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The influence of soil characteristics on the phytoremediation potential of Thlaspi caerulescens is not well understood. We investigated the effect of soil pH and Cd concentration on plant Cd uptake on one soil type, and the variation in Cd uptake using a range of field contaminated soils. On soils with total Cd concentrations of 0.6-3.7 mg kg(-1), T. caerulescens (the Ganges ecotype) produced greater biomass in the pH range 5.1-7.6 than at pH 4.4. The highest plant Cd concentration (236 mg kg(-1)) and Cd uptake (228 microg pot(-1)) were observed at pH 5.1. On soils with total Cd concentrations of 2.6-314.8 mg kg(-1), shoot Cd concentrations were 10.9-1,196 mg kg(-1). Multiple regression analysis indicated that higher Cd in soil, low pH (within the range of >5) and coarser texture were associated with higher Cd concentration and Cd uptake by T. caerulescens.  相似文献   

Field trials were undertaken to investigate the effect of the application of metal mobilizing agents, different sowing strategies and length of growing season on the extraction of Cd and Zn from soils by Thlaspi caerulescens and Arabidopsis halleri. None of the mobilizing agents used enhanced metal accumulation by T. caerulescens. Between 1998 and 2000, on average across plots where Cd or Zn exceeded allowable limits, T. caerulescens removed 1.3 and 0.3% of the total soil Cd and Zn. In one season when T. caerulescens was grown for 14 months, 21.7 and 4.4% of the total soil Cd and Zn was removed. This was larger than values found when T. caerulescens was grown for 4 months. A. halleri accumulated similar concentrations of Zn, but lower Cd concentrations than T. caerulescens. The results indicate that metal phytoextraction using T. caerulescens can be used to clean up soils moderately contaminated by Cd.  相似文献   

Li T  Xu Z  Han X  Yang X  Sparks DL 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):570-576
Pot experiments were performed to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the rhizosphere soil of hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and a non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of Sedum alfredii and its effects on the mobility of zinc (Zn). DOM was fractionated using XAD resins into six fractions. The acid fraction was the predominant component of DOM in the rhizosphere of S. alfredii, with hydrophilic acid (HiA), hydrophilic base (HiB), and hydrophilic neutral (HiN) in HE-DOM being 1.6, 1.9, and 1.2 times higher respectively, as compared to NHE-DOM. ATR-FTIR results showed that DOM in the rhizosphere of S. alfredii consisted of a mixture of hydroxylated and carboxylic acids, and HE-DOM exhibited more CO, OH, CC and CO functional groups than NHE-DOM. Resin equilibration experiment results indicated that DOM from the rhizosphere of both ecotypes of S. alfredii had the ability to form complexes with Zn, whereas the degree of complexation was significantly higher for HE-DOM (60%) than NHE-DOM (42%). The addition of HE-DOM significantly (P < 0.05) increased the solubility of four Zn minerals while NHE-DOM was not as effective at the same concentration. It was concluded that DOM derived from the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulating ecotype of S. alfredii could significantly increase Zn mobility through the formation of soluble DOM-metal complexes, this might be one of the important mechanism by which S. alfredii is involved in activating metal in rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Meighan MM  Fenus T  Karey E  MacNeil J 《Chemosphere》2011,83(11):1539-1545
In addition to increasing the mobility of metal ions in the soil solution, chelating agents such as EDTA have been reported to alter both the total metal accumulated by plants and its distribution within the plant structures. Here, mature Mini-Sun Hybrid dwarf sunflowers exposed to 300 μM Cd2+ in hydroponic solution had initial translocation rates of at least 0.12 mmol kg−1 h−1 and reached leaf saturation levels within a day when a 3-fold molar excess of EDTA was used. EDTA also promoted cadmium transfer from roots to the shoots. A threefold excess of EDTA increased the translocation factor (TF) 100-fold, resulting in cadmium levels in the leaves of 580 μg g−1 and extracting 1400 μg plant−1. When plants were exposed to dissolved cadmium without EDTA, the vast majority of the metal remained bound to the exterior of the root. The initial accumulation could be successfully modeled with a standard biosorption pseudo second-order kinetic equation. Initial accumulation rates ranged from 0.0359 to 0.262 mg g−1 min−1. The cadmium binding could be cycled, and did not show evidence of saturation under the experimental conditions employed, suggesting it might be a viable biosorbant for aqueous cadmium.  相似文献   

Hydroponic greenhouse studies were used to investigate the effect of four anthropogenic pollutants (perchlorate (ClO4), selenium (Se), manganese (Mn), and hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI))) on the biological control agent Diorhabda elongata Brullé. Contaminant concentrations were quantified for experimental Tamarix ramosissima Ledab. plants and D. elongata beetles. Growth of larvae was significantly reduced by Se contamination, but was not affected by the presence of perchlorate, Mn, or Cr (VI). All of the contaminants were transferred from plants to D. elongata beetles. Only Cr (VI) was accumulated at greater levels in beetles than in their food. Because T. ramosissima grows in disturbed areas, acquires salts readily, and utilizes groundwater, this plant is likely to accumulate anthropogenic pollutants in contaminated areas. This study is one of the first to investigate the potential of an anthropogenic pollutant to influence a weed biological control system.  相似文献   

A bacterial isolate producing siderophore under iron limiting conditions, was isolated from mangroves of Goa. Based on morphological, biochemical, chemotaxonomical and 16S rDNA studies, the isolate was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NAR38.1. Preliminary characterization of the siderophore indicated it to be catecholate type with dihydroxy benzoate as the core component. Optimum siderophore production was observed at pH 7 in mineral salts medium (MSM) without any added iron with glucose as the carbon source. Addition of NaCl in the growth medium showed considerable decrease in siderophore production above 2% NaCl. Fe+2 and Fe+3 below 2 μM and 40 μM concentrations respectively, induced siderophore production, above which the production was repressed. Binding studies of the siderophore with Fe+2 and Fe+3 indicated its high affinity towards Fe+3. The siderophore concentration in the extracellular medium was enhanced when MSM was amended with essential metals Zn, Co, Mo and Mn, however, decreased with Cu, while the concentration was reduced with abiotic metals As, Pb, Al and Cd. Significant increase in extracellular siderophore production was observed with Pb and Al at concentrations of 50 μM and above. The effect of metals on siderophore production was completely mitigated in presence of Fe. The results implicate effect of metals on the efficiency of siderophore production by bacteria for potential application in bioremediation of metal contaminated iron deficient soils especially in the microbial assisted phytoremediation processes.  相似文献   

Shin KH  Cha DK 《Chemosphere》2008,72(2):257-262
Microbial reduction of nitrate in the presence of nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) was evaluated to assess the feasibility of employing NZVI in the biological nitrate treatment. Nitrate was completely reduced within 3 d in a nanoscale Fe(0)-cell reactor, while only 50% of the nitrate was abiotically reduced over 7 d at 25 °C. The removal rate of nitrate in the integrated NZVI-cell system was unaffected by the presence of high amounts of sulfate. Efficient removal of nitrate by Fe(II)-supported anaerobic culture in 14 d indicated that Fe(II), which is produced during anaerobic iron corrosion in the Fe(0)-cell system, might act as an electron donor for nitrate. Unlike abiotic reduction, microbial reduction of nitrate was not significantly affected by low temperature conditions. This study demonstrated the potential applicability of employing NZVI iron as a source of electrons for biological nitrate reduction. Use of NZVI for microbial nitrate reduction can obviate the disadvantages associated with traditional biological denitrification, that relies on the use of organic substrates or explosive hydrogen gas, and maintain the advantages offered by nano-particle technology such as higher surface reactivity and functionality in suspensions.  相似文献   

The application of sewage sludge to land can expose soils to a range of associated chemical toxicants. In this paper we explore the effects of the broad spectrum anti-microbial compound triclosan on the phenotypic composition of the microbial communities of three soils of contrasting texture (loamy sand, sandy loam and clay) using phospholipid fatty-acid (PLFA) analysis. Each soil type was dosed and subsequently re-dosed 6 weeks later with triclosan at five nominal concentrations in microcosms (10, 100, 500, 1000 mg kg−1 and a zero-dose control). PLFA profiles were analysed using multivariate statistics focussing on changes in the soil phenotypic community structure. Additionally, ratios of fungal:bacterial PLFA indicators and cyclo:mono-unsaturated PLFAs (a common stress indicator) were calculated. It was hypothesised that triclosan addition would alter the community structure in each soil with a particular effect on the fungal:bacterial ratio, since bacteria are likely to be more susceptible to triclosan than fungi. It was also hypothesised that the PLFA response to re-dosing would be suppressed due to acclimation. Although the microbial community structure changed over the course of the experiment, the response was complex. Soil type and time emerged as the most important explanatory factors. Principal component analysis was used to detect phenotypic responses to different doses of triclosan in each soil. As expected, there was a significant increase in the fungal:bacterial ratio with triclosan dose especially in treatments with the highest nominal concentrations. Furthermore, the PLFA response to re-dosing was negligible in all soils confirming the acclimation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Effect of rhamnolipids on the uptake of PAHs by ryegrass   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of rhamnolipids, a biosurfactant, on the uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by ryegrass. Results showed that rhamnolipids could enhance the uptake of PAHs by ryegrass roots. With increasing concentration of rhamnolipids, the PAH content in ryegrass roots initially increased and then decreased, while the PAH content in ryegrass shoots did not change. Batch studies also showed that the sorption of phenanthrene by fresh ryegrass roots was dependent on rhamnolipid concentration and showed the same trends as the uptake experiment. The increase of permeability of ryegrass root cells with the increase of rhamnolipid concentration may lead to the initial enhancement of PAH content in ryegrass roots, and the decrease of PAH adsorption onto the root surface with further increase of rhamnolipids led to the decrease of PAH content in ryegrass roots.  相似文献   

The impact of repeated carbendazim (CARB) applications on the extent of CARB dissipation, the microbial diversity, the community level physiological profile (CLPP), and the enzymatic activity within the biomixture of an on-farm biopurification system was evaluated. After three successive CARB applications, the CARB dissipation efficiency was high; the efficiency of dissipation was 87%, 94% and 96% after each application, respectively. Although microbial enzymatic activity was affected significantly by CARB application, it could recover after each CARB pulse. Likewise, the numbers of cultivable bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes (as measured in CFUs) were slightly affected by the addition of CARB, but the inhibitory effect of the pesticide application was temporary. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and Biolog Ecoplate assays demonstrated that the microbial populations remained relatively stable over time when compared to the control. The results obtained herein therefore demonstrate the high dissipation capacity of this biomixture and highlight the microbiological robustness of this biological system.  相似文献   

Effects of metal contamination on soil biota activity were investigated at 43 sites in 5 different habitats (defined by substratum and vegetation type) in a post-mining area. Sites were characterised in terms of soil pH and texture, nutrient status, total and exchangeable metal concentrations, as well as plant species richness and cover, abundances of enchytraeids, nematodes and tardigrades, and microbial respiration and biomass. The concentrations of total trace metals were highest in soils developed on mining waste (metal-rich dolomite), but these habitats were more attractive than sandy sites for plants and soil biota because of their higher content of organic matter, clay and nutrients. Soil mesofauna and microbes were strongly dependent on natural habitat properties. Pollution (exchangeable Zn and Cd) negatively affected only enchytraeid density; due to a positive relationship between enchytraeids and microbes it indirectly reduced microbial activity.  相似文献   

We studied the effectiveness of remediation on microbial endpoints, namely microbial biomass and activity, microbial and plant species richness, of an As-contaminated mine spoil, amended with compost (C) alone and in combination with beringite (B) or zerovalent iron grit (Z), to increase organic matter content and reduce trace elements mobility, and to allow Holcus lanatus and Pinus pinaster growth. Untreated spoil showed the lowest microbial biomass and activity and hydrolase activities, and H. lanatus as sole plant species, whereas the presented aided phytostabilisation option, especially CBZ treatment, significantly increased microbial biomass and activity and allowed colonisation by several plant species, comparable to those of an uncontaminated sandy soil. Microbial species richness was only increased in spoils amended with C alone. No clear correlation occurred between trace element mobility and microbial parameters and plant species richness. Our results indicate that the choice of indicators of soil remediation practices is a bottleneck.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in biomass, biochemical fingerprints, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profile and functional status of the natural aquatic microbial communities upon impact of an Atradex pulse. The Atradex was applied to microcosm tanks at concentrations ranging from 24.5microgL(-1) to 245mgL(-1). The biomass of all microbial communities declined to a minimum level on day 4 with the effect being more pronounced in treated groups. Similarity between microbial communities also decreased on day 4 with the greatest change occurring at a concentration of 245mgL(-1) Atradex. After 8 days exposure to Atradex, microbial communities in all treated groups (except tanks spiked with 245mgL(-1) Atradex) recovered and showed similar metabolic fingerprints and FAME profiles to those of controls. Our results indicate that exposure to an Atradex pulse at concentration above 245mgL(-1), may irreversibly change the structure and functional status of aquatic microbial communities.  相似文献   

Continuous application of organic and inorganic fertilizers can affect soil and food quality with respect to heavy metal concentrations. The risk of cadmium (Cd) contamination in a long-term (over 20 years) experimental field in North China with an annual crop rotation of winter wheat and summer maize was investigated. The long-term experiment had a complete randomized block design with seven fertilizer treatments and four replications. The seven fertilizer treatments were (1) organic compost (OM), (2) half organic compost plus half chemical fertilizer (OM?+?NPK), (3) NPK fertilizer (NPK), (4–6) chemical fertilizers without one of the major nutrients (NP, PK, and NK), and (7) an unamended control (CK). Soil samples from 0 to 20 cm were collected in 1989, 1999, and 2009 to characterize Cd and other soil properties. During the past 20 years, various extents of Cd accumulation were observed in the soil, and the accumulation was mainly affected by atmospheric dry and wet deposition and fertilization. In 2009, the average Cd concentration in the soil was 148?±?15 μg kg?1 and decreased in the order of NPK?≈?OM?+?NKP?≈?PK?>?NP?≈?NK?>?OM?≈?CK. Sequential extraction of Cd showed that the acid-soluble fraction (F1, 32?±?7 %) and the residual fraction (F4, 31?±?5 %) were the dominant fractions of Cd in the soil, followed by the reducible fraction (F2, 22?±?5 %) and oxidizable fraction (F3, 15?±?6 %). The acid-soluble Cd fraction in the soil and Cd accumulation in the crops increased with soil plant available K. Fraction F3 was increased by soil organic C (SOC) and crop yields, but SOC reduced the uptake of soil Cd by crops. The long-term P fertilization resulted in more Cd buildup in the soil than other treatments, but the uptake of Cd by crops was inhibited by the precipitation of Cd with phosphate in the soil. Although soil Cd was slightly increased over the 20 years of intensive crop production, both soil and grain/kernel Cd concentrations were still below the national standards for environmental and food safety.  相似文献   

为研究移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)中微生物呼吸作用对微孔曝气氧传质效率(OTE)的影响,向清水中持续通入一定浓度的消氧剂——亚硫酸钠溶液,通过亚硫酸钠的氧化来模拟微生物的呼吸耗氧。基于不同填充率和曝气量工况条件下,考察了微生物耗氧速率(OUR)对OTE的影响。结果表明:在40L/h曝气量条件下,装置填充率在20%~50%时,标准氧传质效率(SOTE)与OUR存在着明显的正相关性,其线性拟合R2介于0.789 8~0.976 2;填充率为60%时,SOTE随OUR的增大无明显变化。装置填充率在50%、曝气量分别为40、80、100L/h时,SOTE随OUR的增大无明显变化;而曝气量为60L/h时,SOTE随OUR的增大明显增大。进一步分析试验结果得出,MBBR中,微生物OUR可用来近似表征OTE,但不同填充率和曝气量会对两者的相关性产生一定影响。  相似文献   

The role of bacterially derived compounds in Cd(II) complexation and uptake by bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti wild type (WT) and genetically modified ExoY-mutant, deficient in exopolysaccharide production, was explored combining chemical speciation measurements and assays with living bacteria. Obtained results demonstrated that WT- and ExoY-strains excreted siderophores in comparable amounts, while WT-strain produced much higher amount of exopolysaccharides and less exoproteins. An evaluation of Cd(II) distribution in bacterial suspensions under short term exposure conditions, showed that most of the Cd is bound to bacterial surface envelope, including Cd bound to the cell wall and to the attached extracellular polymeric substances. However, the amount of Cd bound to the dissolved extracellular compounds increases at high Cd(II) concentrations. The implications of these findings to more general understanding of the Cd(II) fate and cycling in the environment is discussed.  相似文献   

生物炭基调理剂对水稻镉吸收的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以木质生物炭为基础,与沸石、石灰石、磷酸钙等混配制生物炭基调理剂,并用于镉污染稻田。通过田间水稻栽培实验,探讨该生物炭基调理剂的合适配比及应用效果。按照DTPA浸提法分析土壤中有效态镉含量,按HNO3-HCLO4消化法测定水稻植株中镉的含量。结果表明:随木炭用量增加,土壤中有效态镉减少,施用0.48 kg·m-2木炭时降幅高达23.87%。施用不同配比炭基调理剂实验中,木炭:石灰石:沸石:磷酸钙=4:1:1:1时对土壤中有效态镉的钝化效果最好,达到36.42%。水稻根、茎累积镉量高于叶、壳、糙米,并且稻米中镉含量与栽培后期50 d土壤中有效态镉含量高度相关,相关系数为0.921 6(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

底泥中轻组有机质对其中磷的吸附-释放行为影响显著。镧沸石可有效地控制底泥磷释放,但轻组有机质对控磷效果的影响尚不清楚。因此,考察了镧沸石对原底泥(raw sediment,简称R-S)和去除轻组有机质底泥(light fraction organic removal sediment,简称LFOR-S)中磷释放的控制效果及机理。R-S和LFOR-S的最大磷吸附量分别为2 568 mg·kg−1和2 071 mg·kg−1,投加镧沸石可将其提高到4 054 mg·kg−1和4 014 mg·kg−1。LFOR-S在24 h内磷释放量为R-S的1.61倍。温度从5 oC上升到30 oC时,镧沸石对R-S的磷释放控制率逐渐升高,而对LFOR-S的磷释放控制率由90%下降到76%后又回到原水平。XPS表征发现,配体交换是镧沸石控制2种底泥磷释放的主要机制。镧沸石可将底泥中非稳定态磷转化为稳定态,但LFOR-S中减少的非稳定磷的并未完全转化为稳定态,而是进入了水相中使其磷释放量高于R-S,导致控磷效果变差。在原位钝化实际工程中,温度升高引起底泥轻组有机质含量下降时,需提高镧沸石投量以获得稳定的控磷效果。  相似文献   

为了探究ICP和AAS测定同一垃圾焚烧飞灰浸出液中Pb、Cd元素存在显著差异的原因,进行了APDC-MIBK萃取和硝酸消解对比实验研究和盐分添加实验研究。研究结果表明:飞灰浸出液中高浓度的盐分是造成ICP和AAS测定结果存在巨大差异的主要原因;当溶液中K+、Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+质量浓度分别≥2600、390、360和1300 mg/L时,将对ICP测定Pb、Cd产生显著负干扰;APDC-MIBK萃取飞灰浸出液中Cd、Pb的加标回收率在96%~102%之间,可将飞灰浸出液中Pb、Cd元素与盐分分离,因此可作为垃圾焚烧飞灰浸出液前处理方法。  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the effect of the application by two agrochemicals, methamidophos (O,S-dimethyl phosphoroamidothioate) and urea, on microbial diversity in soil, using the combined approaches of soil microbial biomass analysis and community level physiological profiles (CLPPs). The results showed that both a low and a high level of methamidophos application (CS2 and CS3) and urea application (CS4) significantly decreased microbial biomass C (Cmic) by 41-83% compared with the control (CS1). The soil organic C (Corg) values of CS3 and CS4 were significantly higher and lower by 24% and 14%, respectively, than that of CS1. Similarly to Cmic, the values of Cmic/Corg of the three applied soils which decreased were lower by 31-84% than that of CS1. In contrast, the respiration activity of the three applied soils were significantly higher than the control. Agrochemical application also significantly increased the soil total of N and P (Ntol and Ptol) and decreased the Corg/Ntol and Corg/Ptol values. The CLPPs results showed that the AWCD (average well color development) of the three applied soils were significantly higher than that of CS1 during the incubation period. Substrate richness, Shannon and Simpson indices of microbial communities under chemical stresses, increased significantly. In addition, the CFU (colony-forming unit) numbers of methamidophos metabolized bacteria in CS2 and CS3 also increased significantly by 86.1% and 188.9% compared with that of CS1. The combined results suggest that agrochemicals reduce microbial biomass and enhance functional diversities of soil microbial communities; meanwhile, some species of bacteria may be enriched in soils under methamidophos stress.  相似文献   

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