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利用WRF-CAMx模式分析首届中国国际进口博览会(简称进博会)期间一次降雨过程对长三角地区PM2.5浓度影响,结果表明,降雨量分布区域与因降雨造成的PM2.5浓度减少量分布区域并不完全一致,湿沉降量受降雨量、PM2.5浓度和风速等多个因素共同影响。数值模拟结果表明,降雨导致浓度下降幅度排前5位的组分分别是有机气溶胶、硫酸盐、硝酸盐、铵盐和细颗粒原生气溶胶,下降幅度分别为44. 28%、16. 55%、11. 55%、9. 53%和5. 23%。结合观测资料和数值模式模拟结果可知,首届进博会期间上海本地减排和周边区域协同控制作用使PM2.5日均质量浓度降低33. 23μg/m3,因降雨引起的湿沉降作用使上海市PM2.5质量浓度降低15. 88μg/m^3。  相似文献   

为了研究2016年二十国集团领导人峰会(G20峰会)期间长三角区域臭氧(O3)变化特征,评估管控措施对O3浓度的影响,利用2016年8月10日至9月20日杭州及周边地区的空气质量监测数据、气象数据以及排放清单数据,分析了O3和NO2浓度及气象条件的时空分布特征,研究了不同管控区域不同保障时期O3浓度的时空变化和O3敏感控制区的改变。结果表明:峰会保障期间对于一次排放污染物和细颗粒物的管控措施效果明显,但核心区的O3质量浓度高于严控区和管控区,分别高出11. 2、9. 2μg/m3。日间的NOx管控导致O3日变化幅度增高接近50μg/m3。在峰会保障期间,卫星数据和站点观测结果显示核心区O3由VOCs控制区转为NOx-VOCs协同控制区,整个长三角区域的O3生成对于NOx  相似文献   

Aquatic organisms’ tolerance to water pollution is widely used to monitor and assess freshwater ecosystem health. Tolerance values (TVs) estimated based on statistical analyses of species-environment relationships are more objective than those assigned by expert opinion. Region-specific TVs are the basis for developing accurate bioassessment metrics particularly in developing countries, where both aquatic biota and their responses to human disturbances have been poorly documented. We used principal component analysis to derive a synthetic gradient for four stressor variables (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, and % silt) based on 286 sampling sites in the Taihu Lake and Qiantang River basins (Yangtze River Delta), China. We used the scores of taxa on the first principal component (PC1), which explained 49.8 % of the variance, to estimate the tolerance values (TVr) of 163 macroinvertebrates taxa that were collected from at least 20 sites, 81 of which were not included in the Hilsenhoff TV lists (TVh) of 1987. All estimates were scaled into the range of 1–10 as in TVh. Of all the taxa with different TVs, 46.3 % of TVr were lower and 52.4 % were higher than TVh. TVr were significantly (p?<?0.01, Fig. 2), but weakly (r 2?=?0.34), correlated with TVh. Seven biotic metrics based on TVr were more strongly correlated with the main stressors and were more effective at discriminating references sites from impacted sites than those based on TVh. Our results highlight the importance of developing region-specific TVs for macroinvertebrate-based bioassessment and to facilitate assessment of streams in China, particularly in the Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   

The Yellow River Delta (YRD) is a typical agricultural and petrochemical industrial area of China. To assess the current status of phthalate esters (PAEs) of soil residues, soil samples (0~20 cm) (n?=?82) were collected in Bincheng District, at the geographic center of the YRD. PAEs were detected in all topsoil samples analyzed, which indicated that PAEs are ubiquitous environmental contaminants. Concentrations of 11 PAEs are in the range of 0.794~19.504 μg g?1, with an average value of 2.975 μg g?1. It was presented that PAEs pollution in this area was weak and monotonously increasing along the rural–urban gradient. Higher concentrations were observed from roadsides (and/or gutters), densely anthropogenic activities areas (such as the urbanization and industrialization), and agriculture influence district, which mainly originated from construction waste, municipal sewage, agricultural waste and pesticide, discarded plastic effusion and atmospheric depositions. Concentrations of PAEs were weakly positivity correlated with soil organic carbon content and pH, which suggested both of them can affect the distribution of PAEs. The concentration of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and di-n-butyl phthalate dominated in the 11 PAEs, with the average values of 0.735 and 1.915 μg g?1, respectively, and accounted for 92.1 % of the whole PAEs’ concentrations. No significant differences of PAE congeneric profiles were observed between our work and others previously reported, which is consistent with the use of similar commercial PAEs around the world.  相似文献   

2014年起,上海市围绕城市及长三角区域空气质量预测预报和重污染预警需求,搭建了长三角区域空气质量数值预报系统。该系统综合应用了模式参数化方案比选、排放清单耦合处理、大气化学资料同化、大数据集合订正等关键技术,集合模式PM2. 5和O3小时浓度偏差为-10%~10%,提升了区域PM2. 5和O3浓度模拟效果。该系统实现了污染在线源解析和多排放情景模拟等功能的业务应用,应用于2018年首届中国国际进口博览会保障中,为上海市及长三角区域空气质量业务预报和重大活动保障提供了业务产品支撑。  相似文献   

通过对比分析发现,2007年客观源清单比2001年初始源清单能够更好地反映当前长江三角洲地区的大气污染物源排放情况.基于客观源清单,利用第三代空气质量模式(Models-3/CMAQ)较好地模拟出长三角地区近地层大气浓度的日变化和空间分布,模拟结果表明,NOx与O3在空间分布上并不一致,两者之间存在非线性关系,NO2与...  相似文献   

为加强长江源区水生态研究,于2017年丰水期调查了长江源区5个湖泊、5条河流的水质和鱼类资源状况,并研究了其空间格局.水质综合指数(WQI)计算结果显示,长江源区WQI范围为41~87,评价等级介于差到良好之间,大部分采样点的水质评价等级为一般,其中,班德湖的水质评价等级为良好.主成分分析结果显示,长江源区河流、淡水湖...  相似文献   

长江源区位于青藏高原腹地,对气候变化敏感,存在河流径流增加、湖泊扩张淡化的趋势,研究该区域的水生生物有助于理解气候变化对该区域生态系统的影响。该研究于2017年夏季对长江西源沱沱河、南源当曲以及周围5个典型湖泊(班德湖、雅西措、玛章错钦、格勒措、昂错钦)的底栖动物群落开展调查。湖泊水体盐度为0.96‰~14.72‰,pH为8.89~9.63。结果表明,共采集到大型底栖动物25种,隶属于5纲7目10科。河流的底栖动物平均密度和生物量分别为36个/m2和0.22 g/m2,优势种为恩非摇蚊属;湖泊的底栖动物平均密度和生物量分别为674个/m2和5.35 g/m2,优势种为直突摇蚊属,83.33%的物种为单一湖泊特有。蒙特卡罗置换检验结果表明,影响底栖动物群落的水体环境变量主要包括碱度、总悬浮性固体、浊度、pH、总溶解性固体、盐度和叶绿素a。典范对应分析排序图显示,在长江源区的湖泊水体中,底栖动物较多分布在酸碱度相对低、清澈程度高、盐度低、叶绿素高的环境中。在未来的气候变化背景下,河流径流增加可能导致水体...  相似文献   

Organochlorinated Compounds in Waters of the Pearl River Delta Region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Samples of river water and sewage water were analysed for ten PCB congeners, chlorobenzenes and chlorinated pesticides (BHCs and DDT) in three cities (Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhaoqing) in the Pearl River Delta, The results showed that the sewage water in Shengzhen had the highest concentration of total PCBs at about 10ng/L, and Dasha River (Shengzhen), the lowest at about 1.0ng/L. In general, the sewage waters in the three cities had higher concentrations of PCBs than river waters. Chlorobenzenes were investigated in the water samples. The total concentrations of chlorobenzenes ranged from 0.02~0.13g/L, the Dasha River had the highest level of chlorobenzenes, and the sewage water in the city of Zhaoqing had the next highest. The result may be related to the discharges from paper production factories nearby the sampling sections of the Dasha River (Shenzhen) and sewage water in Zhaoqing. The concentrations of organochlorinated pesticides (-BHC, -BHC, -BHC, DDT and DDE) changed little in all water samples except for the sewage water in Guangzhou. It seemed that these pesticides are more a residual signal than a direct discharge from point sources.  相似文献   

选取2015年1、4、7、10月(分别代表冬、春、夏、秋4季),应用CMAQv4.7.1和CMAQv5.1模式模拟长三角区域的空气质量,对比了NO2、SO2、O3、PM2.54个常规污染物的模拟结果,表明CMAQv5.1对NO2、SO2和PM2.5的模拟效果优于CMAQv4.7.1,而CMAQv4.7.1的O3模拟效果优于CMAQv5.1;CMAQv5.1的NO2模拟值更接近地面观测值,比起不同版本的化学机制对NO2模拟效果的影响,NO2的模拟偏差受排放高估的影响更大;2个版本SO2的模拟值差距较小,且都与地面观测值之间差异较小;CMAQv5.1 PM2.5的模拟值比CMAQv4.7.1更接近观测值,气溶胶模块机制的更新(例如新增细分的PM2.5模式物种和部分二次有机气溶胶生成机制的改进等)对PM2.5模拟效果的改善显著;CMAQv5.1的O3模拟值比CMAQv4.7.1高,CMAQv5.1的O3模拟值在O3观测值的高值时段更接近观测值,而CMAQv4.7.1的O3模拟值在低值时段更接近观测值,CMAQv5.1在日最大8小时平均(MDA8)O3观测浓度超标日的O3模拟效果相比CMAQv4.7.1有一定程度的改善,但在非超标日模拟效果变差,CMAQv5.1的O3模拟效果总体相比CMAQv4.7.1并未得到有效提升。提出,未来针对低值时段和低值区域的O3模拟机制的改进将进一步提升O3模拟效果。  相似文献   

基于北京上甸子与浙江临安区域大气本底站2011—2019年氢氯氟碳化物(HCFCs)采样观测数据,开展了京津冀与长三角地区6种HCFCs(HCFC-22、HCFC-141b、HCFC-142b、HCFC-124、HCFC-132b和HCFC-133a)本底特征研究。研究结果表明:临安站HCFCs浓度水平和浓度变率比上甸子站明显更高,尤其是HCFC-133a,其浓度及浓度变率均比上甸子站高1个量级,表明长三角地区HCFCs排放量可能较京津冀地区更大。2个站点HCFCs本底浓度基本一致,差异范围为-6.1%~7.1%。上甸子站本底数据占比为26.4%~69.0%,而临安站本底数据占比不足23%。在《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》的约束下,2个站点多数HCFCs年均浓度呈下降趋势或变化较小。2个站点HCFC-132b浓度相对较低,但2019年相比2018年有明显升高。结合风向进行分析,发现上甸子站HCFC-22、HCFC-141b、HCFC-142b和HCFC-132b高浓度水平主要由西南扇区(北京城区方向)的WSW、SSW及SW方向贡献,而HCFC-124和HCFC-133a在各风向上的浓度和载荷差异较小。临安站HCFC-124高浓度水平主要由SSE和NNE方向贡献,分别对应金华和湖州方向;其他5种HCFCs的高浓度水平主要由东北扇区的ENE方向贡献,对应杭州城区方向。  相似文献   

The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin have the most representative and largest concentration of freshwater lakes in China. However, the size and number of these lakes have changed considerably over the past century due to the natural and anthropogenic impact. The lakes, larger than 10 km2 in size, were chosen from relief maps and remotely sensed images in 1875, 1950, 1970, 1990, 2000, and 2008 to study the dynamics of lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin and to examine the causes and consequences of these changes. Results indicated that there was a dramatic reduction in lake areas, which decreased by 7,841.2 km2 (42.64 %) during the study period (1875–2008), and the number of lakes in this region changed moderately. Meanwhile, a large number of lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin were directly converted into paddy fields, ponds, building lands, or other land-use types over the study period. Therefore, all kinds of lake reclamation should be identified as the major driving factors for the loss of lake in this region. Furthermore, flooding, soil erosion, and sedimentation were also the main factors which triggered lake changes in different periods. Some wetland conservation and restoration projects have been implemented since the 1970s, but they have not reversed the lake degradation. These findings were of great importance to managers involved in making policy for the conservation of lake ecosystems and the utilization of lake resources.  相似文献   

通过资料分析和数值模拟开展了2015年8月1日—10日台风“苏迪罗”对珠三角地区臭氧(O3)污染影响的机理研究。结果表明,2015年8月5—8日,在台风接近登陆点的过程中,台风外围天气导致了高温、高辐射和静小风等气象条件,促进了光化学反应的进行和污染物的局地积累。同时,高温、高辐射等气象条件加剧了植被源区生物源挥发性有机物(BVOCs)的排放。采用化学传输模式模拟发现,植被BVOCs对O3污染的贡献最高可达24×10-9。结合拉格朗日粒子扩散模式(LPDM)探索了影响珠三角地区的主导气团,发现珠三角城市地区和高BVOCs源区存在交互传输的现象。污染期间,高BVOCs源区的一次排放产物(BVOCs)和二次产物(O3)经区域输送加剧了珠三角地区O3的污染。此外,研究发现台风外围条件下珠三角内陆盛行的偏北风与海陆热力差异引起的海风在沿海地区辐合,造成污染物局地积累,加剧并延长了O3污染。研究有利于加强对O3污染机理的认识,进而更好地采取针对性措施,有助于减小O3污染带来的危害。  相似文献   

The occurrence and behavior of carbamazepine (CBZ) was investigated in aquatic environment of Yangtze River Delta, East China. The water samples were enriched by solid-phase extraction and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector. The validation of the analytical method included linearity (0.1?C1 mg/L), recovery studies, and determination of limits of quantification. Limits of quantification of CBZ in various aquatic samples were in the range of 0.1?C0.2 ??g/L. CBZ was detected in the Tongji University Intramural River, the Huangpu River, and the Suzhou River with the highest concentration of 1,090 ng/L, but not detected in the Nanhengyin River and the Caojia River. In sewage water samples, CBZ was not detected in one of the sewage treatment plants (STPs) but was detected in the raw influents and effluents at the other three selected STPs in Shanghai, with the concentrations ranging from 230 to 1,110 ng/L. CBZ was not completely eliminated after secondary treatment (with the active sludge process).  相似文献   

The effects of land use and soil properties on total and available Cu concentrations in soils were investigated in this study. A total of 276 surface (0-20 cm) soil samples were collected from seven land uses: industrial area, woodland, vegetable field, dry land, paddy field, tea garden and orchard. The total and available (DTPA extractable) Cu concentrations, pH, organic matter, and total nitrogen contents, and cation exchange capacity were measured for each sample. The correlation and ANOVA analyses showed that land use significantly affected total and available Cu concentrations, and the available ratio of soil Cu (available Cu concentration/total Cu concentration). On total Cu concentration, total nitrogen had significant influence in dry land and paddy field, and CEC in garden land; on available Cu concentration, the four measured soil properties showed significant influence only in paddy field; on the available ratio of Cu, pH had significant effect in paddy field and woodland, and CEC in industrial area. Moreover, the relationship between available Cu concentration and soil properties was constructed in different land uses. Spatial analysis of grain Cu using indicator Kriging showed that most of the study areas were in low risk for arable activities, and 7.94% of the study area and 5.10% of the arable land were in high risk probability.  相似文献   

Accurate characterization of heavy-metal contaminated areas and quantification of the uncertainties inherent in spatial prediction are crucial for risk assessment, soil remediation, and effective management recommendations. Topsoil samples (0–15 cm) (n = 547) were collected from the Zhangjiagang suburbs of China. The sequential indicator co-simulation (SIcS) method was applied for incorporating the soft data derived from soil organic matter (SOM) to simulate Hg concentrations, map Hg contaminated areas, and evaluate the associated uncertainties. High variability of Hg concentrations was observed in the study area. Total Hg concentrations varied from 0.004 to 1.510 mg kg−1 and the coefficient of variation (CV) accounts for 70%. Distribution patterns of Hg were identified as higher Hg concentrations occurred mainly at the southern part of the study area and relatively lower concentrations were found in north. The Hg contaminated areas, identified using the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Soils critical values through SIcS, were limited and distributed in the south where the SOM concentration is high, soil pH is low, and paddy soils are the dominant soil types. The spatial correlations between Hg and SOM can be preserved by co-simulation and the realizations generated by SIcS represent the possible spatial patterns of Hg concentrations without a smoothing effect. Once the Hg concentration critical limit is given, SIcS can be used to map Hg contaminated areas and quantitatively assess the uncertainties inherent in the spatial prediction by setting a given critical probability and calculating the joint probability of the obtained areas.  相似文献   

根据长三角空气质量区域预报工作的实际需要,对分区文字预报和落区图预报两种方式分别制定了不同的空气质量指数级别预报准确性评估方法。分区文字预报根据设定的预报准确性判定方法计算预报评分,落区图预报按区域内预报准确城市占比进行准确率统计。分区文字预报结果显示,2017年长三角区域的预报准确天数占比为62. 2%,预报评分为70. 2,区域预报评估效果良好。落区图预报评估结果显示,预报级别偏差具有地域性差异,安徽北部、江苏北部和江西中北部预报等级偏高,长三角中南部沿海城市预报等级偏低。该套评估方法可为区域空气质量预报偏差成因分析提供依据,为区域预报工作的改进提供定量参考。  相似文献   

对截止至2021年6月报道的长江源区气候、水资源、水质、藻类、大型无脊椎动物和鱼类资源等水生态系统健康相关研究进行了综述,以期为进一步开展长江源区水生态系统健康研究与生态保护提供参考和依据。研究结果表明:①长江源区水生态相关研究主要关注于气候变化,其次为水资源变化和草地退化。②1948—2019年,长江源区全年平均气温呈上升趋势,增长速度为0.2~0.5℃/10 a;春季和冬季降水量呈增加趋势,增长速度分别为1.1~26.6 mm/10 a和0.2~9.1 mm/10 a;全年平均径流量呈增加趋势,增长速度为11.8~79.6 m3/(s·10 a);蒸发量呈增加趋势,增长速度为7.6~71.6 mm/10 a。③1969—2002年,冰川面积减少了68.1 km2,年均减少2.0 km2。1969—2015年,格拉丹东冰川面积减少了14.9~79.0 km2,减少速度为0.5~10.0 km2/a。1975—2015年,湖泊面积增加了2.7~831.6 km2,增速为0.3~96.2 km2/a。④1986—2015年,大部分河段水质为Ⅱ类及以上,且无明显年际变化。⑤针对水生生物的调查和研究非常匮乏。总体而言,长江源区水生态系统健康状况良好。近年来其气象因子以及水资源状况有所改变,未来气候变化可能会进一步影响长江源区水生态系统健康状况。今后亟须加强对长江源区的本底调查,完善基础数据,关注气候变化对水资源和水质的影响,并探索气候变化对水生生物的影响。  相似文献   

利用WRF-Chem模式,对2013年11月29日至12月11日长江三角洲地区的严重空气污染事件进行数值模拟,研究长三角核心区不同污染物本地源和外来输送所占比重。分析长三角核心区排放源对本地不同污染物浓度的污染贡献。结果表明,在2013年12月的这一次污染事件中,颗粒物平均本地贡献与外来输送基本比重相当;而SO_2、CO、NH_3、NO_x这4种气体污染物则以本地贡献为主,本地贡献的差异与气体的化学反应活性有关,活性越强本地贡献比重越大。污染过程中12月7日至12月9日00:00为污染最严重的时段,污染物的本地贡献有明显上升。区域间输送的方向和强度与地面风向、风速有紧密的联系。在边界层高度范围内,大部分污染物越往高空本地排放源的贡献越弱,外来输送主导作用增强,而硝酸盐在地面、1 km和1.5 km的本地贡献差异远小于其他污染物。  相似文献   

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