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ABSTRACT: With the increase in water demand in Texas, attention has turned to improving water yield by brush control on rangeland watersheds. Several hydrologic models have been developed for either farmland or rangeland. However, none of the models were specifically developed to assess the impact of brush control on rangeland water yield. Yet, modeling the impact of brush control on water yield needs to be considered if alternative techniques are to be compared. Two models, Ekalaka Rangeland Hydrology and Yield Model (ERHYM-II) and Simulator for Water Resources on Rural Basins (SWRRB) were selected. The Soil Conservation Service curve number (SCS-CN) method is used in both models to predict surface runoff from each rainfall event. The major differences between the ERHYM-II and SWRRB models are the evapotranspiration, soil water routing, and plant growth components. The models were evaluated on brush-dominated and chemically and mechanically brush-controlled range watersheds in Texas. Results indicated that both models were capable of simulating soil water and water yield from brush dominated and chemically brush-controlled range watersheds. The models were not able to predict water yield from the mechanically brush-controlled (root plowed) watershed with acceptable accuracy. The depressions that were caused by root plowing stored surface runoff and reduced water yield from the watershed. Information about the size of depressions was not available for further model evaluation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Edwards Aquifer is one of the most studied and most prolific aquifers in the United States. The aquifer is a heavily fractured and faulted carbonate aquifer with transmissivities in excess of 100 ft2/s. The City of San Antonio relies upon the Edwards Aquifer as its sole source for water. Much work has been done on quantifying recharge to the aquifer and discharge from wells and acquiring aquifer characteristics from pumping tests, specific capacity tests, and geophysical logs. Although the aquifer has been well studied in Bexar County, much less is known about the Edwards Aquifer in Kinney County. This is partly due to the lower population within the county (approximately 3,500 people) relative to the eastern counties (Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, Comal, and Hays) and the great distance of Kinney County from high profile discharge areas such as the City of San Antonio and Comal and San Marcos Springs. Three key products resulted from this study: (1) exploratory well drilling and the largest aquifer test in the county that were conducted to evaluate the well yields within a 10,000 acre study area in which a drawdown of 2.5 ft approximately 1.2 miles away was observed while pumping at approximately 4,600 gpm; (2) a recharge estimate for the Edwards Aquifer within Kinney County of approximately 71,382 ac‐ft/yr; and (3) locating the Brackettville Groundwater Divide from an evaluation of ground water flow direction and hydrograph analysis. These results help evaluate the complex hydraulics occurring within Kinney County and aid in development of ground water modeling that will be used in managing the Edwards Aquifer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Policies to encourage brush management are under consideration as a means to address the water scarcity issue in Texas. Additional water can be generated by treating some of the 100-million-plus acres of brush-infested rangelands in Texas. Evidence of water yield benefits are, however, tentative at this time. Economic investigations based on available data show the potential desirability of brush management but also show benefits to be critically dependent on added water yield, value, and cost-sharing policy. Wildlife, water rights, and environmental issues are also important considerations. The lack of research information on likely impacts makes it difficult to choose among alternative policies for encouraging brush management. More research on this potential opportunity is needed.  相似文献   

Increasing water for onsite and offsite uses can be a viable objective for management of certain western rangelands. One approach utilizes water harvesting techniques to increase surface runoff by preventing or slowing infiltration of rain. An attractive alternative, where applicable, is to replace vegetation that uses much water with plants that use less so that more water percolates through the soil to streams and ground water. Most sites are too dry to increase water yield in this way; probably less than 1 percent of the western rangelands can be managed for this purpose. However, where annual precipitation exceeds about 450 mm (18 inches) and deep-rooted shrubs can be replaced by shallow-rooted grasses, there is potential to increase streamflows and to improve forage for livestock. Little or no increase can be expected by eradication of low-density brush and pinyon-juniper woodlands. Potentials for improving water yield are reviewed and summarized by vegetation types.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Few water budgets exist for specific types of wetlands such as peatlands, even though such information provides the basis from which to investigate linkages between wetlands and upland ecosystems. In this study, we first determined the water budget and then estimated nutrient loading from an upland farm field into a 1.5 ha, kettle-block peatland. The wetland contains highly anisotropic peat and has no distinct, active layer of groundwater flow. We estimated the depth of the active layer using Fick's law of diffusion and quantified groundwater flow using a chemical mass balance model. Evapotranspiration was determined using MORECS, a semi-physical model based on the Penman-Monteith approach. Precipitation and surface outflow were measured using physical means. Groundwater provided the major inflow, 84 percent (44,418 m3) in 1993 and 88 percent (68,311 m3) in 1994. Surface outflow represented 54 percent (28,763 m3) of total outflows in 1993 and 48 percent (37,078 m3) in 1994. A comparison of several published water budgets for wetlands and lakes showed that error estimates for hydrologic components in this study are well within the range of error estimates calculated in other studies. Groundwater inflow estimates and nutrient concentrations of three springs were used to estimate agricultural nutrient loading to the site. During the study period, nutrient loading into the peatland via groundwater discharge averaged 24.74 kg K ha-1, 1.83 kg total inorganic P had, and 21.81 kg NO3-N ha-1.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the critical interaction between existing Texas water law and the state's water resources. Conjunctive use and management of interrelated water resources, though seldom practiced, is generally considered desirable. However, a significant barrier to the coordinated, efficient use and management of water resources is the legal division of water in the various phases of the hydrologic cycle into different classes and recognition of well-defined water rights in the separate phases. Several examples of the problems which relate to, or result from, present Texas water law and which prevent correlated water resource management are discussed. Any substantive revision of Texas law, particularly ground water law, will apparently be difficult to achieve in the immediate future, primarily because of the large number of recognized private water rights and the political power inherent in them. Data necessary for operation of conjunctive management systems are gradually being acquired, and perhaps someday other hydrologic phases can be integrated with surface and ground water. Nevertheless, Texas courts and the legislature have sufficient information on the interrelated hydrologic cycle so that prospective water conflicts should be anticipated and avoided. Great care must be exercised in the recognition of new types of private water rights or extension of existing rights, because this institutional structure, once established, presents a formidable obstacle to desirable revisions of the law.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Accurate water balance calculations are essential for water resource and environmental management decisions, but many of the terms used in the equation are difficult to measure. In this study, a method for measuring rates of evapotranspiration and net seepage from a freshwater marsh in southwest Florida is described. The results are compared to evaporation pan estimates as well as to calculations that balanced all the terms in the hydrologic budget. The measured rates of evapotranspiration showed a. distinct seasonal trend ranging from an average high of 0.24 in/d during July 1992 to a low of 0.06 in/d in January 1993. Evapotranspiration rates were higher than Class A evaporation pan measurements during July and August, indicating transpiration by plants exceeded evaporation by pans. Net ground water seepage flowed out of the marsh except during periods of high water table conditions. When all terms in the hydrologic budget were evaluated, the equation balanced on a yearly basis with an error of 2 percent, on a seasonal basis with errors less than 7 percent, but on a monthly basis errors were as great as 30 percent. Total annual rainfall on the marsh was 45 percent of the total marsh hydrologic input and was approximately equal to the loss by evapotranspiration of 41 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Streamflow changes resulting from clearcut harvest of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) on a 2145 hectare drainage basin are evaluated by the paired watershed technique. Thirty years of continuous daily streamflow records were used in the analysis, including 10 pre-harvest and 20 post-harvest years of data. Regression analysis was used to estimate the effects of timber harvest on annual water yield and annual peak discharge. Removal of 14 million board feet of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) from about 526 hectares (25 percent of the basin) produced an average of 14.7 cm additional water yield per year, or an increase of 52 percent. Mean annual daily maximum discharge also increased by 1.6 cubic meters per second or 66 percent. Increases occurred primarily during the period of May through August with little or no change in wintertime streamflows. Results suggest that clearcutting conifers in relatively large watersheds (> 2000 ha) may produce significant increases in water yield and flooding. Implications of altered streamflow regimes are important for assessing the future ecological integrity of stream ecosystems subject to large-scale timber harvest and other disturbances that remove a substantial proportion of the forest cover.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water budget studies are essential for water resources and environmental management. In this study, a water budget analysis is presented for the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) in South Florida for the period from 1973 to 1991. The EAA is a highly productive irrigation/drainage basin that has a high water table and organic soils. Water quality problems are associated with the drainage discharge from the basin. During dry periods, supplemental water is used for irrigation and in rainy periods excess water with relatively higher phosphorus content is pumped out of the basin to Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades ecosystem. Elevated concentrations of phosphorus in the runoff/drainage that is discharged from the EAA basin have created water quality problems. The mean surface water inflow to the basin was 63,990 ha-m, and the outflow was 131,447 ha-m per year. On the average, supplemental surface water use was 47,411 ha-m, and runoff/drainage was 114,816 ha-m per year. The mean annual basin rainfall was 120.9 cm. A general trend in the decline of the wet season rainfall is observed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of major water management practices on the pumping requirement from the Ogallala aquifer are discussed. Demand on the aquifer may be reduced as much as 15 percent by recycling irrigation runoff, 25 percent by recycling irrigation runoff and irrigating with water from playas, and 29 percent by recycling irrigation water in combination with irrigation from playas and artificial recharge of playa water to the aquifer. Other practices that can result in more efficient use of precipitation and groundwater are limited irrigation, land forming, soil profile modification, and improved irrigation systems, thereby reducing the pumping demand on the Ogallala. Additional water supplies can possibly be obtained by water harvesting, weather modification, and water importation. Conclusions reached were that the overdraft on the aquifer can be reduced by the application of sound water management practices on an area-wide basis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In early 1997, the Texas Edwards Aquifer Authority implemented a pilot Irrigation Suspension Program with the objectives of increasing springflow and providing relief to municipalities during drought. Irrigators were paid an average of $234 per acre to suspend water use, a price higher than regional land rental rates. Auction theory and program implementation details suggest that the program implementation partially caused inflated bids. The Irrigation Suspension Program is also compared to two alternative programs: (1) subsidizing more efficient irrigation technology and (2) buying land. The irrigation suspension is found to be more cost‐effective relative to subsidizing improved irrigation efficiency because it can be put in place only when aquifer levels are low. Land purchase is a cheaper alternative if the bid levels remain at the levels observed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Texas Water Development Board, the principal water resource planning agency of the State, has been conducting extensive estuarine data collection activities and associated research to determine the required quantity and quality of fresh water inflows necessary to maintain various environmental conditions in Texas estuaries to preserve the estuarine ecosystems. These activities are a consequence of a statutory directive to the Board to make provisions in its State Water Plan for the effects of upstream water resource development on the associated estuaries. This paper reports on the results of the first phase of an extensive estuarine research project. The objectives of the research project are to (1) define the interrelationships between estuarine ecosystems and fresh water and nutrient inflows, and (2) develop and test quantitative simulation techniques which describe these relationships. In order to accomplish the first objective, physical and chemical water quality data and biological data on the estuarine ecosystems are being collected, compiled and analyzed. The second objective is being satisfied by the development of hydrodynamic and ecologic simulation models of the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Most of Utah's rapid population and industrial expansion is taking place along the western base of the Wasatch Mountains, with consequent increases in water demand. As a part of Utah's “Developing a State Water Plan,” a foundation investigation of the Utah Lake drainage area, which is at the Southern end of the Wasatch Front, was completed which delineated the quantity and quality of the water resources, present water uses, and opportunities for further water conservation. To prepare water budgets, land use data was collected to delineate all areas using water in excess of normal precipitation, which includes agricultural croplands, phreatophytes, open water surfaces, industrial areas, and urban areas. The water budgets were prepared for the time base 1931-1960, but adjusted to physical conditions existing in 1960. The Initial Phase of the Bonneville Unit of the Central Utah Project is presently under construction, with costs expected to exceed 300 million dollars. The principal feature of this project is the exportation of waters from the Colorado River Basin into the Utah Lake drainage area (Great Basin). This importation provides a large number of alternatives for allocation, reallocation of present supplies, and exportation. The possible effects of the Central Utah Project for realizing some of the above alternatives is delineated. Fortunately, the features of this project allow a wide latitude for water management in Utah, thereby facilitating its corporation into a “State Water Plan.”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Understanding the hydrologic processes of rangeland plant communities is essential to determine if water augmentation through shrub management is feasible. Vegetation manipulation studies are costly, difficult to accurately replicate, and often require more than 10 years to determine treatment effect on the water budget. If properly applied, hydrologic simulation models are an attractive alternative for assessing vegetation manipulation practices. The ERHYM-II model was evaluated to determine if it was capable of simulating the water balance for honey mesquite shrub clusters, grass interspaces, and bare soil in south Texas. The simulated water budget was within 2 percent of the measured evapotranspiration for the shrub clusters and grass interspaces. The model underestimated the number of runoff events and overestimated runoff volume for the grass interspace and shrub clusters. Simulated runoff was overestimated by approximately twofold for the grass interspace and threefold for the shrub clusters. Although simulated runoff was substantially overestimated, observed and simulated runoff only accounted for 3 to 6 percent of annual rainfall for the grass and shrub dominated areas, respectively. Simulated evapotranspiration was underestimated by 18 percent and soil water content was overestimated by 82 percent for the bare soil. The model underestimated evapotranspiration for the bare soil as a result of restricting evaporative losses to the first soil layer. Based on our analysis, the ERHYM-II model has the potential for simulating the annual water balance for semiarid rangeland plant communities where runoff and deep drainage are limited components of the water balance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The importance of evaporation in hydrologic modeling has been investigated by analysis of water budget at various scales and application of a water management model at plot scale. The data at all scales indicate that evaporation constitutes a major hydrological output. Accurate determination of watershed evapotranspiration depends upon appropriate accounting for the various components of evapotranspiration and their areal and temporal variability. An application of a water management model has revealed that the ranking of the sensitivity of input parameters depends upon the method of determination of evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As watersheds are urbanized, their surfaces are made less pervious and more channelized, which reduces infiltration and speeds up the removal of excess runoff. Traditional storm water management seeks to remove runoff as quickly as possible, gathering excess runoff in detention basins for peak reduction where necessary. In contrast, more recently developed “low impact” alternatives manage rainfall where it falls, through a combination of enhancing infiltration properties of pervious areas and rerouting impervious runoff across pervious areas to allow an opportunity for infiltration. In this paper, we investigate the potential for reducing the hydrologic impacts of urbanization by using infiltration based, low impact storm water management. We describe a group of preliminary experiments using relatively simple engineering tools to compare three basic scenarios of development: an undeveloped landscape; a fully developed landscape using traditional, high impact storm water management; and a fully developed landscape using infiltration based, low impact design. Based on these experiments, it appears that by manipulating the layout of urbanized landscapes, it is possible to reduce impacts on hydrology relative to traditional, fully connected storm water systems. However, the amount of reduction in impact is sensitive to both rainfall event size and soil texture, with greatest reductions being possible for small, relatively frequent rainfall events and more pervious soil textures. Thus, low impact techniques appear to provide a valuable tool for reducing runoff for the events that see the greatest relative increases from urbanization: those generated by the small, relatively frequent rainfall events that are small enough to produce little or no runoff from pervious surfaces, but produce runoff from impervious areas. However, it is clear that there still needs to be measures in place for flood management for larger, more intense, and relatively rarer storm events, which are capable of producing significant runoff even for undeveloped basins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Twenty‐three stream sites representing a range of forested, agricultural, and urban land uses were sampled in the South Platte River Basin of Colorado from July through September 2002 to characterize water quality during drought conditions. With a few exceptions, dissolved ammonia, Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, and dissolved orthophosphate concentrations were similar to seasonal historical levels in all land use areas during the drought. At some agricultural sites, decreased dilution of irrigation return flow may have contributed to higher concentrations of some nutrient species, increased primary productivity, and higher dissolved oxygen concentrations. At some urban sites, decreased dilution of base flow and wastewater treatment plant effluent may have contributed to higher dissolved nitrite‐plus‐nitrate concentrations, increased primary productivity, and higher dissolved oxygen concentrations. Total pesticide concentrations in urban and agricultural areas were not consistently higher or lower during the drought. At most forested sites, decreased dilution of ground water‐derived calcium bicarbonate type base flow likely led to elevated pH and specific‐conductance values. Water temperatures at many of the forested sites also were higher, contributing to lower dissolved oxygen concentrations during the drought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Computer simulations involving general circulation models, a hydrologic modeling system, and a ground water flow model indicate potential impacts of selected climate change projections on ground water levels in the Lansing, Michigan, area. General circulation models developed by the Canadian Climate Centre and the Hadley Centre generated meteorology estimates for 1961 through 1990 (as a reference condition) and for the 20 years centered on 2030 (as a changed climate condition). Using these meteorology estimates, the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory's hydrologic modeling system produced corresponding period streamflow simulations. Ground water recharge was estimated from the streamflow simulations and from variables derived from the general circulation models. The U.S. Geological Survey developed a numerical ground water flow model of the Saginaw and glacial aquifers in the Tri‐County region surrounding Lansing, Michigan. Model simulations, using the ground water recharge estimates, indicate changes in ground water levels. Within the Lansing area, simulated ground water levels in the Saginaw aquifer declined under the Canadian predictions and increased under the Hadley.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. High percentage of imperviousness in the city is the source of storm runoff. Roof area contributes significantly to the imperviousness. An attempt to make use of roofs as urban flood control device and water conservation measure is advocated. Two different schemes, one for built-up industrial-commercial area, the other for residential area, are suggested. The former utilizes the roof as detention reservoir for flood control, the latter employs recharge pit to convert runoff into ground water resource. The proposed schemes are not only hydrologically, hydraulically and structurally sound but also economically feasible. It is worth considering in the future planning of urban renewal and urban development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nitrogen inputs to, and outputs from, a 55-acre site in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, were estimated to determine the pathways and relative magnitude of loads of nitrogen entering and leaving the site, and to compare the loads of nitrogen before and after the implementation of nutrient management. Inputs of nitrogen to the site were manure fertilizer, commercial fertilizer, nitrogen in precipitation, and nitrogen in ground-water inflow; and these sources averaged 93, 4, 2, and 1 percent of average annual nitrogen additions, respectively. Outputs of nitrogen from the site were nitrogen in harvested crops, loads of nitrogen in surface runoff, volatilization of nitrogen, and loads of nitrogen in ground-water discharge, which averaged 37, less than 1, 25, and 38 percent of average annual nitrogen removals from the site, respectively. Virtually all of the nitrogen leaving the site that was not removed in harvested crops or by volatilization was discharged in the ground water. Applications of manure and fertilizer nitrogen to 47.5 acres of cropped fields decreased about 33 percent, from an average of 22,700 pounds per year (480 pounds per acre per year) before nutrient management to 15,175 pounds of nitrogen per year (320 pounds per acre per year) after the implementation of nutrient management practices. Nitrogen loads in ground-water discharged from the site decreased about 30 percent, from an average of 292 pounds of nitrogen per million gallons of ground water before nutrient management to an average of 203 pounds of nitrogen per million gallons as a result of the decreased manure and commercial fertilizer applications. Reductions in manure and commercial fertilizer applications caused a reduction of approximately 11,000 pounds (3,760 pounds per year; 70 pounds per acre per year) in the load of nitrogen discharged in ground water from the 55-acre site during the three-year period 1987–1990.  相似文献   

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