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Choanoflagellates are thought to be an important component of oceanic microbial food webs, but little quantitative data exists on their abundance,, distribution, or relationship to potential food sources. In an Antarctic ice edge zone (northern Weddell Sea, March 1986), choanoflagellate abundance varied over two orders of magnitude in the upper 100 m. The lowest abundances were recorded at the bottom of the water column under ice cover and the highest abundances occurred in the upper 30 m of open water. Species that were predominantly in colonies dominated the open-water samples. Abundances of total choanoflagellates and some individual species were correlated with primary and secondary biomass and production, indicating a response to gradients in potential food sources. This suggests that choanoflagellates are tightly coupled with their food sources and supports the contention that they may an important link between bacteria-sized particles and metazoan grazers.  相似文献   

Large (>64 µm) protozooplankton (radiolarians, thecate dinoflagellates, foraminiferans, and tintinnid ciliates) and copepod nauplii were sampled at six stations located in sea-ice-covered waters, using a multinet at five depth intervals between the surface and 1000 m depth during a late winter expedition of R.V. Polarstern on a west-east transect across the Weddell Sea in 1989. Large (>400 µm) phaeodarian radiolarians contributed more than 98% of the carbon in the large protozooplankton fraction; large protozooplankton represented ca. 38% of the total protozooplankton carbon during late winter under the close pack ice in the upper 250 m. Large protozooplankton may therefore be an important food source for small particle-feeding zooplankton in the upper 250 m, and a modest food source down to 1000 m. Phaeodarian species distributions showed a distinct vertical pattern. Except for spumellarian and nassellarian radiolarians all other protozooplankton (foraminiferans, thecate dinoflagellates, tintinnids) were most abundant in the upper 250 m. The horizontal variation showed a western, central and eastern pattern most probably due to the differing regional hydrography. Feeding ecology of the dominant species of phaeodarians was examined using transmission electron microscopy of contents of feeding vacuoles. The 58 specimens were trophic generalists. The predominance of silica fragments and amorphous material in vacuoles and the similarity of vacuole contents of specimens from three depth zones suggest that phaeodarians in late winter may have fed on organic aggregates.Publication no. 469 of the Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research  相似文献   

Zooplankton biomass in the ice-covered Weddell Sea,Antarctica   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zooplankton was sampled by a Rectangular Midwater Trawl (RMT 1 + 8) in Weddell Sea surface waters (0 to 300 m) between 66 and 78°S during austral summer (February – March 1983). Sixty-nine taxa including different developmental stages were considered and divided into 16 size classes between <1 and >39.5 mm length. Biomass was determined by taxon and size class for three different meso- and macroplankton communities in the oceanic region, on the northeastern shelf and on the southern shelf of the Weddell Sea. The highest biomass of 11.2 mg DW m–3 (3.4 g DW m–2) was found in the northeastern shelf community (70 to 74°S), where juvenile and adultEuphausia crystallorophias accounted for 3.7 mg DW m–3 (1.1 g DW m–2). Although not quantitatively sampled, early copepodite stages (CI to CIII) ofCalanoides acutus andCalanus propinquus ranked second with 2.7 mg DW m–3 (0.8 g DW m–2). Biomass in the northeastern shelf community was concentrated in the size ranges 1 to 4 mm and 19.5 to 39.5 mm. The oceanic community of the central Weddell Sea was dominated by copepods smaller than 5 mm, which made up half of the total oceanic biomass. The tunicateSalpa thompsoni (7.0 to 8.5 mm) was the dominant single species with 1.6 mg DW m–3 (0.5 g DW m–2). Euphausiids, mainly juvenile and adult krillEuphausia superba, comprised 1.2 mg DW m–3 (0.4 g DW m–2). Total standing stock in the oceanic community was 9.4 mg DWm–3 (2.8 g DW m–2). Lowest biomass values were found in the southern shelf community (south of 75°S) with 4.0 mg DW m–3 (1.2 g DW m–2), concentrated in the 1 to 4 mm and 14.5 to 34.5 mm size classes. Abundant species were the pteropodLimacina helicina (1 to 2 mm; 0.7 mg DW m–3; 0.2 g DW m–2) andE. crystallorophias (24.5 to 39.5 mm; 0.9 mg DW m–3; 0.3 g DW m–2). The data reveal that it is essential to distinguish among subsystems in the Southern Ocean. This leads to a better understanding of the structure and function of those pelagic food webs which represent alternatives to the paradigmatic krill-centered system.  相似文献   

The abundance, vertical distribution and population structure of two important small calanoid copepod species, Microcalanus pygmaeus (G. O. Sars) and Ctenocalanus citer Heron and Bowman, were studied in the eastern Weddell Sea in summer (January/February 1985), in late winter/early spring (October/November 1986) and in autumn (April/May 1992). The population of Microcalanus pygmaeus consisted mainly of copepodite stages CII and CIII in late winter/early spring and were concentrated between 500 and 200 m depth. In summer, stage CIV was the modal stage and the bulk of the population had ascended above 300 m. In autumn the population structure was bimodal with CI and CV dominating. Most of the population was concentrated between 300 and 200 m. In all investigation periods M. pygmaeus had their maximal concentrations in the thermo-pycnocline. The developmental stages CIII to CV of Ctenocalanus citer formed the bulk of the population in late winter/early spring. In October all developmental stages had their main distribution between 500 and 200 m, except females, which were concentrated in the upper 50 m. In November most of the population occurred between 200 and 50 m. The summer population was concentrated in the upper 50 m, and numbers increased dramatically as the new cohort hatched. Copepodite stages CII and CIII dominated the population at the end of January, while CIV dominated 2 wk later. In autumn, CV was the modal stage. The majority of the population was concentrated in the upper 100 m, but there was an increase in abundance below 300 m compared to summer. Age structure changed with depth with a younger surface population and an older one in deeper water layers. The seasonal change in number of M. pygmaeus is much smaller than that of C. citer; the summer:winter:autumn ratio of the former being about one, whereas the winter:summer/autumn of the latter was about nine. Early copepodite stages and adults of M. pygmaeus occurred throughout all investigation periods. The large proportion of early copepodite stages in April and in mid-October suggests autumn and early to midwinter breeding. Apparently, M. pygmaeus may reproduce and grow year-round or perhaps has a 2-yr life-cycle. In contrast, the dramatic increase in abundance of early copepodite stages of C. citer in summer suggests springtime reproduction.  相似文献   

Zooplankton ingestion of phytoplankton carbon in the iceedge zone of the Eastern Bering Sea was measured using a deck incubation approach in 1982. Using further samples collected in 1983, the plant cell carbon to cell volume ratio was estimated at 0.0604 pg m–3 from an experimentally determined particulate carbon to seston volume relationship. The application of this conversion to the results of experimental incubations of natural plant stocks with net-caught zooplankton produced ingestion rates of 68.8 and 10.26 mg C g–1 grazer d–1 for copepods and euphausiids, respectively. Extrapolating these rates to in situ zooplankton biomass at the edge of the seasonal ice pack yielded carbon flux rates through the zooplankton community ranging between 6.5 and 32.8 mg C m–2 d–1. This consumption amounted to less than 2% of the daily phytoplankton production in the ice-edge zone.  相似文献   

Siliceous choanoflagellates and previously undescribed, siliceous cyst-like spheroids (in the size range 2.5 to 15 m) were found below sea-ice in the Weddell Sea and studied with scanning electron microscopy. Cell counts from water samples obtained over a 10,000 km area indicated that both spheroids and choanoflagellates were abundant in the upper 100 m of the water column, averaging about 105 cells l-1. The large numbers of phagotrophic choanoflagellates suggest that bacterioplankton-picoplankton food chains are important and may indicate the presence of longer, more complex trophic networks than previously considered in Antarctic waters. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the spheroids may be the cysts of choanoflagellates; if so, the production of siliceous cysts by members of this enigmatic taxon may be of considerable interest in discussions of the phylogenetic position of the group in relation to the algae and the metazoans. Similar cysts were found simultaneously in the North Pacific Ocean (see preceding paper: Booth et al. 1980), and recently we have discovered the cysts in the upwelling area of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. The occurrence of the cyst in such geographically distant localities suggests that they have a worldwide distribution. Since the minute cysts are easily overlooked on the light microscope, their recognition and further study undoubtedly require the electron microscopic examination of plankton samples.  相似文献   

Electrona antarctica and Bathylagus antarcticus are dominant fishes in the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem with disparate life histories, making them excellent subjects for comparative studies. Twenty-one indices of nutritional condition were compared in both species by observing changes in each index as it varied spatially and temporally in association with the marginal ice-zone bloom in the northwestern Weddell Sea. E. antarctica and B. antarcticus exhibited very different patterns of response to the bloom. Nutritional condition increased in 11 of 21 measures in E. antarctica, suggesting that it was in poorer condition at ice-covered stations and in greatly improved condition in post-bloom, open-water stations. The data, combined with a few observations of larvae, indicate that E. antarctica increases feeding before the spring bloom, rapidly building stores of lipid, which are probably used for spawning. In contrast, only three measures of condition were variable in B. antarcticus, and lipid actually decreased from ice-covered to open water. RNA:DNA values increased in open water, coinciding with an increase in food volume present in their guts. These observations, coupled with observations of larvae in ice-covered stations, suggest that B. antarcticus possesses sufficient energetic stores to spawn prior to the bloom, so that larvae are able to fully utilize available resources associated with the spring bloom. Increased somatic growth, as indicated by RNA:DNA, may not begin until later, when the bloom was beginning to decline. Earlier work, which suggested that the deeper living, non-migrating species, like B. antarcticus, would not be affected by the bloom until after shallower, migratory species, like E. antarctica, is supported. Of the assays tested, RNA:DNA appeared to be the most sensitive. The combined assessment of many measures including biochemical, compositional, dietary, and age estimates from single specimens is possible if the samples are treated with sufficient care. The reliance upon a single measure to help interpret the ecology of a species, especially in nekton-sized species, is not as effective as techniques used in combination. Received: 12 January 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

A mooring system consisting of an in situ fluorometer at a depth of 50 m and a time-series sediment trap at a depth of 110 m was deployed at the sediment trap site (70°11.536'S; 24°18.679'E; water depth: 300 m) in Breid Bay, Antarctica in austral summer from 28 December 1985 to 13 February 1986. Sinking particles, consisting of diatoms (mainly Thalassiosira antarctica), were analyzed for organic materials, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Vertical fluxes of organic carbon and nitrogen were determined to be within the ranges of 12.3 to 116 mg C m-2 d-1 and 1.79 to 15.4 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively, with maxima in the middle of January 1986, after which time the organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes tended to decrease with a steep gradient. High values of 13C were found in the organic matter of the sinking particles collected before the middle of January, indicating that the organic matter was derived from the diatoms in the logarithmic phase of their growth. Increased abundance of glucose was found in the water-extractable carbohydrate, which was one of the sinking particles collected in the middle of January. This fact clearly indicated that the diatoms were no longer in the growth phase but rather in the stationary phase, because reserved glucan as well as various cellular organic materials were reportedly accumulated within the algal cells in the stationary phase. Fifteen species of protein amino acids with trace amounts of -alanine, -aminobutyric acid and ornithine were found in the sinking particles upon acid hydrolysis, but the amino acid composition of these samples had not been affected much by biological agents. The essential amino acid index was calculated for the sinking particles collected in the course of the sediment trap experiment. The indices obtained indicated that the sinking particles collected in Breid Bay were more ecologically significant than the sinking and suspended particles from deep waters.  相似文献   

Four different habitats were sampled in order to determine the spatial and temporal distribution and abundance of mysids in a seagrass meadow ecosystem. These habitats included meadows of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa, the edge of P. oceanica meadow and sandy substrates. Three random sites for each habitat were sampled along the coast of Alicante at different times, using a hand-net technique (6 m2). Seven species of mysids were identified: Leptomysis posidoniae, Leptomysis buergii, Paramysis helleri, Siriella clausii, Mesopodopsis slabberi, Siriella armata and Mysidopsis gibbosa. Total abundance of mysids was highest at the edge of the P. oceanica meadow, followed by the C. nodosa meadow, sandy substrate and P. oceanica meadow, respectively (P<0.05); this pattern was found during all sampling periods except one. Three species showed persistent spatial segregation by habitat (S. clausii in Posidonia; L. posidoniae at the edge; S. armata in Cymodocea), whereas the other four did not show any clear segregation by habitat (ANOVA, P<0.01). On a site scale (km), spatial variability was very high. Multivariate analyses confirm the existence of differences in the assemblage structure among habitats, with a gradual change from the Posidonia meadow to sand. Posidonia and Cymodocea showed different mysid assemblages. Fragmented, shallow, vegetated habitat on the Mediterranean coast seems to support a higher abundance and species richness of mysids, through habitat diversification, in comparison with homogeneous habitats.  相似文献   

E. J. Buskey 《Marine Biology》1992,113(4):689-698
Epipelagic planktonic bioluminescence in the marginal ice zone of the Fram Strait was investigated during April and May 1989. Vertical profiles of bioluminescence potential were measured using a HIDEX (High Input Defined EXcitation) design bathyphotometer. Mesozooplankton samples were collected with oblique tows using a 153 m mesh net. The amount of bioluminescence produced by mechanical stimulation of individual organisms was measured using an integrating sphere and photon-counting system. These measures of bioluminescence potential along with estimated abundances of bioluminescent organisms allow an independent estimated of integrated epipelagic bioluminescence potential. The zooplankton community structure was relatively simple in this region and the number of bioluminescent species correspondingly small. The majority of epipelagic bioluminescence was produced by copepods (Metridia spp.), larvaceans (Oikopleura spp.), euphausiids (Thysanoeassa spp.) and ostracods (Conchoecia spp.), although the relative contribution of these organisms to the overall bioluminescence potential varied considerably with time and location over the 2 mo period. Bioluminescent dinoflagellates were rare and did not contribute significantly to epipelagic bioluminescence. Integrated bioluminescence potential in the water column was significantly correlated with zooplankton biomass, but not with any other measured environmental parameter. No enhancement of chlorophyll, zooplankton biomass or bioluminescence was observed in the marginal ice zone compared to the adjacent open waters of the Fram Strait during this spring cruise.  相似文献   

An icebreaker cruise into the Beaufort Sea in the fall of 1986 provided a unique opportunity for studying planktonic bioluminescence in ice fields and in the marginal ice zone. Bathyphotometer casts (bioluminescence intensity, seawater temperature, beam attenuation coefficient, and salinity) and biological collections were made to a depth of 100 m. A light budget, which describes the planktonic species responsible for the measured bioluminescence, and a dinoflagellate species budget were constructed from the mean light output from luminescent plankton and plankton counts. The vertical distribution of bioluminescence among the ice stations was similar. The maximum intensities were 2 to 8×106 photons s-1 cm-3 in the upper 50 m of the sea-ice interface. The marginal ice zone station (MIZ) exhibited a maximum intensity of 2 to 3×108 photons s-1 cm-3 between 5 and 30 m depth. At Ice Station 2, Metridia longa and their nauplii contributed approximately 80% of stimulable bioluminescence in the upper 10 m but, overall, Protoperidinium spp. dinoflagellates contributed most of the light to a depth of 100 m. In the MIZ, Protoperidinium spp. dinoflagellates contributed 90% of the light within the upper 10 m, decreasing to 43% of the contributed light at a depth of 40 m. Below 40 m, dinoflagellate bioluminescence decreased to a few percent of the total to a depth of 90 m. Metridia spp. copepods contributed more than 50% of the light at depths from 40 to 90 m. Ostracods, larvaceans, and euphausiid furcilia contributed <1% of all bioluminescence at all depths sampled. Correlation analyses between measured bioluminescence (photons s-1 cm-3), the number of bioluminescent dinoflagellates and the light budget for the MIZ indicated highly significant associations: r=0.919, p=0.001, and r=0.912, p<0.001, respectively (Student's two-tailed t-tests). Bioluminescence was negatively correlated with seawater salinity at all stations (p=0.001). Maximum bioluminescence was measured in the less saline surface waters at all stations.  相似文献   

A survey of the phytoplankton in the eastern Atlantic Ocean south of the Gulf of Guinea was undertaken, covering the local cyclonic gyre in the neutral col between the South Subtropical gyre, the Equatorial Countercurrent and the coast of Africa. Phytoplankton distribution, cell size, and abundance displayed distinct patterns which are presumed to be related to differential environmental dependence.  相似文献   

The presence of mesopelagic organisms in the guts of surface-foraging seabirds feeding in open areas within seasonal pack ice in the Antarctic has given rise to questions regarding the effects of pack ice on the underlying mesopelagic community. Bottom-moored free-vehicle acoustic instruments were used in concert with midwater trawls and baited traps to examine the abundance, size distribution and vertical distribution of pelagic organisms in the uppermost 100 m of the water column during the austral spring of 1992 in two areas of the northwestern Weddell Sea, one covered by seasonal pack icc and the other free of ice cover. Acoustic largets were more abundant and significantly larger at the open-water station than beneath pack ice. However, targets at the ice-covered site exhibited a pronounced diel pattern, with the largest targets detected only at night. Samples from night trawls at the icecovered site contained several species of large, vertically-migrating mesopelagic fishes, whereas these species were absent from trawls taken during the day. In addition, baited traps deployed in pack ice just beneath the ice-water interface collected large numbers of scavenging lysianassoid amphipods, while deeper traps beneath the ice and traps at the open-water station were empty, indicating the presence of a scavenging community associated with the undersurface of the ice. These results sapport the idea that mesopelagic organisms migrate closer to the surface beneath pack ice than in open water, exposing them to possible predation by surface-foraging seabirds.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of abundance and distribution of the scyphozoan medusae Aurelia aurita, Cyanea lamarckii, C. capillata and Chrysaora hysoscella were studied in the southern North Sea in 2004 and 2005. Three different patterns of seasonal occurrence of medusae were distinguished: (1) the early occurring C. lamarckii (February–August), (2) C. capillata and A. aurita (April–August) and (3) the late appearing C. hysoscella (July/August–September). Cyanea lamarckii was the most frequently encountered species in this study; its highest mean abundance was 1.8 ± 2.7 ind. 100 m−3. The prey spectra of C. lamarckii, C. capillata and C. hysoscella contained several copepod and other crustacean species and thus make them potential competitors with fish larvae. Medusae in this study also consumed fish eggs and larvae, including clupeids, in all months analysed. Although peak spawning of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) coincides with the maximum abundance of medusae (May–June) the relative low abundance of all medusae species in this study makes jellyfish predation unlikely to be a factor controlling sprat recruitment in the time frame investigated.  相似文献   

Zooplankton represents a key contributor to the ocean biological pump through its consumption of sinking and suspended carbon. A specific and highly sensitive method to evaluate zooplankton carbon requirement from the sinking flux is through the estimation of the activity of the electron transport system. The present study was carried out from samplings in 2006, and it was focused on the spatial 200–0?m zooplankton carbon demand across 24 sampling stations, along the Mediterranean Sea, from the island of Crete to the Strait of Gibraltar. Its potential day/night variability was evaluated. The zooplankton composition, abundance and biomass were investigated. The carbon demand per unit zooplankton biomass indicates geographical and diel differences among the sampling stations. A higher mean carbon demand was seen for the western Mediterranean with respect to the eastern Mediterranean, which can be justified through the observed ratio of gelatinous:crustacean taxa and the water temperatures recorded. Higher carbon demand was measured in samples collected during the dark hours. The relation to the presence and abundance of actively migrating euphausiids and copepods was discussed. A comparison with data from another of our study carried out in the same study area but in another seasonal period was done.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the in situ grazing rates of Salpa thompsoni and their implications for the development of phytoplankton blooms and for the sequestration of biogenic carbon in the high Antarctic, a repeat-grid survey and drogue study were carried out in the Lazarev Sea during austral summer of 1994/1995 (December/January). Exceptionally high grazing rates were measured for S. thompsoni at the onset of a phytoplankton bloom (0.2 to 0.8 μg chlorophyll a l−1) in December 1994, with up to ≃160 μg of plant pigments consumed by an individual salp of 7 to 10 cm length per day. Dense salp swarms extended throughout the marginal ice zone, consuming up to 108% of daily phytoplankton production and 21% of the total chlorophyll a stock. Due to the much faster sinking rates and higher carbon content of salp faecal pellets, the efficiency of downward carbon flux through salps is much higher than through the other major grazers, krill and copepods. S. thompsoni can thus export large amounts of biogenic carbon from the euphotic zone to the deep ocean. With the observed ingestion rates during December 1994, this flux could have attained levels of up to 88 mg C m−2 d−1, accounting for the bulk of the vertical transport of carbon in the Lazarev Sea. However, in January 1995, when phytoplankton concentrations exceeded a threshold level of 1.0 to 1.5 μg chlorophyll a l−1, salps experienced a drastic reduction in their feeding efficiency, possibly as a result of clogging of their filtering apparatus. This triggered a dramatic reversal in the relationship, during which a dense phytoplankton bloom developed in conjunction with the collapse of the salp population. Increases in the biomass and geographic range of the tunicate S. thompsoni have occurred in several areas of the southern ocean, often in parallel with a rise in sea-surface temperature during sub-decadal periods of warming anomalies. Received: 10 August 1997 / Accepted: 21 October 1997  相似文献   

Closure of areas to fishing is expected to result in an increase in the abundance of targeted species; however, changes to populations of species not targeted by fishermen will depend upon their role in the ecosystem and their relationship with targeted species. The effects of protection on targeted and non-targeted reef fish species at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia were studied using baited remote underwater stereo–video cameras. Video images were collected from shallow (8–12 m) and deep (22–26 m) reef sites inside a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at each of three island groups and from three replicate fished locations at each of these groups that span a temperate-tropical transition area. The MPAs were established in 1994 and vary in size from 13.72 km2 at the Pelsaert group in the south to 22.29 km2 at the Easter group to 27.44 km2 at the Wallabi group in the north. The relative abundances of 137 fish species from 42 families were recorded. Large differences in fish assemblage structure existed between MPA and fished locations, and also between shallow and deep regions. Targeted fish species Plectropomus leopardus, Lethrinus miniatus, Lethrinus nebulosus, Pagrus auratus and Glaucosoma hebraicum were more abundant inside MPAs than in areas open to fishing. Their abundance inside MPAs was between 1.13 and 8 times greater than their abundance at fished locations. For non-targeted fish species many were more abundant in areas open to fishing, e.g. Coris auricularis, Thalassoma lutescens, Thalassoma lunare, Dascyllus trimaculatus, however others were conversely more abundant inside MPAs, e.g. Gymnothorax spp, Kyphosus sydneyanus, Scarus microhinos, Chromis westaustralis, Chaetodon spp. This study demonstrates that the removal of abundant targeted species from an ecosystem by fishing can indirectly impact non-fished species and alter the trophic structure of fish assemblages. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The reproductive patterns of four Antarctic gorgonian species have been investigated. Two of them, Dasystenella acanthina and Thouarella sp., present the bottle-brush-shape type; the other two, Fannyella rossii and Fannyella spinosa, are fan-shaped. Two different reproductive patterns have been observed in D. acanthina and Thouarella sp., which point to two size classes in the frequency distribution of oocytes. This feature indicates a reproduction cycle with overlapping generations, being each of them of more than one year, probably with seasonal spawning. F. rossii and F. spinosa show only one size class of oocytes, which could point towards an annual reproductive cycle. The presence of larvae in the gastrovascular cavities in both Fanyella species and Thoaurella sp. is a sign of a possible larvae release during austral summer. The number of oocytes per polyp ranges from 1.1 ± 0.10 SE to 1.5 ± 0.06 SE, and the size ranges from 50 to 1200 μm. The number of spermatic cysts ranges from 2.6 ± 0.19 SE to 5.0 ± 0.21SE, and their sizes range from 50 to 800 μm. These values are comparable to the reproductive trends and features found in gorgonians from other latitudes, which correspond in some cases with similar morphotypes. These coincident strategies could be related to morphological similarities rather than with latitude or water temperature. The results of this study indicate that octocoral morphology may play a crucial role in determining the reproductive output of these organisms.  相似文献   

P. C. Reid 《Marine Biology》1977,40(4):337-339
In most areas of the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, diatoms have declined drastically in abundance in the last decade. Additionally, in areas to the north of 59°N Ceratium species and an index of total phytoplankton have also declined. South of 59°N the phytoplankton index has increased, diatoms have declined and Ceratium species have remained at a constant level of abundance. A possible explanation of the increase in the phytoplankton index at a time when the diatoms were declinig south of 59°N is the development of unidentified phytoplankton organisms such as microflagellates. As many of the variables influencing phytoplankton standing crop are governed in turn by the prevailing weather, the phytoplankton changes may well be a consequence of the general deterioration, since 1940, of North Atlantic weather. Changes in phytoplankton which may be attributed to an amelioration of climate since 1971 are evident as yet only in the southern North Sea.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton species diversity was generally high throughout the year at two stations in the central Red Sea (Lat. 21°30N), and species of Mediterranean and Indian Ocean origin were represented, reflecting seasonal monsoonal influence. Low phytoplankton cell numbers accompanying high production rates suggest the significance of nanoplankton or picoplankton which were not enumerated. Production was high year-round, and averaged 390 gC m-2 yr-1, despite the virtual lack of nutrient additions from rainfall or land runoff or demonstrable upwelling. Highest nutrient levels followed the first seasonal peak of production. Biomass and production were seasonally bi- or tri-modal, with major peaks in December–February and June–August, 1977–1978. The first peak of production, populated by diatoms, occurred at the onset of seasonal stratification, but the second peak, populated by Trichodesmium spp., occurred at the height of seasonal stratification and lowest nutrient concentrations. There is no clear relationship between the timing of monsoon activity and the annual production cycle.  相似文献   

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