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We characterize the monthly variation in (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan concentration measured over the course of 1 year, and we evaluate the characteristics of size selection using a two-stage cyclone sampler. The (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan concentrations were measured in four bio-related laboratories. A total of 156 samples were collected using a new two-stage cyclone sampler. Analysis of (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan was performed using the kinetic Limulus amebocyte lysate assay. The study showed that airborne (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan concentrations were significantly higher in laboratory D (mean ± SD 1,105?±?1,893 pg/m3) and in the spring (5,458 pg/m3). The highest concentration of (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan occurred in the spring, particularly in May.  相似文献   

In this present study, airborne pollen in Çe?me was investigated between February 17, 2012 and February 17, 2014 using the volumetric method. Çe?me, one of Turkey’s most important tourism centers, which attracts numerous local and foreign tourists each year, is a district of Izmir, a province in the western part of Turkey. During the 2-year study, 12,905 pollen grains belonging to 64 taxa (33 arboreal, 31 non-arboreal plants) were detected. However, the 2-year data results revealed that the taxa with the pollen concentration more than 4% in the atmosphere were Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (4268 pollen, 33.07%), Olea europaea (1614 pollen grains, 12.51%), Pinaceae (1085 pollen grains, 8.41%), Quercus spp. (1081 pollen grains, 8.38%), Pistacia spp. (743 pollen grains, 5.76%), and Poaceae (557 pollen grains, 4.32%), all of which comprised 72.44% of the total count. The relationship between the daily pollen counts belonging to these six taxa and the hourly average temperature (°C), daily precipitation (mm), relative humidity (%), and wind speed (km/h) was assessed using the Spearman correlation test, and significant results were determined. During the study, the intradiurnal distribution of the aforementioned pollen varied. The highest pollen concentration was detected between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (first year 30.3%; second year 30.1%).  相似文献   

The long-recognized risk to human health arising from arsenic-contaminated waters is known to be linked to partitioning reactions between arsenic and natural solid phases. Currently, the ability to predict As surface complexation is limited by the lack of molecular-level understanding of As-solid interactions. In the present study, we use density functional theory (DFT) to model mono-, bi-, and tri-dentate As(III) surface complexes on different (previously proposed) structural models for hydrated hematite, modeled as α-Fe(2)O(3)(0001)-water interfaces. One of the modeled hematite-water interfaces is terminated entirely by hydroxyl surface functional groups, comprised of hematite lattice oxygen atoms. The other hematite-water interface is an iron-terminated model in which the outermost oxygen functional groups are water (and water dissociation product) ligands. We report the DFT trends in adsorption energies in terms of As-hematite coordination, hematite surface geometry/stoichiometry, and oxygen functional group identity. The DFT energetics predict that a monodentate As(III) surface complex is preferred on both hematite-water structures, suggesting that the two structural models here employed do not sufficiently represent the true surface structure to reproduce the experimental observation of As(III) bidentate coordination. However, the results do elucidate fundamental concepts of interface reactivity: A key result, supported by electronic structure analysis, is that ligand oxygen functional groups cannot be treated on equal ground with true surface oxygen functional groups. For the systems modeled here the distinction between surface and ligand functional groups supersedes the differences in oxygen coordination with surface Fe. We discuss the impact of this finding on the application of bond-valence-based predictions of mineral-water reactivity, and use the results of this study to pose questions and directions for ongoing modeling efforts aimed at linking macroscopic reactivity with molecular-level understanding.  相似文献   

Changes in the phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a), production rate, and species composition were studied over two seasons using the time series measurements in the northern limb of the Cochin estuary in relation to the prevailing hydrological conditions. The present study showed the significant seasonal variation in water temperature (F = 69.4, P < 0.01), salinity (F = 341.93, P < 0.01), dissolved inorganic phosphorous (F = 17.71, P < 0.01), and silica (F = 898.1, P < 0.01) compared to nitrogen (F = 1.646, P > 0.05). The uneven input of ammonia (3.4–224.8 μM) from upstream (Periyar River) leads to the inconsistency in the N/P ratio (range 6.8–262). A distinct seasonality was observed in Si/N (F = 382.9, P < 0.01) and Si/P (F = 290.3, P < 0.01) ratios compared to the N/P ratio (F = 1.646, P > 0.05). The substantial increase in chlorophyll a (average, 34.8 ± 10 mg m???3) and primary production (average, 1,304 ± 694 mg C m???3 day???1) indicated the mesotrophic condition of the study area during the premonsoon (PRM) and it was attributed to the large increase in the population of nanoplankton (size < 20 μ ) such as Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira subtilis, Nitzschia closterium, and Navicula directa. In contrast, during the post monsoon (PM), low chlorophyll a concentration (average, 9.3 ± 9.2 mg m???3) and primary production (average, 124 ± 219 mg C m???3 day???1) showed heterotrophic condition. It can be stated that favorable environmental conditions (optimum nutrients and light intensity) prevailing during the PRM have enhanced the abundance of the nanoplankton community in the estuary, whereas during the PM, the light limitation due to high turbidity can reduce the nanoplankton growth and abundance, even though high nutrient level exists.  相似文献   

This comment highlights a whole series of datasets on thallium concentrations in the environment that were overlooked in the recent review by Karbowska, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188, 640, 2016 in this journal. Geochemical surveys carried out over the last few decades all over the world at various scales and using different sampling media have reported the concentration of thallium (and dozens more elements) in tens of thousands of samples. These datasets provide a ‘real-world’ foundation upon which source apportionment investigations can be based, monitoring programs devised and modelling studies designed. Furthermore, this comment also draws attention to two global geochemical mapping initiatives that should be of interest to environmental scientists.  相似文献   

The seasonal effects of untreated and treated municipal sewage on the nutrients-nitrate (NO(3)), phosphate (PO(4)), sulphate (SO(4)), and the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) of the receiving urban canal, the Buckingham canal at Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu, India) was monitored monthly during pre- monsoon-2005 to post-monsoon-2006. The NO(3), PO(4) and SO(4) contents were higher in the downstream than that of the upstream of the outfall points of treated as well as untreated sewage, of the canal. The NO(3) and PO(4) contents were higher during summer than that of monsoon; however the SO(4) was higher during winter and lower during summer in the canal water. The BOD and COD were lower and DO was higher at the upstream than that of downstream of the canal. The concentrations of BOD and COD were higher during summer season, which decreased during monsoon season, while the DO decreased during the summer season and increased in monsoon season in the canal water. Cluster analysis applied to the six sampling points of the canal, has grouped them based on the water quality similarities.  相似文献   

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