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浅谈滨海湿地生态环境退化监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了滨海湿地面临的主要环境问题。简述了美国、欧洲、澳大利亚等滨海湿地现状及监测评价方法。对我国滨海湿地管理与研究进展进行了分析探索。  相似文献   

华北地区滨海湿地生态系统健康评价体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以华北地区滨海湿地中的天津宁河七里海湿地为例,以PSR模型作为评价基础框架,运用可持续发展的理论、环境生态学、城市生态学、景观生态学等科学理论,结合社会经济资料收集、地面数据的采集与生态环境现状调查,应用层次分析法(AHP),在咨询专家意见的基础上,利用T L Saaty的标度法,构建了华北地区滨海湿地生态系统健康评价体系。体系由压力子系统、状态子系统、响应子系统构成,共筛选出三大类共计19项综合指标,其中压力指标6项、状态指标9项、响应指标4项。通过实际验证,该评价体系能客观地反映出湿地生态系统健康水平,可为环境管理部门的科学决策以及湿地的可持续发展提供技术支持,可供其他滨海地区湿地评价时参考。  相似文献   

以盐城海滨湿地这一脆弱生态系统为对象进行了生态风险评价方法的探讨,针对其生态环境的特点,通过对盐城海滨湿地的环境问题的描述,分析了它的风险源、风险受体和评价终点,建立了盐城海滨湿地生态风险评价的评价指标体系,对其生态风险评价方法进行了探索。  相似文献   

基于灰色关联识别模型,从时空角度分析旅游活动对杭州湾北岸滨海人工浴场水环境的影响,研究滨海旅游活动与海水环境质量的关系。研究表明,滨海人工浴场由于管理模式及水体净化技术的不同,水域环境呈现不同的时空分布特征,但总体上滨海人工浴场建设和环境管理工作,可以有效保护滨海人工浴场以及周边区域水环境;不同旅游活动对水环境的影响程度不一,根据灰色关联识别模型综合评价指数,影响最大的是以水上自行车、皮划艇等为主的水上游乐项目,综合评价指数为2.571和2.542;其次是海滨游泳活动,综合评价指数为2.513;影响最小的水上舞台活动和观海踏潮,综合评价指数分别为2.501和2.472。  相似文献   

湿地公园具有独特的生态学效应和社会学效应,对湿地公园建设项目进行合理的生态影响评价十分必要。综述了生态影响评价的过程与目的。生态现状调查与评价是生态影响评价的基础,现状调查与评价方法的选择将直接影响生态影响评价整个过程。讨论了现状调查与评价中所用方法的可行性,为湿地公园类型建设项目现状调查与评价时方法的选择提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

滨海湿地作为一种特殊的湿地类型,对人类活动和环境污染响应十分敏感。近年来,外源废水输入导致滨海湿地水体污染严重,对生态环境和人类健康产生威胁。该研究以福州东湖湿地为研究对象,分析上游径流、生活污水、工业废水、养殖塘废水、退塘还湿以及天然湿地等外源水输入对福州东湖水体Cr、Cu、Zn、As、Pb和Mn浓度及分布特征的影响,并对养殖塘水体与沉积物中污染元素浓度进行分析和生态风险评估。研究结果表明,福州东湖湿地水体中Cr、Cu、Zn、As、Pb、Mn的质量浓度分别为(0.50±0.20)、(3.87±1.54)、(34.48±1.71)、(4.72±0.48)、(0.77±0.38)、(151.96±58.81)μg/L,各污染元素浓度符合地表水Ⅱ类水标准。工业废水和养殖塘废水输入是福州东湖水体中污染元素的主要来源,其中工业废水的Mn浓度、养殖塘废水的Cr、Cu、Pb和Mn浓度较高。由于养殖饵料与消毒剂的添加,部分养殖塘沉积物Cr和Mn存在轻度或偏中度污染,呈现轻度生态风险。为防止水质进一步恶化,应改良工业废水处理设施,优化农业养殖模式,控制周边地区污染源。  相似文献   

依据2017年5、7、9月对三江平原19处沼泽湿地(参照湿地6处,受损湿地13处)的水生无脊椎动物采样结果,应用生物完整性理论和方法,构建水生无脊椎动物完整性指数,评价三江平原沼泽湿地健康状况。通过对27个候选指标的分布范围、判别能力和相关性分析,筛选出总分类单元数、扁卷螺科百分比、龙虱科百分比、刮食者百分比4个指标构成水生无脊椎动物完整性指数核心指标。采用比值法计算各指标参数值,将各参数值加和得到水生无脊椎动物完整性指数值。根据参照湿地水生无脊椎动物完整性指数值的25%分位数值确定评价标准,对小于25%分位数的值进行三等分,确定三江平原沼泽湿地健康评价标准:≥2.58,无干扰;1.72~2.58,轻度干扰;0.86~1.72,中度干扰;0~0.86,重度干扰。结果表明:所调查的三江平原沼泽湿地有78.95%受到不同程度的干扰(其中47.37%受到了中重度干扰),21.05%属于无干扰。  相似文献   

2020年春、夏、秋、冬四季对阅海湿地进行水样采集并测定叶绿素a(Chl-a)等10种环境因子,采用相关分析、逐步回归分析和通径分析进行分析评价。结果表明:阅海湿地深水区与浅水区的Chl-a质量浓度季节差异较大,夏、秋季较高,春、冬季较低;空间上深水区高于浅水区。对深水区Chl-a质量浓度影响的环境因子依次为水温、IMn、DO,其中水温为正向直接作用,IMn、DO为负向直接作用;对浅水区Chl-a质量浓度影响的环境因子依次为TP、BOD5,均为正向直接作用。TN对阅海湿地Chl-a质量浓度影响不大,控制水体含磷营养盐类物质及有机物的输入量是防止阅海湿地Chl-a质量浓度过高的主要措施。  相似文献   

利用计算机研制了一个简易的污染底泥资源化选择软件系统,该软件采用多种污染底泥资源化方式对比结构和模块化程序设计方法,并根据最佳用户体验制造出简易和良好的运行环境和用户界面。将该软件系统用于温州市三垟湿地污泥、广州海珠湿地公园水体污泥、珠江三角洲湿地污泥的资源化选择,结果表明除温州市三垟湿地污泥适合填埋之外,其余2个地区的污泥可以作为农用施肥。  相似文献   

日前,常州高校十多位教授和环境专业学生与常州企业中湿地保护专家联合组成的太湖湿地保护调研实践团队,先后赴苏州吴江、无锡滨湖、常州武进等地区进行了为期一周的环太湖湿地保护考察调研活动。调研结果显示,由于围垦、污染、淤积等威胁和保护管理能力薄弱,太湖流域湿地总体上呈面积逐步减少、生态质量逐步下降、  相似文献   

Several theoretical, analytical, and institutional difficulties have impeded the development and application of the assessment of cumulative environmental impacts. Watershed development on coastal wetlands offers an ideal context for evaluating the land disturbance target approach to cumulative impact assessment. A model land use planning system involving a time series approach was developed for Elkhorn Slough in California. The approach included four major components: evaluation of erosion susceptibility, measurement of land disturbance, establishment of a land disturbance target, and a comparison of existing and target land disturbance values. Further research is needed to test the transferability of the approach in a wide range of coastal watersheds and to verify the applicability of the methods to other cumulative impact problems.  相似文献   

A multi-level coastal wetland assessment strategy was applied to wetlands in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) to evaluate the feasibility of this approach for a broad national scale wetland condition assessment (US Environmental Protection Agency’s National Wetlands Condition Assessment). Landscape-scale assessment indicators (tier 1) were developed and applied at the sub-watershed (12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC)) level within the GOM coastal wetland sample frame with scores calculated using land-use maps and geographic information system. Rapid assessment protocols (tier 2), using a combination of data analysis and field work, evaluated metrics associated with landscape context, hydrology, physical structure, and biological structure. Intensive site monitoring (tier 3) included measures of soil chemistry and composition, water column and pore-water chemistry, and dominant macrophyte community composition and tissue chemistry. Relationships within and among assessment levels were evaluated using multivariate analyses with few significant correlations found. More detailed measures of hydrology, soils, and macrophyte species composition from sites across a known condition gradient, in conjunction with validation of standardized rapid assessment method, may be necessary to fully characterize coastal wetlands across the region.  相似文献   

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) initiated a two-year regional pilot survey in 2007 to develop, test, and validate tools and approaches to assess the condition of northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) coastal wetlands. Sampling sites were selected from estuarine and palustrine wetland areas with herbaceous, forested, and shrub/scrub habitats delineated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Status and Trends (NWI S&T) program and contained within northern GOM coastal watersheds. A multi-level, stepwise, iterative survey approach is being applied to multiple wetland classes at 100 probabilistically-selected coastal wetlands sites. Tier 1 provides information at the landscape scale about habitat inventory, land use, and environmental stressors associated with the watershed in which each wetland site is located. Tier 2, a rapid assessment conducted through a combination of office and field work, is based on best professional judgment and on-site evidence. Tier 3, an intensive site assessment, involves on-site collection of vegetation, water, and sediment samples to establish an integrated understanding of current wetland condition and validate methods and findings from Tiers 1 and 2. The results from this survey, along with other similar regional pilots from the Mid-Atlantic, West Coast, and Great Lakes Regions will contribute to a design and implementation approach for the National Wetlands Condition Assessment to be conducted by EPA’s Office of Water in 2011.  相似文献   

为满足《水污染防治行动计划》近岸海域水质考核要求,根据目前近岸海域环境监测工作的实际情况,在考核范围、评价方法、目标分解、计分方法等方面进行了比较,在保证公平、公正的前提下,以一致性、可比性和适应性为原则,提出的考核评价方法以单因子评价法和点位评价法为基础,在未达标情况下,按照水质目标完成比例计分;达标情况下,在达标分值基础上按水质的保持和改善给予不同程度的加分,通过实例研究分析能够适应近岸海域水质状况变化的考核工作要求。  相似文献   

In this study, we interpreted coastal wetland types from an ASTER satellite image in 2002, and then compared the results with the land-use status of coastal wetlands in 1952 to determine the wetland loss and degradation around Jiaozhou Bay. Seven types of wetland landscape were classified, namely: shallow open water, inter-tidal flats, estuarine water, brackish marshes, salt ponds, fishery ponds and ports. Several landscape pattern indices were analysed: the results indicate that the coastal wetlands have been seriously degraded. More and more natural wetlands have been transformed into artificial wetlands, which covered about 33.7% of the total wetlands in 2002. In addition, we used a defined model to assess the impacts of human activities on coastal wetlands. The results obtained show that the coastal wetlands of Jiaozhou Bay have suffered severe human disturbance. Effective coastal management and control is therefore needed to solve the issues of the coastal wetland loss and degradation existing in this area.  相似文献   

基于3S技术的桂林市南溪河污染现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城区小流域常是水污染较重的区域,又是污染源密集的地方,其非点源污染的监测与评估,需要实用方法。本调查基于3S技术,开展流域的监测与评价,包括空间定位的精度控制、非点源的遥感分类解译、采用排污系数对非点源污染评估、对污染源及污水管网做GIS空间分析。结合水质监测进行污径比和水环境容量的评价。重点讨论了城区人口解译方法和污染源评估方法,探讨典型城区非点源污染监测的思路。  相似文献   

In this paper, I develop an optimization model for integrated coastal management in which decisions arise from an area-based algorithm that minimizes predicted damage caused by beach erosion and inshore flooding, while accounting for economic, social, and environmental losses. The model favors the involvement of stakeholders in coastal management, but does not use complicated assessment procedures for non-economic indicators or relative weights to combine economic, social, and environmental indicators. Instead, the integration between economic activities or properties and the environmental status and landscape is represented objectively and non-linearly by referring to initial and sustainability conditions, combined with budgetary and environmental constraints. The model successfully accounted for both human and environmental dynamics by depicting delayed effects, neighborhood externalities, and feedback effects. It calculated a single optimal value for each integrated coastal management strategy, which permitted the support of future decisions and the evaluation of past decisions. The model’s insights were based on reliable estimates, with reliability determined by calculating the confidence level. The model was successfully applied to Italy’s Comacchio coastal municipality, where it revealed the priorities for optimal beach nourishment, dune fixation, and residential and holiday housing development based on budget constraints, beach losses, flood damage, pollution impacts, and land-use constraints.  相似文献   

Climate change impact on the environment makes the coastal areas vulnerable and demands the evaluation of such susceptibility. Historical changes in the shoreline positions and inundation based on projected sea-level scenarios of 0.5 and 1 m were assessed for Nagapattinam District, a low-lying coastal area in the southeast coast of India, using high-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data; multi-dated Landsat satellite images of 1978, 1991, 2003, and 2015; and census data of 2011. Image processing, geographical information system, and digital shoreline analysis system methods were used in the study. The shoreline variation indicated that erosion rate varied at different time scales. The end point rate indicated the highest mean erosion of ??3.12 m/year, occurred in 73% of coast between 1978 and 1991. Weighted linear regression analysis revealed that the coast length of 83% was under erosion at a mean rate of ??2.11 m/year from 1978 to 2015. Sea level rise (SLR) impact indicated that the coastal area of about 14,122 ha from 225 villages and 31,318 ha from 272 villages would be permanently inundated for the SLR of 0.5 and 1 m, respectively, which includes agriculture, mangroves, wetlands, aquaculture, and forest lands. The loss of coastal wetlands and its associated productivity will severely threaten more than half the coastal population. Adaptation measures in people participatory mode, integrated into coastal zone management with a focus on sub-regional coastal activities, are needed to respond to the consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

近岸海域富营养化评价方法的研究进展和比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
富营养化是沿海经济和社会发展面临的主要环境问题,近些年基于科学研究成果与经验,国外近岸海域富营养化评价方法已有长足进步,与之相比,中国现行方法仍处于初级阶段。通过文献资料分析,总结了奥斯陆-巴黎委员会、赫尔辛基委员会、欧盟水框架指令、美国海洋和大气管理局等富营养化评价方法的特点,并在应用范围、评价指标体系、标准、数据要求、程序及结果等方面进行了比较。针对中国目前近岸海域监测现状提出建议,为建立适合中国近岸海域富营养化特点的评价方法提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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