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关于发展生物质产业的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国生物质产业自20世纪70年代开始起步。乙醇汽油和沼气利用是生物质能开发中的重点。虽然生物质产业的关键技术基本成熟。但是当考虑不再用粮食作为原料的时候,技术转换等一系列问题也会随之而来。技术瓶颈仍然是限制我国生物质产业发展的一大因素。我国政府为解决能源短缺问题,缓解环境压力.同时为消化陈粮。在扶持生物质产业发展的过程中一直充当了“埋单者”的角色.这也引发了以粮食为加工原料的燃料乙醇项目的大量上马.粮油价格上涨的趋势开始波及我国。因此。从粮食问题是否让位于能源问题.政府是否继续充当“埋单者”的角色。生物质产业污染治理的角度出发.认为:今后发展生物质产业不能只盯住能源短缺的问题而忽视粮食安全问题。要从技术层面解决原料限制和成本过商的难题。同时政府对生物质产业发展应有科学规划和管理。  相似文献   

汉江流域资源开发型产业发展刍论   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
汉江流域地处我国中西部结合与过渡地带,经济地理位置重要,是我国重要的待开发区域之一,也是需以资源市场导向开发先行的区域。其资源开发型产业的发展,宜突出优势资源利用,进行系统综合开发,建立商品生产基地,实施集约规模经营,原料商品生产相对分散以物尽其用和加快山区农村脱贫致富,资源加工工业发展适度集中以构筑起规模经济效益发展格局。  相似文献   

中国液态生物质燃料潜力测算为下一步开发提供依据.该文对我国发展液态生物质燃料原料的分布进行整合,从宜能荒地测算、高浓度酒精降度模拟和餐饮地沟油估算等方面,对生产燃料乙醇和生物柴油的原料潜力进行梳理.利用覆盖甜高粱、木薯、甘薯、食用酒精、麻疯树、黄连木和餐饮地沟油等原料来源的数据,测算了我国液态生物质燃料的潜力产量,发现:到2030年,我国燃料乙醇生产潜力将达到5 500万t左右,生物柴油生产潜力将达到3 200万t左右,将能有效保证我国经济增长对能源的需求和缓解化石能源对外依存度过离的能源安全威胁.同时,应该在生物质燃料产业化的关键技术研究上寻求突破,并配套以政府部门的补贴政策,提升我国生物质燃料产业化初期的综合实力.  相似文献   

目前世界上的炼钢流程主要分为两种:一是以铁矿石为主要原料的高炉转炉长流程,二是以废钢为主要原料的电炉短流程。本文从可持续技术评价的角度,对转炉和电炉炼钢技术的可持续性进行了对比分析,评价结果表明,电炉炼钢技术的可持续度要显著高于转炉炼钢技术。因此,发展电炉炼钢技术对我国钢铁工业的可持续发展具有重要意义。进而分析了我国发展电炉炼钢的制约因素,并提出了大力发展电炉炼钢技术的政策建议,推进钢铁工业循环经济发展。  相似文献   

将轻工产业碳排放量作为非期望产出纳入全要素生产率模型,利用数据包络分析模型以及方向性距离函数,测算了2007—2016年我国轻工产业16个细分行业绿色全要素生产率增长情况,分析了轻工产业绿色生产率行业差异,并通过对轻工业绿色生产率的分解发现:全部行业和以农产品为原料与非农产品为原料两大类行业组技术效率指数总体上呈现出围绕着"1"上下波动的趋势,都经历了一个被拉伸的W型变动轨迹;技术进步指数走势线基本一致,均呈现出一条被拉伸的N型变动轨迹。还可以得到技术进步因素是轻工产业各行业绿色全要素生产率增长的主要驱动力,以农产品为原料轻工行业技术效率明显低于非农产品原料轻工行业,而农产品原料行业技术进步指数略高于非农产品原料行业。利用系统GMM等计量方法从轻工业细分行业角度对我国轻工产业绿色生产率增长以及分解项绿色技术效率、技术进步的影响因素进行实证检验,发现行业规模因素与轻工产业行业层面绿色生产率和技术效率负相关,与技术进步正相关,但是在统计学上都表现为不显著;禀赋结构因素对轻工业各行业绿色生产率增长及其分解项的影响是负向显著的;产权结构因素与轻工业行业层面绿色生产率及分解项显著正相关;能源结构因素对轻工业各行业绿色生产率以及分解项产生了显著的负面影响;研发水平因素对轻工产业绿色生产率及其分解项产生了显著的正向作用;外资规模因素对轻工业各行业绿色生产率以及分解项的影响是不显著的。  相似文献   

我国造纸业发展循环经济构想   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文阐述了造纸业循环经济的内涵,分析了影响造纸业循环经济的各种因素,在此基础上。提出了实现造纸业循环经济的途径:优化原料和产品结构,建立废纸回收体系;实施企业规模化,加快技术开发和装备更新,加大治污力度;推行清洁生产和绿色管理,加强企韭和社会生态文化教育以及建立与之相适应的绿色政策保障体系。  相似文献   

四川雅安地区石材资源开发利用中的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川雅安地区石材资源开发利用中的问题与对策张志国(成都理工学院成都610059)关键词石材资源,开发利用,问题,对策四川雅安地区是中国中西部第一石材大省四川的主要石材生产基地。近几年雅安以优质大理石、花岗石为原料生产出了“蜀白玉”、“中国红”等一大批...  相似文献   

我国环保产业发展与产业组织理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就我国环保产业发展的现状,运用产业组织理论分析了环保产业的特殊性,探讨了环保产业的市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效三个基本范畴,针对我国产业市场结构存在的问题,提出了我国的环保产业组织政策  相似文献   

贸易自由化对我国环境的影响——基于ACT模型的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来我国对外贸易发展迅速,但伴随而来的环境污染问题也越来越严重。学术界对我国贸易与环境问题进行了多方面研究,但并未得到一致的结论。文参考ACT模型,试图将贸易自由化对我国环境的影响从经济发展对我国环境的整体效应中分离出来进行研究。本文采用panel数据对我国1992-2004年期间贸易自由化的环境效应进行了实证分析,结果表明:贸易自由化对我国环境消极的规模效应和结构效应远远超过了积极的技术效应,即贸易自由化使我国环境恶化。这主要归因于我国粗放型的经济增长方式以及不完善的环境法规。要改善其不利影响,我国应采用法律和经济措施相结合的办法,从而达到减少贸易的规模效应、改变现有贸易结购以及加强其技术效应的目的。  相似文献   

完善气象灾害防御机制的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气象灾害已成为影响我国经济社会可持续发展的重大环境同题,然而我国目前的气象灾害防御机制尚不完善。该文通过回顾近两年来我国发生的极端气象灾害事件,深入分析了我国气象灾害防御工作现状和监测预警能力、应急机制、基础设施建设,预报预警信息发布、防灾减灾知识普及等方面存在的问题,从构建和谐社会、健全突发事件应急法律体系;保障经济社会可持续发展,落实《应对气候变化国家方案》等政治、法律、经济、外交四个方面,阐述了完善气象灾害防御机制对我国可持续发展的重大战略意义,并为完善我国气象灾害防御机制提出了建立健全气象灾害防御法律法规体系,构建多部门联动和信息共享的应急协调机制、开展工程建设气候可行性论证、加强气象灾害综合监测和重视气象灾害科学研究等建议。  相似文献   

A good acoustic environment is absolutely essential to maintaining a high level satisfaction and moral health among residents. Noise and other boresome sounds come from both in- door and outdoor sources. For the residential buildings adjacent to heavy traffic roads, outdoors traffic noise is the main source that affects indoor acoustic quality and health. Ventilation and outdoor noise prevention become a pair of contradictions for the residents in China nowadays for those buildings adjacent to heavy traffic roads. It is investigated that traffic noise emission is mainly con- stituted by the motors of trucks, buses and motorcycles as well as brake. In this paper, two methods of traffic noise reduction on the indoor sound environment and comfort are carried out to study and compare the residential buildings adjacent to heavy traffic roadway in a city. One is to install noise barriers on the two sides of the roadway, which consist of sound-proof glass and plas- tic materials. The effect of sound-insulation of this method is heavily dependent on the relative distance between the noise bar- rier and indoors. A reduction of sound with an average pressure level of 2–15dB is achieved on the places behind and under the noise barrier. However, for the equivalent of noise barrier height, the noise reduction effect is little. As for the places of higher than the noise barrier, the traffic noise will be even strengthened by 3–7dB. Noise increment can be seen at the points of distance farther than 15m and height more than noise barrier; the noise reduction effect is not satisfactory or even worsened. In addition, not every location is appropriate to install the noise barrier along the heavy traffic roads. The other method of noise reduction for the buildings adjacent to heavy traffic is to install the airproof and soundproof windows, which is the conversion from natural venti- lation to mechanical ventilation. A reduction of sound with an average pressure level of 5dB to 17dB can be achieved compared with common glass windows, if adopting sound proof glass win- dows. These two methods are helpful to isolate high frequency noise but not for low frequency noise. For those frequency noises, installing thick and cotton curtain and porous carpet can only decrease 2.4–4.5dB, which hardly contributes to indoor sound comfort, so further study is demanded to cut down traffic noise, especially to cut down the low frequency noise.  相似文献   

利用GC-MS对上海市玻璃表面有机膜中PAHs浓度进行了定量分析。结果表明随着楼层的增加,10层居民楼玻璃表面PAHs浓度出现先增加后减少的趋势,最高浓度出现在3层(736 ng/m~2),最低在9层(346 ng/m2);17层公寓楼PAHs浓度则是先减少后增加再减少的趋势,最高浓度出现在9层(2 338 ng/m~2),最低在16层(564 ng/m~2)。TOC与PAHs相关性分析暗示除TOC外,玻璃表面PAHs富集可能还受控于其他因素。10层居民楼主要以3环和4环PAHs为主;而17层公寓楼则以4环为主。玻璃外表面PAHs浓度(555 ng/m~2)远高于内表面(308 ng/m~2);外表面主要以Phe、Pyr、Chry、Fluo和Fl为主;内外表面低环PAHs比值接近于1,高环比值基本上低于0.6。TEQ值虽然较低,但生态风险仍不能忽视。  相似文献   

提升武汉城市圈各城市间资源集聚能力的空间关联程度,对于实现该区域的协调发展具有重要意义。基于此,运用修正的引力模型,采用社会网络分析法对1995~2015年武汉城市圈资源集聚能力的空间关联进行分析。研究表明:(1)武汉城市圈资源集聚能力的空间关联特征显著,网络密度呈现倒"U"型,网络等级逐年下降,网络效率呈现"U"型;(2)武汉城市圈资源集聚能力在网络中呈现"中心-边缘"的特征,武汉市的点度中心度最高,在网络中属于中心城市,而其它城市属于边缘城市;(3)板块一(武汉、孝感、天门)属于"双向溢出"板块,板块二(潜江、咸宁)属于"净受益"板块,板块三(仙桃、黄冈)属于"净溢出"板块,板块四(黄石、鄂州)属于"经纪人"板块。鉴于此,从多途径构建资源集聚能力空间关联"通道"、增强中心城市辐射带动功能和推动城市分工协作等3个方面提出了提升武汉城市圈资源集聚能力空间关联程度的政策建议。  相似文献   

The transportation industry is an essential sector for carbon emissions mitigation.This paper firstly used the LMDI(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index)decomposition method to establish factors decomposition model on China’s transportation carbon emission.Then,a quantitative analysis was performed to study the factors influencing China’s transportation carbon emissions from 1991 to 2008,which are identified as transportation energy efficiency,transportation structure and transportation development.The results showed that:(1)The impact of transportation development on transportation carbon emissions showed pulling function.Its contribution value to carbon emissions remained at high growth since 1991 and showed an exponential growth trend.(2)The impact of transportation structure on transportation carbon emissions showed promoting function in general,but its role in promoting carbon emissions decreased year by year.And with the continuous optimization of transportation structure,the promoting effect decreased gradually and showed the inversed"U"trend.(3)The impact of transportation energy efficiency on transportation carbon emissions showed a function of inhibition before pulling.In order to predict the potential of carbon emission reduction,three scenarios were set.Analysis of the scenarios showed that if greater intensity emission reduction measures are taken,the carbon emissions will reduce by 31.01 million tons by 2015 and by 48.81 million tons by 2020.  相似文献   

Use of the Deutsch equation as an evaluation tool of electrostatic precipitators has resulted in the restriction design to a single plate spacing and has not enabled optimal use of the space charge arising from the presence of charged dust particles. Space charge is dependent on dust loading and plate spacing and also influences the electric field, hence the migration velocity and, therefore, collection efficiency. Thus a trade-off is indicated between plate spacing and collection efficiency as a function of dust loading. A first step examination of this trade-off indicates that varied spacing can be used in precipitators while maintaining high levels of efficiency and decreasing the required specific collection area by 15% to 25%.  相似文献   

Submerged-arc welding slag (SAWS) and rice husk (RH) wastes represent two particularly abundant metallurgical and agricultural wastes. This work focusses on the feasibility of SAWS, together with glass cullet and RHs, to develop lightweight porous glass–ceramics that could be useful for technical purposes. Effects of temperatures and amounts of RHs on the porosity and water absorption of porous glass–ceramics were discussed at various dosages of husks up to 20 wt%. Depending on the sintering temperature, XRD measurements confirmed the presence of more than two crystalline phases: diopside, jacobsite, MgAl2O4, Ca1.82Al3.64Si0.36O8 and pyrope. These samples exhibited magnetic properties which were related to the presence of jacobsite phase. Magnetization curve is a characteristic of soft ferromagnetic materials with magnetization saturating at ~0.82 emu/g. The present results show a promising way to treat submerged-arc welding slags, transforming it into useful porous and functional glass–ceramic products via a simple powder technology and sintering approach.  相似文献   

In this communication, experiments have been performed to check the capability of the newly formed composite desiccant material (CaCl2/floral) for the extraction of freshwater from atmospheric air. Three numbers of solar glass desiccant box type system (SGDBS) with a captured area of 0.36 m2 each, have been used. The design parameters for the water production are height of glass from desiccant bed at 0.22 m, inclination in angle as 30°, the effective thickness of glass as 3 mm and number of glazing as single. The maximum yield by the new composite desiccant material is 0.35 ml/cm3/day. The efficiency of the system SGDBS with 37 % concentration of CaCl2 is 76.44 %.  相似文献   

As a follow-up to a pilot study, a full scale investigation of applying high velocity fabric filtration to coal-fired boiler fly ash control was conducted. Two filter systems were separately applied to two 60,000 lb/h coal-fired boilers. Performance evaluations conducted over the course of a year included total mass removal efficiency and fractional efficiencies. One filtration system employed Teflon felt as the filter media while the second system employed Gore-Tex, a Polytetrofluorethylene (PTFE) laminate on PTFE woven backing. During the course of the year, a limited number of glass felt and woven glass bags were introduced into the house containing Gore-Tex. As a separate option, the second system was outfitted entirely with woven glass bags. Preliminary results indicate acceptable performance at air-to-cloth ratio of 6 to 1. Future plans call for utilizing one of the baghouse systems for SO2 removal.  相似文献   

In this paper, experiments have been performed in order to determine the quantity of water produced from the atmospheric air using different desiccant materials named Silica gel, Activated alumina and Molecular sieve 13 X. On the bases of experimental results, a correlation is derived among the different temperatures and water production using Central Composite Design (CCD) of Response Surface Methodology. A newly designed solar glass desiccant box type system (SGDBS), three in number, has been used. Design parameters for the production of water has been taken as depth of material from the glass is 0.22 m, inclination in angle as 30°, effective thickness of glass as 3 mm and number of glazing as single. It has been found experimentally that the maximum quantity of water produced by Silica gel, Activated alumina and Molecular sieve 13 X is 160, 20 and 35 ml/kg/day, respectively. Whereas theoretically, value of water produced by the Silica gel, Activated alumina and Molecular sieve 13 X is 600, 28 and 60 ml/kg/day, respectively.  相似文献   

Glass is often used in radon surveys to estimate retrospective radon concentrations, as radon progenies are embedded in the upper surface layer. Experimental methods based on etching to determine the depth distribution of recoil-implanted 210Po in glass from radon decay in air is presented. By carefully controlling chemical concentrations and exposure time during which the glass is etched, stepwise removal of the surface material was possible. Two different etching agents, diluted HF/HNO3 and NaOH were utilised, with very similar results. Experimental recoil depths of 210Po agree with theoretical calculations from the literature. The maximum implantation depth obtained using this procedure was 100 +/- 20nm.  相似文献   

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