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我国水资源产权与配置中的制度创新   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
水资源是人类基础性资源,水资源短缺已成为当今人类生存与发展所面临的严重困扰。如何缓解水资源短缺已成为科学研究的一个重要课题,我国水资源按所有权范围划分为:私有产权,俱乐部产权和公共产权;其有三种基本的配置方式:市场配置、政府管制和俱乐部配置。市场机制优化配置产权明晰的私有水资源;政府管制措施优化配置产权不明晰的公共水资源,俱乐部机制优化配置集体共管的水资源。  相似文献   

产品的生产和消费各个环节中均要消耗数量不等的水资源,在产品贸易过程中,这些看不见的水消耗也伴随着贸易产生了空间转移,即为虚拟水贸易。世界各国通过虚拟水贸易调整着水资源在本国的配置,国际水资源转移消耗的空间格局是如何的?国际贸易对我国水资源配置产生了什么样的影响呢?本文基于国际水资源投入产出模型,测度了1995-2009年40个主要经济体之间虚拟水贸易量,研究了国际水资源转移消耗的结构特征与格局演变轨迹。结果显示,全球虚拟水贸易网络庞大且复杂,国际间水资源转移已占世界水资源消耗的很大份额,水资源的空间转移在部分国家产生了节水效益。中国、美国、印度、墨西哥以及其他西方工业化国家是国际虚拟水贸易中最主要的国家。本文发现,国际水资源转移的结构并不平衡,虚拟水主要由发展中经济体流向发达经济体,国际贸易和分工的现状导致发达工业化国家对以中国为代表的新兴经济体水资源占用,将进一步加剧新兴经济体水资源短缺的现状。因此,在水资源环境问题已十分严峻的背景下,我国应充分重视国际贸易中对我国水资源的消耗影响,通过政策工具优化水资源的配置。  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评判的新疆水资源承载力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取水资源开发率、水资源利用率、人均水资源量、人均供水量、供水模数、需水模数、生活需水定额及生态用水率共8个主要影响区域水资源承载力的因素作为评价因子,应用模糊综合评判模型对新疆水资源承载力现状进行评价。结果表明:新疆水资源承载力综合评分值为0.3179,新疆水资源开发利用已具有相当规模,水资源供给对国民经济发展有一定的保障,进一步开发潜力较小,在跨越式发展中必须适度发展以保障新疆水资源健康。  相似文献   

山东省水资源可利用形势严峻,2002-2008年水资源总量已不能满足全省总的供水需求量。预测2020年山东省的水用水需求量为256亿m3,已经超过了全省水资源总量的数值,处于弱不可持续状态。  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源可持续利用对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水资源私有制和生态环境恶化已成为黑河流域面临的严重问题。本文分析了黑河流域水资源开发利用中存在的问题,在结合大量翔实数据的基础上,以水资源可持续利用为原则,提出了黑河流域水资源可持续利用的途径与措施。  相似文献   

商洛市水资源供需分析及合理利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人口增长和社会经济的发展,商洛市可利用的水资源已不能满足需水要求,供需矛盾更加尖锐。为了缓解商洛市水资源的供需紧张局面,在分析商洛市水资源开发利用程度的基础上,探讨了影响商洛市水资源开发的制约因素,主要包括供水工程供水能力不足、水污染严重及水资源利用效率低等原因,致使地区水资源不能有效地利用;以2005年为现状年,以2010和2020年为规划年,采用定额法对商洛市供需水量进行了预测,并对商洛市水资源进行了供需平衡分析,得出供水能力的不足是制约商洛市水资源供需平衡的关键;针对各制约因素,提出加快新修水源工程和供水工程建设、发展高效节水农业、建设节水城市及加大污水资源化等实现水资源供需平衡的有效对策,为商洛市的经济社会发展创造契机。  相似文献   

随着人口的增加和经济的发展,西北干旱地区水资源承载能力和区域的社会需求之间的矛盾越来越突出,缺水、水污染以及生态环境破坏已成为制约当地水资源可持续利用和经济可持续发展的主要限制因素。本文应用多目标决策分析方法研究了新疆焉耆盆地的水资源承载能力问题,通过对系统内在作用机制的分析,综合考虑水资源与社会经济发展、生态环境以及其它资源之间的关系,确定出系统的目标、主要决策变量及它们之间的函数关系,建立了区域水资源承载力多目标决策模型并对其进行了求解,预测了研究区未来规划水平年水资源承载力的各项指标,为合理分配该区域的农业用水、工业用水、生活用水以及生态用水量提供参考;为实现该区域生态环境保护和水资源可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

水资源价值理论研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水资源价值理论是价值核算的基础,在水资源价值研究中举足轻重。水资源价值研究是在对传统自然资源价值观反思的基础上开展起来的,伴随着现代经济的迅速发展,人们已认识到传统的价值观念难以适应现代化经济发展的需要,水资源价值理念必须进行重新认识并加以完善。旨在分析水资源价值理论的研究进展,提出未来发展的方向,给水资源价值理论研究以启示。首先分析了水资源价值的构成和内涵,指出水资源价值是经济、社会、生态环境价值的统一;接着详细介绍了各价值论的主要观点,并分析提出了目前存在的主要问题;最后在展望部分从生态经济学角度出发,将能值价值论引入水资源价值研究中,提出水资源能值价值理论的想法,以期为水资源价值评估提供有启发意义的思路与方法。  相似文献   

通过具体的数据资料说明了目前长江水资源已遭受污染的情况,分析了长江主要被污染的河段及其污染的特性,提出了治理长江污染的原则,在此基础上提出了保护长江的策略:建立、健全水资源保护法规,加强监督管理;紧密结合流域规划和经济发展规划,制订和实施流域及重点地区的水资源保护和污染防治规划;控制岸边污染;预测污染负荷并制订预防对策;加强监测以及时发现问题;开展水资源保护重大课题的科研工作。  相似文献   

基于主成分分析的江苏省水资源承载力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着水资源短缺和水污染问题的加剧,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,水资源承载力已成为衡量区域可持续发展的一项重要指标。以江苏省水资源承载力为研究对象,运用主成分分析法对江苏省的水资源承载力从时间和空间两个角度进行综合评价。研究表明:影响水资源承载力的因子主要包括经济发展因子、人口因子和水资源自然状况因子;2000~2009年,江苏省的水资源承载力整体上呈现出稳步递增的趋势;从空间上来看,江苏省内的水资源承载力存在明显的地区差异,苏南的水资源承载力最大,苏中次之,苏北最小,这主要是受到地区经济发展不平衡和水资源条件的影响。为了保证社会经济的可持续发展,必须合理、高效地利用水资源,充分发挥水资源的承载潜力  相似文献   

Agricultural development in the Murcia autonomous region, Spain, has led to overexploitation of groundwater resources, and climate change will further increase pressures. Policy options to tackle the current unsustainable situation include the development of inter-basin water transfer (IBWT) schemes from wetter regions in the north and the introduction of taxation to further control groundwater abstraction. Under these scenarios, farmers with current access to water could face higher water cost, whereas farmers in areas where water was previously not available could see first time availability of water resources. In this paper, we combine discrete choice-based interviews with farmers in the Torrealvilla catchment, in which they indicate how they would adapt their land use under different scenarios, with an input–output model to assess the aggregate effects of individual land use decisions on the economy and water consumption of the Murcia region. The paper presents steps taken in the development of an input–output table for Murcia, including disaggregation of the agricultural sector, accounting for sector water use and consideration of back- and forward linkages. We conclude that appropriate taxation can lead to better water use efficiency, but that this is delicate as relatively small changes in prices of agricultural products can have significant impacts on land use and water consumption. Although new IBWT schemes would enable water to be used more efficiently, they would considerably increase regional water consumption and the regional economy’s dependence on water. As this is not sustainable under future climate change, water saving development pathways need to be explored.  相似文献   

During the past six decades, agriculture as a main sector in Iran’s economy has been affected by economic development, land-use policies, and population growth and its pressures. From the 1940s until 2010, the percentage of the total urban population of Iran increased from about 21?% to around 72?%. Urbanization, industrialization, and intensive cultivation have dramatically affected soil and water resources. The exploitation of groundwater has been increased around fourfold from the 1970s to the mid-2000s. Total water resources per capita reduced around 23?% from 1956 to 2008. The average annual decrease in the groundwater table in Iran during the last two decades is 0.51?m. In 2008, the groundwater table fell around ?1.14?m in average in Iran. The average use of chemical fertilizers increased from around 2.1?million tons in 1990s to about 3.7?million tons in 2009. During that period, fertilizer use efficiency decreased from around 28?% to around 21?%. Approximately 77?% of the agricultural land under irrigation suffers from different levels of salinity. According to the quantification of four indices, such as soil erosion, fall in groundwater levels, salinity, and use of chemical fertilizer, that are directly related to agricultural land use, the results show that agricultural management in Iran needs special attention to reach sustainable conditions. The total cost of soil and water degradation and use of fertilizers in agriculture are estimated around than US $12.8?billion (about 157,000?billion IRRials)—approximately 4?% of the total gross domestic product (GDP) and approximately 35?% of the GDP of the agricultural sector in Iran.  相似文献   

Sustainable development of the earth's limited water and land resources is of paramount importance because of rising world population and existing conflicting demands for these resources. Enormous capital investment has been made in developing these resources, but now there is irrefutable evidence that such developments have led to major resource degradation. This includes problems of salinisation and damages to ecosystems. The countries predominantly affected by human induced salinisation are located in arid and semi-arid regions of the world and include Australia, China, Egypt, India, Pakistan, USSR, and USA. This paper describes the processes of salinisation, its impacts and the use of quantitative methods in salinity investigation and management. Australia is used as a case study of typical salinity problems and as a demonstration of the fruitful application of quantitative methods. The paper concludes that quantitative methods such as surface water and groundwater models are powerful design, management and predictive tools in salinity investigation. However, application of some models, such as those for unsaturated flow and transport and groundwater solute transport, are not widespread due to uncertainties in describing the complexity of the processes and the lack of hydrodispersive data.  相似文献   

后寨河流域岩溶含水层脆弱性及其对土地利用方式的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于强烈的溶蚀作用,岩溶地区溶蚀裂隙、管道等高度发育,并相互贯通,形成岩溶区特有的地下、地表“双层空间”结构体系,地下空间成为地下水存储和运移的重要场所。岩溶地区由于土层浅薄或缺失,并且溶蚀裂隙、管道、落水洞、竖井等高度发育,使含水层更易受地表状况的影响,土地利用/覆被变化在很大程度上影响着地下水的水质、水量,岩溶水质的变化能集中反映人类活动胁迫下岩溶含水层脆弱性程度的增加。以典型岩溶单元--贵州普定后寨河流域为例,分析了流域水文地质背景下的岩溶含水层本质脆弱性,结合流域地下河水近20年的水化学资料,分析了含水层脆弱性对土地利用变化的响应。结果显示:土地利用/覆被变化、农业活动、城镇建设及居民活动都对地下水质变化有明显影响。因此,调整土地利用结构,恢复岩溶植被,改善生态环境是保护和改善岩溶水资源的重要途径。  相似文献   

This paper describes the informal groundwater market existing in the urban–peri-urban interface of Chennai. The private water tanker suppliers and packaged water industries utilize the land and water resources of the peri-urban villages. Thus, the groundwater sources in peri-urban areas play a significant role in meeting the growing urban demand. The villages that are experiencing the groundwater market are highly influenced by the urbanization and its related activities, due to their proximity to the city. The transfer of groundwater from the peri-urban villages not only deprives the peri-urban areas of their water rights but also leads to environmental damage. Agriculture declined in the water marketed villages in the range of 20–95 per cent during 1990–2007. The pre-monsoon and post-monsoon groundwater level fluctuation varied from 2–6 m to 0–5 m, respectively, during 1971–2007. The declining trend of the groundwater table and agriculture is highly significant in the water marketing villages. Moreover, the present groundwater quality is also in a susceptible state due to over extraction. Hence, strengthening the legal and institutional framework to ensure an equitable access to water for both urban and peri-urban areas is urgently required. This paper also describes the characteristics of the groundwater transfer, quantification of the marketed water, the role of the existing regulatory framework, and the institutional mechanisms. Many stakeholder’s meeting and focus group discussions have been conducted in the villages under study for understanding the socio-economic implications of the water market. The study ultimately emphasized a sustainable groundwater extraction/market which will safeguard the interests of the peri-urban and urban communities.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Environmental changes caused by mankind's exploitation and regional climate changes have long been a severe problem in the world, especially in the arid and semiarid areas because of their ecosystems' vulnerability (Chen & Qu, 1992; Wang & Cheng, 1999; Liu et al., 1999). During the last half-century, especially the last 30 years, drastic environmental changes have occurred owing to exploitation and development, which have invoked society's concerns. In the Qinghai-Tibet …  相似文献   


The issue on water environmental degradation in the source area of the Yellow River has been one of very serious ecological and socially economic problems. The temporal-spatial changes of water environment led to the decreasing of land capacity and river disconnecting. The status of water environmental degradation in this paper was analyzed based on the data and field investigation. The results indicated that the surface water area in the region has obviously decreased owing to the climate changes and human irrational use of water resources and the continuous lowering of the regional groundwater table and the steadily decreasing tendency of the flow rate in the source areas of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

The natural supply of land resources is limited, but the economic supply may change along with social and economic development, and its size is decided bye nature and social and economic body conditions. When the supplying ability of land resources threatens the development of society and the conflict between people and land becomes tense, it forced people to im- prove land utilization and to increase the effective supply of land resources. The paper made an overall consideration on the characteristics of the irrigated farming and the frail ecological environment in Fuhai County, Altay Area, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region and explored land arrangement planning as well as water resource planning and environmental protection. The paper evaluated natural resources, land utilization and water resource of the case study areas and focused on the spatio-temporal balance between the utilization of water and land resources. In the end the paper a feasible plan was made out for the land arrangement project.  相似文献   

黄淮海地区水土资源粮食安全价值核算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水土资源是粮食生产和粮食安全的基础.水土资源粮食安全价值核算对于促进水土资源可持续利用,平衡地区粮食生产任务促进粮食安全具有积极意义.目前国内尚未有关于水土资源粮食安全价值系统的核算方法.本文根据虚拟水和虚拟土理论,综合考虑自然、经济和社会因素对粮食安全的影响,构建了粮食生产中的水土资源粮食安全价值核算方法体系,并以黄淮海地区为例进行了实证分析.结果表明:水土资源的粮食安全价值真实存在且可以量化,黄淮海地区各省市水土资源的粮食安全价值存在差异,河北、江苏、安徽、山东和河南省的水土资源粮食安全价值总量远远高于北京和天津,并提出了建立粮食安全补贴完善粮食安全价值实现途径的政策建议.  相似文献   


The natural supply of land resources is limited, but the economic supply may change along with social and economic development, and its size is decided bye nature and social and economic body conditions. When the supplying ability of land resources threatens the development of society and the conflict between people and land becomes tense, it forced people to improve land utilization and to increase the effective supply of land resources. The paper made an overall consideration on the characteristics of the irrigated farming and the frail ecological environment in Fuhai County, Altay Area, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region and explored land arrangement planning as well as water resource planning and environmental protection. The paper evaluated natural resources, land utilization and water resource of the case study areas and focused on the spatio-temporal balance between the utilization of water and land resources. In the end the paper a feasible plan was made out for the land arrangement project.  相似文献   

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