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An omphalocele is a congenital defect in the abdominal wall characterized by absent abdominal muscles, fascia, and skin. The characteristic ultrasound appearance includes a midline defect with herniation of abdominal contents into the base of the umbilical cord. Other anatomic abnormalities are seen in approximately 50% of cases, most notably cardiac defects (19%–32%). Approximately, 50% of cases are associated with genetic and multiple malformation syndromes including trisomy 13/18, pentalogy of Cantrell and Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. Therefore, a thorough evaluation is recommended, including detailed anatomic survey, fetal echocardiogram, genetic counseling, and prenatal diagnostic testing. Overall prognosis depends on the size of the omphalocele, genetic studies, and associated anomalies. Early prenatal diagnosis remains important in order to provide parental counseling and assist in pregnancy management. Delivery should occur at a tertiary care center. Timing and mode of delivery should be based on standard obstetric indications with cesarean delivery reserved for large omphalocele (>5 cm) or those that involve the fetal liver. Neonatal management involves either primary or staged reduction, both of which can be associated with a prolonged neonatal hospitalization.  相似文献   

Monochorionic diamniotic twins occur in about 1 in 300 pregnancies. Compared with dichorionic twins, they face increased risks because of the shared circulation. In about 15%, an imbalance in blood exchange occurs, such as twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia polycythemia sequence. In this review, we summarize the latest evidence on the management of monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies and their specific complications, with a focus on information that is relevant for prospective parents.  相似文献   

Klinefelter syndrome (KS) or 47,XXY is the most common sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA), occurring at a prevalence of 1 in 600 male pregnancies. Historically, only 25% of individuals with KS came to medical attention, for a range of issues across the life course including under-virilisation at birth, developmental and social concerns in childhood, absence, delay or arrest of puberty in adolescence or infertility in adulthood. Our understanding of the phenotypic spectrum of KS has been largely influenced by this ascertainment bias. With increasing uptake of antenatal noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), a corresponding increase in identification of KS has been documented. Population-based longitudinal data from infancy to adulthood on these individuals is lacking, which impedes balanced antenatal genetic counselling and raises issues for prospective parents and clinicians alike.  相似文献   

Sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA) can be detected on prenatal diagnostic testing and cell free DNA screening (cfDNA). High risk cfDNA results should be confirmed with diagnostic testing. This summary article serves as an update for prenatal providers and assimilates data from neurodevelopmental, epidemiologic, and registry studies on the most common SCA. This information can be helpful for counseling after prenatal diagnosis of sex chromosome aneuploidy. Incidence estimates may be influenced by ascertainment bias and this article is not a substitute for interdisciplinary consultation and counseling.  相似文献   

Fetal lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO), which often results in marked perinatal morbidity and mortality, is caused by a heterogeneous group of anatomical defects that lead to blockage of the urethra. The classic prenatal presentation of LUTO includes megacystis with hydronephrosis. While mild forms of the disease can be associated with favorable outcomes, more severe disease commonly leads to dysplastic changes in the fetal kidneys, and ultimately oligohydramnios, which can result in secondary pulmonary hypoplasia and renal failure at birth. The aim of this review is to provide practitioners with a general overview of the diagnosis and treatment of LUTO based on disease severity, along with some points to consider when counseling prospective parents of fetuses with this condition.  相似文献   

Cleft lip and/or palate (CL/CP) is the most common congenital craniofacial anomaly and parents often ask, “how did this happen?” Patients and families may benefit from access to a multidisciplinary team (MDT) from prenatal diagnosis into early adulthood. Multiple factors can contribute to the development of a cleft. We discuss the epidemiology and risk factors that increase the likelihood of having a newborn with a cleft. The purpose of this article is to review the prenatal investigations involved in the diagnosis and workup of these patients in addition to postpartum treatment, prognostic factors, and counseling families regarding future recurrence risk.  相似文献   

Three decades ago, the observation that first trimester fetuses with excess fluid accumulation at the back of the neck were more likely to be aneuploid, gave rise to a new era of prenatal screening. The nuchal translucency (NT) measurement in combination with serum biomarkers and maternal age, resulted in the first trimester combined screening (FTCS) program. The introduction of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) over the past decade has introduced the option for parents to receive highly sensitive and specific screening information for common trisomy from as early as 10 weeks gestation, altering the traditional pathway FTCS pathway. The retention of the 11–13-week NT ultrasound remains important in the detection of structural anomalies; however, the optimal management of pregnancies with a low-risk NIPT result and an isolated increased NT measurement in an era of advanced genomic testing options is a new dilemma for clinicians. For parents, the prolonged period between the initial diagnosis in first trimester, and prognostic information at each successive stage of investigations up to 22–24 weeks, can be emotionally challenging. This article addresses the common questions from parents and clinicians as they navigate the uncertainty of having a fetus diagnosed with an increased NT after a low-risk NIPT result and presents suggested approaches to management.  相似文献   

Agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) is one of the most common brain malformations, with an incidence estimated to range from 0.5 to 70 in 10,000 among the general population. Prenatal diagnosis is made via ultrasound; however, fetal MRI is useful to confirm or exclude the presence of associated cerebral abnormalities–mostly cortical malformations–that may affect postnatal prognosis. When no additional central nervous system (CNS) or extra CNS anomalies are identified and no genetic cause is found, an isolated ACC is diagnosed. Overall, in cases of ACC, an underlying genetic cause can be identified in up to 12.5% with chromosomal microarray (CMA) and up to 47% with whole exome sequencing (WES). In cases where ACC is the only anomaly detected, the yield of WES is 30%. Postnatal outcomes are variable and depend on whether the condition is isolated or not. In truly isolated ACC, outcomes range from normal in 65% of cases through mild to severe neurodevelopmental impairments in 35% of cases. An interdisciplinary team of medical experts is key in guiding parents toward informed decision-making in pregnancies complicated by ACC. Considering current and expected advancements in genetic testing and imaging technologies in upcoming years, we herein summarize current recommendations for the management and prenatal counseling of expecting parents of fetuses with ACC. Our review pertains primarily to expecting parents of fetuses with complete ACC.  相似文献   

The impact of decreased biodiversity on ecosystem stability, or the diversity-stability (D-S) relationship, is one of the major concerns of modern ecological studies. Studies on the D-S relationship for soil microbial communities began in 2000 when the fumigation method was developed to generate different levels of soil microbial biodiversity. The studies used various measures and levels of biodiversity, and covered several functional parameters. Due to the lack of general concepts and reliable approaches to define microbial species, studies on the D-S relationship of soil microbial communities concentrate on genetic diversity and functional diversity more than species diversity. Contradictory results were observed in various studies on D-S relationship with possible factors affecting or even changing the directions of the D-S relationship including: (1) the methods of stability measurement, (2) the techniques in microbial diversity measurement, (3) the measures and levels of diversity, (4) the type and strength of disturbance, (5) the traits of functions, and (6) the hidden treatments stemming from diversity manipulation. We argue that future studies should take diversity, species composition and interaction, and soil environmental conditions holistically into account in D-S studies to develop modeling to predict soil functional stability. We also suggest that studies should be carried out on a wider range of disturbance types and functional parameters, and efforts be shifted towards long-term field studies.  相似文献   

Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement between 11 and 14 weeks' gestation is an undisputed marker for aneuploidies. When conventional karyotyping is normal, enlarged NT is a strong marker for adverse pregnancy outcome, associated with miscarriage, intrauterine death, congenital heart defects, and numerous other structural defects and genetic syndromes. The risk of adverse outcome is proportional to the degree of NT enlargement. Although the majority of structural anomalies are amenable to ultrasound detection, unspecified genetic syndromes involving developmental delay may only emerge after birth. Concern over these prenatally undetectable conditions is a heavy burden for parents. However, following detection of enlarged NT the majority of babies with normal detailed ultrasound examination and echocardiography will have an uneventful outcome with no increased risk for developmental delay when compared to the general population. Counseling should emphasize this to help parents restore hope in normal pregnancy outcome and infant development. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Carrier screening tests reproductive couples for their risk of having children affected by serious monogenic conditions. Carrier screening has historically been offered for certain conditions in high-risk populations. However, more recent evidence has shown that offering carrier screening to all patients, regardless of their ethnicity, more effectively and equitably identifies at-risk couples. Coupled with technology that enables screening for a nearly unlimited number of conditions, this expanded carrier screening (ECS) approach is now supported by professional society guidelines. Despite recent recommendations by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics to screen all patients who are pregnant or considering pregnancy for 113 conditions, questions remain about what conditions should be included on a core ECS panel. Here, we briefly review the history of carrier screening and guidelines on criteria for panel design. We then suggest which of these criteria are most critical, as well as thresholds to identify which conditions meet these criteria. Based on these interpretations, we recommend a core panel of 64 conditions that would identify the vast majority of at-risk couples. Widespread adoption of a core panel such as this would result in a marked improvement in the number of patients currently receiving comprehensive carrier screening.  相似文献   

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