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随着联合国确立2030全球可持续发展目标和巴黎会议通过应对气候变化的全球协议,循环经济在世界各国的发展得到越来越多的重视,正在与低碳经济一起作为绿色经济的两个支柱,纳入主流的理论研究和政策研究。过去10年来,受到中国发展循环经济的刺激,国外特别是欧洲国家为了占领绿色经济制高点,强化了循环经济的研究与实践,在理论研究、政策创新、企业实践等方面取得了一系列重要成果。这反过来可以对中国未来深化循环经济起到促进和激励作用。本文从三个方面总结和评论最近10年来国外循环经济的进展及其启示。首先,指出循环经济从60年前的思想萌芽,经过过去20年的发展,当前在政府、专门组织以及学术研究等多种力量的推动下,正在进入波澜壮阔的第三波。其次,概括过去10年欧洲国家在循环经济领域取得的进展和成果,指出循环经济的理论与实践出现了整合化、系统化的趋势,重要如EMF提出了循环经济的系统模型;战略思路实现了从治理废弃物向预防和减少废弃物的转变,重要如欧盟提出了发展循环经济的一揽子计划;强调循环经济对于21世纪企业发展和创新具有重大意义,重要如埃森哲咨询公司提出了循环型企业的五种类型,其中产品服务系统和基于互联网平台的分享经济正在成为循环型企业发展的新前沿。最后,在前述研究的基础上,针对中国循环经济发展如何走上新台阶,如何实现经济社会发展与物质流消耗的绝对脱钩,从建构循环经济整体模式以及政府、企业、消费者、研究者等利益相关者合作推动等方面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Diclofenac (DCF) is a prevalent anti-inflammatory drug used throughout the world. Intensive researches carried out in the past few decades have confirmed the global ubiquity of DCF in various environmental compartments. Its frequent occurrence in freshwater environments and its potential toxicity towards several organisms such as fish and mussels makes DCF an emerging environmental contaminant. At typical detected environmental concentrations, the drug does not exhibit toxic effects towards living organisms, albeit chronic exposure may lead to severe effects. For DCF, about 30–70% removal has been obtained through the conventional treatment system in wastewater treatment plant being the major primary sink. Thus, the untreated DCF will pass to surface water. DCF can interact with other inorganic contaminants in the environment particularly in wastewater treatment plant, such as metals, organic contaminants and even with DCF metabolites. This process may lead to the creation of another possible emerging contaminant. In the present context, environmental fate of DCF in different compartments such as soil and water has been addressed with an overview of current treatment methods. In addition, the toxicity concerns regarding DCF in aquatic as well as terrestrial environment along with an introduction to the metabolites of DCF through consumption as well as abiotic degradation routes are also discussed. Further studies are required to better assess the fate and toxicological effects of DCF and its metabolites and must consider the possible interaction of DCF with other contaminants to develop an effective treatment method for DCF and its traces.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to explore the implications of planned obsolescence (PO) and the associated product lifetime on the environmental impact of products. To achieve this task, a literature review was performed to assess both the historical context and recent situation of planned obsolescence. A search in scholarly journals was performed to evaluate to what extent product lifetime and PO have been discussed in the recent literature. Based on the findings, selected cases of PO are discussed and trends in the practice of limiting product lifetime are identified. Factors considered to have a significant influence on product lifetime have been identified and discussed. The discussion of case studies made it possible to establish the links between product design, manufacturing and associated impacts of lifetime. The role of the actors along the value chain is also considered to propose a business scheme, where the influences of consumer behaviour and design choices are crucial. Finally, strategies to facilitate the definition of different scenarios are given. These strategies may serve to increase the reliability of environmental assessment throughout a product life cycle.  相似文献   

Records of prehistoric tropical cyclones occur in the form of ridges of coral rubble, sand, shell, sand and shell, and pumice; erosional terraces in raised gravel beaches; barrier washover deposits; and, sediments deposited in the shallow offshore marine environment. Other less well-documented records occur as variations in isotopic ratios within speleothems and possibly tree rings, and changes in pollen records resulting from introduction of new species after forest disturbance due to cyclonic winds. As yet, such records have not been identified beyond 5500 years of age. Recent palaeotempestological studies in the United States and northern Australia have highlighted that the frequency and magnitude of these natural hazards do not remain constant over time, and there are periods when cyclogenesis is enhanced, and others of relative quiescence. Recognition of such regime changes, or non-stationarity in the long-term record, is important for risk assessments of this hazard. Until now however, few if any risk assessments have incorporated data from the long-term record of tropical cyclones, and instead have relied on generally short instrumented historical records. The longer-term records suggest that such an approach may miscalculate the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability risk to coastal communities from future tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

Parabens are widely used as antimicrobial preservatives during pharmaceutical production. However, little information is available regarding the occurrence of parabens in commercial pharmaceuticals and their implications for human exposure. In this study, six commonly used parabens were analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with 100 commercial pharmaceuticals collected from China. Almost all of the pharmaceutical samples contained at least one kind of parabens with the detection frequency of 97%. The concentrations of Σ6parabens (sum of the six parabens) ranged from below MDL to 1256 ng/g, with mean and median values of 94.8 and 119 ng/g, respectively. Methyl paraben (MeP), ethyl paraben (EtP) and propyl paraben (PrP) were the predominant compounds. Significant positive correlation was observed between concentrations of MeP and PrP, indicating their co-applications in pharmaceuticals. Levels of Σ6parabens varied in different categories of pharmaceuticals and increased with their shelf lives. Based on the measured concentrations and daily ingestion rates of pharmaceuticals, the estimated daily intake (EDI) of parabens was calculated. The median values of EDIpharmaceutical for male adults, female adults and children were 4.05, 4.75 and 9.73 ng/kg-bw/day, respectively, which were three orders of magnitude lower than those from foodstuffs and personal care products (PCPs). It was firstly reported that the total exposure dose was 0.326 mg/kg-bw/day via foodstuffs, PCPs, and pharmaceuticals for Chinese female adults.  相似文献   

A close link exists between environmental radioactivity and thermoluminescence (TL) and this connection can be gainfully employed in (i) environmental radiation surveillance, (ii) radioactive prospecting and (iii) dating. The science of thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) is very well established for use in routine radiation monitoring. With the increased public awareness of health effects due to radioactivity releases from nuclear operations. TLDs have become indispensible ‘watchdogs’ in environmental surveillance; in high natural background areas such as the monazite regions, TLDs have yielded invaluable dosimetric data. Over large areas where the cosmic background can be assumed constant, the TLD-recorded radiation profiles can reflected the terrestrial gamma radioactivity distribution pattern and even seasonal variations in the radiation levels above ground may be delineated. A variety of natural materials like minerals, rocks, soils, sands, sediments, fossils, etc., as well as ancient artefacts like potteries and ceramic wares, yield TL even without any irradiation in the laboratory: the natural radioactivity in these materials, together with the radiation incident on them from the environment, causes a TL build-up during antiquity. It is possible to measure this natural TL and relate it to the natural radioactivity of the sample and hence to its age. In contrast, observations of a kind of anticorrelation between TL and a sample's radioactivity have also been made in recent times and the effect is mostly ascribable to alpha-radioactivity-induced damage effects.Typical results from recent investigations of the various aspects mentioned above are presented in this review, with particular emphasis on applications in India.  相似文献   

Published numerical values of resuspension variables, rates, factors, and weathering half-lives are summarized. Results of the review show the great uncertainty in accurately predicting resuspension. Resuspension rates range over six orders of magnitude from 10?12 to 10?4 fraction/sec, resuspension factors over nine orders of magnitude from 10?10 to over 10?2 m?1, and weathering half-lives from 35 days to years. Data are yet needed to evaluate resuspension changes as a function of pollutant particle properties, including chemical composition, solubility, and shape.  相似文献   

Asthmatic and nonasthmatic families in a representative community population sample have been monitored over a 2-year period using daily diaries. Simultaneous micro-indoor and outdoor monitoring has been conducted in a representative sample of houses for air pollutants, pollen, fungi, algae, and climate. Macromonitoring of air pollutants and pollen was conducted simultaneously. The relationship of indoor to outdoor and micro to macro factors can be demonstrated. Acute symptoms were strongly related to age, weakly related to sex, and not related to smoking habits. The qualitative relationship of these micro and macro factors to symptoms in asthmatic and nonasthmatic families have been explored. Suspended particulate matter and pollen were related to symptoms in asthmatics and nonasthmatics. Fungi might be related to symptoms as well. The use of gas stoves is qualitatively related to symptoms. Algae and other contaminants of evaporative coolers do not appear to be important in producing symptoms. More complex statistical analyses are required to determine interactions of these factors. Distinction has to be drawn between infectious episodes, allergic episodes, nonallergic but similar episodes, and asthmatic attacks. This study demonstrates the need for further investigations in this area.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) found extensive use for over 60 years up until its restriction in the early 2000s, culminating in its listing under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in 2009. Efforts to minimise human body burdens are hindered by uncertainty over their precise origins. While diet appears the principal source for the majority of western populations (with other pathways like dust ingestion, drinking water and inhalation also important contributors); the role played by exposure to PFOS-precursor compounds followed by in vivo metabolism to PFOS as the ultimate highly stable end-product is unclear. Such PFOS-precursor compounds include perfluorooctane sulfonamide derivates, e.g., perfluorooctane sulfonamides (FOSAs) and sulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs). Understanding the indirect contribution of such precursors to human body burdens of PFOS is important as a significant contribution from this pathway would render the margin of safety between the current exposure limits and estimates of external exposure to PFOS alone, narrower than hitherto appreciated. Estimates derived from mathematical modelling studies, put the contribution of so-called “precursor exposure” at between 10% and 40% of total PFOS body burdens. However, there are substantial uncertainties associated with such approaches. This paper reviews current understanding of human exposure to PFOS, with particular reference to recent research highlighting the potential of environmental forensics approaches based on the relative abundance and chiral signatures of branched chain PFOS isomers to provide definitive insights into the role played by “precursor exposure”.  相似文献   

Floods are the most common type of disaster globally, responsible for almost 53,000 deaths in the last decade alone (23:1 low- versus high-income countries). This review assessed recent epidemiological evidence on the impacts of floods on human health. Published articles (2004–2011) on the quantitative relationship between floods and health were systematically reviewed. 35 relevant epidemiological studies were identified. Health outcomes were categorized into short- and long-term and were found to depend on the flood characteristics and people's vulnerability. It was found that long-term health effects are currently not well understood. Mortality rates were found to increase by up to 50% in the first year post-flood. After floods, it was found there is an increased risk of disease outbreaks such as hepatitis E, gastrointestinal disease and leptospirosis, particularly in areas with poor hygiene and displaced populations. Psychological distress in survivors (prevalence 8.6% to 53% two years post-flood) can also exacerbate their physical illness. There is a need for effective policies to reduce and prevent flood-related morbidity and mortality. Such steps are contingent upon the improved understanding of potential health impacts of floods. Global trends in urbanization, burden of disease, malnutrition and maternal and child health must be better reflected in flood preparedness and mitigation programs.  相似文献   

Alpha-autoradiographic and radiochemical studies of the distributions of transuranic nuclides in the tissues and organs of mussels collected from the vicinity of the British Nuclear Fuels plc reprocessing plant at Sellafield, Cumbria, England, appeared to require assessment also of baseline alpha-activities of natural 210 Po levels. Results for the latter were found to be in excess of the anthropogenic activities of Pu and Am isotopes. To ensure that the levels of 210 Po in Cumbrian mussels were not artificially enhanced by local discharges and in the absence of published data, mussels from remote British and French coastal sites were also analyzed. General similarities in 210Po concentrations (111 to 459 Bq kg−1 dry) found in mussels soft parts suggest that the 210Po levels in the Ravenglass mussels (279 Bq kg−1) are natural and largely unsupported by 210Pb; however these levels are as much as four times greater than the present day 239+240Pu concentrations in the same samples. As the transuranic nuclide content of Cumbrian mussels produces a major component of the local critical group radiation exposure from the Sellafield discharges, this finding places in some perspective the significance of the baseline natural radionuclide concentrations in generating total exposure of the public. More specifically, these findings severely limit the usefulness of alpha-autoradiographic studies for transuranic nuclides performed on such samples. Because of the recently lower concentrations of alpha-emitting transuranic nuclides (mainly 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am) in the Ravenglass environment, natural 210Po is now a major contributor to alpha-track distributions in autoradiographic studies.  相似文献   

BackgroundSystematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA) are increasingly employed in environmental health (EH) epidemiology and, provided methods and reporting are sound, contribute to translating science evidence to policy. Ambient air pollution (AAP) is both among the leading environmental causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and of growing policy relevance due to health co-benefits associated with greenhouse gas emissions reductions.ObjectivesWe reviewed the published AAP SRMA literature (2009 to mid-2015), and evaluated the consistency of methods, reporting and evidence evaluation using a 22-point questionnaire developed from available best-practice consensus guidelines and emerging recommendations for EH. Our goal was to contribute to enhancing the utility of AAP SRMAs to EH policy.Results and discussionWe identified 43 studies that used both SR and MA techniques to examine associations between the AAPs PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO and O3, and various health outcomes. On average AAP SRMAs partially or thoroughly addressed 16 of 22 questions (range 10–21), and thoroughly addressed 13 of 22 (range 5–19). We found evidence of an improving trend over the period. However, we observed some weaknesses, particularly infrequent formal reviews of underlying study quality and risk-of-bias that correlated with lower frequency of thorough evaluation for key study quality parameters. Several other areas for enhanced reporting are highlighted.ConclusionsThe AAP SRMA literature, in particular more recent studies, indicate broad concordance with current and emerging best practice guidance. Development of an EH-specific SRMA consensus statement including a risk-of-bias evaluation tool, would be a contribution to enhanced reliability and robustness as well as policy utility.  相似文献   

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs), frequently applied to industrial and household products to make them less flammable, are highly persistent in the environment and cause multi-organ toxicity in human and wildlife. Based on the review of BFRs presence in seafood published from 2004 to 2014, it is clear that such pollutants are not ideally controlled as the surveys are too restricted, legislation inexistent for some classes, the analytical methodologies diversified, and several factors as food processing and eating habits are generally overlooked. Indeed, while a seafood rich diet presents plenty of nutritional benefits, it can also represent a potential source of these environmental contaminants. Since recent studies have shown that dietary intake constitutes a main route of human exposure to BFRs, it is of major importance to review and enhance these features, since seafood constitutes a chief pathway for human exposure and biomagnification of priority environmental contaminants. In particular, more objective studies focused on the variability factors behind contamination levels, and subsequent human exposure, are necessary to support the necessity for more restricted legislation worldwide.  相似文献   

This research conducted on municipal solid waste management for the first time quantified food spoilage as being 8.8% weight of all officially collected household garbage in the Brazilian city under study. The unexpected size of this waste fraction gave rise to work on the causes of waste and on its distribution over the product life cycle specific to fruit and vegetables. Waste was defined as being the combination of losses and scraps. Administrative shortcomings were identified as basic reasons for waste. At the producer and consumer ends of the cycle, negligence was shown to be the single most important problem. Fruit and vegetables deteriorate during the operations of handling, transport, packaging, storage, selling and consumption. The study detailed the occurrence of waste at all of these stages. In the medium-size Brazilian city, the total waste of fruit and vegetables was shown to amount to 16.6% weight in the marketing stage of the life cycle. At the consumer level, it was measured as 3.4% weight of all household garbage. Specific reasons for this waste were identified at the levels of producer, wholesaler and retailer. Short-term remedies were pointed out that invariably corrected deficient management procedures. It was shown that very simple administrative measures can significantly reduce the spoilage of fruit and vegetables. Long-term strategies involve the creation of sample cases for administration of the fruit and vegetables life cycle at all stages.  相似文献   

World crop residues production and implications of its use as a biofuel   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Reducing and off-setting anthropogenic emissions of CO(2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are important strategies of mitigating the greenhouse effect. Thus, the need for developing carbon (C) neutral and renewable sources of energy is more than ever before. Use of crop residue as a possible source of feedstock for bioenergy production must be critically and objectively assessed because of its positive impact on soil C sequestration, soil quality maintenance and ecosystem functions. The amount of crop residue produced in the US is estimated at 367x10(6) Mg/year for 9 cereal crops, 450x10(6) Mg/year for 14 cereals and legumes, and 488x10(6) Mg/year for 21 crops. The amount of crop residue produced in the world is estimated at 2802x10(6) Mg/year for cereal crops, 3107x10(6) Mg/year for 17 cereals and legumes, and 3758x10(6) Mg/year for 27 food crops. The fuel value of the total annual residue produced is estimated at 1.5x10(15) kcal, about 1 billion barrels (bbl) of diesel equivalent, or about 8 quads for the US; and 11.3x10(15) kcal, about 7.5 billion bbl of diesel or 60 quads for the world. However, even a partial removal (30-40%) of crop residue from land can exacerbate soil erosion hazard, deplete the SOC pool, accentuate emission of CO(2) and other GHGs from soil to the atmosphere, and exacerbate the risks of global climate change. Therefore, establishing bioenergy plantations of site-specific species with potential of producing 10-15 Mg biomass/year is an option that needs to be considered. This option will require 40-60 million hectares of land in the US and about 250 million hectares worldwide to establish bioenergy plantations.  相似文献   

Present threats to Antarctic seabirds and seals when ashore include disturbance and habitat destruction (some directly caused by humans; most through the introduction of rabbits and other grazers; also seal damage to seabird habitats) and serious predation by introduced rats and cats at sub-Antarctic islands. In the marine environment threats are posed by pesticides (widespread but at low levels), pollution (mainly a potential problem associated with oil exploration), incidental takes (trivial now, except perhaps for some albatrosses) and competition with commercial fisheries, which is reviewed in detail. Even in areas where harvesting of fish may be exceeding sustainable yield, predator-prey interaction data are inadequate to assess the level, or significance, of the effect on predators. Present krill harvests are small but likely to increase, especially in favoured areas; species of potential vulnerability are noted. Existing legislation offers excellent protection for wildlife, but formally protected areas by no means cover the major breeding concentrations of seabirds and especially seals in all sectors and zones. There is a need for a comprehensive review, which in some areas will require extensive survey work. Programmes for the control and elimination of alien predators need proper planning and major support. Marine reserves may be of limited benefit to pelagic seals and seabirds, and further research in some key areas is needed. Realistic environmental impact assessments will require more detailed information on predator distribution and movements than is available now; appropriate surveys and research need starting. Sensitive management of marine fisheries is difficult with the present level of quantitative data on predator-prey interactions (though this is better than in many other pelagic systems). Difficulties in monitoring aspects of predator biology as indices of the state of prey stocks are reviewed.  相似文献   

Metal pollution is an important issue worldwide, with various documented cases of metal toxicity in mining areas, industries, coal power plants and agriculture sector. Heavy metal polluted soils pose severe problems to plants, water resources, environment and nutrition. Among all non-essential metals, vanadium (V) is becoming a serious matter of discussion for the scientists who deals with heavy metals. Due to its mobility from soil to plants, it causes adverse effects to human beings. This review article illustrates briefly about V, its role and shows the progress about V research so far done globally in the light of the previous work which may assist in inter-disciplinary studies to evaluate the ecological importance of V toxicity.  相似文献   

The radioactivity contents of coal and of the different types of ash formed during its combustion are reviewed. Also, the radiological impact of coal-fired plants and the plant features causing this impact are discussed. The depletion or enrichment of radionuclides in the different types of ash is interpreted in terms of the combustion temperature, the size of ash particles and the chemical forms of the radionuclides. The volatilization-condensation process as the postulated mechanism of radionuclide enrichment is also discussed.Past studies of the release of radionuclides from coal-fired plants are compared and the environmental pathways of the radionuclides are highlighted. Individual and collective radiation doses calculated for various coal-fired plants are evaluated and the importance of the different pathways to man is outlined.  相似文献   

A size-selective procedure was developed for the preparation of fiber fractions of uniform size of chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, and glass. The raw material was first ground to a suitable fineness, then suspended in liquids by ultrasonic agitation and separated by fiber diameter by means of slow sedimentation. The fractionation by fiber length was done by a vibrating sieve method. Fibrous aerosols of different size distributions could be prepared by using a vibrating bed aerosol generator.  相似文献   

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