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Tropical forests are experiencing enormous threats from deforestation and habitat degradation. Much knowledge of the impacts of these land-use changes on tropical species comes from studies examining patterns of richness and abundance. Demographic vital rates (survival, reproduction, and movement) can also be affected by land-use change in a way that increases species vulnerability to extirpation, but in many cases these impacts may not be manifested in short-term changes in abundance or species richness. We conducted a literature review to assess current knowledge and research effort concerning how land-use change affects species vital rates in tropical forest vertebrates. We found a general paucity of empirical research on demography across taxa and regions, with some biases toward mammals and birds and land-use transitions, including fragmentation and agriculture. There is also considerable between-species variation in demographic responses to land-use change, which could reflect trait-based differences in species sensitivity, complex context dependencies (e.g., between-region variation), or inconsistency in methods used in studies. Efforts to improve understanding of anthropogenic impacts on species demography are underway, but there is a need for increased research effort to fill knowledge gaps in understudied tropical regions and taxa. The lack of information on demographic impacts of anthropogenic disturbance makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions about the magnitude of threats to tropical ecosystems under anthropogenic pressures. Thus, determining conservation priorities and improving conservation effectiveness remains a challenge.  相似文献   

McConkey KR  Brockelman WY 《Ecology》2011,92(7):1492-1502
Plant species with generalized dispersal mutualisms are considered to be robust to local frugivore extinctions because of redundancy between dispersal agents. However, real redundancy can only occur if frugivores have similar foraging and ranging patterns and if fruit is a limiting resource. We evaluated the quantitative and qualitative contributions of seed dispersers for an endochorus mast-fruiting species, Prunus javanica (Rosaceae) in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, to evaluate the potential redundancy of dispersers. Data were collected from tree watches, seed/fruit traps, and seed transects under and away from fruiting trees, feeding and seed deposition by gibbons (Hylobates lar), and evaluations of seed and first-year seedling survival. We identified three clusters of dispersers within the network. Most (>80%) frugivore species observed were small birds and squirrels that were not functional dispersers, dropping most seeds under or very near the tree crown, where seedling survival was ultimately nil. Monkeys (Macaca leonina) were low-quality, short-range dispersers, but they dispersed large numbers of seeds and were responsible for 67% of surviving first-year seedlings. Gibbons and Oriental Pied Hornbills (Anthracoceros albirostris) handled few fruits, but they provided the highest quality service by carrying most seeds away from the canopy to medium and long distances, respectively. Although there was overlap in the deposition patterns of the functional dispersers, they displayed complementary, rather than redundant, roles in seed dispersal. Satiation of all functional dispersers further limited their capacity to "replace" one another. Redundancy must be evaluated at the community level because each type of disperser may shift to different species in the non-masting years of P. javanica. Our results underscore the need for research on broader spatial and temporal scales, which combines studies of dispersal and plant recruitment, to better understand mechanisms that maintain network stability.  相似文献   

Directional changes in the species composition of a tropical forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term studies have revealed that the structure and dynamics of many tropical forests are changing, but the causes and consequences of these changes remain debated. To learn more about the forces driving changes within tropical forests, we investigated shifts in tree species composition over the past 25 years within the 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, and examined how observed patterns relate to predictions of (1) random population fluctuations, (2) carbon fertilization, (3) succession from past disturbance, (4) recovery from an extreme El Ni?o drought at the start of the study period, and (5) long-term climate change. We found that there have been consistent and directional changes in the tree species composition. These shifts have led to increased relative representations of drought-tolerant species as determined by the species' occurrence both across a gradient of soil moisture within BCI and across a wider precipitation gradient from a dry forest near the Pacific coast of Panama to a wet forest near its Caribbean coast. These nonrandom changes cannot be explained by stochastic fluctuations or carbon fertilization. They may be the legacy of the El Ni?o drought, or alternatively, potentially reflect increased aridity due to long-term climate change. By investigating compositional changes, we increased not only our understanding of the ecology of tropical forests and their responses to large-scale disturbances, but also our ability to predict how future global change will impact some of the critical services provided by these important ecosystems.  相似文献   

提高碳汇潜力:量化树种和造林模式对碳储量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王春梅  王汝南  蔺照兰 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2501-2505
全球气候变化背景下,造林再造林固定的碳可以抵消温室气体减限排量。通过造林再造林增加森林面积可以增加林业碳汇,在土地面积有限的情况下,提高造林质量——在有限的造林面积上固定更多的碳是十分必要的。树种和造林模式的选择是增加森林生态系统碳汇的重要管理决策。文章综述了树种和造林模式对生态系统的碳储量的影响。树种从生物量的积累,凋落物和土壤碳储存,以及木材密度、碳贮存量等几个方面探讨其对生态系统碳库的影响。混交林能充分利用立地条件、改善树木营养状况,并且可以减少病虫害和森林火灾。同时分析了我国在森林经营方面存在的问题和改善途径,以期为该领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Reed SC  Cleveland CC  Townsend AR 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2924-2934
Tropical rain forests represent some of the most diverse ecosystems on earth, yet mechanistic links between tree species identity and ecosystem function in these forests remains poorly understood. Here, using free-living nitrogen (N) fixation as a model, we explore the idea that interspecies variation in canopy nutrient concentrations may drive significant local-scale variation in biogeochemical processes. Biological N fixation is the largest "natural" source of newly available N to terrestrial ecosystems, and estimates suggest the highest such inputs occur in tropical ecosystems. While patterns of and controls over N fixation in these systems remain poorly known, the data we do have suggest that chemical differences among tree species canopies could affect free-living N fixation rates. In a diverse lowland rain forest in Costa Rica, we established a series of vertical, canopy-to-soil profiles for six common canopy tree species, and we measured free-living N fixation rates and multiple aspects of chemistry of live canopy leaves, senesced canopy leaves, bulk leaf litter, and soil for eight individuals of each tree species. Free-living N fixation rates varied significantly among tree species for all four components, and independent of species identity, rates of N fixation ranged by orders of magnitude along the vertical profile. Our data suggest that variations in phosphorus (P) concentration drove a significant fraction of the observed species-specific variation in free-living N fixation rates within each layer of the vertical profile. Furthermore, our data suggest significant links between canopy and forest floor nutrient concentrations; canopy P was correlated with bulk leaf litter P below individual tree crowns. Thus, canopy chemistry may affect a suite of ecosystem processes not only within the canopy itself, but at and beneath the forest floor as well.  相似文献   

McCarthy-Neumann S  Kobe RK 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1883-1892
A negative feedback between local abundance and natural enemies could contribute to maintaining tree species diversity by constraining population growth of common species. Soil pathogens could be an important mechanism of such noncompetitive distance and density-dependent (NCDD) mortality, but susceptibility to local pathogens may be ameliorated by a life history strategy that favors survivorship. In a shade-house experiment (1% full sun), we tested seedling life span, growth, and mass allocation responses to microbial extract filtered from conspecific-cultured soil in 21 tree species that varied in abundance and shade tolerance in a wet tropical forest (La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica). Forty-three percent of the species had significant reductions, and 10% of the species had significant increases in life span, growth, root length, or root surface area when inoculated with microbial extract; 10% of the species experienced opposing reductions and increases in these characteristics. Contrary to expectation, species' local abundance was not related to species-specific responses to microbial extracts from cultured soils. Across species, seedling shade tolerance (survival at 1% full sun) was negatively correlated with susceptibility to the microbial. treatment for both survival and total mass accumulation, thereby exaggerating shade tolerance differences among species. Thus, soil pathogens may contribute to species coexistence through heightening niche differentiation rather than through negative density dependence in common species.  相似文献   

Resprouting is an important persistence strategy for woody species and represents a dominant pathway of regeneration in many plant communities, with potentially large consequences for vegetation dynamics, community composition, and species coexistence. Most of our knowledge of resprouting strategies comes from fire-prone systems, but this cannot be readily applied to other systems where disturbances are less intense. In this study we evaluated sapling responses to stem snapping for 49 moist-forest species and 36 dry-forest species from two Bolivian tropical forests. To this end we compared in a field experiment the survival and height growth of clipped and control saplings for a two-year period, and related this to the shade tolerance, carbohydrate reserves, and the morphological traits (wood density, leaf size) of the species. Nearly all saplings resprouted readily after stem damage, although dry-forest species realized, on average, a better survival and growth after stem damage compared to moist-forest species. Shade-tolerant species were better at resprouting than light-demanding species in moist forest. This resprouting ability is an important prerequisite for successful regeneration in the shaded understory, where saplings frequently suffer damage from falling debris. Survival after stem damage was, surprisingly, only modestly related to stem reserves, and much more strongly related to wood density, possibly because a high wood density enables plants to resist fungi and pathogens and to reduce stem decay. Correlations between sampling performance and functional traits were similar for the two forest types, and for phylogenetically independent contrasts and for cross-species analyses. The consistency of these results suggests that tropical forest species face similar trade-offs in different sites and converge on similar sets of solutions. A high resprouting ability, as well as investments in stem defense and storage reserves, form part of a suite of co-evolved traits that underlies the growth-survival trade-off, and contributes to light gradient partitioning and species coexistence. These links with shade tolerance are important in the moist evergreen forest, which casts a deep, more persistent shade, but tend to diminish in dry deciduous forest where light is a less limiting resource.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of seagrass photosynthesis in relation to inorganic carbon (Ci) availability, increased pH and an inhibitor of extracellular carbonic anhydrase were made using an underwater pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. By combining the instrument with a specially designed Perspex chamber, we were able to alter the water surrounding a leaf without removing it from the growing plant. Responses to Ci within the chamber showed that subtidal plants of the seagrasses Cymodocea serrulata and Halophila ovalis had photosynthetic rates that were limited by the ambient Ci concentration depending on the irradiance that was available during short-term photosynthesis–irradiance trials. Relative electron transport rates (RETRs) at light saturation (up to 500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1) increased by 66–100% when the Ci concentration was increased from ca. 2.2 to 6.2 mM. On the other hand, intertidal plants of the same species exhibited a much lesser limitation of photosynthesis by Ci at any irradiance (up to 1500 μ mol photons m−2 s−1). Both species were able to use HCO 3 efficiently, and there was stronger evidence for direct uptake of HCO 3 rather than extracellular dehydration of HCO 3 to CO2 prior to Ci uptake. Subtidally, H. ovalis and C. serrulata grew to 10 and 12 m, respectively, where ambient irradiances were approximately 16 and 11% of those at the surface. Maximum RETRs (at light saturation) were lower for these deep-growing plants than for the intertidally growing ones. For both species, the onset of light saturation of photosynthesis (E k) occurred at approximately 100 μ mol photons m−2 s−1 for the deep water populations, which was four and two times lower than for the shallow populations of C. serrulata and H. ovalis, respectively. This, and the differences in maximal photosynthetic rates (RETR max), reflects an acclimation of the deep-growing populations to the lower light environment. The results presented here show that photosynthesis, as measured in situ, was limited by the availability of Ci for the deeper growing plants in Zanzibar, while the intertidally growing plants photosynthesised at close to Ci saturation. The latter result is contrary to previous conclusions regarding Ci limitations for these intertidal plants, and, in general, our findings highlight the need for performing similar experiments in situ rather than under laboratory conditions. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

Temperate deciduous forests across much of Europe and eastern North America reflect legacies of past land use, particularly in the diversity and composition of plant communities. Intense disturbances, such as clearing forests for agriculture, may cause persistent environmental changes that continue to shape vegetation patterns as landscapes recover. We assessed the long-term consequences of agriculture for environmental conditions in central New York forests, including tree community structure and composition, soil physical and chemical properties, and light availability. To isolate the effects of agriculture, we compared 20 adjacent pairs of forests that were never cleared for agriculture (primary forests) and forests that established 85-100 years ago on plowed fields (secondary forests). Tree communities in primary and secondary forests had similar stem density, though secondary forests had 14% greater basal area. Species composition differed dramatically between the two forest types, with primary forests dominated by Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia and secondary forests by Acer rubrum and Pinus strobus. Primary and secondary forests showed no consistent differences in soil physical properties or in the principal gradient of soil fertility associated with soil pH. Within stands, however, soil water content and pH were more variable in primary forests. Secondary forest soils had 15% less organic matter, 16% less total carbon, and 29% less extractable phosphorus in the top 10 cm than adjacent primary stands, though the ranges of the forest types mostly overlapped. Understory light availability in primary and secondary forests was similar. These results suggest that, within 100 years, post-agricultural stands have recovered conditions comparable to less disturbed forests in many attributes, including tree size and number, soil physical properties, soil chemical properties associated with pH, and understory light availability. The principal legacies of agriculture that remain in these forests are the reduced levels of soil organic matter, carbon, and phosphorus; the spatial homogenization of soil properties; and the altered species composition of the vegetation.  相似文献   

将乡土木本植物猫尾木Dolichandronecauda-felina、蒲桃Syzygiumjambos、野牡丹Melastomacandidum、翻白叶树Pterospermumheterophyllum以及鸭脚木Scheffleraoctophylla1年生袋装苗盆栽,置半庇荫环境下适应4周,之后按株数均等分成两组,分别放置在南海五星污染区和广州华南植物园清洁区进行试验。5个月后进行植物构形生长参数和干物质量的测定,以探讨这5种亚热带树苗对大气污染响应的差异。结果表明,①这5种树苗均能在清洁区和污染区都存活,但生长特征表现明显差别。②除翻白叶树基径有少许增大外,大气污染基本上都使植物基径生长减小;树高方面,除了蒲桃外,其余树种树高都有所降低,鸭脚木树高受到的影响最为严重。③翻白叶树与猫尾木单株侧枝数有少许增加,而蒲桃和鸭脚木单株侧枝数有大幅度地下降,分别减少为清洁区单株侧枝数的46.5%和65.1%,野牡丹单株侧枝数基本上没有受到影响。④在污染区生长的5个树种单株干物质总量除了翻白叶树有所增加外,其余4个树种单株干物质量均有不同程度地下降。⑤除了蒲桃保持不变外,污染区?生长4种植物冠根比(CRR)均有不同程度地增加。在污染区生长的植株叶质量比(LWR)和叶面积比(LAR)与清洁区相比存在差异,野牡丹和蒲桃叶质量比和叶面积比下降,而其余3种植物叶质量比和叶面积比上升。综合实验结果表明,5种植物幼苗中对大气污染抗性最强的是翻白叶树和蒲桃,抗性最弱的是鸭脚木。  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,182(2):113-129
Small-scale disturbances (SSD) creating canopy gaps are fundamental to successional dynamics in temperate forests. As gap-oriented management becomes very popular, spatial aspects of gap dynamics, especially the detailed impact of disturbances on the light environment for different species, remain understudied. The aim of this study is to evaluate this effect using the individual-based model SORTIE. Using different initial conditions, 10 simulated data sets, each representing temperate forests, were artificially disturbed using four disturbance sizes. For each 3D location of the simulation space, light availability was computed using the gap light index to create volumetric light data sets. The growth functions of the nine tree species incorporated in the simulation were mapped to each light data set, generating species-dependent 3D cubes illustrating the effect of small-scale disturbances over the different species according to their autecologic relationship to light. The general impact of the simulated SSD was assessed (1) by extracting the 3D boundaries associated to the absolute spatial influence of each replicated SSD and (2) by analyzing the variation of light inside and outside these boundaries, at different height levels. Results were compared for each disturbance size. The species response to different disturbance sizes was evaluated globally and also as a function of height levels under the canopy. This study revealed that the impact of different SSD schemes is highly variable among replicates. Nonetheless, results revealed that small size disturbances exhibit more heterogeneous impact. A threshold effect was detected around a disturbance size of 1000 m2 suggesting a relative SSD impact that decreases for large SSD sizes. It was also found that species relationship is consistent between different disturbance schemes.  相似文献   

Growth rates of nutrient-depleted cells of Biddulphia sinensis Greville and Ceratium furca (Ehrenberg) Claparède et Lachmann as a function of phosphate and nitrate, follow the hyperbolic expression of the Michaelis-Menten equation. variations in the half-saturation constants (K s) for both species in each nutrient gave an index of their capacity to utilize these two nutrients when available either singly or in combination. The maximum growth rates (max) of the two species did not follow the trends shown by K s. Seasonal abundance of the two species in the Cochin Backwater (an Indian tropical estuary) showed that, at low concentrations of nutrients, C. furca becomes predominant; high nutrient concentrations present in the estuary during the monsoon months tend to increase the abundance of B. sinensis. The differences in the K s values of the two organisms seem to reflect their observed seasonal abundance in the estuary.  相似文献   

Poverty and corruption compromise tropical forest reserves.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used the global fire detection record provided by the satellite-based Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to determine the number of fires detected inside 823 tropical and subtropical moist forest reserves and for contiguous buffer areas 5, 10, and 15 km wide. The ratio of fire detection densities (detections per square kilometer) inside reserves to their contiguous buffer areas provided an index of reserve effectiveness. Fire detection density was significantly lower inside reserves than in paired, contiguous buffer areas but varied by five orders of magnitude among reserves. The buffer: reserve detection ratio varied by up to four orders of magnitude among reserves within a single country, and median values varied by three orders of magnitude among countries. Reserves tended to be least effective at reducing fire frequency in many poorer countries and in countries beset by corruption. Countries with the most successful reserves include Costa Rica, Jamaica, Malaysia, and Taiwan and the Indonesian island of Java. Countries with the most problematic reserves include Cambodia, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Sierra Leone and the Indonesian portion of Borneo. We provide fire detection density for 3964 tropical and subtropical reserves and their buffer areas in the hope that these data will expedite further analyses that might lead to improved management of tropical reserves.  相似文献   

The simulation of forest production until 2100 under different environmental scenarios and current management practices was performed using a process-based model BIOME-BGC previously parameterized for the main Central-European tree species, and adapted to include forest management practices. Three climatic scenarios (HadCM3, NCAR-PCM, CSIRO) used were taken from the IPCC database created within the 3rd Assessment Report. They were combined with a scenario of CO2 concentration development and a scenario of N deposition. The control scenario considered no changes of climatic characteristics, CO2 concentration and N deposition.  相似文献   

Restoration of mine spoil is a prime need for coal industry. The study of ground cover vegetation provides essential information about the species diversity and their successional trends during the restoration. The present study was conducted to analyze the structure and biomass accumulation of ground vegetation developing in different plantation stands of an opencast coal mine spoil in a dry tropical region. Different plantation stands showed variations in species diversities. Exotic herbs were more dominant in comparison to native herbs. Pennisetum pedicillatum, an exotic herb showed maximum Importance Value Index in most of the plantation stands. Total number of species varied between 12-18 in different plantation stands. Speces richness and evenness increased with increasing age of the plantations. Variations in total biomass accumulation of ground vegetation were also significant among different plantations. These results suggest that reforestation programme with exotic species on coal mine spoil has been successful in colonization of ground vegetation under different plantations. Gravellia pteridifolia plantations showed most successful ground cover among different plantation stands.  相似文献   

温带阔叶红松林中不同树种和倒木对土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗献宝  张颖清  徐浩  郑俊强 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1841-1845
以长白山温带阔叶红松林为研究对象,通过野外采集土壤样品,综合研究老龄树及倒木对周边表层土壤性质的影响。研究结果显示,在本研究样地条件下,不同树种周边的表层土壤性质存在显著性差异,红松(Pinus koraiensis)周边土壤中水溶性有机碳WSOC的质量分数和特征吸光系数SUVA254值都高于紫椴(乃砌amurensis)和水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica),但是土壤水溶性总氮WSTN和交换性无机氮的质量分数却是红松低于紫椴和水曲柳。对倒木影响的森林表层土壤性质的研究结果显示,倒木下方森林表层土壤中WSOC、WSTN以及交换性矿质氮的质量分数都明显地高于林间土壤,说明在小尺度空间区域内,倒木可能是森林表层土壤活性碳、氮库的重要输入源。此外,本研究还利用主成分分析探讨了受树种影响的森林表层土壤不同性质之间的关联性,并对树种和倒木影响周边土壤性质的可能性机制进行分析。  相似文献   

海岛是国土的重要组成部分.对海岛退化生态系统进行恢复和改造具有重要意义.通过系统观测并比较乡土树种重阳木Bischofia javanica、大叶杜英Elaeocarpus balansae、蒲桃Syzygium jambos、鸭脚木Schefflera octophylla、阴香Cinnamomum burmannii及樟树Cinnamomum camphora苗木在南澳岛光裸地和次生林下的存活、生长及其光合特征,探讨两种不同生境对6个树种生长、存活的影响及用乡土树种苗木进行海岛荒坡恢复和人工耕林分改造的可行性.结果如下:①从2007年4月栽植到2008年7月,所有苗木在光裸地平均存活率为46%,低于次生林下的78%.光裸地重阳木存活率最高,为85%;鸭脚木存活率最低,只有18%.次生林下重阳木和鸭脚木存活率都较低,约为60%,远低于其它树种.②各树种苗木在光裸地生长量均高于次生林下.光裸地所有树种苗木地径、苗高和冠幅的平均相对增长量分别是次生林下苗木的4.8,1.7和2.0倍.光裸地重阳木生长较快;次生林下阴香生长较快,重阳木、鸭脚木生长较慢.③苗木在光裸地的日均净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度分别是次生林下的2.3,3.7和2.1倍.同一生境下各树种苗木的日均净光合速率差异不大.④各树种苗木在光裸地的光饱和点(LSP)、光补偿点(LCP)及表观量子效率(AQY)与次生林下同一树种相比均差异显著(P<0.01).光裸地重阳木、鸭脚木和樟树具有较高的光饱和点和光补偿点,为喜光树种;大叶杜英、蒲桃和阴香具有较高的光饱和点和较低的光补偿点,为喜光耐阴树种.而次生林下各树种均具有较低的光补偿点和较高的表观量子效率,表明在次生林下各树种均具有较好的耐阴性.综合考虑,重阳木适于在光裸地等光照条件好的生境栽植,阴香适于在林下生长,大叶杜英、蒲桃和樟树适应性较好.在强光和弱光下均可生长,而鸭脚木更适于半遮荫环境.这些研究结果可为海岛退化生态系统的植被恢复提供理论参考.  相似文献   

We maintained a factorial nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) addition experiment for 11 years in a humid lowland forest growing on a relatively fertile soil in Panama to evaluate potential nutrient limitation of tree growth rates, fine-litter production, and fine-root biomass. We replicated the eight factorial treatments four times using 32 plots of 40 x 40 m each. The addition of K was associated with significant decreases in stand-level fine-root biomass and, in a companion study of seedlings, decreases in allocation to roots and increases in height growth rates. The addition of K and N together was associated with significant increases in growth rates of saplings and poles (1-10 cm in diameter at breast height) and a further marginally significant decrease in stand-level fine-root biomass. The addition of P was associated with a marginally significant (P = 0.058) increase in fine-litter production that was consistent across all litter fractions. Our experiment provides evidence that N, P, and K all limit forest plants growing on a relatively fertile soil in the lowland tropics, with the strongest evidence for limitation by K among seedlings, saplings, and poles.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts are often motivated by the threat of global extinction. Yet if conservationists had more information suggesting that extirpation of individual species could lead to undesirable ecological effects, they might more frequently attempt to protect or restore such species across their ranges even if they were not globally endangered. Scientists have seldom measured or quantitatively predicted the functional consequences of species loss, even for large, extinction‐prone species that theory suggests should be functionally unique. We measured the contribution of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to the dispersal of 3 large‐fruited species in a disturbed tropical moist forest and predicted the extent to which alternative dispersers could compensate for elephants in their absence. We created an empirical probability model with data on frugivory and seed dispersal from Buxa Tiger Reserve, India. These data were used to estimate the proportion of seeds consumed by elephants and other frugivores that survive handling and density‐dependent processes (Janzen‐Connell effects and conspecific intradung competition) and germinate. Without compensation, the number of seeds dispersed and surviving density‐dependent effects decreased 26% (Artocarpus chaplasha), 42% (Careya arborea), and 72% (Dillenia indica) when elephants were absent from the ecosystem. Compensatory fruit removal by other animals substantially ameliorated these losses. For instance, reductions in successful dispersal of D. indica were as low as 23% when gaur (Bos gaurus) persisted, but median dispersal distance still declined from 30% (C. arborea) to 90% (A. chaplasha) without elephants. Our results support the theory that the largest animal species in an ecosystem have nonredundant ecological functionality and that their extirpation is likely to lead to the deterioration of ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. This effect is likely accentuated by the overall defaunation of many tropical systems.  相似文献   

Kurokawa H  Nakashizuka T 《Ecology》2008,89(9):2645-2656
There is accumulating evidence that similar suites of plant traits may affect leaf palatability and leaf litter decomposability. However, the possible association between leaf herbivory and litter decomposition rates across species in species-diverse natural ecosystems such as tropical rain forests remains unexplored, despite its importance in estimating the herbivory effects on carbon and nutrient cycling of ecosystems. We found no strong association between leaf herbivory and litter decomposition rates across 40 tree species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest, even though the leaf and litter traits were tightly correlated. This is because the leaf and litter traits related to herbivory and decomposition rates in the field were inconsistent. Leaf toughness accounted for only a small part of the variation in the herbivory rate, whereas a number of litter traits (the leaf mass per area, lignin to nitrogen ratio, and condensed tannin concentration) accurately predicted the decomposition rate across species. These results suggest that herbivory rate across species may not be strongly related to single leaf traits, probably because plant-herbivore interactions in tropical rain forests are highly diverse; on the other hand, plant-decomposer interactions are less specific and can be governed by litter chemicals. We also investigated two factors, phylogeny and tree functional types, that could affect the relationship between herbivory and decomposition across species. Phylogenetic relatedness among the species did not affect the relationship between herbivory and decomposition. In contrast, when the plants were segregated according to their leaf emergence pattern, we found a significant positive relationship between herbivory and decomposition rates for continuous-leafing species. In these species, the condensed tannin to N ratios in leaves and litter were related to herbivory and decomposition rates, respectively. However, we did not observe a similar trend for synchronous-leafing species. These results suggest that the relationship between herbivory and decomposition may be more greatly affected by functional types than by phylogenetic relatedness among species. In conclusion, our results suggest that well-defended leaves are not necessarily less decomposable litter in a tropical rain forest community, implying that herbivory may not generate positive feedback for carbon and nutrient cycling in this type of ecosystem.  相似文献   

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