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A lot of attention has been focused on workers' perceptions of workplace safety but relatively little or no research has been done on the impact of job satisfaction on safety climate. This study investigated this relationship. It also examined the relationships between job satisfaction and workers' compliance with safety management policies and accident frequency. A positive association was found between job satisfaction and safety climate. Workers who expressed more satisfaction at their posts had positive perceptions of safety climate. Correspondingly, they were more committed to safety management policies and consequently registered a lower rate of accident involvement. The results were thus consistent with the notion that workers' positive perceptions of organisational climate influence their perceptions of safety at the workplace. The findings, which have implications in the work environment, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test whether cognitively appraised level of job insecurity (job insecurity perceptions) and evaluative responses to a perceived level of job insecurity (job insecurity dissatisfaction and job insecurity behaviors) could relate differently to employee mental well-being, turnover intentions and on-the-job risk behavior. The significance of demographic characteristics (gender and age) as well as the implications of attitudinal variables (job satisfaction, job motivation and organizational commitment) and for the dependent variables was taken into account. Based on data from a self-completion questionnaire survey carried out among a representative sample of the Norwegian adult population (N = 260) results indicated that only job insecurity behaviors were indirectly related to turnover intentions and risk behavior via their impact on psychological well-being. The relative importance of the job insecurity dimensions for the dependent variables are discussed, as well as theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This study applied theory from the employee learning and development literature to examine factors related to employees' perceptions of being job content plateaued and hierarchically plateaued. Results indicated that both types of plateauing were related to support from top management, career planning, job involvement, and education level. Furthermore, career exploration, motivation to learn, organizational tenure, and job tenure were related to perceptions of hierarchical plateauing, while supervisor support was related to job content plateauing. Additionally, the two types of plateauing differed in the relative strength of their relationship with the variables studied. Implications and future research suggestions are provided. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical account of the derivation of job designs incorporating consideration of technology, structure and managerial control, viewed from an information processing perspective. A conceptual distinction is made between tasks and roles which has practical relevance in that organizations have independent choices regarding their design. These choices are underpinned by economic and psychological values as well as by managerial needs for control. The paper argues that whilst options exist, organizations typically choose to simplify jobs, a strategy which may well be ineffective, especially under conditions of uncertainty. New, more complex job designs may be very difficult to implement for economic, psychological, managerial and political reasons. Research and development should now be directed towards a more detailed cognitive and social psychological understanding of the derivation and impact of job designs as well as towards study of the introduction and impact of new technology. These represent qualitative shifts in research emphasis.  相似文献   

Subjective or perceived control over job-related activities or events is a frequently measured construct in organizational stress research. Karasek (1985) assessed perceived control as both decision authority and skill discretion at work (job decision latitude). Ganster (1989b; Dwyer and Ganster, 1991) developed a multidimensional or general measure of worker control, as well as a specific measure of work predictability. Because little published psychometric data exist for these scales, we investigated the item-level measurement properties of Karasek's and Ganster's measures. We hypothesized two separate, two-factor solutions, decision authority and skill discretion, for the job decision latitude scale, and general control and predictability, for the work control scale. The dimensionality of both measures was assessed in multiple, independent samples using confirmatory factor analyses (LISREL) with maximum likelihood estimation. Simultaneous solutions across samples were used to determine the fit of the factor models to the data. The hypothesized two-factor solutions were confirmed for both Karasek's and Ganster's scales, although item refinement is indicated. We also investigated the relative independence between Karasek's and Ganster's scales and found a lack of independence between the general control and decision authority items in one sample. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study examines the impact of behavioral control on the experience of work strain under conditions of work overload. Extending experimental laboratory findings that suggest that control can lessen the impact of aversive stimuli on psychological and physiological strain responses, we hypothesized an interaction between control and workload such that the effects of high demands on strain would be less if the worker had behavioral control over the task. This hypothesis is also consistent with Karasek's job demands-job decision latitude model of work strain and health. The hypothesis was tested in a laboratory experiment in which 125 subjects worked on a mail sorting task with either a high or moderate level of workload and either a high or low level of behavioral control. Strain responses were assessed with measures of job satisfaction, anxiety, and physiological arousal. The hypothesis was only partially supported in that high control lessened the impact that work overload had on anxiety. While not fully supportive of the model, the results are seen as conservative given the constraints on the manipulation of work overload inherent in the laboratory environment.  相似文献   

Older workers re-entering the workforce and those changing jobs are coming to play an increasingly important role in the labor force, especially as part-time workers. Yet the work orientation and job satisfaction of these workers has not been studied. Do ‘situational’ factors such as skill and pay matter for this subgroup of workers, and if so, which ones? If significant factors exist, can their effect be explained by the mediating influence of ‘dispositional’ factors like work values? This paper explores these questions in a study of 198 older workers who had begun new, mostly part-time jobs. Regression analysis shows that the intrinsic indicators for skill and autonomy have a positive effect on job satisfaction. No extrinsic factor was significantly related to satisfaction, indicating that these workers are more than ‘instrumentally’ oriented. This support for a ‘situational’ interpretation of the impact of work, especially intrinsic features, was sustained in analyses which incorporated work values. To the extent that the growing number of part-time jobs are relatively low-skilled, and to the extent that older workers in new jobs are influenced most by intrinsically rewarding work, there appears to be a growing mismatch between an occupational niche and those who are being sought to fill it.  相似文献   

The study presents a new variable, role justice, pertaining to the perceived fairness of role senders reaction when the focal individual is under conflict, ambiguity, overload, or restricted latitude. The effect of this variable on symptoms of strain was explored, with the expectation of finding either additive or interactive effects vis-à-vis the above four role stressors. Using hierarchical multiple regression, the data supported the additive model which suggested that role injustice constitutes an additional source of stress. The study was conducted with a sample of hospital nurses, known to have significant levels of job stress. The results suggest that the role stress model ought to be expanded to include social appraisal constructs because of the social origin of the stressor variables it deals with.  相似文献   

A methodology was developed for diagnosing industrial work, which includes questionnaire, observation, measurements, data collection and statistical analysis. A survey was conducted to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and factors that affect work design in 2 automotives manufacturing companies in Malaysia. A basic work design model was proposed. The aim of this model was to determine the factors that influence employees' perception towards their work. A set of multiple-choice questionnaires was developed and data was collected by interviewing employees at a production plant. The survey focused on job and environmental factors. The results supported the proposed model and showed that job and environmental factors were significantly related to job satisfaction. They highlighted the significant influence of age, work experience and marital status on job satisfaction. Further, environmental factors, especially the surroundings, context dependence and the building's function, also had a significant impact on job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which construction sector employees perceive that safety is important in their organizations/sites and how job satisfaction affects these perceptions when age is introduced as a moderator variable. Two-way analysis of variance demonstrated that job satisfaction has a strong effect on perceived management commitment to work safety and that this relationship was moderated by respondents’ age. Job satisfaction was associated with perceived accident rate and safety inspection frequency, but the proposed role of age in this linkage was not confirmed. Consequently, the findings indicated that by increasing the level of job satisfaction, perceptions of these safety climate aspects proved to be more positive. The conclusion is that these relationships could further lead to a lower percentage of accidents and injuries in the workplace and better health among employees. A significant relationship between job satisfaction, age and perceived co-workers’ commitment to work safety was not found.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the mediating role played by five key job characteristics in the relationship between employee participation in a job redesign intervention and employee well‐being. In studies of job redesign interventions, it has been assumed that any effects of employee participation in job redesign on well‐being are a result of changes in job characteristics rather than participation in change per se. It is therefore important to statistically test for mediation in job redesign intervention studies to help establish that the change in job characteristics is the mechanism through which job redesign interventions work. However, this has rarely been tested directly, either because data to allow tests of mediation have not been collected (e.g. assessments of job characteristics) or because data have been collected but mediation has not been tested using accepted procedures. This makes it unclear whether changes in job characteristics explain the effects. Results from multilevel analyses of a longitudinal 9‐month long serendipitous quasi‐experimental participative job redesign intervention showed that changes in job control, participation, skill utilization and feedback, but not task obstacles, were sufficient to account for the relationship between the intervention and employee well‐being. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(8):875-889
This study examined group differences in safety climate among job positions in a nuclear decommissioning and demolition industry in the United States. Safety climate surveys were conducted at 10 locations. Survey responses totaled 1587 out of an available population of 3296 workers for an overall response rate of 48.1%. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in mean safety climate scores, factor scores, and item scores among job positions were observed. Most notably, foremen’s self-reported safety attitudes and perceptions indicate a lower safety climate and suggest the need to target safety improvements at this key organizational level.  相似文献   

韩宝江  姚波  郭玉花 《安全》2005,26(3):51-52
某公司承揽了A市经济适用房建设,工程开工后,指挥部决定塑钢窗的制作安装不再由土建施工单位施工,而由指挥部另指定厂家承包施工.但在厂家确定后,指挥部又要求施工单位与厂家签定分包合同,厂家根据合同每次拨付工程款时,由施工单位代开收据,然后该工程款直接进入厂家帐户,并不经施工单位帐户,施工单位仅收取每平方米5元的分包管理费.  相似文献   

A review of past research revealed inconsistent findings concerning the relationship between job involvement and work-family conflict. This study tested whether family involvement moderates the relationship between job involvement and work-family conflict. Two types of family involvement (spouse and parent) and two types of work-family conflict (job-spouse and job-parent) were assessed. Data were gathered via questionnaire from a sample of nonteaching professionals employed by a large public university in the northeastern United States. As hypothesized, job involvement and job-spouse conflict were positively related for individuals high in spouse involvement and unrelated for individuals low in spouse involvement. Contrary to prediction, parental involvement did not moderate the relationship between job involvement and job-parent conflict. Instead, job involvement was positively related to job-parent conflict regardless of the level of parental involvement. Results are discussed in terms of standards for role performance and strength of role demands. Implications for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: With limited resources to help reduce occupational injuries, companies struggle with how to best focus these resources to achieve the greatest reduction in injuries for the optimal cost. Safety culture has been identified as a critical factor that sets the tone for importance of safety within an organization. METHOD: An employee safety perception survey was conducted, and injury data were collected over a 45-month period from a large ready-mix concrete producer located in the southwest region of the United States. RESULTS: The results of this preliminary study suggest that the reductions in injuries experienced at the company locations was strongly impacted by the positive employee perceptions on several key factors. Management's commitment to safety was the factor with the greatest positive perception by employees taking the survey. DISCUSSION: This study was set up as a pilot project and did not unitize an experimental design. That weakness reduces the strength of these findings but adds to the importance of expanding the pilot project with an appropriate experimental design. SUMMARY: Management leadership has been identified, along with several other factors, to influence employee perceptions of the safety management system. Those perceptions, in turn, appear to influence employee decisions that relate to at-risk behaviors and decisions on the job. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The results suggest that employee perceptions of the safety system are related to management's commitment to safety, which, in turn, appear to be related to injury rates. Management should focus on how to best leverage these key factors to more positively impact injury rates within their companies.  相似文献   

We examined whether job engagement mediated the effects of organizational justice dimensions on work behaviors and attitudes. Considering distributive and procedural justice from a motivational perspective, we proposed that job engagement would mediate these two dimensions' relations with the work outcomes of task performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and job satisfaction. We also expected this mediation effect would be magnified when senior management trust (SMT) was high. Our results showed that the simple mediation model was supported only for distributive justice. Alternatively, the indirect effect of procedural justice on work outcomes through job engagement was significant only when SMT was high. Implications of our findings and areas for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prior research on employees' views of various criteria for obtaining a desirable intrafirm transfer has conceptualized these perceptions on an individual level of analysis (i.e. has examined psychological transfer climates). It is argued that the identification of aggregate transfer climate dimensions on an organizational (subsystem) level of analysis is important for improving the effectiveness of R&D via better transfer policies. Factor analyses of questionnaire data obtained from 729 R&D professionals in 11 FRG industrial firms and 141 R&D professionals in three U.K. industrial firms revealed that both FRG and U.K. subjects perceived three broad means (overall task performance, publication and patent productivity, favouritism) for obtaining a desirable job transfer. Empirically the idea was supported that, for certain transfer criteria (overall task performance, manifest professional output, educational level, luck), individuals' scores can be meaningfully aggregated to obtain organizational transfer climate measures. Remarkable differences in the importance of company tenure and educational level as criteria for transfers in R&D were found between FRG and U.K. organizations. Using the FRG data set differences in the performance responsiveness of organizational transfer climates were shown to be significantly related to work-related outcome variables. Implications are sketched for R&D transfer policies and for explaining U.K./FRG differences in the corporate treatment of R&D activities.  相似文献   

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