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通过阐述国内外高校图书馆的社会化服务现状和主要方式,指出了高校图书馆社会化服务存在着政策法规、思想观念、资源共享和管理体制方面的障碍。在此基础上,提出了高校图书馆开展社会化服务的创新方式:开拓创新,与企事业单位合作;突破思想障碍,争取政策扶持;增强宣传力度,提高知晓度;资源共享,与公共图书馆合作。  相似文献   

网络环境下高校图书馆期刊的载体类型、管理模式、服务方式都发生了根本性的变化,针对当前高校图书馆期刊管理工作中存在的资源配置、管理和服务等问题,提出网络环境下高校图书馆应合理配置各种载体类型资源,转变管理观念和服务模式,以提高期刊管理水平和使用效益。  相似文献   

高等院校图书馆的学术性和服务性相辅相成,学术性是高质量、高水平服务的基础条件,是高校图书馆的重要职能,它更够保障图书馆工作的顺利开展,提高图书馆的地位。但高校图书馆的学术性没有受到足够的重视,因此,要从领导上强化认识,鼓励图书馆开展学术研究,注重馆员的个人研究,以提高图书馆的服务层次。  相似文献   

社会对竞争情报人才和竞争情报的需求越来越迫切,各种形式的竞争情报教育与服务发展越来越迅速.目前高校图书馆由于竞争情报意识不强、用户对图书馆的信任程度不够、高校竞争情报工作处在起步阶段等诸多不利因素,因而要增强情报意识和竞争情报宣传与培训,提高竞争情报人员的综合素质.  相似文献   

提高高校档案利用的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高校档案利用率不高的实际情况,为有效地提高档案利用率,充分发挥高校档案在高校发展建设、科学管理、提升教育教学水平中的作用,笔者通过多年的探索实践,提出了加大宣传力度、搞好基础建设、提高人员素质、拓展服务方式、创新服务内容等高校档案利用的新途径,与从事高校档案工作的广大同仁商榷。  相似文献   

论高校图书馆的人性化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合高等院校的实际情况和自身特点,从读者角度、流通角度和高等院校自身特点等方面分析和探讨了高校图书馆如何将“人性化管理”这一理念融入到日常的管理和服务之中,并为我院图书馆在增加新书库、专业论文库和网络图书馆的建设及对于图书的采访和宣传工作中如何同读者交流等方面的改革提出参考建议。  相似文献   

专科高校图书馆档案管理可促使图书馆建设与管理规范化,可为图书馆评估考察、总结研究、建设与发展奠定基础.图书馆档案管理已有法制基础,又有计算机技术提供便利,以及人才和经费的增加,因此是可行的.  相似文献   

浅谈我院图书馆人力资源的开发与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆人力资源经营中出现偏颇:观念滞后、以事为中心。针对我院图书馆人力资源的现状,提出一系列改善当前高校图书馆人力资源管理现状的举措,加强馆员的考核及培训,强化以人为本的理念。  相似文献   

由于环境科学迅速发展,环境图书激增,环境高等教育也在快速发展,而环境高校大部分图书馆人员没有经过环境专业教育,因此环境高校图书馆人员在职教育很有必要;其主要方式有学历教育、函授教育、岗位培训、专项教育与自学;其重点内容是环境科学,还包括其他相关学科、现代技术、语言工具等.  相似文献   

通过对燕山大学图书馆读者进行调查和分析,了解读者对该馆各项服务工作的满意程度,对各项服务方式的需求及各种文献信息资源利用的特点,明确今后图书馆工作的重点和方向。  相似文献   

职业是经济社会分层的表征,职业指导随着经济社会和职业的发展应运而生。从就业形势、社会对高校人才培养的要求及大学毕业生职业核心竞争力缺失等方面对高校就业工作现状进行了分析,提出将职业指导融入人才培养机制、目标、方法和内容等各个层面,实现大学生有序就业,完成高校办学与社会需求之间的有效对接。  相似文献   

继续教育是我院教育教学工作的重要组成部分。继续教育生具有"自学为主、限时多学、积极多研、追求速成",但利用图书馆较少的特点。图书馆应结合实际,以提高对继续教育的服务质量为宗旨,从转变思想观念,加强制度建设和馆藏建设,以及如何进行图书宣传等方面为继续教育服务。  相似文献   

高校隐性财务风险形成的原因主要集中在规模贷款和财务管理,突出表现在财务监控机制缺乏或不完善、财务管理缺乏系统的评价指标和风险意识等。规避、控制高校隐性财务风险,可通过促进资金来源多元化、加强监管、维持预算平衡、严格贷款程序、建立财务评价指标体系、推进财务管理信息化的渠道来实现。  相似文献   

服务质量的好坏直接影响图书馆的形象。读者数量的递增要求馆藏的数量越来越大,原有的馆藏特色已不能满足读者的需求。应完善服务理念,提高服务品质,加强图书宣传力度,改进服务工作办法,提升自身专业知识素质,使读者满意。  相似文献   

Voluntary environmental reporting on the progress achieved against policy objectives is an emerging trend in industry and business and is recognized as a valuable aid in implementing policy and improving environmental management systems. Environmental reporting in the UK, has a whole range of formats including PERI, GEMI, WICE and EMAS, with the last, in particular, aiming to improve the level of environmental stewardship and to increase the flow of environmental information to audiences both internally and externally. Higher education institutions globally have been slow to respond in this respect and there is much that they can learn from corporate environmental reporting. An environmental policy is not sufficient proof of commitment for those institutions who have signed the global Talloires Declaration or the European COPERNICUS Charter: demonstrable progress in policy implementation is essential. The environmental management systems that higher education institutions adopt or create and the ways in which their environmental information is collated are of great significance, but the medium selected for the report is perhaps one of the most important aspects to consider. Those institutions such as the University of Sunderland, UK who are using the World Wide Web have been able to produce a flexible, hypertext-linked service on request with inbuilt feedback mechanisms containing varied, up-to-date, comprehensive and well-structured environmental information signposted to external pro-active institutions and agencies. These reports have unique educational angles and reveal links and networks that are naturally more pervasive and far-reaching in their scope and impact and could well provide a key way forward to practical and sustainable environmental reporting into the millennium.  相似文献   

河北省高等教育在全国排名榜中相对落后,与人口大省、经济大省不适应,其原因是多方面的。进一步发展高等教育对河北省实现向经济强省、文化强省跨越至关重要,为此河北省应将努力发展高等教育纳入"十二五"规划,适度扩大办学规模;加大投入;分类指导,突出重点,增强特色,推动内涵式发展;办强师资队伍及师德师风建设;鼓励高校开展科技创新。  相似文献   

The author uses two publications, Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe (Alesina and Glaeser) and Poetry magazine, to underscore the important role that educational institutions play in developing a person’s political philosophy and imagination. European nations, for instance, have better funded social welfare programs than the US because their system of public education incorporates more liberal or left-leaning teachings into their standard curricula. The author sees implications for a more intentional approach to education in the US for those who are interested in changing the food system. If American educational institutions viewed their role as producing food competent citizens, he argues, then we would be more successful in addressing obesity, promoting a more sustainable food system, and even reducing poverty. Food system activists, dieticians and nutritionists, parents, and elected officials should take a more aggressive position with educational institutions to develop programs, services, and curricula capable of achieving these ends.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two surveys were conducted to determine the supply and demand for students trained in watershed management in the United States. The first survey of 23 educational institutions was conducted in 1978. Annual production of about 100 watershed graduates and employment success greater than 85 percent at all degree levels was indicated. The second survey of watershed employment within the U.S. Forest Service (conducted in 1979) indicated one-third of the annual supply of watershed graduates could be employed by the agency; a fact verified by employment data supplied by educational institutions.  相似文献   

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