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Long-term dynamics (1960-1997) of the cladoceran species Bosmina coregoni maritima, Evadne nordmanni and Podon spp. are described for the Gdansk Deep and the Gotland Basin (Central Baltic Sea). By using correlation analyses on seasonal time-series, the influence of temperature and salinity on the abundance of cladoceran species was investigated. A clear affinity to higher temperature was found for B. coregoni maritima in summer as well as for E. nordmanni and Podon spp. in spring. In addition to temperature, association tests with salinity revealed besides species-specific preferences, regional and temporal differences. Contrary to B. coregoni maritima, both other species were positively associated to salinity in summer and autumn in the Gdansk Deep. In the Gotland Basin only E. nordmanni was positively correlated to salinity in autumn. Differences in the response to hydrographic variables are possibly stage specific, i.e. between resting eggs and adults, or due to a different adaptation to the abiotic environment.  相似文献   

The population biology of Donax hanleyanus (Philippi, 1845) (Bivalvia: Donacidae) was studied by monthly sampling from June 1998 through June 2000, at Restinga da Marambaia Beach, Brazil. Two transects were established and divided into ten strata parallel to the waterline, and five replicates were taken with a 0.04 m2 sampler in each stratum. The highest densities of D. hanleyanus were recorded in winter (September 1998, July 1999) and autumn (April 2000). A stratified distribution was observed: recruits were found mainly in the middle swash zone, while juveniles and adults occurred across the tidal gradient up to the retention zone. Mortality rates did not differ significantly between years. Annual production (in ash-free dry mass) ranged from 0.76 g AFDM m-2 year-1 (1998) to 3.67 g AFDM m-2 year-1 (1999), while the production-to-biomass (P/B) ratio varied from 1.45 to 1.59. Life span was ca. 17 months. Of all variables tested, only two, one biological and one physical, seem to have influenced the population dynamics of this species. A significant negative correlation between the densities of the suspension-feeders D. hanleyanus and Emerita brasiliensis (Crustacea: Decapoda) indicated possible intraguild competition, and there was a significant exponential correlation between beach slope and the mean across-shore position of D. hanleyanus. Data compiled from literature suggests a latitudinal gradient in population parameters, with mortality and renewal rate (P/B) of different species of Donax increasing and life span decreasing from temperate to tropical regions. Other factors influencing population dynamics, such as food availability, and the contributions of individual and community biomass to energy and nutrient cycling are also discussed.  相似文献   

As a top-level predator, the brown grouper Epinephelus marginatus can play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of hard-bottom ecosystems. However, to fulfil this role, the species must have a sufficient population density and a wide size range. The presence of such a "healthy" grouper population is one of the known benefits of the protection measures applied to marine protected areas. The availability, in marine reserves, of areas suitable for settlement and recruitment of early juveniles can contribute to preserving a well-structured population. Thus, knowledge of microhabitats preferred by juvenile groupers is an important step in locating, within protected or not yet protected areas, nursery sites that might need a specific protection regime. The aim of the present work was to evaluate habitat and microhabitat preferences of juvenile E. marginatus, in comparison with two other serranids of comparable size, Serranus cabrilla and S. scriba, in the marine reserve of Ustica Island (SW Mediterranean). At different sites, located along the shallow coastal area of the reserve, 329 individuals of the three serranid species were visually surveyed by means of skin- or SCUBA-diving in June 1999. The location of each encountered fish was characterised by both biotic and abiotic variables evaluated at two spatial scales. In order to assess interspecific differences in the use of the spatial environment, the results were analysed by correspondence analysis. According to observations on a small spatial scale, juvenile groupers showed a preference for cavities and recesses, in clear contrast with both Serranus species. When out of such sheltered places, juvenile groupers avoided visually exposed locations (convex substrates and very large visual fields), preferring flat or sub-horizontal rocky substrates. Conversely, S. scriba, and especially S. cabrilla, chose rather open microhabitats (flat to convex substrates, with large to very large visual fields). On a larger spatial scale, brown groupers and the two other serranids showed no marked differences in their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

During three "Polarstern" cruises to the ice-covered Greenland Sea (spring 1997, summer 1994, autumn 1995) studies on the under-ice habitat (morphology, hydrography, ice-algal biomass) and on the macrofaunal, autochthonous under-ice amphipods (species diversity, abundance) were carried out in order to describe environmental controls and seasonal patterns in this community. In spring, the ice underside was rather smooth and whitish, while in summer melting structures and sloughed-off ice-algal threads were observed, in autumn detritus clumps accumulated in depressions at the ice underside. Only in summer, a thin layer of warm (up to -0.6°C) and less saline (as low as S=6.3) water was found at the ice-water interface above Polar Water. Integrated ice-algal biomass was highest during autumn (2.6 mg chl a m-2) and lowest during summer (1.2 mg chl a m-2). Four species of under-ice amphipods occurred in spring and summer (Apherusa glacialis, Onisimus glacialis, O. nanseni, Gammarus wilkitzkii), but only the last species was observed at the ice underside in autumn. A. glacialis and G. wilkitzkii were equally abundant in spring; A. glacialis dominated in summer. The highest total abundance of amphipods occurred during summer (31.9 ind. m-2), compared to lower abundances in spring and autumn (5.3 and 1.1 ind. m-2, respectively). A factor analysis revealed seasonal patterns in the data set, which mainly influenced A. glacialis, and species-specific relations between several environmental factors and the distribution of under-ice amphipods. Abundance of A. glacialis was closely related to the under-ice hydrography and ice-algal biomass, whereas the other amphipod species were more influenced by the under-ice morphology. It is therefore stated that the observed thinning of the Arctic sea ice and the resulting increased meltwater input and change in morphology of floes will have a profoundly adverse effect on the under-ice amphipods.  相似文献   

This study describes the annual reproductive cycles of the three dominant Calanus species, C. finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus, in Disko Bay (West Greenland) in relation to seasonal phytoplankton development. Relative abundance of females, copepodite stage V (CV) and males, and the developmental stage of the female gonad were examined from plankton samples collected at weekly to monthly intervals from May 1996 to June 1997 with a WP2 net or a pump. During spring and summer, egg production rates were determined. Females of all three species were present year round. Maximum relative abundance was reached by C. hyperboreus females at the beginning of February, by C. glacialis in mid-February, and by C. finmarchicus in April. All three species reproduced successfully in Disko Bay. Their reproductive cycles were considerably different with respect to the timing of final gonad maturation and spawning, and hence in their relation to seasonal phytoplankton development. In all three species, early gonad development took place during winter, before living food became plentiful, suggesting that these processes were largely food independent. Final gonad maturation and spawning in C. finmarchicus was related to the phytoplankton concentration, reflecting that final gonad maturation processes are food dependent in this species. C. glacialis females matured and spawned prior to the spring bloom. Our results indicate that first internal lipid stores and later ice alga grazing supplied final gonad maturation and egg production. Maximum egg production rates of C. glacialis were found in spring and summer, when the chlorophyll a concentration was high. Mature female C. hyperboreus were found from February until mid-April, when the chlorophyll a concentration was still low. In this species, reproductive activity was decoupled from phytoplankton development, and final maturation processes and spawning were solely fuelled by internal energy stores.  相似文献   

Chloroplast retention in the sacoglossan gastropod Elysia patagonica Muniain and Ortea, 1997 was investigated. Intact chloroplasts of the green algae Bryopsis plumosa (Chlorophyta: Bryopsidacea) were observed by transmission electron microscopy in vacuoles of the digestive cells of benthic adults starved for 20 days. Intact chloroplasts from the microalgal Nannochloropsis sp. (Heterokontophyta: Eustigmatophycea) were found in the digestive cells of veliger larvae feeding for 8 days. Similar digestive cells were observed in adults and planktonic larvae of E. patagonica. The retention ability is confirmed in both stages.  相似文献   

The three meiobenthic ostracod species Candona neglecta, Paracyprideis fennica and Heterocyprideis sorbyana are commonly encountered in the deep (20-40 m) soft bottoms of the Baltic proper, and may contribute more to the total meiobenthic biomass than any other group. Experimental data indicate substantial differences in their utilisation of settling phytodetritus, with C. neglecta able to exploit newly settled organic material to a larger extent than P. fennica and H. sorbyana. Ostracod species composition, as well as ostracod and sediment carbon isotope contents, were studied in the field from an area with local differences in potential food resources. The study was performed during the late period of summer blooms of the cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon sp. Results showed that when all samples were taken together, adult C. neglecta (-22.4‰) was significantly more depleted in '13C than adult P. fennica (-21.0‰) and H. sorbyana (-20.3‰), indicating differences in food selection among the species. The flocculent sediment layer had, in all instances, lighter carbon ratios than did the lower layers. This trend was mirrored in most cases in the slight enrichment in C. neglecta compared to generally greater enrichment in the other two species. Carbon signatures of C. neglecta also varied significantly between stations, indicating that this species fed on different resources depending on location. Juvenile C. neglecta were far more depleted in '13C than adults and reflected the carbon signature of the cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon sp. The latter is known to be the most '13C-depleted phytoplankton member in the area.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution pattern of cells in the ganglion cell layer were studied in the retina of the European hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), to identify the possible adaptations of visual capabilities to different bathymetric distributions and feeding habits. From early juveniles to adults, the eye diameter increased eightfold; thus, retinal surface increased dramatically with size also. In early juveniles the retinal topography of the cells in the ganglion cell layer showed a concentric arrangement with respect to the centre of the retina. Two specialised areas were found, located at the ventral and dorso-rostral periphery, where the cell density reached 47,900 cells mm-2, which corresponds to a theoretical visual acuity of 21' (minutes of arc). The visual axes were located upwards and downwards at around 80° from the geometric centre of the retina. In juveniles, the retina underwent important changes as the concentric topographic pattern transformed: the ventral specialised area progressively disappeared, the dorso-rostral area relocated to a rostral position and a new specialised area formed in the temporal retinal region. The visual axes were directed forward and backward. For fish with a total length of 12 cm or more, a horizontal visual streak formed along the rostro-temporal axis of the retina and a new specialised area was formed in the temporo-central region of the visual streak. In adults, acute vision could be identified with the two specialised areas at the temporal and rostral periphery, where the ganglion cell density peak decreased to 3,200-3,600 cells mm-2 and the resolving power increased to 10'. As visual acuity is partially dependent on the cell types in the ganglion cell layer, cell populations in this layer were distinguished into either ganglion cells or displaced amacrine cells, using morphometric and histological criteria. The proportion of displaced amacrine cells was fairly uniform throughout the retinal surface, always representing between 32% and 39% of all cells in early and advanced juveniles. Only in adults did their density increase to 50%, probably as an adaptation to low light levels, which fish encounter as their distribution increases in depth. A small population of giant ganglion cells was also present in the retina. In the young and adult retinae, they represented 1.2% and 2.7% of the total cell population, respectively. Therefore, it has been shown how in M. merluccius the retinal topography undergoes important changes in relation to varying environmental demands.  相似文献   

Natural diets of vertically migrating zooplankton in the Sargasso Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feeding preferences of three common diel vertically migrating zooplankton were investigated from December 1999 to October 2000 at the U.S. JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS) station in the Sargasso Sea. Gut content analysis of the copepods Pleuromamma xiphias (Giesbrecht) and Euchirella messinensis (Claus) and of the euphausiid Thysanopoda aequalis (Hansen) indicated that all three species fed on a wide variety of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and detrital material. Diet changes generally reflected seasonal trends in phytoplankton community structure. However, species-specific feeding preferences and differences in feeding selectivity among the three species were evident, and in general agreement with feeding habits predicted from the analysis of mouthpart morphology. The euphausiid T. aequalis fed equally on more different food types compared to both copepod species. The copepod P. xiphias consumed a diverse assemblage of phytoplankton from late winter through the summer (78-93% of gut items, by number, were phytoplankton) and based its diet more strongly on carnivorous feeding in autumn and early winter (31% and 61% of gut items were phytoplankton, respectively). E. messinensis showed the greatest feeding specialization, with a strong preference for pennate diatoms in winter and spring and for coccolithophorids during late summer and fall (constituting 67-93% of gut items by number). All three species consumed diatoms more than other phytoplankton taxa, even though diatoms form only a small fraction of the phytoplankton biomass in the Sargasso Sea. Although the majority of gut items identified were phytoplankton cells, the relative biomass contribution of these small cells may be lower than that of zooplankton and detritus. Zooplankton on which the three species primarily preyed were protozoans and crustaceans, but also included other metazoans such as chaetognaths and cnidarians. Marine snow was also an important component of the diet in all three species, with typically >50% and rarely <20% of the gut content being olive-green debris. Marine snow from larvacean houses was found in the guts of all three species, while E. messinenis appeared to selectively consume marine snow aggregates enriched with bicapitate Nitzschia spp. Large cyanobacteria (>4 µm in diameter) found in guts were also likely consumed with marine snow. The species-specific differences in the diets of these three migrating species suggest that an individual species approach is important in determining how feeding habits affect the structure of pelagic food webs and carbon cycling in the sea. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-002-0815-8.  相似文献   

M. Thiel 《Marine Biology》1998,132(2):209-221
The suspension-feeding amphipod Dyopedos monacanthus (Metzger, 1875) is a common epibenthic amphipod that lives on self-constructed “mud whips” (built from filamentous algae, detritus and sediment particles) in estuaries of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. The population biology of D. monacanthus at a shallow subtidal site in the Damariscotta River Estuary (Maine, USA) was examined between July 1995 and July 1997. The resident population at the study site was dominated by adult females during most months of the year. High percentages of subadults were found in late summer/early fall. Often, between 10 and 20% of the adult females were paired with males, and the percentage of ovigerous females varied between 40 and 100%, indicating continuous reproduction. The percentage of parental females varied between 40 and 80% during most months, but dropped to levels below 20% during summer/early fall. The average size of amphipods on their own mud whips was ∼4 mm during the summer/early fall, after which it increased continuously to >7.0 mm in March or April, and then dropped again. In March and April, the average number of eggs and juveniles female−1 was ∼100 eggs and 55 juveniles, while during the summer/early fall the average number of eggs female−1 was <20 and that of juveniles female−1 was <10. Many juveniles grew to large sizes (>1.4 mm) on their mothers' whips in winter/early spring but not in the summer/fall. The average number of amphipods at the study site was low in late summer/early fall (<50 individuals m−2), increased steadily during the winter, and reached peak densities of >3000 individuals m−2 in April 1996 (>1600 individuals m−2 in May 1997), after which densities decreased again. The decrease of the D.␣monacanthus population at the study site coincided with a strong increase of amphipods found pelagic in the water column. This behavioural shift occurred when temperatures increased and benthic predators became more abundant and active on shallow soft-bottoms, suggesting that D. monacanthus at the study site is strongly affected by predation. The effects are direct (by predation on amphipods) and indirect (by reducing duration of extended parental care and enhancing pelagic movements). Both extended parental care and pelagic movements are important behavioural traits of D.␣monacanthus (and other marine amphipods), and significantly affect its population dynamics. Received: 18 January 1998 / Accepted: 27 May 1998  相似文献   

Paraeuchaeta norvegica was found to be widely distributed in the Norwegian Sea. They were least abundant in north-western areas, but otherwise no clear horizontal patterns appeared with respect to latitude, longitude or water mass. Females and males had similar vertical distributions. The highest concentrations of adults occurred at 400-500 m depth; they largely avoided the upper 50-100 m, even at night. Stages CIV and CV lived shallower in the water column than the adults, with the highest concentration between 100 and 300 m. Stages CII-CIII were most abundant at 50-100 m, while CI was distributed slightly deeper (maxima at 100-200 m). Potential prey were most abundant in the upper 100 m; i.e. shallower than P. norvegica. Numbers of fecal pellets produced by freshly collected adult females were relatively low (estimated at 0.7 pellets per individual on average for the entire sea), with maximal numbers for individuals captured in shallow waters. This suggests food limitation during summer, when food is concentrated in upper waters, and short and light nights limit nocturnal access to the shallow food resources. Pellets mainly contained copepod remains.  相似文献   

M. Thiel 《Marine Biology》2002,141(1):175-183
Mating systems of many symbiotic crustaceans are characterised by a high degree of mate guarding. A peculiar case of mate guarding has been reported for small symbiotic janirid isopods where males mate with immature females. Field samples of individual hosts and laboratory experiments were conducted to reveal the mating behaviour of the symbiont in a natural environment, that is, on their hosts. Along the coast of the Magellan Strait, Chile, the janirid isopod Iais pubescens was frequently found on the shore-living isopod Exosphaeroma gigas. Symbiont prevalence (percent hosts occupied) was high at eight of the nine sampling sites. Mean symbiont intensity was very low at one site (<<1 individual host-1), intermediate at two sites (1-10 individuals host-1) and high at the other sites (10-40 individuals host-1). The mean sex ratio (males:females) was male biased at most sampling sites (n=7). Females of I. pubescens reached substantially larger sizes (1.5-3.0 mm body length, BL) than males (1.1-1.9 mm BL). The majority of males were carrying small juveniles (66.15%), and males with juveniles were significantly larger than males without juveniles - this suggests that males prefer virgin juveniles to adult females and that they compete for small juveniles. In laboratory observations, males were seen to manipulate the marsupium of adult females that were about to release small juveniles. Males obtained virgin juveniles in this manner. Juveniles were carried for ~7 days, and they moulted shortly before being fertilised and released by males. The high proportion of juveniles carried by males in the field (68.2%) supports previous observations that males initially are not able to distinguish male and female juveniles. It is suggested that the mating system of symbiotic janirid isopods with long-term sperm storage and continuous receptivity in females and male mating with virgin females has evolved in response to highly unpredictable encounter probabilities between the sexes. Mate guarding and manipulation of small virgin juveniles may be favoured on the highly mobile hosts of symbiotic janirid isopods. Furthermore, adult females may gain by leaving their emerging offspring in the protective grip of guarding males, thereby reinforcing the maintenance of this peculiar mating system.  相似文献   

The three juvenile phases of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus (algal phase: 5-15 mm carapace length, CL; postalgal phase: 15-45 mm CL, and subadults: 45-80 mm CL) occur in the reef lagoon at Puerto Morelos, Mexico. The algal phase abounds in this lagoon, which is covered by extensive seagrass-algal meadows, but the density of postalgal and subadult juveniles is low, owing to the scarcity of crevice-type shelters suitable for these phases. The feeding ecology of the three juvenile phases was investigated to examine whether spatial or temporal differences in food intake, diet composition, or nutritional condition occurred among phases and could partially account for the low abundance of the larger juveniles. Juveniles were collected by divers at night, from January to November 1995, throughout the mid-lagoon and back-reef zones. Percent stomach fullness, relative weight of the digestive gland (RWDG, an index of nutritional condition), percent frequency of occurrence and percent volume of food categories in the diet were compared between sexes, juvenile phases, molt stages (postmolt, intermolt, premolt), seasons, and sampling zones (mid-lagoon and back-reef zones). Significant differences in stomach fullness occurred only among molt stages, mainly because postmolt individuals had emptier stomachs. The main food categories in all juvenile phases were crustaceans (mostly hermit crabs and brachyurans) and gastropods, but the food spectrum was wide, including many other animal taxa as well as plant matter. In June 1995, the epibenthic macrofauna was sampled in five sites in the lagoon that differed in their amount of vegetation. The most abundant taxa in all sites were decapods and gastropods, but density and diversity measures showed that the distribution of these potential prey taxa for juvenile P. argus was rather patchy. Diet overlap in juvenile lobsters was high between sexes, juvenile phases, sampling zones, seasons, and molting stages, indicating that all juveniles fed on the same general food categories throughout time. The only factor that affected the RWDG was the juvenile phase. RWDG was significantly lower in subadults than in algal and postalgal phases, suggesting a poorer nutritional condition in the largest juveniles. This may be related to the scarcity of suitable shelters for large juveniles throughout the lagoon, which may preclude subadults from exploiting food resources in areas of the lagoon where shelter is limited.  相似文献   

This study explored the spawning dynamics of southern calamary (Sepioteuthis australis) by estimating small-scale temporal and spatial variability in egg production in an area known to attract spawning aggregations. Surveys of the seagrass beds (Amphibolis antarctica) over 14 months determined the timing and location of egg deposition, as well as estimating total egg production and loss of deposited egg masses from the spawning grounds. Egg laying in the inshore seagrass beds occurred predominantly during the austral spring and early summer. Egg production at one location (Hazards Bay) was very similar between the two years, but at the second location (Coles Bay) egg production was threefold less during the second summer. There was considerable spatial variability in egg production among seagrass beds within a kilometre of each other as well as within 10 km. Variability in the use of seagrass beds by the squid during each summer could not be attributed to differences in seagrass density or vegetation cover. Losses of deposited egg masses in the A. antarctica beds were detected on two occasions. On the first occasion the loss was correlated with storms; however, the second and smaller loss of egg masses was not correlated with storm activity. Information about the spatial and temporal patterns of egg production was used to make recommendations about the use of fishing closures to protect spawning adults from over-fishing.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity of the marine deep-water redfish, Sebastes mentella Travin, from 21 sampling locations (n=46 per sample, from 1995 to 1998) were examined throughout its range in the North Atlantic. Eight microsatellite loci were used in order to: (1) define the genetic structure and consider the possible influence of dispersal, geographic distance, oceanic currents and historical factors; and (2) relate the structure to present management units and practices. Three divergent population units (mean Š=0.012) associated with distinct geographic areas were defined: Eastern (Norway and Barents Sea), Panoceanic and Western (Gulf of St. Lawrence and offshore Newfoundland). The most important observation was the lack of genetic differences (mean Š=-0.0004) and lack of genetic isolation by geographic distance (r=0.318, P=0.112) among samples within the Panoceanic zone, from the Faroe Islands to the Grand Banks (6,000 km). A combination of vicariance, historical introgression with a closely related species, S. fasciatus, and contemporary patterns of oceanic circulation are likely to have shaped the observed population structure. These results only partially support current management units, and call for more integrated practices for regulating the exploitation of S. mentella throughout its extensive range.  相似文献   

The populations of the copepod species Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus were investigated in Disko Bay during a 14-month period in 1996-1997. The three species were predominant in the copepod community. The biomass reached a maximum at the beginning of June (127 mg C m-3). From the end of July until the end of April the following year, the biomass was <1-6 mg C m-3. All three species showed seasonal ontogenetic migration. The spring ascent for all three species was just prior to or in association with the break-up of sea ice and the development of the spring bloom, whereas descent occurred over a larger time span during summer. The main overwintering stages were CV for C. finmarchicus, CIV and CV for C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus. Peak abundance of juvenile copepodites, representing the new generation, was in August for C. finmarchicus, in July for C. glacialis and in May/June for C. hyperboreus. From the timing of reproduction and the population development, the life cycles were deduced to be 1 year for C. finmarchicus and at least 2 years for C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus. Secondary production and potential grazing impact of the Calanus community were estimated by two methods based on specific egg-production rates and temperature-dependent production. The Calanus community was not able to control the primary producers during the spring bloom but probably did during post-bloom. The estimates also indicated that grazing on ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates contributes as an essential food source in the post-bloom period.  相似文献   

Nematode assemblage composition, trophic structure and biodiversity were followed over an annual cycle in a Posidonia oceanica bed of the NW Mediterranean to test the response to temporally changing food availability (sediment organic matter, bacterial and microphytobenthic biomass). The sediment-water interface of the seagrass meadow was characterised by high particulate organic matter concentrations. Also, seagrass sediments had high organic matter content, chloropigment concentrations and bacterial biomass. All organic matter components (i.e. carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) changed temporally, with higher concentrations in winter and spring and lower concentrations in summer; however, overall, large amounts of organic compounds were potentially available for (seagrass) benthic consumers throughout the year. Nematode assemblage in the P. oceanica bed maintained a high genus number (88 genera), and a trophic structure tightly coupled with the composition of the potential food sources. In agreement with the relevance of microphytobenthos, epigrowth-feeder nematodes (2A) represented the dominant trophic guild. The biomass of predator nematodes (2B) was significantly correlated with the biomass of other nematodes. Non-selective deposit feeders (1B) displayed a close relationship with the concentration of proteins, carbohydrates and biopolymeric carbon (i.e. labile organic detritus). Conversely to what was expected, epigrowth feeders were not correlated with chloropigment concentrations, but showed a significant relationship with the number of dividing bacteria, possibly suggesting a trophic plasticity of the 2A feeding guild. The coupling between temporal changes in food sources and temporal variability of the nematode trophic structure was highlighted by a CANOCO analysis, which allowed us to identify and associate, at each sampling time, nematode genera and their feeding habits, with specific environmental variables and food indicators. Furthermore, species diversity (H') and evenness (J) calculated on nematodes identified to the genus level displayed evident temporal changes, also reflected by the index of trophic diversity (ITD). Both structural and functional diversity were coupled with high concentration and highly heterogeneous composition of the food sources (including organic detritus, microphytobenthic algae and bacteria) potentially available to nematodes. These data suggest that temporal changes in quantity and quality of food sources do not only influence nematode dynamics and trophic composition, but also influence nematode structural and functional diversity.  相似文献   

Previous molecular phylogenetic analyses have shown that five tropical lucinid species living in or near Thalassia testudinum seagrass beds are colonized by the same bacterial symbiont species. In addition, a new lucinid species belonging to the genus Anodontia, which inhabits reducing sediment found near seagrass beds and in mangrove swamps, has been included in the present study. Endosymbiosis in Anodontia alba was examined according to symbiont phylogenetic and gill ultrastructural analysis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that partial 16S rDNA sequences of A. alba- and Codakia orbicularis-symbionts were 100% identical at all nucleotide positions determined, suggesting that A. alba also harbors the same symbiont species as C. orbicularis (and, consequently, as C. orbiculata, C. pectinella, Linga pensylvanica and Divaricella quadrisulcata). Based on light and electron microscopy, the cellular organization of the gill filament appeared similar to those already described in other lucinids. The most distinctive feature is the lack of "granule cells" in the lateral zone of A. alba gill filaments. In order to confirm the single-species hypothesis, purified fractions of gill bacterial symbionts obtained from the gills of each of the six tropical lucinids cited above were used to infect aposymbiotic juveniles of C. orbicularis. In each case, aposymbiotic juvenile batches were successfully infected by the gill-endosymbiont fractions, whereas, during the experiments, juveniles from the negative control were still uninfected. These experimental data confirm the phylogenetic data and also demonstrate that chemoautotrophic bacterial endosymbionts from their host cells can colonize aposymbiotic juveniles. The conclusion also follows that intracellular gill-endosymbionts still have the capacity to recognize and colonize new host generations. Lucinids provide a unique model for the study of sulfide-oxidizing symbiosis, even if symbionts remain unculturable.  相似文献   

The emergence of the Isthmus of Panama, approximately 3.0-3.5 million years ago, established two very different marine systems (the Caribbean and the eastern Pacific) and separated previously continuous marine populations. The geographic isolation of transisthmian sister species provides an excellent basis for the study of divergence and speciation processes. Here we describe the morphology of the first postembryonic stage of Alpheus saxidomus and A. simus, two rock-boring alpheids; the estimated time since divergence for this transisthmian pair ranges from 4.4-6.1 to 3-9 million years. The presence of a first zoeal stage in A. saxidomus, e.g., without pleopods and a telson with 7+7 setae, indicates a prolonged developmental sequence. In contrast, hatchlings of A. simus are substantially more developed and resemble juveniles. Thus, the developmental modes of A. saxidomus and A. simus are strikingly different with abbreviated, most probably direct, development in the latter species. Reduced food availability in the Caribbean compared to the Pacific coast is likely to be a possible reason for the evolution of such important differences in life history traits of the two transisthmian sister species. It is suggested that a transition from prolonged to abbreviated development evolved gradually during the estimated time since divergence; however, such a shift may have taken place within a substantially smaller time span.  相似文献   

D. Daby 《Marine Biology》2003,142(1):193-203
Seagrass distribution was recorded by snorkel dives on a grid of stations in the waterfront of Club Méditerranée at Mon Choisy-Trou Aux Biches lagoon (NW Mauritius) and subsequently mapped using SURFER 6 computer software. Above-ground (AG) and below-ground (BG) standing biomass in terms of dry weight (DW) and ash-free dry weight (AFDW) as well as shoot density and shoot length were monitored monthly from June1997 to May1998 in a mixed stand of Halodule uninervis and Syringodium isoetifolium (dominant) at a shallow, nearshore station in the lagoon. Measurements of physical and chemical parameters [water temperature, current speed, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate and phosphate concentrations] were made simultaneously, as well as at a reference station (ORE) outside the coral reef. The bottom sediment was analysed for grain size and type composition. Variation patterns were examined and statistical correlations drawn to relate plant performance to the environmental variables measured. The SURFER 6 programme generated a satisfactory contour map of seagrass distribution in the lagoon with a cover range of 0-60%. The densest patches occurred adjacent to the shoreline experiencing weaker water currents (3-13 cm s-1) rather than near the reef (5-35 cm s-1), where seagrasses were absent. Sand (0.063-2 mm grain size) constituted 97.2% and 77.6% of the nearshore and near-reef sediment, respectively. The dominant grain types were derived from corals (about 80%) and mollusc shells (about 14%). The recorded range of total standing biomass for H. uninervis was 243.1-468.2 g DW m-2 (326.9ᇛ.7 g) or 71.7-141.2 g AFDW m-2 (96.8ᆨ.1 g) and for S. isoetifolium it was 271.7-758 g DW m-2 (460.4끯.1 g) or 119-220.5 g AFDW m-2 (155.1ᆮ.5 g), with a maximum biomass increase during September-December in both species. AG:BG biomass ratios were generally <1 and approximated 1 during the warmest months of December-February only. Mean shoot density (1,077-4,364 shoots m-2 in the overall range of 998-4,428 shoots m-2) and mean shoot length (10.9-20.8 cm in the overall range of 7-31 cm) in S. isoetifolium were higher than in H. uninervis (1,732-4,137 shoots m-2 in the overall range of 1,522-4,327 shoots m-2 and 7.9-13.7 cm in the overall range of 6-20 cm, respectively). Temperature showed strong positive correlations with total AFDW biomass of both species (r=0.755, P<0.01 for H. uninervis; r=0.679, P<0.02 for S. isoetifolium) and with DO (r=0.925, P<0.01). High DO levels (10.7-11.2 mg l-1) coincided with optimum standing biomass at 27.2°C. Correlations were also strong with shoot density (r=0.881, P<0.01 for H. uninervis; r=0.952, P<0.01 for S. isoetifolium) and shoot length (r=0.752, P<0.01 for H. uninervis; r=0.797, P<0.01 for S. isoetifolium). Under optimal environmental conditions, nutrient inputs from surface run-off or underground freshwater seepage in the lagoon due to heavy rainfall may boost up seagrass biomass, as suggested by positive significant correlations between phosphate levels and AG AFDW biomass (r=0.63, P<0.05 for H. uninervis; r=0.65, P<0.05 for S. isoetifolium) and shoot density (r=0.6, P<0.05 for H. uninervis; r=0.687, P<0.02 for S. isoetifolium). The results generated in this study suggest local seagrass standing biomass is comparable to that reported in monospecific stands from elsewhere. Anthropogenic activities increasingly draw down the resilience of the seagrass beds around Mauritius, and preventative measures are indispensable to achieve coastal ecological stability.  相似文献   

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