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Recent research indicates that driver error contributes to up to 75% of all roadway crashes. Despite this, only relatively little is currently known about the types of errors that drivers make and of the causal factors that contribute to these errors being made. This article presents an overview of the literature on human error in road transport. In particular, the work of three pioneers of human error research, Norman, Reason and Rasmussen, is scrutinised. An overview of the research on driver error follows, to consider the different types of errors that drivers make. It was found that all but one of these does not use a human error taxonomy. A generic driver error taxonomy is therefore proposed based upon the dominant psychological mechanisms thought to be involved. These mechanisms are: perception, attention, situation assessment, planning, and intention, memory and recall, and action execution. In addition, a taxonomy of road transport error causing factors, derived from the review of the driver error literature, is also presented. In conclusion to this article, a range of potential technological solutions that could be used to either prevent, or mitigate, the consequences of the driver errors identified are specified.  相似文献   

现代化工业企业人因失误分析与事故预防   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代化工业企业中人因失误已成为影响系统安全与可靠性的最主要因素,通过分析现代化企业的基本特征,探讨了系统监控人员行为模型、人因失误分类及原因,并提出了人因事件的预防策略。  相似文献   

In complex, large-scale systems, event analyses are constrained by the quality of the data gathered, the maturity of the associated reporting system, and the training and background of the investigator and reporter. Such constraints place limits on the adequacy and strength of analyses conducted with the data. In this paper, we focus on the challenges of measuring performance variability in complex systems, using the lens of human and organizational error modeling. This paper begins with an overview of human and organizational error assessments, and then introduces the particular challenges of data needs in human reliability analyses. A case study of human and organizational error analysis in a complex, large-scale system, marine transportation in Puget Sound, is used to illustrate the impact of the data challenges on risk assessment processes. Suggestions for future research conclude the paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of employees' future time perspective (FTP) in the association between human resource management (HRM) systems and work‐related attitudes. Drawing on social exchange theory, signaling theory, and affective events theory, we hypothesize HRM systems' indirect effects on individual‐level job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment as mediated by FTP. The results of this multilevel study, comprising 913 employees of 76 business units, provide evidence that HRM systems have (i) direct effects on employees' FTP and (ii) indirect effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment via FTP. In addition, three HRM bundles' (i.e., knowledge, skills, and abilities enhancing; motivation enhancing; and opportunity enhancing) corresponding indirect effects are explored. We discuss the results, theoretical contributions, and practical implications of the study, as well as future research directions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511, which provide a general framework for the design and implementation of safety instrumented systems, require quantification of the achieved risk reduction, expressed as a safety integrity level (SIL). Human and organisational factors affect the performance of safety instrumented systems during operation and may threaten the achieved SIL, but this is usually not explicitly accounted for. This article presents a new approach to address human and organisational factors in the operational phase of safety instrumented systems. This approach gives a prediction of the operational SIL and can also be used to improve safety. It shows which human and organisational factors are most in need of improvement and it provides guidance for preventive or corrective action. Finally, the approach can be used as part of a SIL monitoring strategy in order to maintain the achieved SIL at the required level during the operational phase.  相似文献   

CREAM追溯法在交通事故人因分析中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人因失效是道路交通事故发生的主要原因.认知可靠性和失误分析方法(CREAM)可以追溯事故发生的根原因,并对事故隐患进行预测.它强调情景环境对人的行为的重要影响,较符合驾驶员可靠性分析的需求.研究了CREAM中的追溯分析方法在道路交通人因失效事件根原因分析中的应用,建立了道路交通事故的人因失效模式,对人因失效基本原因的分类和后果-前因关系进行归纳、整理和补充,提出了适用于道路交通人因失效事件的“后果-前因”追溯表和具体的追溯分析步骤.进而对其定量计算进行了探索,并通过实例探讨了其应用,得到事故发生的根原因.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(1):5-26
This paper deals with selected problems of human factors in the design of process control systems. The argument is that although there are already some legal obligations to take human factors into account, practical experience shows that this is not done adequately and sufficiently. Two types of human–machine interfaces are distinguished, i.e. the task interface and the interaction interface. The design philosophy of process engineers seems to aim at automating all safety critical functions, which is called into question based on the available ergonomics evidence. For the interaction interface examples are presented, showing a further substantial neglect of basic human factors principles, which in turn results in increased operator strain during system failures.It is argued that there is a demand for immediate action, i.e. for the application of existing human factors knowledge in process control system design, for a professional evaluation of human factors in process control systems, and for research on possibilities of using new technologies that assist the operator in controlling the process control system.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: How can human contributions to accidents be reconstructed? Investigators can easily take the position a of retrospective outsider, looking back on a sequence of events that seems to lead to an inevitable outcome, and pointing out where people went wrong. This does not explain much, however, and may not help prevent recurrence. METHOD AND RESULTS: This paper examines how investigators can reconstruct the role that people contribute to accidents in light of what has recently become known as the new view of human error. The commitment of the new view is to move controversial human assessments and actions back into the flow of events of which they were part and which helped bring them forth, to see why assessments and actions made sense to people at the time. The second half of the paper addresses one way in which investigators can begin to reconstruct people's unfolding mindsets. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: In an era where a large portion of accidents are attributed to human error, it is critical to understand why people did what they did, rather than judging them for not doing what we now know they should have done. This paper helps investigators avoid the traps of hindsight by presenting a method with which investigators can begin to see how people's actions and assessments actually made sense at the time.  相似文献   

Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems (IVHS) have been proposed in the wake of rapid worldwide growth in traffic volume and density. These systems involve the application of advanced sensor, communications, computational, and control technologies to the design of highways and vehicles to improve traffic flow and safety. Similar technologies have been applied in other transportation systems such as aviation and air-traffic control, and it is suggested that the human factors insights derived from these systems can be usefully applied, proactively rather than retroactively, in IVHS design. Several safety and human factors issues relevant to the design of IVHS technologies, both near-term and long-term, are discussed, including: (a) the optimization of driver mental workload in highly-automated “hybrid” systems; (b) the design of in-vehicle navigation aids and the resolution of display conflicts; (c) individual and group differences in driver behavior and their implications for training and licensure; (d) the evolution and integration of IVHS technologies; and (e) traffic management and the regulation of driver trust in IVHS. Successful resolution of these issues and their incorporation in IVHS design will provide for fully functional systems that will serve the twin needs of reducing traffic congestion and improving highway safety.  相似文献   

This review explores the social causes and psychological and organizational consequences of the criminalization of human error in aviation and healthcare. Increasing prevalence of criminal prosecution is seen as a threat to the health and safety of employees and entire safety–critical systems in many industries, but initiatives to counter or mitigate the trend are local and haphazard. Social causes such as a greater societal risk consciousness and intolerance of failure are examined, as well as organizational consequences for disclosure and incident reporting. Psychological consequences of the criminalization of human error are evaluated in terms of employee ill-health, an area that is under-investigated. The criminalization of professional mistakes seems to be an increasingly prevalent phenomenon at the intersection of safety work, sociology, criminology and legal as well as social justice. This paper reviews possible research directions into the criminalization of professional mistake in aviation and healthcare, in the hope of stimulating debate and eventually legitimating it as a topic of study in its own right.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a realization that total elimination of human error may be difficult to achieve. A further reduction of accidents will require a better understanding of how practitioners manage their errors in ways that consequences are contained or mitigated. With this goal in mind, the present study has set out to propose a framework of cognitive strategies in error detection that would make human performance resilient to changes in work demands. The literature regarded error detection as a spontaneous process that occurs either while an action is executed (action-based detection) or after action feedback (outcome-based detection). To help practitioners maintain a state of mindfulness and introspection, this study proposes several cognitive strategies such as, rehearsing tasks for future execution, bringing into conscious attention routine tasks, seeing how trajectories change over time, and cross-checking data for reliability. Two further detection mechanisms are proposed at the situation assessment and planning stages of performance. Awareness-based detection may include revising a model of the situation, finding hidden assumptions, and testing the plausibility of assumptions. Planning-based detection addresses issues such as, identifying uncertainties in a plan, thinking out possible errors, and deciding when and how often to review task progress. Finally, several attitudinal factors and team factors are presented that affect the processes of error detection and identification. The cognitive strategies in error detection together with the attitudinal and team factors constitute a framework for designing the content of error management training.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and odds of fleet driver errors and potentially distracting behaviors just prior to rear-end versus angle crashes.

Methods: Analysis of naturalistic driving videos among fleet services drivers for errors and potentially distracting behaviors occurring in the 6 s before crash impact. Categorical variables were examined using the Pearson's chi-square test, and continuous variables, such as eyes-off-road time, were compared using the Student's t-test. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the odds of a driver error or potentially distracting behavior being present in the seconds before rear-end versus angle crashes.

Results: Of the 229 crashes analyzed, 101 (44%) were rear-end and 128 (56%) were angle crashes. Driver age, gender, and presence of passengers did not differ significantly by crash type. Over 95% of rear-end crashes involved inadequate surveillance compared to only 52% of angle crashes (P < .0001). Almost 65% of rear-end crashes involved a potentially distracting driver behavior, whereas less than 40% of angle crashes involved these behaviors (P < .01). On average, drivers spent 4.4 s with their eyes off the road while operating or manipulating their cell phone. Drivers in rear-end crashes were at 3.06 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.73–5.44) times adjusted higher odds of being potentially distracted than those in angle crashes.

Conclusions: Fleet driver driving errors and potentially distracting behaviors are frequent. This analysis provides data to inform safe driving interventions for fleet services drivers. Further research is needed in effective interventions to reduce the likelihood of drivers' distracting behaviors and errors that may potentially reducing crashes.  相似文献   

This study looked into the risk factors to musculoskeletal disorders and established anthropometric measurements of Filipino workers in 29 manufacturing industries. Anthropometric measurements of 1,805 workers were taken, and 495 workers were surveyed. Limitation of motion was found in 0.8% of the respondents, affectation in activities of daily living was seen in 1.6% and 3.2% felt discomfort in the head and neck. Upper trunk and low back pain was experienced by 23.8%. Odds ratio results (p = .05) showed that it is 29 times likely for workers to develop low back pain when they stand for 2-8 hrs a day than when they sit all the time. Anthropometry can be used for the design of workstations and work furniture.  相似文献   

Identifying the errors that frequently result in the occurrence of rail incidents and accidents can lead to the development of appropriate prevention and/or mitigation strategies. Nineteen rail safety investigation reports were reviewed and two error identification tools, the Human factors analysis and classification system (HFACS) and the Technique for the retrospective and predictive analysis of cognitive errors (TRACEr-rail version), used as the means of identifying and classifying train driver errors associated with rail accidents/incidents in Australia. We aimed to identify the similarities and differences between the techniques in their capacity to identify and classify errors and also to determine how consistently the tools are applied. The HFACS analysis indicated that slips of attention (i.e. ‘skilled based errors’) were the most common ‘unsafe acts’ committed by drivers. The TRACEr-rail analysis indicated that most ‘train driving errors’ were ‘violations’ while most ‘train stopping errors’ were ‘errors of perception’. Both tools identified the underlying factors with the largest impact on driver error to be decreased alertness and incorrect driver expectations/assumptions about upcoming information. Overall, both tools proved useful in categorising driver errors from existing investigation reports, however, each tool appeared to neglect some important and different factors associated with error occurrence. Both tools were found to possess only moderate inter-rater reliability. It is thus recommended that the tools be modified, or a new tool be developed, for complete and consistent error classification.  相似文献   

We focus on the contributions to research generated by considering attitudes and behaviors as dynamic over time and across different levels. Using turnover research as an example, we demonstrate how a past, present, and future focus, across levels, may enhance both theory and methodology. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着我国民航业的快速发展,通勤航空迎来前所未有的发展机遇,阿拉善盟通勤航空试点的建立更加说明在我国发展通勤航空是一种必然趋势。通勤航空起源于美国,发展速度极快,目前占据了美国整个航空业一半航班数、四分之一乘客数,已经发展成为美国支线航空运输的重要组成部分,但是其安全形势不容乐观。对美国通勤航空的安全现状从人-机-环-管4个方面进行分析,并对比分析我国和美国通勤航空发展环境的差距,借鉴美国采取的措施,为我国通勤航空运输企业的安全运行提出一些可以借鉴的经验:如规章制度要科学,规章体系要完善;严格控制通勤航空各类技术人员合格证书的颁发;加强安全监管;将干线、支线航空的安全数据分享给通勤航空。  相似文献   

We spend a substantial part of our daily life waiting, and unfortunately, wait time can fuel aggressive tendencies. Our study examines the relationship between wait time, perceived wait time, and aggressive tendencies from a construal level perspective. In Study 1, we found that the higher the construal level, the stronger the relationship between actual and perceived wait time and the stronger relationship between perceived wait time and aggressive tendencies. In Study 2, we manipulated construal level and found that power explains the moderating impact of construal on the wait—aggressive tendencies relationships. Results demonstrate the role of construal in explaining both perceived wait time and aggressive responses to long wait times, suggesting that mental construal influences both the psychological experience of time and the subsequent reaction to that experience. Overall, these results contribute to research on subjective time perspective by enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the determinants and effects of perceived wait time.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to explore the distribution and correlates of subjective sleepiness among the general night-time driving population. METHODS: The survey took place in three British Columbia communities in June 2003 between 21:00 hours to 03:00 hours. Sites and vehicles were selected randomly. Surveyors obtained information on several demographic and situational variables including self-assessed degree of sleepiness and self-reported hours asleep and awake, as well as an objective measure of blood alcohol concentration obtained from a hand-held breath-testing device. RESULTS: The total compliance rate among intercepted drivers was 85%. Among the 2335 drivers responding to the questionnaire, 68.4% indicated that they were wide awake, 27.6% were somewhat sleepy, and 4.1% were very sleepy. Logistic regression quantified the independent contributions of the various factors to subjective sleepiness. Male drivers with positive blood alcohol concentrations under 50 mg% were more likely to report feeling sleepy than those with either higher or with zero blood alcohol concentration. Greater relative risk of sleepiness was also associated with being female, being under age 55, and advanced hour of night. Driving with passengers of the same gender was associated with lower reported sleepiness. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of night-time drivers are driving while sleepy, especially at late night and early morning hours. The combination of alcohol and sleepiness compounds impairment in experimental studies and deserves greater attention in crash risk studies and as a topic for public education and awareness.  相似文献   

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