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Local authorities in the UK have been set challenging new targets for recycling household waste for 2003/4. This means many of them are urgently trying to determine which parameters in kerbside schemes are most important for increasing recycling rates. In this work information from previous kerbside schemes was used to plan significant improvements in an existing scheme in Horsham District, UK, and a trial was conducted using 1000 homes including a control group. It used fortnightly collection of residual waste with sets of recyclables collected on alternate weeks. The new scheme resulted in improvements of participation rates from 72 to 84%, and set-out rates from 45 to 59% (falling to 76 and 50% respectively, some months later). Details on participation and set-out for different groups of materials are given, as well as levels of excess waste and participation in the collection of garden waste.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the cost of water supply for small and mid-sized private water utilities. An econometric approach was employed in which data on utility costs and characteristics were used to estimate a total water supply cost function from which average and marginal costs were derived. The results suggest that although average and marginal costs decline with output, the rate of decline rapidly approaches zero, and unit costs therefore appear to remain relatively constant over a wide range of output. Implications of the results for pricing policy are examined.  相似文献   

What municipal recycling rate is socially optimal? One credible answer would consider the recycling rate that minimizes the overall social costs of managing municipal waste. Such social costs are comprised of all budgetary costs and revenues associated with operating municipal waste and recycling programs, all costs to recycling households associated with preparing and storing recyclable materials for collection, all external disposal costs associated with waste disposed at landfills or incinerators, and all external benefits associated with the provision of recycled materials that foster environmentally efficient production processes. This paper discusses how to estimate these four components of social cost to then estimate the optimal recycling rate.  相似文献   

Post-consumer plastic packaging waste (PPW) can be collected for recycling via source separation or post-separation. In source separation, households separate plastics from other waste before collection, whereas in post-separation waste is separated at a treatment centre after collection. There are also two collection schemes, either curb side or via drop-off locations. These different schemes have impact on total costs of collection at the municipal level. It can also influence the facility choices and network design. Therefore, a method which can compare costs of various collection schemes is needed.A comprehensive cost model was developed to compare costs of municipal collection schemes of PPW. The ‘municipal waste collection cost model’ is based on variables including fixed and variable costs per vehicle, personnel cost, container or bag costs as well as on emission costs (using imaginary carbon taxes). The model can be used for decision support when strategic changes to the collection scheme of municipalities are considered. The model takes into account the characteristics of municipalities, including urbanization degree and taxation schemes for household waste management.The model was applied to the Dutch case of post-consumer plastic packaging waste. Results showed that that in general post-separation collection has the lowest costs and curb side collection in urban municipalities without residual waste collection taxing schemes the highest. These results were supported by the conducted sensitivity analysis, which showed that higher source separation responses are negatively related to curb side collection costs. Greenhouse gas emission costs are a significant part of the total costs when collecting post-consumer plastic packaging waste due to the low density to weight ratio of the materials collect. These costs can amount to 15% of the total collection costs.  相似文献   

It is widely agreed that public support is vital to the success of most recycling schemes; the actions of householders are paramount to the success of sustainable waste policies. However, the success of recycling schemes is not just dependent on public participation; it is also dependent on careful planning, effective design and tailoring to local needs.This study has evaluated a kerbside recycling scheme in the north-west of England by comparing the recycling performance of those on alternate collections of residual waste and recyclates with those on weekly residual collections and fortnightly recyclate collections. Three data collection methodologies were adopted: postal questionnaires, set-out rate monitoring, and personal interviews with policy writers.The results demonstrated that alternate collections produce higher recycling set-out rates, suggesting that alternate collections will also generate higher recycling rates. The research showed that if designed and complemented by other services, then an alternate collection system is a realistic waste management approach. However, the local authority and the public appear to use different indicators of success for the scheme. The local authority uses governmental performance indicators (such as best value performance indicators—BVPIs) to measure success, whereas the public's indicators of success tend to focus more on issues such as required changes to established behaviours, convenience and personal preferences.A key recommendation from this study is that all local authorities should carry out local opinion surveys on an annual basis to supplement the BVPIs required by statute. This should help them to fill the information gaps in order to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date and user-responsive waste management service to the public.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) may be one of the most successful methodologies for predicting flow characteristics in ungauged watersheds. However, one difficulty in applying the GIUH model is determination of travel time, and the other difficulty is the large amount of geomorphologic information required in the study watershed. Recently, using the kinematic-wave theory Lee and Yen (1997) have analytically determined the travel times for overland and channel flows in watersheds. The limitation of using an empirical velocity equation to estimate the runoff travel time for a specified watershed is then relaxed. To simplify the time-consuming work involved in geomorphic parameter measurement on topographic maps, the GIUH model is linked with geographic information systems to obtain geomorphic parameters from digital elevation models. In this paper, a case study performed for peak flow analysis in an ungauged watershed is presented. The geomorphic characteristics of the study watershed were analyzed using a digital elevation model and were used to construct the runoff simulation model. The design storm was then applied to the geomorphic runoff simulation model to obtain the design hydrograph. The analytical procedures proposed in this study can provide a convenient way for hydrologists to estimate hydrograph characteristics based on limited hydrologic information.  相似文献   

Attaining recycling goals of 25 to 50% over the next few years will require substantial recycling of residential wastes. A combined program of curbside recycling of conventional post-consumer materials and collection and composting of both leaves and grass will yield a composite diversion rate of 12 to 21% by weight. But in many communities, particularly in the west central and south central states of the American heartland, implementation of such programs will result in a net increase in solid waste management costs. Case studies of four communities in Oklahoma are used to estimate the potential increase in first-year net costs that would result from implementing a combined recycling and yard waste composting program. The results are compared to survey data from Oklahoma and Florida that define the amount residents are likely to be willing to pay for the benefits of recycling. The potential to close the apparent willingness-to-pay gap through state subsidies is then assessed. Where state capital grants programs are insufficient to bridge the gap, and local officials are reluctant to impose costs that are not publicly supported, public education efforts will be needed to increase the value residents ascribe to the nonexclusive positive externalities and local nonmarket benefits of recycling.  相似文献   

Although the use of kerbside recycling facilities by householders is often key to the reduction of materials disposed of to landfill, the quantitative assessment of householders' recycling behaviour is problematic. This study introduces a method to diagnose recycling behaviour by assessing kerbside scheme use in terms of the set-out of recyclate containers compared to the proportion of households participating in recycling (participation ratio). Application of numerical behaviour models demonstrated that kerbside recycling in sampled regions of the UK tends to be consistent with householders using kerbside schemes more frequently than would be observed with random patterns of use that are uniform amongst all householders. When aggregated to collection rounds, householders' modal recycling behaviour tended towards either non-participation or frequent participation. We propose that initiatives to enhance kerbside recycling should employ such quantitative assessments of recycling behavioural modes to inform and guide promotional and educational strategies. A conceptual model for prioritizing campaigns to promote recycling at the kerbside on the basis of identifiable and quantifiable patterns of householder recycling behaviour is presented.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾收集与运输路线的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芳芳  秦侠  刘伟 《四川环境》2010,29(4):115-119,130
城市生活垃圾收运系统是生活垃圾管理的重要组成部分,收运费用占垃圾处理处置费用的40%~50%,为降低收运系统成本,减少环境污染与社会影响,需对垃圾车的收运路线进行合理优化。本文在参考国内外大量文献的基础上,评述了国内外城市生活垃圾收集与运输路线的优化模型与方法及其研究进展,通过各种模型与方法的对比,指出它们的优点与存在的问题。借鉴已有的研究思路与方法,引出作者对优化城市生活垃圾收运路线的思路并给出深入研究的建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The movement of precipitation water infiltrating through the material (refuse) of solid waste landfills is examined via numerical solution of the equations of continuity, and motion (Darcy's Law). The solution of the equations is obtained by a fully implicit, finite-difference scheme. Both unsaturated and saturated surface conditions are considered, making the scheme suitable for real-time simulation of net precipitation and moisture redistribution events. A sensitivity analysis showed that for unsaturated surface conditions the solution is primarily affected by hydraulic conductivity and capillary diffusivity, and is relatively independent of the space and time steps. In addition, the precipitation averaging process is shown to be critical in the correct computation of moisture transport during the time period where the transition from unsaturated to saturated conditions occurs. The model presented herein is suitable for analysis of water movement through landfills, and the design of bottom collection systems.  相似文献   

This study empirically estimates the multiple benefits of a subsidy policy that would offer payments to farmers in return for the adoption of conservation tillage, and compares the outcomes of alternative targeting designs for such a policy. The least-cost incentive payment policy schemes are simulated for the State of Iowa by using the data for roughly 12,000 National Resource Inventory (NRI) points. We use an economic conservation tillage adoption model to evaluate the costs of adoption and a physical process simulation model (EPIC) to estimate the environmental benefits due to adoption at each of the NRI points.Two targeting options are considered. We assess the costs and environmental consequences of a practice-based policy instrument (which maximizes the acres of land in conservation tillage, regardless of its level of environmental benefits) and contrast it to a performance-based instrument (which yields the highest amount of environmental benefits per dollar spent). Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils, reduction of soil erosion by wind and water, and the reduction in nitrogen runoff are considered as possible targets for the performance-based instruments. We find that the practice-based instrument provides high proportions of the four benefits relative to the policies that target the benefits directly, especially at the higher policy budget levels. Similarly, we estimate that targeting one of the four benefits individually provides high percentages of the other benefits as compared with the amounts of the benefits obtainable if they were targeted directly.  相似文献   

We employed the contingent valuation method to estimate the willingness to pay of the respondents to improve the waste collection system in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Our objective was to estimate how WTP differs between respondents who received or did not receive door to door waste collection. The methodology consisted of asking people directly about their willingness to pay an additional waste collection service charge to cover the costs of a new waste management project. The mean value of WTP for areas that received waste collection service areas was higher than for residents of areas that did not but the difference was not statistically significant. The aggregate value of WTP of the respondents in Dhaka city was 7.6 million Taka (USD0.1 million).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An application of the receiving water block of the EPA Storm Water management Model (SWMM) is presented to quantify water quality impacts and evaluated control alternatives for a 208 areawide waste water management plan in Volusia Country, Florida. The water quality impact analyses were conducted for dry-and wet-weather conditions to simulate dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorides, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) in the Halifax Rivers, Florida, a 40-kilometer-long tidal estuary located on the Atlantic coast of Florida near Daytona Beach. Dry-weather analysis was performed using conventional 7-day, 10-year low flow conditions to determine a set of unit transfer coefficients which estimate the pollutant concentration transferred to any point in the estuary from a constant unit discharge of pollutants at the existing waste water treatment plant outfall locations. Wet-weather analysis was performed by continuous simulation of a typical three-month summer wet season in Florida. Three-month cumulative duration curves of DO, TN and TP concentrations were constructed to estimate the relative value of controlling urban runoff of waste water treatment plant effluent on the Halifax River. The three-month continuous simulation indicated that the greatest change in DO, TN, and TP duration curves is possible by abatement of waste water treatment plant pollution.  相似文献   

The Las Vegas, Nevada area like most semi-arid basins, was developed through exploitation of available ground-water resources. Area growth in this large valley has occurred in a scattered and sporadic manner with development both in incorporated areas and within the County. As a result, today there exist five major water suppliers which are: a water district, three municipalities, and a large corporation, in addition to numerous small water companies and thousands of domestic wells. In the past 20 years the area has grown from a population of less than 50,000 to over 300,000 today. The bulk of the water demand for this growth has been met from the ground-water resource and as a result the basin is being severely mined. Current extractions are over three times the estimated annual replenishment. Rapidly declining water levels are increasing the costs of water and are creating water shortages during periods of peak demand. To meet both the current and anticipated water demands, the Southern Nevada Water Supply Project is being constructed to import additional water from nearby Lake Mead. Agriculture in the area is very limited, and primarily uses reclaimed waste water for irrigation. The chief water demands in the area are thus municipal and industrial, with the former predominating. This study was designed to determine how best the Las Vegas Valley Water District, supplier of 80 percent of the domestic water, might integrate the use of the existing ground water and anticipated imported surface water. Additionally the consequences of application of certain provisions in the Nevada Water Law were examined to determine their effects on the ground-water system and costs of water. To achieve these objectives, a dynamic programming technique was utilized. The problem as formulated consists of a single decision variable, single state variable dynamic programming algorithm evaluated over a fifty-year planning horizon at monthly intervals. Three alternative solutions, with different ground-water law constraints are evaluated. In all solutions certain basic operating rules regarding ground-water pumping distribution and use of surface-water systems are kept constant. The problem is considered as deterministic in all respects. Recharge to ground water is assumed to equal the estimated average annual replenishment evenly distributed over the year and additionally is not considered to be a function of average basin ground water potential. The only surface supply, Lake Mead, is considered to operate at near constant elevation and not be subject to shortage conditions. In light of the size of Lake Mead, the Colorado River flow and the size of Nevada's allotment, 300,000 ac ft, the latter assumption is reasonable. Demand for water is considered as a known function of time. Optimization of conjunctive use for the Water District is based on the objective function of minimizing water production costs. Costs of distributing water are considered to be constant regardless of source, and so are not included. Also, fixed costs of amortizing the pipeline project and well fields are not considered. Results of the study are presented as a series of policy traces under each of the three alternatives considered. These traces describe the ground-water basin response under optimal operating conditions, given an estimate as to the present worth of ground-water pumping rights, and prescribe monthly water-procurement schedules for the operation of the Water District.  相似文献   

In developing countries, the recycling of municipal solid waste (MSW) as an alternative to the traditional MSW management requires an economic sustainability valuation. From this perspective, the estimation of demand for recycling is crucial. In this paper, we study the case of recycling MSW in Santiago, Chile. We estimate the relation between the monthly amount of MSW separated voluntarily from apartments located in Santiago and the monthly price required to participate in a municipal recycling program. We consider the transference of the municipal cost savings to the owners of the apartments due to the amount of MSW separated for recycling, which is not collected and deposited in the current MSW system. For the estimation, we use concepts from environmental economics and psychology, analyzing the operation and municipal costs incurred by current MSW management and designing and applying a survey based on a contingent valuation method (CVM) approach. The results indicate that the percentage of MSW separated for recycling varies between a 27.98% and 33.18%, that only four MSW types are affected by a variation of the monthly price, and that a reduction of monthly collection trips in the current MSW system from 24 to 18 can be obtained. Additionally, we discuss a number of methodological aspects to be considered in a similar study of valuation of recycling in developing countries. Our conclusion is that Santiago has favorable conditions for the implementation of a recycling program as an alternative to the current MSW system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a methodology for the evaluation of water quality plans analogous to procedures used in flood control planning, where flood damage frequency curves provide the basis for determining flood control benefits. The proposed method uses continuous water quality simulation to develop long term information from which water quality frequency curves can be obtained. This frequency information allows the evaluation of the impact of proposed water quality control plans taking into consideration the variable nature of the water resource. Using treatment costs and other economic indicators of water quality, the frequency information can be used to estimate the cost-effectiveness and economic efficiency of alternative plans. The method is demonstrated in a semi-hypothetical environment; real hydrologic and climatic characteristics are assigned to a hypothetical watershed configuration. Alternative management plans are simulated and analyzed for both physical and economic impacts. The advantages of continuous simulation and its use in water quality planning are explored.  相似文献   

Marine product collecting permits are useful management tools for providing information on usage patterns. Unfortunately, usage parameters based on permit issuance are invariably inaccurate because of permit noncompliance. Since noncompliance is a prosecutable offense, any attempt to estimate the rate of noncompliance by direct survey techniques is met with misleading and evasive responses. It has been shown elsewhere that randomized response designs reduce survey response bias to incriminating questions by ensuring respondent anonymity. With the use of the randomized response survey technique, estimates of permit noncompliance were determined for the Capricornia Section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Noncompliance with the requirement to obtain the prescribed permit was found to be low whereas, once a permit was obtained, noncompliance with specific permit conditions was considered high. Reasons for the high rate of noncompliance with specific conditions are presented, and it is recommended that marine park managers should not unreservedly base management decisions on usage data derived simply from permit issuance.  相似文献   

The environmental burden of collecting recoverables from households is generally omitted from life-cycle analyses comparing the environmental outcome of using secondary material from post-consumer waste (PCW) with virgin feedstock. However, this burden can be considerable, depending upon the characteristics of the collection methods employed. Given that the basic objective of recycling is to secure environmental benefits, it is vital that the burden of collection through both bring/dropoff and kerbside schemes is taken into account if a valid assessment of the environmental balance resulting from PCW recycling is to be made. This paper presents survey data comparing the burden of collection for different types of recycling provision. It describes the site and spatial characteristics determining the amount of transport dedicated to collection at bring/drop-off sites. Predictor variables are identified as measures of these characteristics, and the survey data compared with them. A regression model to assess energy use at bring/drop-off sites with varying characteristics is then developed. The potential uses of the techniques presented include the evaluation of the environmental burdens of recycling provision at the waste collection authority and regional level, allowing more informed choices to be made in the development of recycling provision from an environmental standpoint.  相似文献   

Nowadays microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a rapidly evolving field and studied extensively because of their simultaneous dual functions of decomposing organic waste matter and eco-power generation. Now, facing their low power density, multiple effects including various gravity conditions ranging from 0 G to 2 G and three kinds of geometric flow channel (serpentine channel, serpentine tapered channel and bio-mixer channel) in MFCs were studied because of their ability to significantly impact the performance of MFCs.Numerical simulation technology, with its significant lessening of time needed and saving experimental costs required was used in this study. Results show that a better power performance was found at a condition of 0.125 G and Reynolds number Re = 41.3 regardless of flow channel in MFCs. In addition, the bio-mixer channel of the flow channels in MFCs will have a better performance than the other two channels because of its lower pressure drop and higher power generation. These findings will provide useful information on enhancing the performance of MFCs, especially with the application of low gravity conditions in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Almost all of the existing solutions of aquifer test analysis assume constant discharge rate boundary conditions. In many actual pumping tests, constant discharge cannot be maintained. This paper presents a general solution for an aquifer test with variable discharge. The exact solution of drawdown distribution around an infinitesimally small diameter well in a uniform, horizontal, extensive, homogeneous, and isotropic confined aquifer is presented when the discharge changes with time during the aquifer test period. A general equation for the type curves resulting from any discharge variability is given, and its application for the exponential changes is presented in detail. A simple straight line procedure is proposed for field applications by considering late time drawdown data. The consideration of constant discharge leads to overestimation of transmissivity but storativity is underestimated. Practical application of the discharge variability is illustrated by a field example.  相似文献   

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