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The fish faunas of the outer basin (Nornalup Inlet), inner basin (Walpole Inlet) and saline region of the main tributary (Frankland River) of the permanently open Nornalup-Walpole Estuary on the southern coast of Western Australia, were sampled bimonthly for a year using seine and gill nets, and also during a further two months by the former method. Although the Nornalup-Walpole Estuary is permanently open, the catches of fish in its shallows were dominated (98.4%) by estuarine-spawning species, thereby paralleling the situation in the nearby and seasonally closed Wilson Inlet. In contrast, larger representatives of several marine species were present in appreciable numbers in the offshore, deeper waters of both of these estuaries. The delayed recruitment of marine species into these estuaries apparently reflects the distance that the juveniles of these species have to travel from the areas where they are believed predominantly to spawn. The larger representatives of marine species made a greater contribution to the fish faunas of the offshore, deeper waters in the Nornalup-Walpole Estuary than in Wilson Inlet (64.5 vs 36.9%) and, unlike the situation in the latter estuary, they included five species of elasmobranchs, two of which (Mustelus antarcticus and Myliobatis australis) were relatively abundant. Classification and ordination of the combined data for both estuaries demonstrated that the composition of the fish fauna in the offshore, deeper waters of the outer basin of the Nornalup-Walpole Estuary was particularly distinct, with some marine species being restricted to these waters. This is presumably related both to the presence of a permanently open entrance channel and the relatively deep waters found in Nornalup Inlet, which allow the ready exchange of water between the sea and estuary and the maintenance of high salinities in the deeper regions of the outer basin for much of the year. The fish faunas in Walpole Inlet and the tributaries of both the Nornalup-Walpole Estuary and Wilson Inlet were more similar to each other than they were to those in the more seawards end of either estuary. This similarity reflects the apparent preference of certain teleosts, such as the estuarine species Acanthopagrus butcheri and the marine species Mugil cephalus and Aldrichetta forsteri for reduced salinities and/or features associated with riverine environments.  相似文献   

Fish were collected by gill nets from the deeper waters of the Entrance Channel, basins and rivers of the large Peel-Harvey estuarine system (south-western Australia) in the wet (June to November) and dry (December to May) periods between August 1979 and July 1981. Simple-regression analysis showed that the number of species, abundance and biomass of fish in the rivers rose with increases in the salinity and temperature of both the surface and bottom of the water column. No such significant correlations were found in the Entrance Channel andbasins (Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary), where salinity changes were far less marked. The number of species at sites throughout the estuary was inversely correlated with distance from the estuary mouth. Multiple-regression equations showed that, compared with the other environmental variables tested, bottom salinity had a greater influence on the nunber of species and abundance both in the rivers and in the system as a whole. These results indicate that salinity has a greater effect on the fauna in the deeper waters than in the shallows (cf. Loneragan et al., 1986). The larger fish which characterise the deeper waters may thus be less tolerant to low salinities than the smaller fish typically found in the shallows. Both classification and ordination separated the faunal composition of the rivers from those of the Entrance Channel and basins. The fauna of the two narrow and deeper sites in the rivers separated into wet- and dry-period components. Differences between the faunal composition of the riverine regions and those of the Entrance Channel and basins have been related to the much more variable and lower minimum salinities in the rivers. Species characteristic of the rivers included Amniataba caudavittatus, which is estuarine sensu stricto in south-western Australia, the semianadromous Nematalosa vlaminghi and the highly euryhaline Mugil cephalus. The indicator species for the Entrance Channel and basins were all marine species (Cnidoglanis macrocephalus, Hyporhamphus melanochir, Gerres subfasciatus and Pomatomus saltator).  相似文献   

A fine-mesh seine net was used at regular intervals to collect fishes from the entrance channel and basin of the Blackwood River Estuary (south-western Australia), from Deadwater Lagoon, which is joined to the entrance channel by a narrow and shallow water-course and thus constitutes part of this estuary, and from Flinders Bay into which the estuary discharges. Sampling was at six-weekly intervals between February and December 1994. The juveniles of some marine species, such as Pelates sexlineatus, Rhabdosargus sarba and Aldrichetta forsteri, were either found only in the estuary or were in far higher densities in the estuary than in Flinders Bay. In contrast, the juveniles of some other marine species, such as Sillago schomburgkii, were relatively abundant in both environments, while others such as S. bassensis, Pelsartia humeralis, Lesueurina platycephala and Spratelloides robustus were either far more abundant in Flinders Bay or entirely restricted to this marine embayment. The various marine species found in inshore waters thus apparently vary considerably in their “preference” for estuaries as nursery areas. Although some marine species were abundant in the shallows of the estuary, the fish fauna of these waters was dominated by the estuarine-spawning species Leptatherina wallacei, Favonigobius lateralis, L. presbyteroides and Atherinosoma elongata. The above regional differences help account␣for the very marked difference that was found between the compositions of the shallow-water␣ichthyofaunas of Flinders Bay and each of the three estuarine regions. The ichthyofaunal compositions of the basin and channel underwent pronounced changes during winter, when freshwater discharge increased markedly and salinities in the estuary thus declined precipitously. This faunal change was mainly attributable to the emigration of marine stragglers, a reduction in the densities of marine estuarine-opportunist species such as Pelates sexlineatus and R. sarba, and the immigration of large numbers of both young 0+ Aldrichetti forsteri from the sea and of L. wallacei from the river. Although most of the above species were also abundant in Deadwater Lagoon, the ichthyofaunal composition of this region did not undergo the same seasonal changes, presumably due to the lack of riverine input and thus the maintenance of relatively high salinities throughout the year. The number of marine straggler species was much lower in Deadwater Lagoon than in the estuary basin, reflecting a far more restricted tidal exchange with the entrance channel. However, the overall density of fishes was far higher in Deadwater Lagoon than in the estuary basin or entrance channel, due mainly to the far higher densities of the estuarine species Atherinosoma elongata and L. wallacei and of the 0+ age class of the marine species R. sarba. The high densities of certain species in Deadwater Lagoon are assumed to be related, at least in part, to the high level of productivity and protection that is provided by the presence of patches of Ruppia megacarpa, an aquatic angiosperm that was not present in the estuary basin or entrance channel. Received: 3 December 1996 / Accepted: 19 December 1996  相似文献   

Samples of fish were collected by beach seine throughout the shallow waters of the large Peel-Harvey estuarine system (south-western Australia) in the wet (June to November) and dry periods (December to May) between August 1979 and July 1981. The number of species, density and biomass declined with distance from the estuary mouth and rose with increasing temperature and salinity. Both classification and ordination distinguished the faunal composition of the saline reaches of the rivers from that of the narrow Entrance Channel and two large basins (Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary). Classification also separated the fauna of the riverine group into wet- and dry-period components, and divided samples taken in the Entrance Channel from those in the basins. Differences between the faunal composition of the Peel Inlet and its tributary rivers were related to differences in salinity regime. The riverine fauna was subjected to much more variable and lower minimum salinities. Species characteristic of the rivers included teleosts such as Atherinosoma wallacei and Amniataba caudavittatus, which are estuarine sensu stricto in southwestern Australia, the semi-anadromous Nematalosa vlaminghi and juveniles of the marine Mugil cephalus. The species diagnostic of the wet periods in the rivers were the estuarine species A. wallacei and Favonigobius suppositus, while the dry periods were characterised by the marine species Atherinomorus ogilbyi and Sillago schomburgkii. Marine species also characterised the Entrance Channel (Favonigobius lateralis, Sillago bassensis), whereas the indicators in Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary were Hyporhamphus regularis and Apogon rueppellii, both of which can pass through the whole of their life cycle in estuarine as well as marine environments.  相似文献   

A total of 66814 fish larvae, representing 37 families and 74 species, were collected in samples taken monthly between January 1986 and April 1987 from 13 sites located at frequent intervals throughout the large Swan Estuary in south-western Australia. The Gobiidae was the most abundant family, comprising 88.2% of the total number of larvae, followed by the Clupeidae (3.4%), Engraulididae (2.9%) and Blenniidae (1.0%). The most abundant species were Pseudogobius olorum (53.3%), Arenigobius bifrenatus (31.2%) and Engraulis australis (2.9%). Abundance of fish larvae in the lower, middle and upper regions of the estuary each reached a maximum between mid-spring and early summer, 2 to 4 mo before the attainment of maximum temperatures. Larvae of species such as Nematalosa vlaminghi and Apogon rueppellii were collected only between November and February, whereas those of others such as P. olorum, E. australis and Leptatherina wallacei were present over many months. The times and locations of capture of larvae have been related to the distribution and breeding periods of the adults of these species. The mean monthly number of species was far greater in the lower than upper estuary (14.7 vs 2.7), whereas the reverse was true for mean monthly concentration (42 vs 197 larvae per 100 m3). Classification, using the abundance of each of the 74 species recorded at the different sites, showed that the composition of the larval fish fauna in the lower, middle and upper estuary differed markedly from each other. Most larvae caught in the lower estuary belonged to marine species, whereas those in the upper estuary almost exclusively represented species that spawn within the estuary. The fact that the larvae of the 59 species of marine teleosts recorded during this study were restricted mainly to the lower estuary, and yet contributed only 6.2% to the total numbers for the whole estuary, helps to account for the relatively high species diversity in this region. The lack of penetration of many of these larvae beyond the first 12.5 km of the estuary presumably reflects the weak tidal effect in the wide basins of the middle estuary and saline regions of the tributary rivers. The larvae of the 13 teleosts that typically spawn within the estuary contributed 93.8% to the total numbers of larvae. Most of these estuarine-spawned larvae belong to teleosts that deposit demersal eggs and/or exhibit parental care (egg-guarding and oral and pouch-brooding), characteristics which would maximize their chances of retention within the estuary.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether the various species of gobies that are found within the large Swan Estuary in south-western Australia are segregated within that system, and to attempt to determine the basis for any differences in their spatial distributions. The Swan Estuary comprises a long entrance channel (lower estuary), two wide basins (middle estuary) and the saline reaches of the tributary rivers (upper estuary). A total of 26232 gobies, representing seven species, was collected using a 3 mm-mesh seine net at 15 sites throughout this estuary on at least one occasion monthly over seven consecutive seasons between September 1983 and March 1985. Favonigobius lateralis and Pseudogobius olorum contributed 47.0 and 47.8%, respectively, to the total catch of gobies at all sites. The densities of each species at each site were used to determine the relative contribution of each species to the gobiid fauna at each of the sites in the lower, middle and upper estuary. Comparisons of these data with those published on the distribution and abundance of gobiid larvae confirmed that F. lateralis, which was found predominantly in the lower estuary, is a marine species that spawns in high salinities near the estuary mouth or in inshore coastal waters. In contrast, the life cycle of P. olorum and Papillogobius punctatus are typically completed within the saline reaches of the upper estuary, and that of Arenigobius bifrenatus within both this region and parts of the middle estuary where the substrate is particularly soft. Afurcagobius suppositus also spawns in this area, as well as in fresh water. Tridentiger trigonocephalus, represented by only eight individuals, is an introduced, marine species that was found mainly in the lower estuary. A single representative of the marine species Callogobius depressus was caught. The relatively low numbers of gobies caught in the middle estuary, where they contributed only about 3.5% to the total number of all gobies at all sites, may represent an aversion to the presence of rougher waters in the large basins. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the sandy substrate and consistently high salinities found in the lower estuary are preferred by F. lateralis, whereas the silty surface to the substrate and lower salinities of the upper estuary are preferred by Pseudogobius olorum. Densities of three of the four most abundant species were higher in either spring or summer than in winter, reflecting the influx of 0 + recruits, and possibly also the tendency for species in estuaries to congregate in the shallows during the warmer periods of the year. F. lateralis fed mainly on polychaetes and crustaceans, whereas P. olorum ingested predominantly algae, reflecting differences in mouth morphology and feeding behaviour, rather than the type of food available.  相似文献   

Fish were collected at regular intervals over 5 yr (February 1977 to December 1981) from ten shallow-water sites located throughout the lower, middle and upper regions of the large Swan Estuary in temperate southwestern Australia. Analysis of the catch data showed that the total number of species and total density of fishes were both influenced to a greater extent by site and season within the estuary than by year. The number of species and density of fishes within the whole system were greatest during the summer and autumn, when salinities and temperatures were at a maximum, and declined with distance from the estuary mouth. This reflects the trends shown by marine species, which comprise many species that occur only occasionally in the estuary (marine stragglers) and others which enter estuaries regularly and in considerable numbers (marine estuarine-opportunists). The density of marine estuarine-opportunists was also correlated with temperature, reflecting the tendency for the species of this category to congregate in the shallows during the summer and autumn. The similar seasonal aggregations of the single anadromous species and representatives of species that complete their whole life cycle in the estuary were frequently related to spawning. The density of the estuarine category was correlated neither with salinity nor distance from the estuary mouth. The number of estuarine species was also not correlated with distance from the estuary mouth. The density of freshwater species was inversely correlated with salinity and positively correlated with distance from the estuary mouth. The composition of the fish fauna changed progressively through the estuary, with that of the lower estuary being the most discrete. The composition also changed seasonally, particularly in the upper estuary where, during the winter and spring, the volume of freshwater discharge increased greatly and as a consequence the salinity declined markedly. The species diagnostic of the lower estuary were generally marine estuarine-opportunists, whereas those of the upper estuary typically belonged to either the estuarine or anadromous categories. The marine estuarine-opportunistMugil cephalus was, however, also one of the diagnostic species in the upper estuary during the winter and spring.Please address all correspondence and requests for reprints to I. C. Potter at Murdoch University  相似文献   

This paper offers the first study of diurnal variations in the use of an estuarine habitat by Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. Passive acoustic data loggers were deployed in the Xin Huwei River Estuary, Western Taiwan, from July 2009 to December 2010, to collect biosonar clicks. Acoustic encounter rates of humpback dolphins on the riverside of the estuary changed significantly over the four tidal phases, instead of the two diurnal phases based on the recordings from 268 days. Among the tidal phases, the encounter rates were lowest during ebb tides. Additionally, circling movements associated with the hunt for epipelagic fish significantly changed in temporal and spatial presence over the four tidal phases, matching the overall pattern of encounter rate changes in the focal estuary. Our findings suggest that the occurrence pattern and habitat utilization of humpback dolphins are likely to be influenced by the tidal-driven activity of their epipelagic prey.  相似文献   

In this study, emphasis has focused on assessing the potential hydro-environmental impacts of a barrage across the Severn Estuary, with a numerical model being developed and applied to the estuary to assess the impacts of proposed Severn Barrage on the hydrodynamic, sediment transport and faecal indicator organism distribution within the estuary. The results show that the Severn Barrage has the potential to reduce the tidal currents in a highly dynamic estuary. This leads to the reduction of suspended sediment concentrations, which in turn affects the bacterial transport processes which is highly related to the sediment transport processes.  相似文献   

The diets of fish from the tropical Embley Estuary in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, were analysed with particular reference to piscivory and predation on juveniles of commercially important penaeid prawns from October 1986 until July 1988. Of the 77 species caught, 52 were piscivorous, and of these 37 ate penaeid prawns. The most numerous piscivores wereScomberoides commersonianus, Arius proximus, Lates calcarifer, Polydactylus sheridani andRhizoprionodon acutus, the first four of which accounted for over 90% of all prawns eaten. Twenty species are commercially important species of prawns. The proportions of penaeids in the diets varied seasonally, according to the density of penaeids in the estuary. The proportion was highest during the pre-wet period (November) and lowest during the dry period (July–August). Predation on prawns was highest in the lower and middle reaches of the river. Estimates of the rates of predation on the two most common juvenile commercial prawns,Penaeus merguiensis andP. semisulcatus, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Catches obtained at regular intervals by beach seining, gill netting and otter trawling at ten, four and six sites, respectively, have been used to determine the contribution of the different species and life-cycle categories of fish to the ichthyofauna of the large Swan Estuary in temperate south-western Australia between February 1977 and December 1981. These data were also examined to investigate the influence of site, season and year on the densities of the more abundant species. A total of 630 803 fish, representing 36 families and 71 species, were caught in the shallows using beach seines during this 5 yr study. Although the majority of these species were marine teleosts that were caught infrequently (marine stragglers), representatives of 7 of the 15 most abundant species were marine teleosts which entered the estuary regularly, and in large numbers (marine estuarine-opportunists). Of the remaining 8 most abundant species in the shallows, 7 completed their life cycle within the estuary (estuarine species) and 1 (Nematalosa vlaminghi) was anadromous, feeding for a period at sea and spawning in the upper reaches of the estuary. The contribution of individuals of the marine estuarine-opportunist category to catches in the shallows declined from nearly 95% in the lower estuary, to 17% in the middle estuary and 6% in the upper estuary. The estuarine and anadromous groups made a considerable contribution to the catches in both the middle and upper estuaries. By contrast, the contribution of freshwater species was small and even in the upper estuary accounted for only 0.2% of the catch. Site within the estuary generally influenced the catches of individual species to a greater extent than either season or year, or the interactions between these factors. When seasonal effects were strong, they could be related to summer spawning migrations into the upper estuary (Nematalosa vlaminghi, Amniataba caudavittatus), spring immigrations into the lower estuary (Mugil cephalus), or winter movements into deeper and more saline waters (Apogon rueppellii). Annual variations in the density of Torquigener pleurogramma were related to marked annual differences in the recruitment of the 0+age class.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to elucidate the way in which the Swan Estuary in south-western Australia is used by the common blowfish Torquigener pleurogramma, a representative of the abundant and widely distributed family Tetraodontidae. T. pleurogramm were collected by beach seine and otter trawl from the Swan Estuary between February 1977 and December 1980 and between May 1984 and February 1986. While T. pleurogramma feeds on a wide variety of organisms in the estuary, the main components of its diet are polychaetes and amphipods for fish <130 mm and bivalve molluscs for larger fish. Numbers of blowfish were inversely correlated with water depth, with densities on the banks (water depth <1.5 m) sometimes reaching 5 fish m-2, and tended to be greater at night than during the day. The density of T. pleurogramma in the shallows was positively correlated with salinity and inversely correlated with distance from the estuary mouth. Numbers increased greatly in the latter half of 1980 and 1985 as a result of the recruitment of large numbers of the 0+ age class (i.e., fish in their first year of life). Blowfish were represented by seven age classes in the estuary and attained a maximum size of 230 mm (220 g). By the end of their first and second years of life, fish had reached approximately 90 mm (14 g) and 125 mm (39 g), respectively. Sexual maturity was generally not reached until the end of the second year of life. The presence of higher gonadosomatic indices and more mature gonads in fish collected just outside than within the estuary indicate that T. pleurogramma leaves the estuary before spawning. Comparisons between lengthfrequency data, allied with information on the prevalence and intensity of gill parasites, indicate that assemblages in estuarine and neighbouring inshore waters remain distinct for many months and that growth within the estuary is faster than in inshore marine environments.  相似文献   

S. Vizzini  A. Mazzola 《Marine Biology》2003,142(5):1009-1018
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (13C/12C and 15N/14N) of primary producers and consumers were investigated seasonally throughout 1999, in order to describe the food web in a western Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Lake of Sabaudia, central Italy). Particulate organic matter and algal material (seagrass epiphytes and macroalgae) seem to constitute the main food sources for primary consumers (zooplankton and small benthic invertebrates, respectively) throughout the sampling year, while the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa appears to play a negligible trophic role. As regards the ichthyofauna, carbon stable isotopes differentiated between planktivore and benthivore fish species. However, a benthic-pelagic coupling seems to occur, with some fish of higher trophic levels feeding both on benthic and pelagic materials. Analysis of variance showed that the interaction between the three main factors (species2size2season) significantly affects the isotopic composition of fish, suggesting the presence of intra- and inter-specific resource partitioning. Wide seasonal variations in the isotopic composition were observed in organic matter sources, invertebrates and fish, with a general trend towards depleted values in winter and enriched values in summer. The winter depletion of organic matter sources may be due to several environmental factors and seems to be mirrored in the upper trophic levels. Primary producers and invertebrates are known to have shorter time-integrated isotopic signatures than vertebrates, yet fish also exhibited seasonal isotopic differences. We concluded that the examined fish species can assume a new muscle isotopic signature relatively quickly in response to changes in the isotopic composition of their diet and/or diet shifts.  相似文献   

Coralliophila abbreviata is a corallivorous gastropod that has been observed to cause large feeding scars on reef-building corals on Floridian and Caribbean reefs. We detected differences in the population structure (length-frequency distribution and sex ratios) of C. abbreviata populations living on two coral host taxa, Acropora palmata and Montastraea spp., in the Florida Keys in a previous study. We hypothesize that diet (host) has a major influence on snail population structure and, thus, we characterize metabolism, feeding and growth for snails residing on these coral taxa. Here, we present results of a reciprocal transplant experiment demonstrating that the taxon of the host influences snail growth rates, as indicated by changes in shell and body tissue weight. Regardless of the host from which they were drawn, snails resident on A. palmata grew faster than those resident on Montastraea spp. Thus, diet influences snail population structure. However, the tissue of Montastraea spp. provides more N and C per area of tissue than that of A. palmata. Respiration rates and tissue composition of snails collected from the two host taxa did not differ. Therefore, snails feeding on Montastraea spp. should have to consume less tissue per day to satisfy their metabolic requirements compared to snails feeding on A. palmata. Feeding rates for snails on A. palmata were measured in the laboratory over 48 h (1–9 cm2 coral tissue snail−1 day−1) and estimated from feeding scars observed in the field (weekly mean rate of 1.07 cm2 coral tissue snail−1 day−1). The lack of definition of snail feeding scars on Montastraea spp. required the calculation of coral tissue consumption rates based on estimated minimum carbon requirements. Calculated feeding rates for C. abbreviata were 0.13–0.88 cm2 coral tissue day−1 snail−1, when feeding on Montastraea spp., and 0.44–3.28 cm2 coral tissue day−1 snail−1, when feeding on A. palmata. The calculated range for the latter is consistent with measured rates. Thus, C. abbreviata exhibits high variation in growth parameters in response to environmental variability and/or food source. At mean levels of snail density on reefs off Key Largo, Fla., 20% of A. palmata colonies lose between 1.32 and 9.84 cm2 tissue day−1, while 50% of Montastraea spp. colonies lose between 1.04 and 7.04 cm2 tissue day−1. Together with published coral tissue regeneration rates, these results suggest that if sustained, such rates of predation could have a serious effect on the viability of these coral populations on Florida's reefs.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic, growth, and reproductive characters for colonies of the massive coral Montastraea faveolata were measured at 3-m-depth and 18-m-depth populations in the Florida Keys in 1993 to investigate reproductive behavior across depth. I tested the hypothesis that reproductive traits would exhibit depth-related decreases similar to those documented for photosynthetically derived energy availability and growth rate. Colonies at the 18 m site had significantly reduced access to photosynthetically derived energy compared to colonies at 3 m depth. Linear skeletal extension rates were also reduced at the deep site (mean±SE; 3 m: 6.13 mm year−1±0.35; 18 m: 3.44 mm year−1±0.36; P<0.001). Contrary to expectations, depth did not affect most reproductive characters. Reproductive allocation, the amount of lipid invested in reproduction, was similar between depths (3 m: 3.74 mg lipid cm−2±0.55; 18 m: 3.88 mg lipid cm−2±0.62; P<0.8). Reproductive effort, the proportion of total lipid invested in reproduction, was also similar between sites (3 m: 41.4%±4.7; 18 m: 47.3%±7.12; P<0.163). Colonies within a depth did differ significantly in many gametic characteristics including eggs per gonad, total egg area, spermary area, total gonad area, and male allocation (the proportion of total gonad area invested in spermary tissue), but only total egg area differed between depths, and this was greater at 18 m (3 m: 55.63 μm2×104±4.76; 18 m: 60.51 μm2×104±3.41; P<0.035). Colonies at the two sites had similar polyp fecundity (egg production per polyp); however, a difference in polyp density between sites (3 m: 5.56 polyps cm−2±0.21; 18 m: 4.87 polyps cm−2±0.15; P<0.028) resulted in a significant reduction in area fecundity (egg production per square centimeter) at the 18 m site (3 m: 554 eggs cm−2±27.9; 18 m: 422 eggs cm−2±31.0; P<0.045). Thus, there was a depth-related fecundity cost arising from a change in colony architecture (i.e. polyp spacing) rather than a direct effect of depth on the number of eggs produced per polyp. Egg production per gonad was positively correlated between 1993 and 1994 (r=0.540, P<0.05), indicating that other reproductive characteristics may also be stable between years.  相似文献   

A statistical modeling study was performed on the population fluctuations of the 15 commonest fish species frequenting the tidal Scheldt estuary in Belgium. These included marine juvenile and seasonal visitors, estuarine residents and diadromous fish species that were recorded on the filter screens of a power plant cooling-water intake between September 1991 and April 2001. The species population abundance was regressed against a candidate set of 6 environmental variables and 13 instrumental variables, accounting for seasonality and long-term trends present in the data. Population abundances of the different species were, in general, best described by seasonal variables. Seasonal components contributed, on average, up to 63.8% of the variance explained by the models. Ten species were found to show a slightly negative, though significant, trend over the period of the survey. Most models also included at least one environmental variable, and 25.4% of the explained variance could be attributed to environmental fluctuations. Of all physico-chemical variables, dissolved oxygen was the most important predictor of fish abundance, suggesting that the estuary suffered from poor water quality during the survey. Temperature, salinity, freshwater flow, suspended solids and chlorophyll a concentrations were minor determinants of fish abundance.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

A tidal bore may occur in a macro-tidal estuary when the tidal range exceeds 4.5–6 m and the estuary bathymetry amplifies the tidal wave. Its upstream propagation induces a strong mixing of the estuarine waters. The propagation of undular tidal bores was investigated herein to study the effect of bridge piers on the bore propagation and characteristics. Both the tidal bore profile and the turbulence generated by the bore were recorded. The free-surface undulation profiles exhibited a quasi-periodic shape, and the potential energy of the undulations represented up to 30% of the potential energy of the tidal bore. The presence of the channel constriction had a major impact on the free-surface properties. The undular tidal bore lost nearly one third of its potential energy per surface area as it propagated through the channel constriction. The detailed instantaneous velocity measurements showed a marked effect of the tidal bore passage suggesting the upstream advection of energetic events and vorticity “clouds” behind the bore front in both channel configurations: prismatic and with constriction. The turbulence patches were linked to some secondary motions and the proposed mechanisms were consistent with some field observations in the Daly River tidal bore. The findings emphasise the strong mixing induced by the tidal bore processes, and the impact of bridge structures on the phenomenon.  相似文献   

The threatened seagrass Halophila johnsonii Eiseman coexists subtidally with H. decipiens Ostenfeld in southeastern Florida, but only H. johnsonii also occurs intertidally. Pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry and fiber-optic spectrometry were used to investigate the photobiology of two populations of H. johnsonii and H. decipiens in an attempt to explain these distribution patterns. Maximum photosynthetic quantum yields (Fv/Fm) were measured in situ as a function of depth distribution within, and between, these two species at two sites (Jupiter Sound, 26°57′N; 80°04′W, and northern Biscayne Bay, 25°55′N; 80°07′W) along the east coast of Florida, USA, during 6–10 March 2001. Reciprocal transplants at the northern site were used to evaluate the plasticity of photosynthetic patterns and pigment absorption spectra and to gain insights into the mechanisms responsible for variations in the observed depth-distribution patterns. Subtidal-population Fv/Fm values were generally higher for H. johnsonii than for H. decipiens, at both sites. At the northern site, intertidal H. johnsonii had significantly lower Fv/Fm (0.494±0.138) than both subtidal H. johnsonii (0.696±0.045) and subtidal H. decipiens (0.668±0.048). In contrast, at the southern site intertidal H. johnsonii had the highest Fv/Fm (0.663±0.047) and were the largest plants. Fv/Fm values of subtidal plants of both species decreased when they were transplanted into shallow, intertidal beds. Correspondingly, Fv/Fm increased for intertidal H. johnsonii transplanted into the subtidal, 2 m deep beds. Rapid light curves indicated that H. decipiens had lower maximum relative electron transport rates (RETRmax) than did H. johnsonii. In addition, the onset of photoinhibition occurred at lower irradiances for H. decipiens (537–820 μmol photons m−2 s−1) compared to H. johnsonii (1141–2670 μmol photons m−2 s−1). RETRmax values decreased for intertidal H. johnsonii transplanted into subtidal beds, but they increased for both species when transplanted from subtidal to intertidal beds. Absorption spectra for the acetone-soluble leaf pigments of intertidal H. johnsonii exhibited a dominant peak near 345 nm; this UV peak was 30% lower for subtidal plants. Pigment absorption spectra for H. decipiens lacked the 345 nm peak and absorbances, normalized to leaf pairs, were lower across the spectrum. Our results indicate that photosynthetic tolerance to higher irradiances and presence of UV-absorbing pigments (UVP) in H. johnsonii may allow this species to exploit the shallowest waters without competition from the closely related, but UVP-lacking H. decipiens.  相似文献   

The nekton of tidal creeks was studied at 17 sampling localities from September 1977 through August 1978, in the Cape Fear River estuary, North Carolina, USA. Prior to these dates, collections were made at 9 stations beginning in January 1977; these data were used to supplement conclusions drawn from the larger effort. Species recruited from the ocean utilized marsh habitats only temporarily and dominated the catches with over 70% of the total abundance. Their distribution was influenced by salinity gradients and to a lesser extent by substrate characteristics. In addition, temporal habitat partitioning with associated size differences of related species played an important role in structuring marsh nekton communities. A clearly defined ecotone was associated with the mesohaline-polyhaline transition zone, in slainities between 14 and 21 S. Numerous marine stenohaline forms were restricted to salinities above 16 S, thus increasing species richness in high salinity marshes. Despite differences in freshwater flows in 1977 and 1978, major features of the various marsh communities (species associations and relative abundances) exhibited little change throughout the Cape Fear estuary, indicating that these communities were relatively persistent in time. Standing crops for ocean-spawned species at the end of the growing season indicated that considerable annual export in the form of living biomass of fish and shellfish takes place from the marshes. Since most individuals of these species return to the ocean in the fall, an important energy link between the marshes and nearshore marine environment is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The fish at sites located throughout the large, seasonally closed Wilson Inlet, on the southern coast of Western Australia, were sampled bimonthly between September 1987 and April 1989. Seine nets were used to sample nearshore shallow waters, while gill nets were employed in slightly more offshore and deeper waters. Twenty species were recorded in the shallows, of which the three species of atherinid and the three species of goby comprised >97% of the total catch. In terms of number of individuals, the 27 species recorded in gill nets in the deeper waters were dominated by Cnidoglanis macrocephalus and Platycephalus speculator, and to a lesser extent Engraulis australis, Aldrichetta forsteri, Sillaginodes punctata and Arripis georgianus. Fifty-five percent of the species recorded in the nearshore shallow waters and 18% of those in offshore deeper waters spawn within Wilson Inlet; these species contributed 98.5 and 63.0%, respectively, to the total catches in those waters. Classification and ordination showed that the composition of the fauna in the shallows was similar at all sites throughout the large basin and did not change conspicuously with season. However, the composition of catches taken in offshore waters differed between the lower part of the basin and the middle and upper regions of the basin, which in turn differed from those in the saline reaches of a tributary river. The four diagnostic species of the lower estuary were all marine species, while the three diagnostic species in the river included a marine species (Mugil cephalus) that often penetrates far upstream in other systems, and a species which was confined to the rivers (Acanthopagrus butcheri). The composition of the fish fauna in the offshore waters of the lower estuary between the middle of spring and middle of autumn was different in 1987/1988 (when the estuary mouth was open for only the first two months of that period) from that in 1988/1989 (when the mouth was open for the whole of that period). This difference is related to the greater number of marine species that were retained in the first of these years, when the estuary was open to the ocean for only a short period. The greater retention of marine species in 1987/1988 than in 1988/1989 probably reflects a far lower level of freshwater flusing and/or a less marked decline in salinity.  相似文献   

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