environment and human health. China is a large country with high production and consumption of PPCPs for its economic development and population growth in recent years. This may result in PPCP contamination in different environmental media of China. This review summarizes the current contamination status of different environment media, including sewage, surface water, sludge, sediments, soil, and wild animals, in China by PPCPs. The human body burden and adverse effects derived from PPCPs are also evaluated. Based on this review, it has been concluded that more contamination information of aquatic environment and wildlife as well as human body burden of PPCPs in different areas of China is urgent. Studies about their environmental behavior and control technologies need to be conducted, and acute and chronic toxicities of different PPCP groups should be investigated for assessing their potential ecological and health risks.  相似文献   

The volume of industrial and domestic wastewater is increasing significantly year by year with the change in the lifestyle based on mass consumption and mass disposal brought about by the dramatic development of economies and industries. Therefore, effective advanced wastewater treatment is required because wastewater contains a variety of constituents such as particles, organic materials, and emulsion depending on the resource. However, residual chemicals that remain during the treatment of wastewaters form a variety of known and unknown by-products through reactions between the chemicals and some pollutants. Chronic exposure to these by-products or residual chemicals through the ingestion of drinking water, inhalation and dermal contact during regular indoor activities (e.g., showering, bathing, cooking) may pose cancer and non-cancer risks to human health. For example, residual aluminium salts in treated water may cause Alzheimer's disease (AD). As for carbon nanotubes (CNTs), despite their potential impacts on human health and the environment having been receiving more and more attention in the recent past, existing information on the toxicity of CNTs in drinking water is limited with many open questions. Furthermore, though general topics on the human health impacts of traditional water treatment chemicals have been studied, no comparative analysis has been done. Therefore, a qualitative comparison of the human health effects of both residual CNTs and traditional water treatment chemicals is given in this paper. In addition, it is also important to cover and compare the human health effects of CNTs to those of traditional water treatment chemicals together in one review because they are both used for water treatment and purification.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, hybrid treatment process has been developed for the treatment of synthetic dye wastewater. Photocatalysis and ceramic nanoporous membrane are mainly used for process integration to minimize the fouling and increase the flux. Commercial ZnO powder has been used as a nano-photocatalyst for the degradation of rhodamine-B dye in the hybrid system. Commercial ceramic nanoporous tubular membranes have been used for the rejection of dye and suspended catalysts. Photocatalysis process alone has shown the 33% of decolorization, whereas ceramic nanofiltration has shown the 50% of decolorization. Integration of photocatalysis and ceramic nanofiltration were shown 96% of dye decolorization over 90 min of operation.  相似文献   

From the standpoint of international organisations, sustainability is an important aspect of assistance design and provision in developing countries. The paper analyses how technical options or projects can be considered to address the needs of drinkable water in Iraq, and why the sustainability of the project is a key factor in guaranteeing the durability and the efficacy in time of the action. The design suggested in this paper can update current technology in Iraq in terms of water treatment process for medium size plants, and help resolve the major problems faced today.  相似文献   

The dairy industry is among the most polluting industries as it produces large volume of wastewater that may adversely affect the environment if discharged untreated. Dairy wastewater is characterized by high COD, BOD and nutrient levels. In this study, water treatment sludge was used as a coagulant for the treatment of synthetic dairy wastewater in the pH range of 4–10. Turbidity, COD, BOD, TSS and TDS removals from the synthetic dairy wastewater were found to be around 93, 65, 67, 84 and 85%, respectively, at the optimum conditions. Water treatment sludge was found to perform even better than other conventional coagulants used for the same. Results showed that it has the potential to substitute the conventional coagulants partially or fully in the primary treatment of dairy wastewater. The utilization of water treatment sludge at dairy wastewater treatment plants would provide sustainable sludge management and cost-effective dairy wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The scope of PAH contamination of raw, finished, and distributed waters is reviewed. The concentrations of PAHs in drinking water sources range from nanogram to microgram-per-liter quantities. Conventional treatment (flocculation, sedimentation, chlorination, and filtration) appears to substantially reduce total PAH concentrations present at higher concentrations in source waters. A major factor in this reduction is the removal of PAHs adsorbed onto particulate matter. The role of chlorination is not clear and reactions of PAHs with chlorine may in fact produce products which themselves are deleterious. Activated carbon can further assist in PAH removal. However, it may be inappropriate for treatment of PAHs present at low concentrations. Water entering the distribution system can become recontaminated via contact with reservoirs and pipes coated with coal-tar or asphalt based products.  相似文献   

Removal of NOM in the different stages of the water treatment process   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Natural organic matter (NOM) is abundant in natural waters in Finland and in many ways affects the unit operations in water purification. In this study, the organic matter content in water in different stages of a full-scale treatment process over 1 year was measured. The full-scale treatment sequence, studied at the Rusko water treatment plant in Tampere, Finland, consisted of coagulation, flocculation, clarification by sedimentation or flotation, activated carbon (AC) filtration, and disinfection. High-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) was used for separation to determine changes in the humic substances content during the purification process. In addition, total organic carbon (TOC), KMnO4-number, and UV-absorbance at wavelength 254 nm (UV254) were measured. High molecular weight (HMW) matter was clearly easier to remove in coagulation and clarification than low molecular weight (LMW) matter. Furthermore, depending on the regeneration of the activated carbon filters, activated carbon filtration was effective to a degree but did not remove most of the lowest molecular weight compounds. Significant correlation was established among HPSEC, KMnO4, UV254 absorbance, and TOC. HPSEC proved to be a fast and relatively easy method to estimate NOM content in water and, in fact, gave more information than traditional methods on the type of NOM in a water sample. It also helped the process performance follow-up.  相似文献   

Synthesis and speciation of polyaluminum chloride for water treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, synthesis and speciation of polyaluminum chloride (PAC) for application in water treatment was investigated using a colorimetric speciation method. It was possible to produce stable preparations of PAC solutions in which a relatively stable cationic polymer predominated. The mode of preparation has a dramatic effect on the composition of PAC preparation. Some important parameters such as hydroxyl ligand number, mixing intensity, base injection rate and method, and aging were identified in this study.  相似文献   

During Balkan conflicts in 1994-1995, depleted uranium (DU) ordnance was employed and was left in the battlefield. Health concern is related to the risk arising from contamination of the environment with DU penetrators and dust. In order to evaluate the impact of DU on the environment and population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, radiological survey of DU in biological and water samples were carried out over the period 12-24 October 2002. The uranium isotopic concentrations in biological samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly lichens, mosses and barks, were found to be in the range of 0.27-35.7 Bq kg(-1) for (238)U, 0.24-16.8 Bq kg(-1) for (234)U, and 0.02-1.11 Bq kg(-1) for (235)U, showing uranium levels to be higher than in the samples collected at the control site. Moreover, the (236)U in some of the samples was detectable. The isotopic ratios of (234)U/(238)U showed DU to be detectable in many biological samples at most sites examined, but in very low levels. The presence of DU in the biological samples was as a result of DU contamination in air. The uranium concentrations in water samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina were found to be in the range of 0.27-16.2 m Bq l(-1) for (238)U, 0.41-15.6 m Bq l(-1) for (234)U and 0.012-0.695 m Bq l(-1) for (235)U, and two water samples were observed to be DU positive; these values are much lower than those in mineral water found in central Italy and below the WHO guideline for public drinking water. From radiotoxicological point of view, at this moment there is no significant radiological risk related to these investigated sites in terms of possible DU contamination of water and/or plants.  相似文献   

Due to frequent drinking water pollution accidents in the past decade, it is common that mountain reservoirs were used as the source of drinking water in China. However, some coastal areas frequently suffer from typhoon with extreme precipitation, which results in the water quality deterioration of the reservoirs. The influence of typhoons with extreme precipitation on Jiaokou reservoir and the emergency treatment process of Maojiaping water treatment plant in the past three typical typhoons with extreme precipitation from the year of 2012–2015 were studied. It was found that the degradation of water quality, such as the increase of turbidity and bacteria index, may not merely appear during the events, but last for several days. Changing the dosage of water purification agent, such as coagulant and disinfectant at right time and place may be an efficient emergency water treatment process. Based on the analysis of water quality variation rule during and after the events, it was also found that emergency treatment can be fully prepared before the arrival of a typhoon with extreme precipitation. And in order to better respond to the typhoon with extreme precipitation, several suggestions are also proposed in this paper as follows: establishing vegetated buffers at right place, such as macrophanerophytes, shrub or herbage, increasing investments in infrastructure management, merging or cancelling the small-scale water treatment plants, preparing adequate water purification agent before the typhoon comes, etc.  相似文献   

The economy of Northeast Thailand is mainly based on agriculture. The transformation of forestlands to agricultural areas and the encroachment of riverbanks within the Phong watershed have caused severe soil erosion. Strong storms in rainy season exacerbate the problem of soil erosion. Difficulty in getting water drives people in the upstream region to live on riverbanks. Soil erosion affects water utility by increasing the turbidity in the Phong River and also by decreasing the water storage capacity of small reservoirs for the upstream residents, as well as that of the Ubolratana Dam. The rate of siltation in the Ubolratana Dam was estimated to be 1.5 million tons/year during 1965-1990. The main source of water supply is surface water in the Phong watershed, and fluctuating turbidity makes water treatment difficult. The maximum turbidity in the upstream Phong River exceeds 5000 NTU, whereas it is reduced to be about 300 NTU at the intake point of Khon Kaen Municipal Water Treatment Plant because the Ubolratana Dam works as a huge clarifier. Khon Kaen Municipal Waterworks has a daily water supply of 72,960 m3/day. The average amounts of alum used in the wet (May-October) and dry (November-April) periods are 42.33 g/m3 and 28.46 g/m3, respectively. The average costs of the amounts of alum used are 0.213 and 0.143 Bahts/m3 during the wet and dry periods, respectively. Fluctuation of turbidity in raw water makes it difficult to adjust alum dose, resulting in treated water quality unstable, and handling of sludge disposal difficult.  相似文献   

The relationship between long-term dynamics of reproductive parameters and body condition were studied in female water voles from a cycling population. Body condition was estimated from the deviation of body weight (excluding the weight of the uterus with embryos) from the theoretically expected weight calculated from the equation of body weight regression with respect to body length. As the index of body condition increases upon transition from decline to peak in the population cycle, the numbers of corpora lutea and live embryos also increase and the risk of resorption of the entire litter becomes lower.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of water quality parameters including trace metal speciation was undertaken with a view to seeing the interrelationship between different variables and also to identify probable source components in order to explain the pollution status of Chennai Ennore coastal environmental system. Factor analysis has been used in the present work. This is essentially a data reduction technique and will suggest how many variates are important to explain the observed variances in the data. The possible variances in the water quality parameters may be due to either sources of anthropogenic origin or natural variances due to the season or due to different biogeochemical processes that are taking place in the system. When this analysis was carried out with our data on water quality parameters in the above coastal environmental system, we found that the prominent factor or the first factor called the eutrophication factor explained 24.51% of the total variance (comprised of variables like DO, pH, SS, ammonia-N, phosphate and silicate). The second factor called the copper contamination factor explained 10.61% (comprised of variables like labile Cu, total Cu and particulate Cu) and the third factor called metal removal factor explained 10.11% (comprised of variables like particulate Zn, particulate Pb and water temperature) of the variances, respectively. Although there are four more factors, they are all having variances less than 10%. From this study, it is seen that eutrophication is the main source component of pollution to the surface waters of this estuary and its adjacent coastal waters compared to dissolved trace metals.  相似文献   


Irrigation system performance regards as a function of climatic conditions. The present study was carried out to study this phenomenon. Sugar beet and sesame corps were cultivated during two agricultural seasons of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 irrigated with drip and sprinkler systems. The drip and sprinkler systems performance was evaluated in terms of hydraulic characteristics added to irrigation water requirements. The recorded monthly values were compared to the traditional estimation method. The results revealed that irrigation system efficiency was increased by increasing ambient temperature for the drip irrigation system, and vice versa was noticed with the sprinkler irrigation system. Emission uniformity and application efficiency of emitters were increased by increasing ambient temperature. While the sprinkler flow rate and distribution uniformity were decreased by increasing ambient temperature. For drip irrigation system, the average total amount of irrigation water requirements using traditional estimation for sugar beet (2372 m3/fed) was less than the actual calculated (2439 m3/fed), while for sesame crop, the traditional estimation method (2556 m3/fed) was higher than actual calculated (2477 m3/fed). Using a sprinkler system, the average total amount of irrigation water requirements by the traditional estimation (2689 and 2897 m3/fed) was less than the actual calculated (2709 and 3044 m3/fed) for sugar beet and sesame crops, respectively. So, it is important to consider the effects of climatic conditions through the agricultural season.


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