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Y. Henmi 《Marine Biology》1989,101(1):53-60
Two behaviorally distinct forms — courtship signal — (Form L and V) of Macrophthalmus japonicus (De Haan) are known. Monthly samples of each form were collected from two areas in Japan: Form L from Amakusa, western Kyushu, between April 1985 and February 1986; Form V from Fukuoka, northern Kyushu, between November 1982 and December 1983. Life-history traits were compared between two populations and discussed. Individuals from the Amakusa population grew more slowly and matured at a smaller size than those from the Fukuoka population. Maturation period and longevity did not differ significantly. In the first year of reproduction, females in the Fukuoka population produced more, and larger broods than those in the Amakusa population and crab mortality was higher in every age group. Egg size did not differ significantly. The major environmental factors — air-temperature, nitrogen content of the surface mud and period of aerial exposure were similar in both areas, and it is suggested that the differences in life-history exhibited by these crabs are genotypic, and perhaps related to their different form.  相似文献   

Gammarus oceanicus Segerstråle, 1947 and Echinogammarus marinus (Leach, 1815) were sampled during the breeding season from Oslofjord in 1984, and their lipid composition examined in relation to reproductive condition. In G. oceanicus, female lipid content increased as the ovary matured. Both the amount of lipid stored and the rate of accumulation were greater in spring than in winter. Spring eggs contained 12.4 g lipid, of which 63% was triacylglycerol and 27% phospholipid. Both fractions decreased steadily during embryonic development. Winter eggs contained 19.2g lipid, of which 52% was triacylglycerol and 43% phospholipid. During the early stages of embryonic development the amount of phospholipid decreased sharply, whereas that of triacylglycerol increased, suggesting that some of the fatty acid released from phospholipid was sequestered temporarily as triacylglycerol. When newly spawned, both winter and spring eggs were richer in monoenoic fatty acids than adult amphipods and these acids were the major fuel consumed during development. 6 fatty acids were utilised more slowly than 3 acids, and egg carotenoid pigment content remained constant. Female E. marinus increased in lipid content as the ovary matured. Spring eggs contained 14.7 g lipid when newly spawned and this increased to 16.6 g during the early stages of development. This increase was entirely triacylglycerol, which declined in later stages; the source of the extra lipid was unclear. Eggs contained very little phospholipid or sterol, and both of these components remained at a steady low level during development. E. marinus eggs were not significantly rich in thonoenoic acids compared with adults, and saturated, monoenoic and polyenoic acids were utilised about equally during development. Both adults and eggs were rich in 20.46, which was utilised at a slower rate than the 3 polyunsaturated acids during embryonic development; again, egg carotenoid pigment content remained constant. In both species there was a decrease in the size of the egg (and as a result, of the newly hatched juvenile), but an increase in total reproductive output (i.e., the total weight of the egg clutch) per female as the breeding season proceeded. The reproductive output of an individual female is probably related to food availability during the period of ovarian maturation, whereas the size of an individual egg is dictated largely by feeding conditions for the juveniles once they are independent of the female. The different patterns of lipid utilisation during development found in this study emphasize the flexibility of response in the reproductive biology of gammarid amphipods. It is not yet possible, however, to relate the differing patterns in a simple way either to egg size or total female reproductive output. Two outstanding problems are the source of extra triacylglycerol during the early stages of development of E. marinus and the metabolic cost of brooding eggs.  相似文献   

The food of four species of asellote isopods (Crustacea, Malacostraca), Haploniscus rostratus, Haploniscus unicornis, Acanthocope galatheae and Betamorpha fusiformis, was evaluated by analysis of their gut contents. The isopods were sampled at several stations on the abyssal plains of Guinea Basin, Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic), the Weddell Sea abyssal plain and the Antarctic continental slope during the DIVA and ANDEEP expeditions in 2000, 2001 and 2005. While all species had mineral particles in their guts and mucus material was the most frequent food item, the remaining gut contents differed among species. Betamorpha fusiformis fed mostly on phytodetritus, especially in the Southern Ocean basins and ingested along with it whole calcareous foraminifers. Acanthocope galatheae showed some differences in gut contents between basins, but in the Guinea Basin, the contents were to a large extent stercomata, i.e., waste pellets of soft-walled foraminifers, i.e., the Komokiaceae. Indications were that the haploniscids were feeding on detritus and agglutinating foraminifers (stercomata). This indicates spatial differences in food availability for this diverse group of deep-sea isopods and the importance of poorly known foraminiferal groups, like the Komokiaceae, as a food source in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Individual Axiothella rubrocincta Johnson on the Californian coast live in U-shaped tubes, feed on the surface of the sediment, attain densities of 100 m-2, attain lengths of 140 mm, have maximum oocyte diameters of 220 μm and produce demersal larvae. Individuals from Washington populations live in vertical tubes, feed 10–15 cm below the sediment surface, reach densities of 5000 m-2, attain lengths of 60 mm, have maximum oocyte diameters of 385 μm and brood their young in their tubes to at least the 7-setiger stage. Individuals from California have a scalloped posterior margin of the cephalic plate, while individuals from Washington have entire margins. There are no other consistent morphological differences between populations. The population from Eagle Cove, Washington has individuals similar in size and oocyte diameter to individuals from California, but which maintain vertical tubes. A. rubrocincta represents a sibling species complex.  相似文献   

E. A. Caine 《Marine Biology》1980,56(4):327-335
Ecology of 2 littoral species of caprellid amphipods is compared. Populations of Caprella laeviuscula, a periphyton scraper/filter-feeder, are most dense on eelgrass Zostera marina L. In the absence of C. laeviuscula, periphyton biomass increases 411% in protected Z. marina beds. The light absorption spectra of periphyton and Z. marina are similar, and C. laeviuscula, by its periphyton removal, may allow Z. marina to grow in areas where it would otherwise be excluded. C. laeviuscula is aggressively dominant over sympatric caprellids, and seasonal predators of C. laeviuscula are absent during winter, the period when periphyton would be most limiting to Z. marina. Populations of Deutella californica, a predator, are most dense on the hydroid Obelia dichotoma (L.). In the O. dichotoma epibiotic community, D. californica is the primary predator, but removal did not change the composition of the community structure. In the absence of other macropredators, the structure of the O. dichotoma epibiotic community depends more on the seasonality of O. dichotoma occurrence than on organismal interactions.  相似文献   

Deep-water shrimps, distributed on the steep outer reef slopes of tropical Pacific Islands, were obtained by setting baited traps in depths down to 850 m in the vicinity of Laucala Bay, Fiji, over the period 1979 to 1983. Life-history variables were estimated and interspecific comparisons made between Parapandalus serratifrons, Plesionika longirostris, Heterocarpus ensifer, H. gibbosus, H. sibogae, H. laevigatus (Pandalidae) and Saron marmoratus (Hippolytidae) which have different depth distributions. Results suggested that, interspecifically, reproductive lifespan tended to increase with increasing depth of distribution and that mean egg sizes of each species increased with increasing depth. Brood sizes tended to increase inconsistently with depth, although relative brood size (number of eggs per “standar” 15 g individual) appeared unrelated to depth. Although annual reproductive effort varied inconsistently with depth, reproductive effort totalled over the lifespan of the Heterocarpus species tended to increase with increasing depth. Some of the findings are counter to competition-based ecological theory, and it is proposed that adult predation decreases with increasing depth, allowing deeper-water species to have an extended lifespan, an increased degree of iteroparity, and a corresponding increase in lifetime reproductive effort. Further, we suggest that the probabilities of larval survival, which appear to decrease with increasing depth, are offset by the production of larger eggs by deeper-water species.  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis on starch gels was used to investigate population genetic structure of the barnacles Chthamalus montagui Southward and C. stellatus (Poli) over their north-east Atlantic and Mediterranean ranges. In each species, a single locus exhibited marked differentiation of allele frequencies between Atlantic and Mediterranean localities; in C. stellatus, genetic differentiation between the two basins had not previously been noted. In both species, mean heterozygosity per locus appeared higher in the Mediterranean samples than in the Atlantic, and Mediterranean populations had more alleles at the loci studied. Possible explanations for the differentiation between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean populations are discussed. Received: 30 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

The incidence of ovigerous females in populations of two grapsid crabs, Hemigrapsus penicillatus (de Haan, 1835) and Sesarma (Parasesarma) pictum (de Haan, 1835) were followed from August 1975 to November 1976. H. penicillatus, which inhabits the lower intertidal region near the mouth of Tatara-Umi Estuary, breeds from March to November. S. pictum, which inhibits crevices and abandoned holes of other species and is abundant at and above the upper intertidal region of the estuary, breeds from May to September. H. penicillatus matures when the female reaches 6 to 7 mm carapace width, whereas S. pictum becomes mature when the carapace width is 12 to 13 mm, although the maximum size attained by females of both species is almost the same. H. penicillatus produces 5 to 6 broods, S. pictum 2 to 3 broods, during a breeding season. The size of a newly laid egg of H. penicillatus is smaller than that of S. pictum. The number of eggs produced by a female H. penicillatus is greater than that of S. pictum during a breeding season. In both species the peak of the breeding season is during summer, at which time the ovarian activity is also apparently accelerated. The major environmental factor which controls the breeding in these crabs appears to be temperature. H. penicillatus is submerged at every high tide, and is relatively inactive from late November to February when the ambient water and air temperatures are rather low. S. pictum is dormant in crevices or understones of the splash zone from November to March. The length of the breeding season of these crabs appears to be inversely proportional to the period of their winter dormancy.  相似文献   

M. B. Jones 《Marine Biology》1972,14(3):264-270
The mouthparts of Jaera albifrons Leach, Jaera ischiosetosa Forsman, Jaera praehirsuta Forsman and Jaera forsmani Bocquet were examined with the light microscope and the Stereoscan electron microscope, and were found to be identical in all species. The structure of the mouthparts indicate that all four species feed by scouring and abrading algal or bacterial films from rocks or Fucus. Food, therefore, does not seem to be an isolating factor involved in the microdistribution of the four species on a shore.  相似文献   

S. Corey 《Marine Biology》1981,62(1):65-72
The fecundity of 17 species of cumaceans belonging to 5 families from the eastern and western temperate regions of the Atlantic and the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic Oceans are discussed separately and then compared. The species range from 0.78 to 10.11 mm (mean carapace length) with fecundities ranging from 15.1 to 168.9 (mean number of eggs brood-1 female-1). Interspecific comparisons show that carapace volume versus volume of brood yields a very strong relationship (r=0.99). Therefore, it is a combination of carapace volume plus egg volume which determines the fecundity in the Cumacea. A discussion of the various life-history and reproductive strategies employed by the Cumacea is included.  相似文献   

Here we analyze herbarium records, surveys, and studies of fungal plant pathogens in tropical natural systems in order to establish a framework to study plant-pathogen interactions from a life-history perspective. We looked at how life-history traits of pathogens and their host plants affect the distribution of pathogens in different tropical habitats, and the importance of host phylogeny in determining the habitat associations of obligate fungal pathogens. Our study reveals that plant-pathogen interactions are prevalent and widespread in the tropics. Phylogenetic analysis of the distribution of obligate pathogens among plant families did not suggest a strong overall pattern of higher-level host phylogeny in pathogen host range, except that smut pathogens are particularly dominant on Poaceae and Asteraceae, and rusts are most common on Fabaceae, families that dominate disturbed areas in the tropics.  相似文献   

Diploid modal numbers of chromosomes 2n=48 forHippocampus ramulosus and 2n=44 forH. hippocampus, collected in the Gulf of Palermo in May 1985, are established. No sex-linked heteromorphic pairs are observed in the two species analyzed. The karyotype ofH. hippocampus seems to be a derived condition.  相似文献   

The Lophogastrida are primitive Mysidacea and comprise only six genera. One of these, Eucopia is considered as highly specialized and constitutes the family Eucopiidae; the other genera constitute the Lophogastridae. Among the latter family, the genus Gnathophausia is closely related to Eucopia, with two species (G. gracilis and E. sculpticauda) sharing similar morphological characteristics [i.e. ornamentation (spines) of the uropods, and the gastric mill]. This indicates that these species are phylogenetically related. To test this hypothesis, the partial 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene from various representative species of Gnathophausia and Eucopia were compared. The resulting phylogenetic tree suggests that each genus is monophyletic, and that Gnathophausia, which is the deepest-branching genus, is the most primitive, with the Eucopiidae originating from the Lophogastridae. The molecular results support the morphological hypothesis, and suggest an early separation of the two genera or a rapid divergence of Eucopia due to morphological specialization. Received: 29 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

S. Kolding 《Marine Biology》1986,91(4):491-495
Mating competition due to the formation of interspecific precopulas is involved in the evolution and maintenance of the habitat selection shown by the amphipod gammarids in the Limfjord, Denmark. The mating competition is discussed in relation to possible pheromones involved in initiating the formation of precopulas and in relation to the phylogeny of the species populations involved.  相似文献   

D. Gove  J. Paula 《Marine Biology》2000,136(4):685-691
 A study of rhythmicity of larval release in three species of intertidal brachyuran crabs, based on laboratory and field experiments, was undertaken at Inhaca Island, southern Mozambique, using Leptodius exaratus and Macrophthalmus grandidieri from December 1994 to January 1995, and Arcotheres palaensis from April to July 1995. L. exaratus and M. grandidieri showed a semi-lunar cycle in larval release. The release of larvae for L. exaratus, a species having conspicuous larvae, occurred in the first half of the night, after the post-crepuscular high tide, which suggests maximisation of protection of larvae from visual predation. The larval release activity matched the late spring and early neap tides. Results from the field were similar to those from the laboratory. M. grandidieri, having inconspicuous larvae, did not show a pattern related to the light–dark cycle and hatched during spring tides (around full and new moons) to maximise larval dispersion. A. palaensis, living inside the host mussel which inhabits the lowest section of the intertidal zone, did not show a relation with moon phase, tidal or light–dark cycles. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

Life-history traits of Plesionika martia (Milne Edwards, 1883) were studied through data collected during six seasonal trawl surveys carried out in the Ionian Sea (eastern-central Mediterranean) between July 1997 and September 1998. P. martia was found at between 304 and 676 m depth, with the highest density in the 400-600 m range. Intraspecific, size-related depth segregation was shown. Recruitment occurred in summer at the shallowest depths. Juveniles moved to the deepest grounds as they grew. The largest female and male were 26 and 25 mm carapace length, respectively. The sex ratio was slightly in favour of females at depths >400 m. Although a seasonal spawning peak was shown, the reproduction appears to be rather prolonged throughout the year. Females with ripe gonads were found from spring to autumn. Ovigerous females with eggs in late maturity stage were found year round. Large females could spawn more than one time within their annual reproductive cycle. The size at first maturity (50% of the ovigerous females) was 15.5 mm CL. Average brood size of eggs with a well-developed embryo was 2,966ǃ,521. Iteroparity, low fecundity and large egg size patterns were observed. Brood size increased according to the carapace length. Two main annual groups were found in the field population of the Ionian Sea. Estimates of the Von Bertalanffy growth parameters are: LX=30.5 mm, k=0.44 year-1 in females; LX=28.0 mm, k=0.50 year-1 in males. A negative allometry was detected mostly in the ovigerous females. The life cycle of P. martia is discussed in the light of life-history adaptations shown in other deep-water shrimp species.  相似文献   

 Penaeid shrimps comprise an important portion of the world's industrial fisheries and mariculture. In the Southwest Atlantic, Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) subtilis, P. (F.) paulensis, P. (F.) brasiliensis and P. (Litopenaeus) schmitti are the most important commercially exploited species. Despite their high commercial value, there is little information available on the different aspects of their biology or genetics and almost no data on stock structure. Also, the taxonomic status of P. subtilis populations in relation to P. paulensis and their geographic ranges have been recently questioned. In this paper we used both nuclear (allozymes) and mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit 1) data to compare species of south-western Atlantic penaeids and to estimate their phylogenetic relationships. We could readily discriminate among the four main Brazilian penaeid species and detected a fifth, new, species of Penaeus. This new species corresponded to one of the described morphotypes of P. subtilis. Based on these analyses, the geographic ranges of P. subtilis and P. paulensis were clarified. Our data also support the conclusion of Baldwin et al. (1998) that the subgenus Farfantepenaeus is polyphyletic. Received: 6 January 2000 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

The gut morphology is described for seven species of Thalassinidea; Callianassasubterranea (Montagu), Jaxea nocturna Nardo, Axius stirhynchus Leach, Calocaris macandreae Bell, Upogebia pusilla (Petagna), U. deltaura (Leach) and U. stellata (Montagu). Differences were observed in the structure of the dorsal and lateral teeth of the gastric mill. Callianassa subterranea and A. stirhynchus had simple robust dorsal teeth and proportionally larger lateral teeth with flexible spines. The three upogebiids had complex dorsal teeth that were highly ridged and proportionally smaller lateral teeth with inflexible spines. The dorsal and lateral teeth of J. nocturna were intermediate in form. The dorsal tooth of Calocaris macandreae, although relatively simple in design, possessed accessory projections, or “wings”, on either side of the main structure. The lateral teeth were proportionally quite large, but lacked ridges and spines. The epithelia surfaces of the digestive gland, midgut and posterior diverticulum were similar for all seven species. Differences were observed in the morphology of the hindgut. The hindgut lining was completely smooth for the three upogebiid species. The other thalassinidean species had four distinct rows of cuticular projections situated on top of the ridges formed by the longitudinal convolutions of the hindgut. The arrangement of these projections varied between species. A gut flora was observed for six of the seven species, the exception being C. macandreae. The differences observed in the structure of the gut are discussed in relation to feeding and thalassinidean phylogeny. Received: 3 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

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