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Fractionation of soil phosphorus (P) can provide useful information for assessing the risk of soil P as the potential sources of eutrophication in aquatic systems. Little information exists on P forms in paddy soils of Isfahan Province in central Iran, where P fertilizers have been continuously applied for at least 45 years. The objectives of this study were to investigate concentrations and proportions of P forms in paddy soils and correlate the content of P forms with basic soil properties. Soil samples from three paddy sites were obtained, and soil P forms were determined by a modified Hedley fraction method. Results show that the total P concentrations ranged from 288 to 850 mg kg?1 and were enriched in site 1. In all sites, the rank order of P fractions was HCl-P (CARB-P)?>?residual-P (RES-P)?>?NaOH-P (Fe-Al-P)?>?KCl-P (EXCH-P), indicating that Ca compounds are the main soil components contributing to P retention in these calcareous paddy soils. The EXCH-P represented on average?<?1 % of the total P, while the Fe-Al-P ranged 3.3–18 %. The CARB-P showed considerable contribution (63.6–85.6 %) to the total P. The Pearson correlation matrix indicated that Fe-Al-P only was positively correlated with total P, but did not show any significant correlations with other soil geochemical properties. Calcium-bound P fraction was significantly correlated with the clay, silt, cation exchange capacity, and total P.  相似文献   

This work investigated the effect of soil aquifer treatment (SAT) operation on the fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) fractions in soils through laboratory-scale soil columns with a 2-year operation. The resin adsorption technique (with XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins) was employed to characterize the dissolved organic matter in soils into five fractions, i.e., hydrophobic acid (HPO-A), hydrophobic neutral (HPO-N), transphilic acid (TPI-A), transphilic neutral (TPI-N), and hydrophilic fraction (HPI). The synchronous fluorescence spectra revealed the presence of soluble microbial byproduct- and humic acid-like components and polycyclic aromatic compounds in DOM in soils, and SAT operation resulted in the enrichment of these fluorescent materials in all DOM fractions in the surface soil (0–12.5 cm). More importantly, the quantitative method of fluorescence regional integration was used in the analysis of excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectra of DOM fractions in soils. The cumulative EEM volume (Φ T, n ) results showed that SAT operation led to the enrichment of more fluorescent components in HPO-A and TPI-A, as well as the dominance of less fluorescent components in HPO-N, TPI-N, and HPI in the bottom soil (75–150 cm). Total Φ T, n values, which were calculated as $ {\Phi_{{T,n}}} \times {\mathrm{DOC}} $ , suggested an accumulation of fluorescent organic matter in the upper 75 cm of soil as a consequence of SAT operation. The distribution of volumetric fluorescence among five regions (i.e., P i, n ) results revealed that SAT caused the increased content of humic-like fluorophores as well as the decreased content of protein-like fluorophores in both HPO-A and TPI-A in soils.  相似文献   

The distribution of mercury (Hg) in fractions of urban soils from two industrial cities in the Russian Far East which are subject to varying degrees of Hg contamination was examined. The speciation scheme applied was based on routine chemical extraction methods used in soil investigations. Such an approach enables the Hg data to be brought into correlation with soil basic fractions and the fate of Hg bound to different soil components to be followed. Humic acids and a non-hydrolysable residue (humin), i.e. the soil fractions most refractory to microbiotic and chemical attack, were found to be principal Hg repositories in the soils studied. This pattern was equally observed for slightly, moderately and heavily contaminated soils. Hymatomelanic acids do not appear to be an efficient Hg concentrator. In heavily contaminated soils, Hg concentrations were evident in mobile fractions of fulvic acids as well as in those fractions extracted by H2O and 0.05 M Na2-EDTA pH 3. A portion of Hg extracted by 1 M HCl increased in lower horizons, reflecting relatively weakly bound Hg.  相似文献   

The bioavailability and ultimate fate of heavy metals in the environment are controlled by adsorption-desorption process. Batch equilibrium experiments were performed to assess the effects of pH and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) on competitive adsorption and desorption of cadmium and lead in paddy soils from China. The results indicated that both soils exhibited greater sorption capacity for lead (Pb) (1.37-1.61-fold) than cadmium (Cd) as estimated by the maximum sorption parameter (Q) from the Langmuir equation. The Langmuir bonding energy coefficient (b) and distribution coefficient (K (d)) were greater for Pb than for Cd, furthermore, b (binary) and K (d) (single) were greater than b (single) and K (d binary), indicating that competition for sorption sites promote the retention of both metals on more specific sorption sites. Both Cd and Pb desorption as a function of solution pH was characteristic of "S" pattern. The presence of LMWOAs inhibited Cd or Pb desorption at the low concentrations (≤0.1 mmol L(-1)) but promoted Cd and Pb desorption at higher concentrations (≥0.5 mmol L(-1) for citric acid and ≥1 mmol L(-1) for malic and oxalic acid). The two paddy soils had a greater d (Cd) than d (Pb) in the presence of LMWOAs, indicating that Cd desorption was more affected by the presence of LMWOAs in binary metal system.  相似文献   

A considerable area of soils with low abundance of plant-available phosphorus and relatively low consumption of phosphorus fertilisers recorded in Poland over the last 20–25 years suggests that the dispersion of phosphates from arable soils in Poland can be low. The literature, however, provides reports on a considerable share of Polish agriculture in phosphorus pollution of Baltic Sea waters. The literature provides no data concerning phosphorus sorption parameters of arable soils in Poland. Due to this, the study involved the analysis of sorption properties: 1-point phosphorus sorption index (PSI) and degree of phosphorus saturation, based on molar ratio P, Al, and Fe determined by the Mehlich-3 method (DPS-1M3?=?P / (Al?+?Fe) and DPS-2M3?=?P / Al), 59 soils representing the main types of texture of soils in Poland, characterised by variable content of plant-available phosphorus by Egner-Riehm DL, organic carbon, and soil pH. The obtained results suggest that the soil texture has a lower effect on sorption properties (PSI) than the degree of acidification. Sorption parameters of soils increased with soil acidification as a result of an increase in the content of Al and Fe extracted by the Mehlich-3 extract in strongly acidified soils. An important finding of our study was evidencing that within the same class of abundance in plant-available phosphorus, the soils varied in the degree of phosphorus saturation and content of active phosphorus. This suggests the possibility of losses of phosphorus even from soils with low abundance of the component provided they are characterised by a high value of parameters DPS-1M3 and DPS-2M3.  相似文献   

Located in Central South China, Hunan province is rich in mineral resources. To study the influence of mining on Cd pollution to local agricultural eco-system, the paddy soils and rice grain of Y county in northern Hunan province were intensively monitored. The results were as follows: (1) Total Cd (T-Cd) content in the soils of the county ranges from 0.13 to 6.02 mg kg?1, with a mean of 0.64 mg kg?1, of which 57.5 % exceed the allowable limit specified by the China Soil Environmental Quality Standards. T-Cd in the soils varies largely, with the coefficient of variation reaching 146.4 %. The spatial distribution of T-Cd in the soils quite matches with that of mining and industries. The content of HCl-extractable Cd (HCl-Cd) in the soils ranges from 0.02 to 2.17 mg kg?1, with a mean of 0.24 mg kg?1. A significant positive correlation exists between T-Cd and HCl-Cd in the soils (r?=?0.770, ρ?<?0.01). (2) Cd content in the rice produced in Y county ranges from 0.01 to 2.77 mg kg?1, with a mean of 0.46 mg kg?1. The rate of rice with Cd exceeding the allowable limit specified by the Chinese Grain Security Standards reaches 59.6 %; that with Cd exceeding 1 mg kg?1, called as “Cd rice,” reaches 11.1 %. (3) Cd content in the rice of Y county is positively significantly correlated with HCl-Cd (r?=?0.177, ρ?<?0.05) but not significantly with T-Cd in the soils (r?=?0.091, ρ?>?0.05), which suggests that the amount of Cd accumulating in the rice is more affected by its availability in the soils, rather than the total content. (4) The dietary intake of Cd via rice consumption in Y county is estimated to be 179.9 μg day?1 person?1 on average, which is far beyond the allowable limit specified by FAO/WHO and the target hazard quotients of Cd much higher than 1, suggesting the high risk on human health from Cd exposure.  相似文献   

Organic acid has been related to nutrient mobilization, mainly in phosphorus (P) insoluble utilization, and therefore enhances P bioavailability. In this study, we examined the effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids (malic, citric, and oxalic acids) on P release of some calcareous soils from western Iran. Fractionation and speciation of P in the soil solution were studied at the initial and final P release. Significantly different quantities of P were extracted by the organic acids. On average the maximum (1,554.9 mg kg-1) and the minimum (1,260.5 mg kg-1) P were extracted by 10 mM oxalic and malic acid, respectively. Power equation described well P release. In the initial stage of P release, the solution samples in soils were supersaturated with respect to hydroxyapatite and β-TCP. At the end of P release, all solutions were undersaturated with phosphate minerals. The percentage of Fe-Al oxide fraction generally increased after P release, while carbonate and residual P fractions were decreased in all organic acids. Compared with the native soils, adding malic and citric acids had no effect on Fe-Al oxide fraction, but oxalic acid significantly reduced this fraction.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the principle and latest development of the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technology and its applications in environmental studies with a focus on bioavailability assessment of phosphorus and metals in sediments and soils. Compared with conventional methods, DGT, as a passive sampling method, has significant advantages: in situ measurement, time averaged concentrations and high spatial resolution. The in situ measurement avoids artificial influences including contamination of samples and sample treatment which may change the forms of chemicals. The time averaged concentration reflects representative measurement over a period of time. The high-resolution information captures the biogeochemical heterogeneity of elements of interest distributed in microenvironments, such as in the rhizosphere and the vicinity of the sediment-water interface. Moreover, DGT is a dynamic technique which simultaneously considers the diffusion of solutes and their kinetic resupply from the solid phases. All the advantages of DGT significantly promote the collection of “true” information of the bioavailable or labile forms of chemicals in the environment. DGT provides potential for applications in agriculture, environmental monitoring and the mining industry. However, the applications are still at the early testing stage. Further studies are needed to properly interpret the DGT-measured results under complex environmental conditions, and standard procedures and guideline values based on DGT are required to pave the way for its routine applications in environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

The availability of the five chemical fractions, i.e., exchangeable (F1), carbonate-bound (F2), Fe/Mn oxide-combined (F3), organic matter-complexed (F4), residual (F5), of three heavy metals (Cu, Zn, and Cd), has been investigated by way of a sequential extraction technique based on the characteristics of the coastal soils developed from alluvial deposits, in order to analyze the relationship of the formation and development of coastal soils. The results showed that F1 and F5 of Cu, Zn, and Cd accounted dominantly for 9.11%, 2.74%, and 20.37%, and for 39.49%, 45.18%, and 32.43% of total heavy metal contents, respectively, indicating the order of availability and mobility: Cd > Cu > Zn. F2, F3, and F4 of HMs also featured prominently in the behaviors of heavy metals. Random measurement errors from both sampling and analysis were demonstrated by SAX to be well within the control target of 20% and, therefore, of no impediment to the geochemical interpretation of the data. Significant positive correlation was found between certain fractions of heavy metals and some soil properties. Some negative correlation was also found. The findings were helpful to the soil remediation, fertility adjustment, and plant cultivation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the pollution load index, fraction distributions, and mobility of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in garden and paddy soils collected from a Pb/Zn mine in Chenzhou City, China. The samples were analyzed using Leleyter and Probst’s sequential extraction procedures. Total metal concentrations including Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn exceeded the maximum permissible limits for soils set by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, and the order of the pollution index was Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu, indicating that the soils from both sites seriously suffered from heavy metal pollution, especially Cd. The sums of metal fractions were in agreement with the total contents of heavy metals. However, there were significant differences in fraction distributions of heavy metals in garden and paddy soils. The residual fractions of heavy metals were the predominant form with 43.0% for Pb, 32.3% for Cd, 33.5% for Cu, and 44.2% for Zn in garden soil, while 51.6% for Pb, 40.4% for Cd, 40.3% for Cu, and 40.9% for Zn in paddy soil. Furthermore, the proportions of water-soluble and exchangeable fractions extracted by the selected analytical methods were the lowest among all fractions. On the basis of the speciation of heavy metals, the mobility factor values of heavy metals have the following order: Cd (25.2–19.8%) > Cu (22.6–6.3%) > Zn (9.6–6.0%) > Pb (6.7–2.5%) in both contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Adsorption and release of perchlorate in a variety of soils, minerals, and other media were studied when the solid media were exposed to low and high aqueous solutions of perchlorate salts. Low level ClO4- exposure was investigated by subjecting triplicate 5.0 g portions of a solid medium (38 different soils, minerals, or dusts) to 25 mL of an aqueous ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO4) solution containing 670 ng mL(-1) (6.8 microM) perchlorate. This corresponds to a perchlorate-to-soil ratio of 3.4 microg g(-1) (34 nmol g(-1)). At this level of exposure, more than 90% of the perchlorate was recovered in the aqueous phase, as determined by ion chromatography. In some cases, more than 99% of the perchlorate remained in the aqueous phase. In some cases, the apparent loss of aqueous perchlorate was not clearly distinguishable from the variation due to experimental error. The forced perchlorate anion exchange capacities (PAECs) were studied by soaking triplicate 5.0 g portions of the solid media in 250 mL of 0.20 M sodium perchlorate (NaClO4) followed by repeated deionized water rinses (overnight soaks with mixing) until perchlorate concentrations fell below 20 ng mL(-1) in the rinse solutions. The dried residua were leached with 15.0 mL of 0.10 M sodium hydroxide. The leachates were analyzed by ion chromatography and the perchlorate concentrations thus found were subsequently used to calculate the PAECs. The measurable PAECs of the insoluble and settleable residua ranged from 4 to 150 nmol g(-1) (micromol kg(-1)), with most in the 20-50 nmol g(-1) range. In some soils or minerals, no sorption was detectable. The mineral bentonite was problematic, however. Overall, the findings support the widely accepted idea that perchlorate does not appreciably sorb to soils and that its mobility and fate are largely influenced by hydrologic and biologic factors. They also generally support the idea that intrasoil perchlorate content is depositional rather than sorptive. On the other hand, sorption (anion replacement) of perchlorate appears to occur in some soils. Therefore, the measurement of perchlorate in soils requires accounting for ion exchange phenomena; leaching with water alone may give inaccurate results. If perchlorate anion exchange is confirmed to be negligible, then leaching procedures may be simplified accordingly.  相似文献   

The metabolic degradation and persistence of imidacloprid in paddy field soil were investigated following two applications of imidacloprid at 20 and 80 g a.i. ha?1 at an interval of 10 days. The soil samples were collected at various time intervals. The limit of quantification for the analysis of imidacloprid and its metabolites was obtained at the concentration of 0.01 mg kg?1. The initial deposits of total imidacloprid were found to be 0.44 and 1.61 mg kg?1 following second applications. These residues could not be detected after 60 and 90 days following second applications of imidacloprid at lower and higher dosages, respectively. In soil, urea metabolite was found to be the maximum, followed by olefine, nitrosimine, 6-chloronicotinic acid, 5-hydroxy and nitroguanidine. The half-life values (t 1/2) of imidacloprid were worked out to be 12.04 and 11.14 days, respectively, when applied at lower and higher doses, respectively.  相似文献   

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and dichloroacetic acid (DCA) are possible minor atmospheric degradation products of perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene, respectively. These acids may be wet- or dry-deposited from the atmosphere to land surfaces and hence possibly affect plant growth. However, the existing database on TCA levels in soil is limited to a few studies carried out in the late 1980's and the early to mid-1990's and it was concluded that there is a need for further measurements of concentrations of TCA and DCA in soils. In this study soil samples from 10 locations in 5 European countries, as well as vegetation samples, and a limited number of rainwater and air samples were collected and analysed for DCA and TCA to determine the concentrations of these compounds. An isotope dilution method using GC-MS was used for the determination of these acids in the samples. The method was briefly validated and the performance characteristics are presented. The results of the analysis of the soil samples show that the DCA and TCA concentrations in soil from different sites in Europe are more or less comparable, with the exception of Germany, especially Freudenstadt, where significantly higher TCA concentrations (up to 12 microg kg(-1) dw) were found. The average DCA and TCA concentrations in soil in this study were 0.25 +/- 0.12 and 0.64 +/- 1.40 microg kg(-1) dw, respectively. Generally, the concentration in soils from forest areas are about twice those from open-land areas. The DCA and TCA concentrations in vegetation samples ranged from 2.1 to 73 microg kg(-1) dw for DCA and from 4.7 to 17 microg kg(-1) dw for TCA. Thus, the concentrations in vegetation samples are 10-20 times higher than the soil concentrations. DCA and TCA concentrations in wet deposition samples and air samples collected in The Netherlands were 0.14 and 0.15 microg l(-1) for wet deposition samples and <0.5 and 0.7 ng m(-3) for air samples respectively. For these samples taken in The Netherlands, the estimated values for soil and air concentrations calculated from the wet deposition concentrations are in agreement with the concentrations measured in this study.  相似文献   

Adsorption and degradation of sulfosulfuron in soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adsorption of sulfosulfuron was studied in two soils (topsoil from Alfisol and Inceptisol). The adsorption of sulfosulfuron was greater in topsoil collected from Alfisol than in Inceptisol. The soil sorption coefficient K and the soil organic carbon sorption coefficient K oc are the basic parameters used for describing the environmental fate of the herbicides. In topsoil the calculated K values from Alfisol was 4.43 and in topsoil from Inceptisol was 2.00. K c values were 6.06 in topsoil from Alfisol and 3.33 in topsoil from Inceptisol. The K oc values were 886.36 in topsoil from Alfisol and 770.26 in topsoil from Inceptisol. Field experimental plots with no previous history of sulfosulfuron were selected and studied the degradation of sulfosulfuron in the topsoil collected from Alfisol and Inceptisol. The half-life of sulfosulfuron in topsoil from Alfisol: T 1− 3.97 days and T 2− 4.54 days; topsoil from Inceptisol: T 1 − 4.68 days and T 2 − 5.52 days. The degradation of sulfosulfuron followed first-order kinetics. The persistence of sulfosulfuron was found relatively longer in the Inceptisol than in Alfisol. The combination of degradation data (t 1/2 – soil) and organic carbon based sorption (K oc) data of herbicides have been used to assess the pesticide environmental impact in soils through Gustafson Ubiquity Score (GUS). The GUS values were found to be 0.69 in topsoil from Alfisol and 0.83 in Inceptisol.  相似文献   

Methane fluxes in aerobic soils   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Aerobic soils are an important sink for methane (CH4), contributing up to 15% of global CH4 destruction. However, the sink strength is significantly affected by land management, nitrogen (N) fertilizers and acidity. The rates of uptake from the atmosphere of both enhanced (10 ppmv) and ambient (2 ppmv) concentrations of CH4 were measured in laboratory incubations of soil cores under controlled conditions taken from sites in the U.K. and Germany. The most rapid rates of uptake were measured in soil from deciduous woodland at pH 4 (measured in water). Extended (150 years) cultivation of land for arable crops reduced uptake rate by 85% compared to that in the same soil under an adjacent woodland. The long-term application of ammonium (NH4)-based fertilizer, but not nitrate (NO3)-based fertilizer, completely inhibited CH4 uptake, but the application for the same period of farmyard manure (FYM) that contained more N than the fertilizer had no inhibitory effect. Where a combination of FYM and inorganic fertilizer was applied there was a reduction in methane uptake rate compared to plots receiving solely FYM.Autoclaving showed that the uptake of CH4 was microbially mediated. The most likely causes of the inhibitory effects seen are (i) insufficient concentrations of CH4 in situ to activate methane monooxygenase; (ii) the direct inhibition of CH4 oxidation by NH inf4 sup+ ions; (iii) the suppression of methanotrophs by NH4-based fertilizers; (iv) the requirement of methanotrophs for a stable soil architecture which is incompatible with the disturbance caused by regular arable cultivation.  相似文献   

PAH and PCB in soils of Switzerland--status and critical review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The surface soil concentrations (0-20 cm) of the Swiss soil monitoring network (NABO) with 105 observation sites representing all major land use types ranged for the sum of 16 EPA PAH (PAH(16)) from 32 to 8465 microg kg(-1) (median 163 microg kg(-1)), for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) from 0.5 to 1129 microg kg(-1) (median 13 microg kg(-1)) and for the sum of seven IRMM PCB (PCB(7)) from 0.5 to 12 microg kg(-1) (median 1.6 microg kg(-1)). The legal guide values of Switzerland were exceeded for PAH(16) at only three and for BaP at two sites. The PCB(7) concentrations were clearly below any assessment value. The concentration ranges were overlapping between all land use types. Tendencies for higher concentrations were observed at urban and viticulture sites. The overall measurement precision at repeatability conditions ranged from 1 to 37% RSD for PAH(16), BaP and PCB(7). The median bias for the chemical analysis was around zero for PAH(16), +5% for BaP and -5% for PCB(7) with spreads ranging from less than -20% up to more than +30%. The PAH profiles were clearly dominated by phenanthrene. Stratification by land use revealed a prevalence of benzo[a]pyrene at urban and naphthalene at conservation sites. For PCB, the general congener rank order was PCB no. 153 > 138 > 101 > 180. From a broad correlation screening only PAH(16)/BaP (r = 0.88**) were relevant for practical soil protection. The extensive comparison with other studies was severely biased by the lack of harmonisation, especially concerning sampling depth, sampling support, analytical method and the sum calculation procedure.  相似文献   

Autoclave decomposition method for metals in soils and sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaching of partially leached metals (Fe, Mn, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) was done using autoclave technique which was modified based on EPA 3051A digestion technique. The autoclave method was developed as an alternative to the regular digestion procedure passed the safety norms for partial extraction of metals in polytetrafluoroethylene (PFA vessel) with a low constant temperature (119.5° ± 1.5°C) and the recovery of elements were also precise. The autoclave method was also validated using two Standard Reference Materials (SRMs: Loam Soil B and Loam Soil D) and the recoveries were equally superior to the traditionally established digestion methods. Application of the autoclave was samples from different natural environments (beach, mangrove, river, and city soil) to reproduce the recovery of elements during subsequent analysis.  相似文献   

Methylated species of antimony, arsenic and tin were examined in urban soils of the Ruhr basin, near the cities of Duisburg and Essen, Germany. The main aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of mono-, di- and trimethylated species of these elements in urban soils. The influence of historical and present land use upon the species content was examined. The distribution of inorganic As, Sb and Sn and their methylated species along the profile depth was investigated. As, Sb and Sn speciation was performed by pH-gradient hydride generation purge and trap gas chromatography, followed by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HG-PT-GC/ICP-MS). Species' structures were confirmed by GC-EI/MS-ICP-MS. Monomethylated Sb and As were the dominant species detected: the concentration of these metal(loid) species varied between <0.07-56 microg kg(-1) per dry mass. All dimethylated species and monomethyltin concentrations were between <0.01-7.6 microg kg(-1) per dry mass, and for the trimethylated species of all examined elements, concentrations between <0.001-0.63 microg kg(-1) per dry mass were detected. The highest organometal(loid) concentrations were observed in agricultural soils and garden soils; lower concentrations were found in the soils of abandoned industrial sites (wasteland, primary forest and grassland) and a flood plain soil of the Rhine. This result can be ascribed to both the cultivation and the increased biological activity of the agricultural soils, and the generally higher contamination, the disturbed structure and the artificial substrates (deposits from industrial sources) of the abandoned industrial soils. Due to periodical sedimentation, the flood plain profile was the only one where no depth dependence of organometal(loid) species concentration was detected. The other soil profiles showed a decrease of species content with increasing depth; this was particularly noticeable in soils with a clear change from a horizon with an organic character towards a mineral horizon, i.e. decreasing vitality from profile top to bottom. It is not as yet clear whether the organometal(loid) species are formed in the mineral horizons of the profiles or whether they are displaced from the organic, biologically-active horizons towards the mineral horizons. Field studies revealed that soil parameters like pH, water content or temperature did not correlate significantly with the degree of biomethylation observed. In contrast to the lower in vitro biomethylation efficiency of Sb vs. As in microbial incubations, we consistently detected higher proportions of transformed Sb compounds in situ in soil samples. These data may indicate a need to re-examine the currently accepted model of Sb biogeochemical cycling in the real environment.  相似文献   

Dredging sediments from water bodies in Illinois is done topreserve reservoir capacity, maintain navigation and recreationchannels, and restore habitats, but the fate of the sediments is an issue. In anticipation of a major sediment dredging operationin Lake Peoria in the Illinois River, a retrospective study ofsediment placement operations was performed. Sedimentspreviously dredged from reservoirs and placed in retaining pondswere sampled along with adjacent upland soils which served asreferences. Sediments from the Illinois River above Peoria weresampled from islands, river bottom, and adjacent floodplain. Dredged sediment retention ponds initially support wetlandvegetation. After dewatering, the physical properties of sediments tend to become similar to upland soils and theretention basins are then able to support conventionalagriculture. Sediment organic matter content was similar to localreference surface soils, and soil pH of the sediments wasneutral or above. Sediment textures are dominated by silts and clays, with the Lake Peoria samples being most clayey. Calcium was the dominant cation in all the samples, and micronutrientsmeasured were in adequate supply for plant growth. However,because the Illinois River watershed includes industrial inputs,river sediments contained elevated levels of some metals, butthey were generally below levels of regulatory concern. Resultsindicated that properly handled dredge sediments could make highquality agricultural soils. In addition, sediment placement onpoor soils could improve their productivity.  相似文献   

Turkey is the sixth largest producer of cotton in the world. Two of the most commonly applied pesticides used in cotton production are trifluralin and endosulfan. Although both are very effective at controlling pests, their persistence in the environment poses risks to human health and the environment. Four loam soils and one silty-loam soil were studied to evaluate the persistence of trifluralin and endosulfan in relation to soil characteristics. Degradation with trifluralin reached as high as 70% of the applied doses. Soils with the highest organic matter content had the lowest degradation rate, indicating a tighter sorption of trifluralin. Endosulfan degradation was a function of soil type and the specific isomer, with β-endosulfan depicting the highest degradation.  相似文献   

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