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The genetic structure of populations of the corals Pocillopora damicornis and Acropora palifera was examined in three habitats at One Tree Island during March and April 1993, using electrophoretically detectable variation at six allozyme loci. There were significant genetic differences among populations of P. damicornis within each of the reef crest, lagoon and microatoll habitats. The level of differentiation among populations was similar in each of the habitats. Differences between populations of P. damicornis from lagoon and microatolls were no greater than that within habitats, but genetic differentiation of these from crest populations was much higher. There was no difference in the genetic composition of A. palifera populations within or between the lagoon and microatolls, the only habitats where this species was found. Both coral species had observed:expected (G O:GE) genotypic diversity rations >0.80, indicating predominantly sexual reproduction. These data, the high genotype diversity and general conformance of genotype frequencies to those expected under conditions of Hardy-Weinberg, suggested panmixis at each site. The high degree of sexual reproduction in the P. damicornis populations is unusual for a species where asexual reproduction has been the dominant mode of reproduction reported to date. Gene flow in both species was considerable between the lagoon and the closed microatolls. The genetic differences between populations of P. damicornis in these habitats and the reef crest may reflect the relative isolation of all populations within the closed One Tree Lagoon from those outside. However, local currents appear to offer effective means of dispersal between the habitats, suggesting that the genetic differences result from natural selection in the different environments within One Tree Lagoon and the reef crest.  相似文献   

The calcium carbonate budget of coral reefs is the result of the interaction of the processes of calcification and biological degradation, and is reflected in the chemical properties of the seawater overlying the reefs. A series of experiments at Moorea Island (French Polynesia) in 1988 monitored the diurnal and nocturnal variations in the chemical properties of seawater under field and laboratory conditions. Our results revealed that in the study area (Tiahura barrier reef flat), the calcium carbonate budget varied over space and time as a function of location in the water current. Two in-situ sites were investigated; one was situated 100 m from the algal crest of the barrier reef, the other 300 m further downstream. As a result of cumulative upstream events, the daily net calcification was ten times higher at the downstream (5.22 gm-2 d-1) than at the upstream (0.45 gm-2 d-1) site. The carbonate uptake by in situ Porites lobata in enclosures (8 kgm-2 yr-1) was ten times higher than the uptake by the whole community in the surrounding water (0.8 kgm-2 yr-1) and five times higher than that recorded for P. lobata in laboratory experiments (1.4 kgm-2 yr-1), where illumination levels were 10% of in situ levels. In laboratory experiments, the planktonic fraction of the seawater had no perceptible influence on the calcium carbonate budget. In the absence of bioeroders, living coral totally depleted the carbonate content of the seawater (3.7 gm-2d-1). Bioerosive organisms played an important role in restoring this calcium carbonate; e.g. sea urchins grazing on algal turf covering dead coral ingested CaCO3 and released this as a carbonate powder (1.26 gm-2d-1); a form of carbonate which is extremely accessible to chemical dissolution.  相似文献   

Diurnal and nocturnal zooplankton was sampled simultaneously at the surface and at 35 m depth on the outer slope of the fringing reef off the Jordanian coast in the Guff of Aqaba, Red Sea, over a period of 8 d during July 1982. Complementary surface sampling was carried out above the reef and in the open sea in the morning and afternoon for a period of 5 d. Five groups of organisms were classified according to changes in their vertical distribution in the water column which is analyzed and discussed. Zooplankters of the first group appear to be positively phototactic (Calanus robustior, Mecynocera clausi, Oithona helgolandica, Corycella rostrata). Those of the second group also seem to be positively phototactic, but only as regards average and low light (moonlight) intensities (Nannocalanus minor, Acartia negligens, Sagitta enflata, S. hexaptera, Thalia democratica, Oikopleura fusiformis, O. longicauda). The zooplankton of the third group displays a negative phototaxis (Oithona nana, calyptopis and furcilia euphausiid stages, pelecypods and other mollusc veligers). Species exhibiting uncertain behaviour or caught in low numbers and exhibiting no particular distribution are relegated to the fourth and the fifth groups. The horizontal microdistribution of the zooplankton community is not easily discernible: certain neritic or oceanic affinities can be identified, however, by comparing the WP2 standard net surface samples collected above the reef with those from the open sea. The importance of zooplankton communities is emphasized, and the necessity of elucidating the temporal and spatial migrations and exchanges between reef and planktonic organisms in order to gain more insight into their trophic relationship with the reef system.  相似文献   

Gene flow among 18 widely separated populations of the starfishLinckia laevigata was investigated using allozyme electrophoresis at seven polymorphic enzyme loci. Little genetic differentiation was observed among East Indian-West Pacific populations separated by thousands of kilometres. Gene flow was estimated to be of the same order of magnitude as that found in the highly connected Great Barrier Reef region. The absence of genetic structure over such a broad geographic range is consistent with any of three conclusions: (1) there is extensive dispersal among widely separated populations across the range examined, (2) there has been a rapid expansion of the East Indian-West Pacific populations in the recent past, or (3) the loci surveyed are under the influence of balancing selection. The first two conclusions are not totally exclusive, since a recent expansion over several thousand generations would also require rapid dispersal at some stage, although present-day levels of dispersal need not be of the same order. With the available data, it is not possible to distinguish which of these mechanisms is the most likely. The most parsimonious conclusion is that extremely low levels of population differentiation are consistent with the existence of a large, homogeneous, panmictic population, with extensive dispersal occurring throughout the East Indian-West Pacific.  相似文献   

Size influences the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationship in colonies of the branched reef-coral Pocillopora damicornis and in intact plants of the branched redmacroalga Acanthophora spicifera. The light saturation constant is proportional to size. Maximum net rate of oxygen production (net photosynthesis) per colony and nocturnal dark oxygen-uptake rate per colony (respiration) increase with increasing size, but the latter increases at a much lower rate. Therefore, the photosynthesis to respiration ratio increases with increasing canopy size. Large increases in chlorophyll per unit reef area also accompany increase in size. The initial slope (alpha) of the chlorophyll-specific P-I curve and assimilation number are inversely related to size. Integrated daytime oxygen production increases with size more rapidly than nighttime oxygen consumption. Consequently, net primary production of an entire colony or plant (or rate per unit area of reef) increases with increasing size of the canopy. Production efficiency also increases with size. The coral is rigid, symmetrical and highly organized. Chlorophyll distribution is more stratified in comparison to the macroalga. The coral shows higher photosynthetic efficiency, as would be expected according to the stratified production model of Odum et al. (1958). This research was conducted on specimens from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, USA in 1981.  相似文献   

Mass release of gametes of the sponge Neofibularia nolitangere (Duch. & Mich., 1864) occurs simultaneosly along the leeward coast of Curaçao over a period of three subsequent days, without any apparent spatial pattern in the sperad of activity. A population of 99 individual sponges was monitored from August through November 1984 for development and subsequent release of gametes. Release started every day of 3 3-d period (12 to 14 October) at about 1400 hrs and lasted until just after sunset (1830 hrs). Ninety percent of the population showed reproductive activity. Exactly one lunar month later (11 to 12 November), a second release of gametes occurred. In the following year the same sequence of events was observed for the original population (2 to 4 October and 1 to 2 November, 1985). In all instances the first gamete release began on the third day after the full moon. These and earlier observations on this phenomenon show a strong correlation between moon phase and the time of gamete release. Histological and field observations show separate development and release of gametes (sex-ratio males: females 1.5:1) with external fertilization. No sex-reversal occurred in the population during release activity the following year, demonstrating a clear gonochoristic and oviparous type of reproduction for N. nolitangere. First development of oocytes and spermatocytes has been observed at 36 and 7 d, respectively, before the date of first release. In both males and females, a major part of the mesohyl of the total sponge was involved in gamete development. Spermatozoa are released through the osculum as a dense white smoke; eggs consisting of oocyte-nurse cell globules, reinforced with spicules, are separately released en masse with the outgoing water stream of the female sponge. Shortly after release the eggs become sticky and show a negative buoyancy. The reproductive strategy of N. nolitangere appears to be directed at maximizing the number of surviving recruits by maintaining a high reproductive output at a short specific time interval.  相似文献   

A symbiotic relationship between a damselfish (Stegastes fasciolatus) and 2 surgeonfishes (Acanthurus lineatus and A. leucosternon) is described. The damselfish, which is about 1/10 the size of the surgeonfishes, is concentrated in, and appears to prefer to be in, the feeding areas of the surgeonfishes. There is an average of one adult damselfish per adult surgeonfish feeding area. All 3 species defend their feeding areas against conspecifics and various other fishes that have similar diets, but there are few aggressive interactions between the cohabitants. Most of the interspecific defense of cohabited areas is provided by the surgeonfishes. The cohabitant species eat the same types of benthic microalgae, but only the damselfish eats microcrustaceans. It appears that the net cost to a surgeonfish of having a damselfish in its feeding area is very low because (1) biomass density of the damselfish is low, (2) it uses some food that the surgeonfishes do not use, and (3) it makes a small contribution to the defense of shared feeding areas. Even if there is a cost to the surgeonfish, the small size of the damselfish would allow it to take shelter from the surgeonfish, thus making it too costly for the surgeonfish to exclude it. Such cohabitation relationships, which may be quite common among reef fishes, represent a means by which the coexistence of species that use the same limiting resources is achieved.  相似文献   

A. Acosta  S. Zea 《Marine Biology》1997,128(1):141-148
Sexual reproduction of the reef-building coral Montastreacavernosa was studied in the Santa Marta area, Caribbean coast of Colombia, from October 1990 to October 1991. The area is subjected to a seasonal upwelling–outwelling regime. From microscopical analysis of tissue sections sampled each lunar month around the full moon, it was confirmed that this is a gonochoric, broadcasting species, with a single gametogenic cycle per year, and a 1:1 sex ratio. Oogenesis began a few weeks after spawning, and extended for 11 mo. The onset of spermatogenesis occurred just before the full moon of June, later than at other localities where sea-water temperatures during the first half of the year are not as low. The amount of reproductive tissue strongly increased in both sexes after July, in association with an increase in sea-water temperature and a decrease in photoperiod. The gonad index of fully mature female colonies was about four times lower than at other localities, perhaps due to the stressful seasonal regime. The male gonad index was lower than that of the female, indicating sex-related differences in the rates of biomass allocation to reproduction. As in other Caribbean localities, spawning occurred after the full moons of August and September. However, there was some evidence of a third spawning episode after the full moon of October, possibly associated with a delay in the occurrence of maximum sea-water temperatures in near-equatorial localities compared to higher latitudes. The probability of cross-fertilization in this species with a gonochoric breeding system and a broadcasting mode of reproduction is favored by its balanced sex ratio, its usually high within-reef zone abundance, and by localized and repeated spawning episodes, synchronized by lunar phase. Received: 19 April 1996 / Accepted: 24 September 1996  相似文献   

The propagules of most species of reef fish are advected from the reef, necessitating a return to reef habitats at the end of the pelagic stage. There is increasing evidence of active attraction to the reef but the sensory abilities of reef fish larvae have not been characterized well enough to fully identify cues. The electrophysiological methods of auditory brainstem response (ABR) and electroolfactogram (EOG) were used to investigate auditory and olfactory abilities of pre- and post-settlement stages of a damselfish, Pomacentrus nagasakiensis (Pisces, Pomacentridae). Audiograms of the two ontogenetic stages were similar. Pre-settlement larvae heard as well as their post-settlement counterparts at all but two of the tested frequencies between 100 Hz and 2,000 Hz. At 100 and 600 Hz, pre-settlement larvae had ABR thresholds 8 dB higher than those of post-settlement juveniles. Both stages were able to detect locally recorded reef sounds. Similarly, no difference in olfactory ability was found between the two ontogenetic stages. Both stages showed olfactory responses to conspecifics as well as L-alanine. Therefore, the auditory and olfactory senses have similar capabilities in both ontogenetic stages. Settlement stage larvae of P. nagasakiensis can hear and smell reef cues but it is unclear as to what extent larvae use these sounds or smells, or both, as cues for locating settlement sites. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

One of the key issues in coral evolutionary biology is the significance of interspecific hybridisation in shaping modern reef corals. Despite this, few detailed studies of speciation and evolution exist for scleractinians. We examined molecular relationships among 25 species of the species-rich scleractinian genus Montipora sampled from Irian Jaya (Indonesia) and Magnetic Island (central Great Barrier Reef) using a nuclear and mitochondrial marker. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes are shared among several species and at least four species are not monophyletic based on the nuclear intron sequences. Moreover, although the mtDNA and nuclear trees have similar topologies, there are several important inconsistencies. These results, in combination with the observation of simultaneous spawning of and in vitro cross-fertility between some Montipora species, suggest that occasional gene exchange through interspecific hybridisation occurs between a small number of species in this coral genus. Little correlation was observed between morphological and molecular relationships.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

 A long-term study of the effects of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs (ENCORE Experiment) was carried out at One Tree Island (23°30′S; 152°96′E), Great Barrier Reef, between 1992 and 1996. The experiment involved the addition of water-soluble nutrients to 12 microatolls which contained a range of organisms and were situated within the larger lagoon. Three replicates of each of three nutrient treatments (nitrogen, phosphorus, nitrogen plus phosphorus) and an untreated set of three control atolls were prepared using the 12 selected microatolls. As part of the larger ENCORE experiment, changes in the chemical composition of the alcyonacean soft coral Sarcophyton ehrenbergi Marenzeller (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea), placed in the treatment microatolls, were monitored for a 1 yr period in an attempt to detect any responses attributable to nutrient enrichment. Multivariate analyses were performed to determine whether there were any patterns of response in the different nutrient treatments. At the level of individual metabolites, there were no clear treatment effects. However, the ratio of bioactive or stress metabolites (terpenes) to energy storage metabolites (lipids), referred to as the “physiological-change indicator”, revealed effects of nutrient enrichment. Nitrogen enrichment resulted in a trend towards higher physiological-change indicators than control or phosphorus treatments in the majority of cases, while phosphorus enrichment significantly decreased the ratio relative to controls. In most cases, the physiological-change indicator increased in soft soft corals relocated into contact with the scleractinian Pocillopora damicornis. The potential of soft corals to serve as indicators of a changed nutrient regime is discussed. Received: 23 November 1998 / Accepted: 23 September 1999  相似文献   

I. B. Kuffner 《Marine Biology》2001,138(3):467-476
The effects of water flow and ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) on the reef coral Porites compressa Dana were explored in a manipulative flume experiment. The aim of this study was to determine whether this coral responds to changes in the UVR environment by adjusting the tissue concentration of UV-absorbing compounds (mycosporine-like amino acids, MAAs), and to see whether such an acclimation is affected by water flow. Also, calcification rate and chlorophyll-a concentration were measured during the experiment to estimate the potential costs (in the form of slowed growth and/or reduced photosynthetic capacity) to the coral–alga symbiosis of being exposed to UVR and producing MAAs. Branches of P. compressa from a single male colony were exposed to high or low flow (15 cm s−1 and 3 cm s−1, respectively) and ambient or no UVR in an outdoor, continuous-flow seawater system. Chlorophyll-a and MAA concentrations were determined after zero, 3 and 6 weeks of exposure to the experimental conditions. Increase in buoyant weight during the two 3-week periods was used to calculate calcification rate. The presence of UVR had a significant positive effect on total MAA concentration in the P. compressa colonies; however, there were significant interactions present. In colonies exposed to UVR, MAA concentration increased and then decreased to initial levels in high water flow, and increased steadily in low water flow. In colonies receiving no UVR, MAA concentration decreased steadily, declining 23% in 6 weeks. The absence of UVR did not result in higher chlorophyll-a concentrations, but the calcification rate was slightly affected by UVR. This study supports the putative photoprotective role of MAAs in P. compressa, and suggests that the costs of mitigating the effects of ambient UVR are detectable, but they are very small. Received: 29 February 2000 / Accepted: 20 September 2000  相似文献   

Observations performed on coral colonies damaged during a very low tide on the shallow-water reef tables at Eilat (Red Sea), showed that most colonies are able to regenerate if parts of the living tissue remain intact on the skeletons. Brain-like corals, such asFavia favus andPlatygyra lamellina, were found to be more resistant to dessication than the delicate bush-like forms. It was also observed that the exposed skeletons of corals were immediately covered by a successive group of algae with a rich invertebrate epifauna among them. It is postulated that unpredicted extreme low water, occurring once in several years, could be the factor that prevents crowding on the reef tables, thus keeping high the level of coralspecies diversity.Supported, in part, by a grant from the Smithsonian Institution, USA. SFC-70074.This paper was presented at the Intecol Symposium held in Dubrovnik in March, 1972.  相似文献   

Sediment discharges from rivers have a negative impact on coral reef ecosystems. Indicators of coral decline measured in the present study were: (1) injury to living stony corals; (2) soft coral cover; and (3) bare rocky substrate suitable for colonization by corals. The relationship between these indicators and the distribution of terrigenous sediment was studied for the Malindi-Watamu fringing reef complex along the Kenyan coast off East Africa during 1982 and 1983. Decline of this reef had been repeatedly noted during the preceding decade. The influence of terrigenous sediment from the Sabaki River appears to be strongest in the Watamu area in the south and in the northern-most part of the Malindi reef area. Correlations, between each of the above three coral stress response indicators, on the one hand, and quantitative indicators of sediment loading, on the other hand, were not clear. However, a combined coral stress indicator involving all three factors was shown to have a clear relationship with terrigenous sediment loading and provided a rapid means of field evaluation of the effects of sediment stress on stony corals. Values for the combined coral stress indicator were found to increase in proportion to increasing values of terrigenous sediment loads in both study areas. A higher coral stress indicator value means a high proportion of injured or algae infested corals, and/or a high soft coral cover, and/or a high proportion of rocky substrate suitable for, but unoccupied by, living corals.  相似文献   

Ulva curvata (Kutz.) de Toni growing in shallow estuaries experiences a highly variable supply of dissolved inorganic N, which can limit growth rates. The effects of N supply variability and annual temperature and light variation on growth rates and chemical composition were assessed in plants grown in outdoor tanks supplied with running seawater and either pulsed or continuous N additions for 8 d. Environmental variables were measured every 12 h, growth rates every 2 d, and plant nitrogenous constituents every 4 d. The experiment was repeated 7 times over the course of a year. The slopes of growth rate-tissue N and growth rate-N supply plots increased with temperature and varied at periods at least as short as 2 d. Temperature explained 44% of variation in growth rate, and temperature, light, and N supply together explained 53% of variation in growth rate. N-limitation occurred only above 20°C, the approximate temperature for the maximum growth rate. Growth rate and tissue N were not affected by N supply frequency. Tissue N, ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase activity, and chlorophyll contents were correlated with each other and with environmental variables but not with growth rate. U. curvata thus does not maintain balanced growth in the strict sense, but rather stores nutrients supplied as pulses for use when they become growth-limiting. Since the relative importance of any single growth-limiting factor is highly dynamic, assessing the importance of multiple limiting factors requires longterm, high-frequency sampling of principal limiting factors and seaweed growth rates.  相似文献   

Eighteen percent and 47% of two populations of Ophiocoma echinata in the Florida Keys were undergoing regeneration. An individual would take approximately 720 days to completely regenerate three arms. Regeneration of three arms had a greater effect on gonad production in females than in males, and reduced storage material in the stomach of both. Regeneration in O. echinata was estimated to be 0.07 kJ m-2 day-1, which could provide the equivalent of 0.07% of primary production on a reef to higher trophic levels per day.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural evidence is presented of a chromatophoresystem in the zooxanthellae containing hermatypic, deep-water coral Leptoseris fragilis (Milne Edwards and Haime). It consists of multilobed cells which mainly occupy the intercellular space of the oral gastrodermis. The cellular processes are filled with electron-dense granules up to 1-m-long and 0.5-m-wide. Within the cytoplasm an elaborate system of microtubules is established. The ramifications of the pigment cells, containing the pigment granules, form a dense and nearly continuous layer close to the overlying zooxanthellae. It is speculated that host pigments may transform the violet portion of the incident light into longer wavelengths, thus increasing the photosynthetic efficiency of the zooxanthellae.  相似文献   

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