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ABSTRACT: Single‐barrel culverts are a common means of roadway crossings for smaller streams. While this culvert design provides an economical solution for a crossing, the adverse effects of conveying the stream through a single opening can be far reaching. The single‐barrel culvert is typically sized for a design storm much greater than the channel forming discharge. This oversizing causes an interruption of the normal flow patterns and sediment transport for the system. Shallow depths at low flow in the pipe and perching at the outlet can impede fish passage. Multicell culverts (where the main culvert at the channel invert is sized for bankfull discharge, and additional pipes are placed at the floodplain elevation to convey overbank flow up to the design discharge) have been recommended as a best management practice to minimize erosion and improve fish passage. This flume study scaled a prototype single‐barrel culvert to both a single‐cell model, and a multicell design to compare outlet scour and flow depths within the culvert. The results provide designers and planners with evidence of the benefits of multicell culverts to justify the higher cost of installation compared to single‐barrel culverts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents hydraulic conductivities of streambeds measured in three rivers in south‐central Nebraska: the Platte, Republican, and Little Blue Rivers. Unlike traditional permeameter tests in streams that determine only the vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv), the extended permeameter methods used in this study can measure K in both vertical and horizontal as well as oblique directions. As a result, the anisotropy of channel sediments can be determined from streambed tests of similar sediment volumes. Sandy streambeds with occasional silt/clay layers exist in the Republican and Platte Rivers. The average Kv values range from about 15 to 47 m/day for the sandy streambed and about 1.6 m/day for the silt/clay layers. Statistical analyses indicated that the Kv values of sand and gravel in the Platte and Republican Rivers essentially have the same mean; but the Kv values from the Little Blue River have a statistically different mean. Kv is about four times smaller than the horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kh) for the top 40 cm of sandy streambed. Measured Kh values of the sandy streambed are in the same magnitude as the Kh of the alluvial aquifer determined using pumping tests. The smaller Kv value in the whole aquifer is the result of interbedded layers of silt and clay within the sand and gravel sediments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The growth of aquatic plants in open‐channels has many adverse environmental effects including, but not limited to, impeding the transport of water, hindering navigation, increasing flood elevations, increasing sediment deposition, and degrading water quality. Existing control strategies include physical removal and chemical treatment. Physical removal is only a temporary solution and chemical treatment is unacceptable if the water will be consumed by humans. The hydrodynamic method can wash out the encroached aquatic plants by keeping flow velocity higher than the critical velocity required to bend and rupture (lodge) their stems. This approach is a promising, physically‐based, efficient, economic, and permanent solution for this problem. However, the success of this approach requires the accurate prediction of the critical lodging velocity. This paper presents an analytic study of the lodging velocity for the submerged portion of aquatic plants of narrow leaved emergent stems that are wider at bottom than the top. Based on the principles of engineering materials and the theory of turbulent flow, a semi‐empirical formula is derived for the prediction of the critical lodging velocity. It indicates that the lodging of aquatic plants is controlled not only by flow conditions but also the geometric and mechanical characteristics of the plants. These analytic results provide a satisfactory explanation of the lodging phenomena observed in the field and are verified by the available experimental data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Tabletop water quality modeling still plays an important role in the water pollution control activities of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Tabletop models are those developed with out the aid of extensive field data. One important component of GEORGIA DOSAG, our basic water quality model, is the equation used to predict flow through velocity. However, Georgia is characterized by wide physiographic diversity which reduces the effectiveness of uncalibrated velocity equations. Using 15 years of accumulated time-of-travel studies, a series of empirical velocity equations were developed and calibrated to various physiographic conditions in Georgia. Equations are available for each major soil province and for three stream flow ranges within each province - Q<100 cfs, 100<Q<1000 cfs, and Q>1000 cfs. Now, in the absence of extensive field data, we have data based velocity equations which can be tailored to each site under study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Contaminants in water and sediments can be carcinogenic to aquatic wildlife as well as humans. Identifying those carcinogens, however, is difficult because they often occur in low concentrations and exert their effects over a large part of the life span of affected organisms. Furthermore, the carcinogens are often components of complex mixtures. Recent studies suggest that laboratory-reared fish species might be well suited for testing water-associated and other carcinogens. Here, we review the principal carcinogen exposure methods that utilize small fish species or can be adapted to utilize small fish species to detect carcinogens in aqueous environments. Emphasis is placed on methods for which the end-point is tumor induction. The methods discussed are dietary exposures, skin painting, embryo microinjection, early life stage (pulse) exposures, static water exposures, flow-through exposures, and controlled field exposures. Early life stage exposures seem to have the greatest utility with regard to carcinogen sensitivity, ease of administration, disposal of test compounds, and economy of materials and effort. For certain types of carcinogens, however, long-term flow-through exposures are probably required. In summary, small fish carcinogenesis models offer an array of methodologies that can be utilized in a variety of combinations depending on compounds tested, exposure parameters employed, and end points sought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fish hatcheiies for cold water species (e.g., salmonids) require water below a certain specified optimum temperature. Deep lakes and reservoirs, which are thermally stratified, will have cold water below the thermocline suitable for fish hatchery supplies. Proper management will require withdrawal of water at different depths and a mixture of correct proportions can yield water at desired temperatures and quality. For preliminary studies, a mathematical model can be used to show by a comparatively simple computation the effect of different withdrawal rates of cold water and to check if the situation is critical. A critical situation may warrant the application of sophisticated computer models and/or the use of chilling at the hatchery. The method is illustrated by a case study for a small lake in the Province of Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A mathematical model to predict both velocity and concentration distributions for sediment‐laden open channel flow is developed. Velocity profiles are derived by theoretical analysis and numerical method. Logarithmic law and semi‐empirical wake function concept are not adopted. An empirical equation for the ratio of sediment exchange and fluid diffusion coefficients is considered to solve the diffusion equation for suspended‐sediment concentration profiles. Four sets of experimental data from previous researchers are compared to numerical calculation. In the engineering applications, velocity and concentration profiles of sediment‐laden flow can be predicted simultaneously by the present model with the measured velocity and sediment‐concentration at reference level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Simulation models constructed to estimate the physical and economic performance of alternative river basin development configurations have been widely used since the start of the Harvard Water Program in the early 1960's. These models have proved useful in choosing from among several potential river basin configurations, since they can rapidly evaluate each configuration's expected performance. However, when dealing with large scale river basin development projects, in which over 50 or 100 alternative reservoirs, irrigation areas, and other components must be considered, it is sometimes quite difficult to effectively use a simulation model to rapidly identify those combinations of projects which best satisfy the development objectives. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a simulation model was used in the analysis of a complex river basin development project in Eastern Europe, and how the problems of scale were confronted and solved. The author's experience on this projet is used to derive a set of general guidelines which may be helpful in other simulation studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A hydroelectric lake on the Oconee River in central Georgia was sampled on a quarterly basis for four years to determine the impact of three insecticides on the pesticide loading of fish. The insecticides carbofuran (2,3,-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl methyl-carbamate), fenvalerate [cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 4-chloro alpha (1-methylethyl)benzeneacetate], and azinphosmethyl [0,0-Dimethyl S-(4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazin-3-(4H)-ylmethyl phosphorodithioate] were used to control cone and seed insects on a pine seed orchard that is adjacent to Lake Oconee. Fish populations in areas of the lake that receive runoff from treated and untreated portions of the seed orchard were sampled using gill nets. Water and fish samples were collected monthly in 1981–1983 and quarterly in 1984. Species collected included carp (Cyprinus carpio), sucker (Catostomus spp., Erimyzon spp., Moxostoma spp., Minytrema spp.), bass (Micropterus spp.), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), spotted gar (Lepisosteus spp.), and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Few carbofuran residues (< 7 percent of fish samples contained detectable residues) and no azinphosmethyl or fenvalerate residues were detected despite measured inputs into the lake after insecticide application. Persistent agricultural insecticides including dieldrin, lindane, DDT, and toxaphene were detected in 32, 36, 58, and 83 percent of sampled fish, respectively. Screening for 20 other insecticides resulted in no detection of residues at a detection limit of 30–100 μg kg-1.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evapotranspiration (ET) approximations, usually based on computed potential ET (PET) and diverse PET‐to‐ET conceptualizations, are routinely used in hydrologic analyses. This study presents an approach to incorporate measured (actual) ET data, increasingly available using micrometeorological methods, to define the adequacy of ET approximations for hydrologic simulation. The approach is demonstrated at a site where eddy correlation‐measured ET values were available. A baseline hydrologic model incorporating measured ET values was used to evaluate the sensitivity of simulated water levels, subsurface recharge, and surface runoff to error in four ET approximations. An annually invariant pattern of mean monthly vegetation coefficients was shown to be most effective, despite the substantial year‐to‐year variation in measured vegetation coefficients. The temporal variability of available water (precipitation minus ET) at the humid, subtropical site was largely controlled by the relatively high temporal variability of precipitation, benefiting the effectiveness of coarse ET approximations, a result that is likely to prevail at other humid sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Relationships between wind velocity and the vertical light attenuation coefficient (K0) were determined at two locations in a large, shallow lake (Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA). K0 was significantly correlated with antecedent wind conditions, which explained as much as 90 percent of the daily variation in K0. Sub-surface irradiance began to change within 60 to 90 minutes of the time when wind velocity exceeded or dropped below a threshold value. Maximum one hour changes in K0 were > 50 percent, however, 20 to 30 percent changes were more common. The magnitude of change in K0 varied spatially based on differences in sediment type. K0 never exceeded 2.8 at a location where bottom sediments were dominated by a mixture of coarse sand and shells. In comparison, K0 exceeded 9 during episodic wind events where the bottom sediment was comprised of fine grain mud. Underwater irradiance data can be used to determine threshold wind velocity and account for the influence sediment type has on K0. Once a threshold velocity has been established, the frequency, rate, and duration of expected change in underwater irradiance can be evaluated. This is critical information for scientists who are studying algal productivity or other light-related phenomena.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer System Analysis (GC RASA) study, data from 184 geophysical well logs were used to define the geohydrologic framework of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system in Mississippi for flow model simulation. Five major aquifers of Eocene and Paleocene age were defined within this aquifer system in Mississippi. A computer data storage system was established to assimilate the information obtained from the geophysical logs. Computer programs were developed to manipulate the data to construct geologic sections and structure maps. Data from the storage system will be input to a five-layer, three-dimensional, finite-difference digital computer model that is used to simulate the flow dynamics in the five major aquifers of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The BURP water-balance model was calibrated for 13 small (0.46 to 7.00 mi2), forested watersheds in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon where snowmelt is the dominant source of runoff. BURP is the model name and is not an acronym. Six of the 16 parameters in BURP were calibrated. The subsurface recession coefficient and three subsurface water-storage parameters were most sensitive for simulating monthly flow. Calibrated subsurface recession coefficients ranged from 0.988 to 0.998. The subsurface-water storage parameters were calibrated at between 20 to 120 percent of their initial values obtained from a category III soil survey. That reconnaissance-level survey was apparently too broad to accurately reflect subsurface-water storage in small watersheds. Tests of model performance showed BURP is capable of producing accurate simulations of monthly flow for mountainous, snow-dominated watersheds with shallow (< 4 ft) soils when calibrated with 2 to 4 years of streamflow data. A regression of observed versus simulated monthly flows with data from all watersheds combined showed that BURP accounted for 85 percent of the variability in observed flows, which ranged from 0.01 to 20.8 inches, but underpredicted high flow months, with a slope of 1.15 that is significantly different from 1.0 (p = 0.05). Without prior calibration, subsurface-water storage parameters appeared to be the greatest source of potential error.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Preliminary results from a digital simulation model designed to test time-varying water pricing policies are presented. Stochastic inflows feeding a water supply reservoir are assumed for a hypothetical community with defined demand functions. Prices are allowed to vary as a function of reservoir level, generally rising as reservoir levels fall. Increasing, decreasing and constant rates are tested. It is concluded that varying the price to reflect the increased value of scarce supplies can greatly reduce the risk of water supply shortages. It is also concluded that varying incremental (conservational) pricing policies not only reduces the risk of shortages, but also lowers the average price to the community while rewarding the low consumption user with lower average rates.  相似文献   

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