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Waste nitrocellulose (NC) is regulated as a hazardous material. The objective of this study was to determine if NC exposed to denitrifying and sulfidogenic conditions would undergo sufficient removal of the nitro groups to yield a material that is no longer explosive. Enrichment cultures were established with methanol as the electron donor for nitrate-reducing conditions and lactate for sulfate-reducing conditions. NC was added to the cultures at 10 g/l. A statistically significant decrease in the nitrogen (N) content of NC occurred in both enrichment cultures, from approximately 13.1-13.2% in virgin NC to 12.2-12.4%. This was accompanied by an increase in nitrogen gas formation. The presence of a primary substrate (methanol and lactate) was necessary to affect this change; NC itself did not serve as an electron donor. In cultures that were carrying out denitrification but were then depleted of nitrate, with methanol still present, a slightly greater removal of nitro groups from NC occurred along with additional formation of nitrogen gas. NC did not have an inhibitory affect on the denitrification process but it did significantly slow the rate of lactate consumption and sulfate reduction. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) results indicated that NC exposed to denitrifying conditions was enriched in hydroxyl groups, consistent with removal of some of the nitro groups by hydrolysis of the nitrate esters. NC exposed to nitrate- and sulfate-reducing conditions and virgin NC were also compared based on their explosive properties using a small-scale burning test. The biologically treated NC exhibited somewhat less reactivity, but was still rated as explosive. The decrease in%N, increase in N2, and FTIR results demonstrated that NC does undergo biotransformation in the presence of nitrate- and sulfate-reducing enrichment cultures, but the extent of denitration does not appear to be adequate to yield a nonhazardous product.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The present work is aimed on the study of degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-lactate) copolyesters, prepared by chemical modification of...  相似文献   

A study was conducted on two types of plastic materials, Mater-Bi Novamont (MB) and Environmental Product Inc. (EPI), to assess their biodegradability under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. For aerobic conditions, organic fractions of municipal solid wastes were composted. For the anaerobic process, anaerobic inoculum from a wastewater treatment plant was used. Cellulose filter papers (CFP) were used as a positive control for both mediums. The composting process was monitored in terms of temperature, moisture and volatile solids and the biodegradation of the samples were monitored in terms of mass loss. Monitoring results showed a biodegradation of 27.1% on a dry basis for MB plastic within a period of 72 days of composting. Biodegradability under an anaerobic environment was monitored in terms of biogas production. A cumulative methane gas production of 245ml was obtained for MB, which showed good degradation as compared to CFP (246.8ml). However, EPI plastic showed a cumulative methane value of 7.6ml for a period of 32 days, which was close to the blank (4.0ml). The EPI plastic did not biodegrade under either condition. The cumulative carbon dioxide evolution after 32 days was as follows: CFP 4.406cm(3), MB 2.198cm(3) and EPI 1.328cm(3). The cumulative level of CO(2) varying with time fitted sigmoid type curves with R(2) values of 0.996, 0.996 and 0.995 for CFP, MB and EPI, respectively.  相似文献   

Biodegradability under composting conditions is assessed by test methods, such as ASTM D 5338-92, based on the measurement of CO2 released by test materials when mixed with mature compost and maintained in a controlled composting environment. However, in real composting, biodegradation occurs in fresh waste. To clarify this point, the biodegradation of paper and of a starch-based biodegradable thermoplastic material, Mater-Bi ZI01U, was followed by measuring the weight loss of samples introduced either into a mature compost or into a synthetic waste. The weight loss in mature compost was higher at the beginning but tended to decrease; in synthetic waste a first lag phase was followed by an exponential phase. Complete degradation of paper was noticed simultaneously in the two substrates (after 25 days). The bulkier Mater-Bi samples were fully degraded after 20 days in fresh waste, but after 45 days in mature compost. Therefore, the test methods using mature compost as a substrate can possibly underestimate the biodegradation rate occurring in fresh waste, i.e., in real composting plants, and have to be considered as conservative test methods. The test procedure described in this paper seems very suitable as a screening method to verify the compostability of plastic materials in a composting environment.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the release of chemical components of six solid organic materials under conditions of oversaturation were investigated in this paper. The six materials were peat moss (PM), weathered coals (WC), charred rice husks (CRH), sawdust (Sd), turfgrass clippings (TC), and chicken manure (CM). Significant differences were observed in the available nitrogen and phosphorus content of the aqueous extracts of organic materials at different temperatures. The available nitrogen content in aqueous extracts of PM and WC at 25 °C was higher than that registered at 15 °C and 35 °C. Available nitrogen content in the aqueous extracts of CRH, Sd, TC, and WC at 35 °C was higher than at 15 °C and 25 °C. The available phosphorus content in the aqueous extracts of organic materials at 35 °C was higher than that available at 15 °C and 25 °C, with the exception of Sd. In addition, the release of available phosphorus in the aqueous solution of organic materials at different temperatures varied constantly for 108 h. The release of potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) ions in the aqueous extracts of organic materials was basically steady over time, with the exception of CM. High temperature (35 °C) may significantly hasten the release of K+ from organic substrates (except for WC) with low temperatures significantly inhibiting release of K+ in Sd and CRH. High temperatures (35 °C) might significantly facilitate the release of Na+ in CM and TC. However, no significant differences were manifested in the release of Na+ from organic substrates at different temperatures, with the exception of CM and TC. Moreover, no significant differences were observed in the release of calcium, magnesium and iron ions with time, nor were there any significant differences in the contents of iron ions in the aqueous extracts of organic materials at different temperatures. The results indicate that multiple mediums should be pretreated in water for a week before being used for planting. They should be used when all mineral elements of organic materials are steady and ignoring the effect of organic mediums.  相似文献   

The biomethanation of organic matter represents a long-standing, well-established technology. Although at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures the process is well understood, current knowledge on psychrophilic biomethanation is somewhat scarce. Methanogenesis is particularly sensitive to temperature, which not only affects the activity and structure of the microbial community, but also results in a change in the degradation pathway of organic matter. There is evidence of psychrophilic methanogenesis in natural environments, and a number of methanogenic archaea have been isolated with optimum growth temperatures of 15–25 °C. At psychrophilic temperatures, large amounts of heat are needed to operate reactors, thus resulting in a marginal or negative overall energy yield. Biomethanation at ambient temperature can alleviate this requirement, but for stable biogas production, a microbial consortium adapted to low temperatures or a psychrophilic consortium is required. Single-step or two-step high rate anaerobic reactors [expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) and up flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)] have been used for the treatment of low strength wastewater. Simplified versions of these reactors, such as anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR) and anaerobic migrating blanket reactor (AMBR) have also been developed with the aim of reducing volume and cost. This technology has been further simplified and extended for the disposal of night soil in high altitude, low temperature areas of the Himalayas, where the hilly terrain, non-availability of conventional energy, harsh climate and space constraints limit the application of complicated reactors. Biomethanation at psychrophilic temperatures and the contribution made to night-soil degradation in the Himalayas are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

The use of long-lasting polymers as packaging materials for short lived applications is not entirely justified. Plastic packaging materials are often soiled due to foodstuffs and other biological substances, making physical recycling of these materials impractical and normally unwanted. Hence, there is an increasing demand for biodegradable packaging materials which could be easily renewable. Use of biopolymer based packaging materials allows consideration of eliminating issues such as landfilling, sorting and reprocessing through taking advantage of their unique functionality, that is compostability. Composting allows disposal of biodegradable packages and is not as energy intensive compared to sorting and reprocessing for recycling, although it requires more energy than landfilling. The aim of this work was to study the degradation of three commercially available biodegradable packages made of poly (ld-lactide) (PLA) under real compost conditions and under ambient exposure by visual inspection, gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermal gravimetric analysis. A novel technique to study the degradability of these packages and to track the degradation rate under real compost conditions was used. The packages were subjected to composting for 30 days, and the degradation of the physical properties was measured at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 15 and 30 days. PLA packages made of 96% l-lactide exhibited lower degradation than PLA packages made of 94% l-lactide, mainly due to their highly ordered structure, therefore, higher crystallinity. The degradation rate changed as the initial crystallinity and the l-lactide content of the packages varied. Temperature, relative humidity, and pH of the compost pile played an important role in the total degradation of the packages. A first order degradation of the molecular weight as a function of time was observed for the three packages.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum chemistry under highly anoxic conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphogypsum (PG), primary byproduct from phosphoric acid production, is accumulated in large stockpiles and occupies vast areas of land. Contaminants emanating from PG stacks can impact the environment including waterbodies. The major constraint for PG use in the environment is the presence of metals in high concentrations. Reduction of sulfate found in PG and significance of sulfide production in reducing aqueous concentrations of toxic metals were studied. Mississippi River alluvial sediment amended with PG was equilibrated under controlled redox (-250 mV) and pH (5.5, 6.5, and 7.5) conditions. Phosphogypsum addition resulted in a large increase in sulfide levels in sediment suspensions. As a result, the solubility of spiked heavy metals (Cd and Cr, 100 and 1000 mg kg(-1)) and natural trace elements (As, Ba, and Cd) was significantly reduced by precipitation as insoluble sulfides. Sediment pH also influenced sulfate reduction and sulfide formation in both PG-amended and control sediment. Low sediment pH (5.5) resulted in the highest release of all studied metals and sulfate into sediment solution. This study indicates that if PG or PG-products are placed in neutral to alkaline sediments/soils and/or reducing environments, metals released at toxic levels should be of little concern to the wetland environment.  相似文献   

This study models and evaluates the kinetics of C-CO2 evolution during biodegradation of plastic materials including Polyethylene (PE), PE/starch blend (PE/starch), microcrystalline cellulose (MCE), and Polylactic acid (PLA). The aerobic biodegradation under controlled composting conditions was monitorated according to ISO 14855-1, 2004. The kinetics model was based on first order reaction in series with a flat lag phase. A non-linear regression technique was used to analyze the experimental data. SEM studies of the morphology of the samples before and after biodegradation testing were used to confirm the biodegradability of plastics and the accuracy of the model. The work showed that MCE and PLA produced the high amounts of C-CO2 evolution, which gave readily hydrolysable carbon values of 55.49% and 40.17%, respectively with readily hydrolysis rates of 0.338 day−1 and 0.025 day−1, respectively. Whereas, a lower amount of C-CO2 evolution was found in PE/starch, which had a high concentration of moderately hydrolysable carbon of 97.74% and a moderate hydrolysis rate of 0.00098 day−1. The mineralization rate of PLA was 0.500 day−1 as a lag phase was observed at the beginning of the biodegradability test. No lag phase was observed in the biodegradability testing of the PE/starch and MCE. The mineralization rates of the PE/starch and MCE were found to be 1.000 day−1, and 1.234 day−1, respectively. No C-CO2 evolution was observed during biodegradability testing of PE, which was used for reference as a non-biodegradable plastics sample.  相似文献   

Scrap tyre pyrolysis under vacuum is attractive because it allows easier product condensation and control of composition (gas, liquid and solid). With the aim of determining the effect of vacuum on the pyrolysis kinetics, a study has been carried out in thermobalance. Two data analysis methods have been used in the kinetic study: (i) the treatment of experimental data of weight loss and (ii) the deconvolution of DTG (differential thermogravimetry) curve. The former allows for distinguishing the pyrolysis of the three main components (volatile components, natural rubber and styrene–butadiene rubber) according to three successive steps. The latter method identifies the kinetics for the pyrolysis of individual components by means of DTG curve deconvolution. The effect of vacuum in the process is significant. The values of activation energy for the pyrolysis of individual components of easier devolatilization (volatiles and NR) are lower for pyrolysis under vacuum with a reduction of 12 K in the reaction starting temperature. The kinetic constant at 503 K for devolatilization of volatile additives at 0.25 atm is 1.7 times higher than that at 1 atm, and that corresponding to styrene–butadiene rubber at 723 K is 2.8 times higher. Vacuum enhances the volatilization and internal diffusion of products in the pyrolysis process, which contributes to attenuating the secondary reactions of the repolymerization and carbonization of these products on the surface of the char (carbon black). The higher quality of carbon black is interesting for process viability.The large-scale implementation of this process in continuous mode requires a comparison to be made between the economic advantages of using a vacuum and the energy costs, which will be lower when the technologies used for pyrolysis require a lower ratio between reactor volume and scrap tyre flow rate.  相似文献   

The presence of paper in municipal solid waste (MSW) interferes with the efficiency of composting plants. The compost feedstock to these plants is between 12% and 27% paper on a dry weight basis, with an initial C:N ratio ranging from 32:1 to 57:1. Tests of the last aerobic biodegradability (LAB) of the type of paper present in paper and cardboard packaging were carried out, following UNE-EN 14046 standards. The results obtained, measured through the quantity of CO2 generated over 45 days, compared with the maximum that could be produced (ThCO2), showed that the presence of paper retards, to a great degree, the biodegradation of organic material in general. Specifically, the presence of papers with a degradation D (%) >60% at 45 days (white (W) and recycled paper (R)) could be allowed, but always in proportions that did not exceed 27% in dry weight. These results can be achieved with an industrial level process, pre-treated by trituration.  相似文献   

Characteristics of steel slag under different cooling conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four types of steel slags, a ladle slag, a BOF (basic oxygen furnace) slag and two different EAF (electric arc furnace) slags, were characterized and modified by semi-rapid cooling in crucibles and rapid cooling by water granulation. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different cooling conditions on the properties of glassy slags with respect to their leaching and volume stability. Optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and a standard test leaching (prEN 12457-2/3) have been used for the investigation. The results show that the disintegrated ladle slag was made volume stable by water granulation, which consisted of 98% glass. However EAF slag 1, EAF slag 2 and the BOF slag formed 17%, 1% and 1% glass, respectively. The leaching test showed that the glass-containing matrix did not prevent leaching of minor elements from the modified slags. The solubility of chromium, molybdenum and vanadium varied in the different modifications, probably due to their presence in different minerals and their different distributions.  相似文献   

With the advent of recently promulgated Government regulations on plastics in Mauritius, a study was initiated to examine the biodegradability of two different types of plastic, namely Willow Ridge Plastics - PDQ-H additive (Plastic A) and Ecosafe Plastic - TDPA additive (Plastic B) under controlled and natural composting environments. The results obtained from the controlled composting environment showed that the cumulative carbon dioxide evolution for Plastic A was much higher than that for Plastic B. Plastic A therefore showed a higher level of biodegradation in terms of CO2 evolution than Plastic B. However, from the regression analysis, it was found that the level of CO2 varying with time fitted the sigmoid type curves with very high correlation coefficients (R2 values: 0.9928, 0.9921 and 0.9816, for reference material, inoculum and Plastic A, respectively). The corresponding F-values obtained from the ANOVA analysis together with significance levels of p<0.05 indicated that the three treatments analysed in the biodegradability experiment were significant. The other experiment was undertaken to observe any physical change of Plastics A and B as compared to a reference plastic, namely, compostable plastic bag (Mater-Bi product-Plastic C), when exposed to a natural composting environment. Thermophilic temperatures were obtained for about 3-5 days of composting and the moisture content was in the range of 60-80% throughout the degradation process. It was observed that after 55 days of composting, Plastic C degraded completely while Plastic A and Plastic B did not undergo any significant degradation. It can be concluded that naturally based plastic made of starch would degrade completely in a time frame of 60 days, whereas plastics with biodegradable additive would require a longer time.  相似文献   

Kinetics of thermal de-chlorination of PVC under pyrolytic conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although PVC-containing wastes are an important potential source of energy they are frequently disposed in landfill. In thermal treatment processes such as pyrolysis and gasification, the presence of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), a compound with 56.7% of chlorine, may cause problems concerned with environmental protection, as consequence of the formation of hydrochloric acid, chlorine gas and dioxins, as well as corrosion phenomena of the reactor/equipment materials. Thus, a possible solution may involve a previous removal of the chlorine from PVC containing waste through a pyrolysis process at low temperatures before the material being submitted to a subsequent thermal treatment, for energetic valorization. In this work, a kinetic model for the thermal decomposition of PVC has been developed, in view of its de-chlorination. DTA/TGA testing at different temperatures indicated a first order reaction and an activation energy of 133,800J/mol. An almost completed de-chlorination reaction was obtained at 340°C under an inert atmosphere. The resulted material is a C(n)H(n) type polymer with potential to be used in an energy recovery process. Validation test performed at laboratory scale indicate that the temperature of 340°C enables the removal of ~99.9% of the chlorine present in PVC. The chloride can be fixed in the form of an aqueous solution of HCl or calcium chloride, driving to an alternative full process with environmental benefits and reduction of the costs associated to the PCV - containing materials/wastes management.  相似文献   

Corn starch and zein mixtures (4 : 1 dry weight) were extruded and injection-molded in the presence of plasticizers (glycerol and water). Tensile strength and percentage elongation of the molded plastics were measured before and after 1 week of storage under a dry or humid condition (11 or 93% RH). With 10–12% glycerol and 6–8% water, injection-molded plastics had relatively good tensile properties (20- to 25-MPa tensile strength and 3.5–4.7% elongation). But while exposed to dry conditions (11% RH), the molded plastics lost weight (0.5–1.5% in 7 days) and became very brittle, with significant decreases in tensile strength and elongation. Partial replacement (5–10%) of starch with a maltodextrin (average DE 5) reduced the glass transition and melting temperatures of the starch-zein mixture as well as the dry storage stability. Using potato starch instead of corn starch significantly improved the dry storage stability of the injection-molded starch-zein plastics (18- vs 11-MPa tensile strength). Anionic corn starches with a maleate or succinate group (DS<0.01) produced injection-molded plastics with improved tensile properties and storage stability. Plastics prepared from the starch maleate and zein mixture retained the strength during 1 week of dry storage without a significant change (26-MPa tensile strength and 3.7% elongation after 1 week of storage).Paper presented at the Bio/Environmentally Degradable Polymer Society—Second National Meeting, August 19–21, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.Journal paper No. J-15561 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Project No. 2863.  相似文献   

Field sampling and testing were used to investigate the relationship between baseline geochemical and microbial community data and in situ reductive dechlorination rates at a site contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE) and carbon tetrachloride (CTET). Ten monitoring wells were selected to represent conditions along groundwater flow paths from the contaminant source zone to a wetlands groundwater discharge zone. Groundwater samples were analyzed for a suite of geochemical and microbial parameters; then push‐pull tests with fluorinated reactive tracers were conducted in each well to measure in situ reductive dechlorination rates. No exogenous electron donors were added in these tests, as the goal was to assess in situ reductive dechlorination rates under natural attenuation conditions. Geochemical data provided preliminary evidence that reductive dechlorination of TCE and CTET was occurring at the site, and microbial data confirmed the presence of known dechlorinating organisms in groundwater. Push‐pull tests were conducted using trichlorofluoroethene (TCFE) as a reactive tracer for TCE and, in one well, trichlorofluoromethane (TCFM) as a reactive tracer for CTET. Injected TCFE was transformed to cis‐ and trans‐dichlorofluoroethene and chlorofluoroethene, and, in one test, injected TCFE was completely dechlorinated to fluoroethene (FE). In situ TCFE transformation rates ranged from less than 0.005 to 0.004/day. In the single well tested, injected TCFM was transformed in situ to dichlorofluoromethane and chlorofluoromethane; the TCFM transformation rate was estimated as 0.001/day. The results indicate that it is possible to use push‐pull tests with reactive tracers to directly detect and quantify reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes under monitored natural attenuation conditions, which has not previously been demonstrated. Transformation rate estimates obtained with these techniques should improve the accuracy of contaminant transport modeling. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Continuous efforts are paid to facilitate finding sustainable ecofriendly functional alternative materials for green products form low-cost...  相似文献   

The effect of enzymatic pretreatment of sugar beet pulp and spent hops prior to methane fermentation was determined in this study. These industrial residues were subjected to enzymatic digestion before anaerobic fermentation because of high fiber content (of 85.1% dry matter (DM) and 57.7% DM in sugar beet pulp and spent hops, respectively). Their 24h hydrolysis with a mix of enzymatic preparations Celustar XL and Agropect pomace (3:1, v/v), with endoglucanase, xylanase and pectinase activities, was most effective. Reducing sugars concentrations in hydrolysates of sugar beet pulp and spent hops were by 88.9% and 59.4% higher compared to undigested materials. The highest yield of biogas was obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysate of sugar beet pulp (183.39 mL/d from 1g COD at fermenter loading with organic matter of 5.43 g COD/L × d). Fermentation of sugar beet pulp gave 19% less biogas. Methane fermentation of spent hops hydrolysate yielded 121.47 mL/d biogas from 1g COD (at 6.02 g COD/L × d, 13% more than from spent hops). These results provide evidence that suitable enzymatic pretreatment of lignocellulosic wastes improve biogas yield from anaerobic fermentation.  相似文献   

Organic matter stabilization resulted from the decrease of cellulose, xylan, arabinan, acetyl groups, glucuronic acids, galacturonic acids (easily biodegradable fractions) and the increase of lignin (resistant compound) and humic substances coming from the initial wastes have been studied. A central composite experimental design was used to investigate the influence of environmental composting parameters (moisture, aeration and particle size) on organic matter evolution. The organic matter evolution was clearly influenced by the studied composting parameters. All results were concordant, with an increase of humic substances and lignin and a decrease of the rest of the cellulose and hemicellulose compounds. Lower cellulose, xylan, acetyl groups and glucuronic acids contents (higher degradation) have been observed under low particle size (1 cm) and higher moisture content (70%). However lower lignin and higher humic substances under medium (3 cm) to low particle size and low moisture content (40%) have been found.  相似文献   

Significant microbial reductive dechlorination of [1,2 14C] cis‐dichloroethene (DCE) was observed in anoxic microcosms prepared with unamended, fractured rock aquifer materials, which were colonized in situ at multiple depths in two boreholes at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) in West Trenton, New Jersey. The lack of significant reductive dechlorination in corresponding water‐only treatments indicated that chlororespiration activity in unamended, fractured rock treatments was primarily associated with colonized core material. In these unamended fractured rock microcosms, activity was highest in the shallow zones and generally decreased with increasing depth. Electron‐donor amendment (biostimulation) enhanced chlororespiration in some but not all treatments. In contrast, combining electron‐donor amendment with KB1 amendment (bioaugmentation) enhanced chlororespiration in all treatments and substantially reduced the variability in chlororespiration activity both within and between treatments. These results indicate (1) that a potential for chlororespiration‐based bioremediation exists at NAWC Trenton but is limited under nonengineered conditions, (2) that the limitation on chlororespiration activity is not entirely due to electron‐donor availability, and (3) that a bioaugmentation approach can substantially enhance in situ bioremediation if the requisite amendments can be adequately distributed throughout the fractured rock matrix. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.*  相似文献   

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