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A population study of Indian Chinkara Gazella bennettii was conducted during September 2006 to July 2007 in Cholistan Game Reserve. The estimated population density was 0.16 Chinkara/km2. The observed group size varied from 1 to 16 heads. The observed male to female sex ratio during September/October, February/March and July was 1: 1.15, 1: 2.31, 1: 2.33 respectively.  相似文献   

The groundwater occurs in hard rock aquifers, which is more predominant in India. It is more common in the southern peninsula especially Tamil Nadu. Madurai district is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu, underlain predominantly by crystalline formations and alluvium along the river course. The study area being a hard rock terrain, the groundwater is stored in cracks, fissures, joints, etc., and hence the quantity is lesser. The frequent failure of monsoon also aggravates the scarcity of this commodity. In this scenario, the quality and hydrogeochemistry of the available quantum of water plays a significant role for the determination of its utility and in tracing out the hydrogeochemical evaluation. Fifty-four groundwater samples were collected representing the entire study area. The samples collected were representative covering all the major litho units of the study area (charnockite -21, fissile hornblende biotite gneiss-21, granite-4, quartzite-3, and 5 samples from flood plain alluvium). The samples collected were analyzed for major ions and were classified for different purposes like drinking, domestic, and agriculture, with respect to lithology. The comparison of the groundwater samples with the drinking water standards shows that few samples fall above the drinking water limit irrespective of lithology. The samples were classified with sodium absorption ratio, electrical conductivity, residual sodium carbonate, sodium percentage (Na %), Kellys ratio, and magnesium hazard, and permeability index for irrigation purpose found that most of the samples were suitable for irrigation purpose irrespective of lithology. Total hardness and corrosivity index were studied for the domestic purpose and found that the samples of the granitic terrain are safe. Apart from this, index of base exchange, Schoellers water type, Stuyfzands classification were attempted along with Gibbs plot to determine the major geochemical activity of the region. The study reveals that the samples collected from granitic and quartzitic terrains are comparatively better for the domestic and drinking purpose due to the presence of resistant minerals to weathering.  相似文献   

The present study were made to estimate the avian fauna in terms of species richness and diversity and guild structure in forest habitats of Nainital district of Uttarakhand (350–2.450 m asl; 29° N). Field studies were conducted during January 2007 to December 2008. Total 43, 62 and 42 species were recorded from, Haldwani, Bhowali and Nainital forest habitats. Results indicate the species relationship between Bird species richness (BSR) and elevation sections (forest habitats) was not decline simultaneously along elevation; it shows hump shaped. BSR varied considerably along elevational gradient (43 to 62 species), was highest (62 species) at mid elevation (Mixed pine forest, 1.350–1.700 m asl) and decreased (20 species) at high elevation (Conifer forest, 1900–2450 m asl). It seems that mid altitude bulge is not caused by the presence of a group of mid altitude specialists but rather that there is an overlap in the distribution of low land and high elevation specialists at this altitude. A checklist of 79 avian species has also produced of Nainital district forest habitats. It is suggested that this study provide a base line structure for further study on species distribution in different forest habitats and along different elevation section in Western Himalayas (India).  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the spatial distribution pattern of Stipa purpurea steppe and to elucidate their possible correlation with environmental factors, by means of multivariate quantitative analysis. Two data sets were subjected to the Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN), the community similarity analysis and the Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The distribution pattern of Stipa purpurea steppe showed obvious geographical heterogeneity in different regions and some homogeneity in the same region. And the altitude, longitude and latitude were the three major environmental factors affecting Stipa purpurea steppe’s distribution.  相似文献   

The data stored in the IAEA's Global Marine Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD) developed in the framework of the IAEA's project "Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS)" have been evaluated for Pacific and Indian Ocean surface waters. Four anthropogenic radionuclides-- 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu --have been chosen as the most representative of anthropogenic radioactivity in the marine environment, comprising beta, gamma and alpha-emitters which are the most frequently analysed in the marine environment and which have (with the exception of tritium) the highest potential contribution to radiation doses to humans via seafood consumption. For the purposes of this study, the Pacific and Indian Oceans were divided into latitudinal boxes for which average radionuclide concentrations were estimated for the year 2000. The highest concentrations have been observed in the Japan Sea/East Sea and the North-West Pacific Ocean, the lowest in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of shell banding pattern has been studied in Crimean populations of the land snail H. albescens. The results show that snails from different regions of the Crimea are characterized by specific types of shell polymorphism, the differences between them concerning mainly the number of observed shell morphs rather than their occurrence frequency. In particular, the proportion of snails with darkly colored shells increases in relatively cool habitats. However, among the microevolutionary processes determining the type and degree of polymorphism in H. albescens populations, a major role is also played by stochastic genetic phenomena, because the species exists in semi-isolated colonies with low effective abundance and high risk of local extinction.  相似文献   

Under an IAEA's Co-ordinated Research Project "Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS)" 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentration surface water time series in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have been investigated. The Pacific and Indian Oceans were divided into 17 latitudinal boxes according to ocean circulation, global fallout patterns and the location of nuclear weapons test sites. The present levels and time trends in radionuclide concentrations in surface water for each box were studied and the corresponding effective half-lives were estimated. For the year 2000, the estimated average 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentrations in surface waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans varied from 0.1 to 1.5 mBq/L, 0.1 to 2.8 mBq/L, and 0.1 to 5.2 microBq/L, respectively. The mean effective half-lives for 90Sr and 137Cs in surface water were 12+/-1 years for the North, 20+/-1 years for the South and 21+/-2 years for the Equatorial Pacific. For (239,240)Pu the corresponding mean effective half-lives were 7+/-1 years for the North, 12+/-4 years for the South and 10+/-2 years for the Equatorial Pacific. For the Indian Ocean the mean effective half-lives of 137Cs and (239,240)Pu were 21+/-2 years and 9+/-1 years, respectively. There is evidence that fallout removal rates before 1970 were faster than those observed during recent decades. The estimated surface water concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu in latitudinal belts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans for the year 2000 may be used as the average levels so that any new contribution from nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons test sites, radioactive waste dumping sites and from possible nuclear accidents can be identified.  相似文献   

Environmental samples (soil, sediment and lake water) in the Thule area (NW Greenland) have been studied to assess the contamination of radionuclides originating from a nuclear weapons accident (the Thule accident in 1968). Four lakes were chosen at different distances from the point of impact with the Thule air base community situated in between. The sedimentation rates in the lakes varied from 0.4 mm a(-1) (5 mg cm(-2) a(-1)) to 1.6 mm a(-1) (82 mg cm(-2) a(-1)). With these sedimentation rates, it is not possible to resolve the (239,240)Pu global fallout peak from a possible (239,240)Pu "accident" peak in the sediment depth profiles. However, the (239,240)Pu/(137)Cs and the (238)Pu/(239,240)Pu ratios agreed well with global fallout ratios, indicating that plutonium originating from the accident had not reached these lakes. This also indicates that the Thule air base community has probably only been exposed to radionuclides from the accident to a very limited extent. A limited study showed that (210)Pb could not be used as a normalizing nuclide to explain the transport of transuranic elements from the catchment area to the lake, i.e. (210)Pb has a different transport mechanism from that of the transuranic elements studied in this investigation.  相似文献   

In the present study, Laudakia nupta were selected as a case study and were examined using the Maxent method to evaluate the potential distribution and most suitable areas. All occurrence records of the species have been gathered from literature and recent updated checklists of lizards of Iran. The final model of L. nupta showed a good performance (AUC = 0.962; SD = 0.011) indicating that the most suitable areas are situated in the western Zagros Mountains in Iran. The situation of the suitable areas in the western Zagros, while the remaining southeastern areas are of low suitability, is controversial and needs more investigation with different criteria such as molecular and other systematic methods. Precipitation of the wettest quarter is the most effective factor for the species presence and I can assume this importance is directly related to the growth of plant in the habitat as main source of food.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal structure of the muskrat population has been studied by means of the prenatal radioactive marking of juveniles with 45 Ca and their subsequent recapture in the test area. The muskrat population is characterized by a cyclic type of spatial structure, with seasonal transition from a mosaic type of settling to a diffuse type and, after the breeding season, vice versa.  相似文献   

This paper describes a quantitative radioactivity analysis method especially suitable for environmental samples with low-level activity. The method, consisting of a multi-group approximation based on total absorption and Compton spectra of gamma rays, is coherently formalized and a computer algorithm thereof designed to analyze low-level activity NaI(Tl) gamma ray spectra of environmental samples. Milk powder from 1988 was used as the example case. Included is a special analysis on the uncertainty estimation. Gamma sensitiveness is defined and numerically evaluated. The results reproduced the calibration data well, attesting to the reliability of the method. The special analysis shows that the uncertainty of the assessed activity is tied to that of the calibration activity data. More than 77% of measured 1461-keV photons of 40K were counted in the range of clearly lower energies. Pile-up of single line photons (137Cs) looks negligible compared to that of a two-line cascade (134Cs). The detection limit varies with radionuclide and spectrum region and is related to the gamma sensitiveness of the detection system. The best detection limit always lies in a spectrum region holding a line of the radionuclide and the highest sensitiveness. The most radioactive milk powder sample showed a activity concentration of 21 ± 1 Bq g−1for 137Cs, 323 ± 13 Bq g−1 for 40K and no 134Cs.  相似文献   

Transfer factors of (40)K, (238)U, (210)Pb, and (210)Po from soil to some agriculture crops in various locations in south of Syria (Dara'a and Assuwaydaa districts) have been determined. Soil and vegetable crops (green pepper, cucumber, tomato, and eggplant), legumes crops (lentil, chickpea, and broad bean), fruit trees (apple, grape, and olives) and cereals (barley and wheat) were collected and analyzed for (238)U, (210)Pb, and (210)Po. The results have shown that higher transfer factors (calculated as Bqkg(-1) dry wt. plant material per Bqkg(-1) dry wt. soil) for (210)Po, (210)Pb and (238)U were observed in vegetable leaves than fruits and cereals leaves; the highest values of transfer factor (TF) for (238)U were found to be 0.1 for straw of chickpea. Transfer factors for (210)Po varied between 2.8x10(-2) and 2 in fruits of eggplant and grain of barley, respectively. In addition, several parameters affecting transfer factors of the radionuclides were evaluated. The results can be considered as base values for TF of natural radionuclides in the region.  相似文献   

Due to the importance of bottled mineral water in human diet with special regard to children in lactation period, a monitoring of natural radioactivity in some bottled mineral waters produced in Italy was performed. Gross alpha and beta activities and (226)Ra, (238)U, (234)U, and (210)Po concentrations were measured. Gross alpha and beta activities were determined by standards ISO 9696 and ISO 9697; for (226)Ra determination liquid scintillation was used. The (238)U and (234)U concentrations were determined by alpha spectrometry after their separation from matrix by extraction chromatography and electroplating. (210)Po was measured by alpha spectrometry. The results revealed that the concentrations (mBqL(-1)) of (226)Ra, (238)U, (234)U, and (210)Po ranged from <10.00 to 52.50, from <0.17 to 89.00, from <0.17 to 79.00, and from <0.04 to 21.01, respectively. Uranium and radium concentrations do not reach the relevant recommended derived activity concentration (DWC). For polonium concentration, none of the samples reaches the relevant DWC in the case of adults and children, but one sample exceeds this value for infants. The dose contribution for different classes of age was calculated using the dose coefficient factors reported by EC Directive 96/29 EURATOM and certain annual intake. For children and adult age class, the calculated doses are quite similar and lower than 0.1mSvy(-1); for infants (<1y) in three cases the calculated dose ranges from 0.11 to 0.17mSvy(-1).  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Pastoralism is mostly related to specific ethnic group or group of people whose livelihoods generally depend on production of livestock in the...  相似文献   

Concentrations of (90)Sr, (210)Po and (210)Pb in lichen and reindeer were studied in central (?stre Namdal) and southern Norway (V?g?) during 2000-2003. The study focussed on potential differences in concentrations of these nuclides in reindeer of different ages. Concentrations of (90)Sr in bones of approximately 10 year old adult females were about 40% higher than those in calves' antlers ((90)Sr concentrations in antlers and bones of calves are similar), while the available data from V?g? suggest that (90)Sr concentrations in reindeer calves decreased with an effective ecological half-time of 9.03+/-0.06 years during 1988-2002. Furthermore, (90)Sr concentrations were 50-80% higher in bone of reindeer of a similar age from V?g? compared to those from ?stre Namdal. Concentrations of (210)Po and (210)Pb in muscle and liver tissues were comparable to those reported for reindeer in other Nordic areas, with no significant difference in (210)Po and (210)Pb concentrations between adults and calves or between reindeer from the two different study areas.  相似文献   

Humans are simultaneously exposed to a multitude of chemicals. Human health risk assessment of chemicals is, however, normally performed on single substances, which may underestimate the total risk, thus bringing a need for reliable methods to assess the risk of combined exposure to multiple chemicals. Per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs) is a large group of chemicals that has emerged as global environmental contaminants. In the Swedish population, 17 PFASs have been measured, of which the vast majority lacks human health risk assessment information. The objective of this study was to for the first time perform a cumulative health risk assessment of the 17 PFASs measured in the Swedish population, individually and in combination, using the Hazard Index (HI) approach. Swedish biomonitoring data (blood/serum concentrations of PFASs) were used and two study populations identified: 1) the general population exposed indirectly via the environment and 2) occupationally exposed professional ski waxers. Hazard data used were publicly available toxicity data for hepatotoxicity and reproductive toxicity as well as other more sensitive toxic effects. The results showed that PFASs concentrations were in the low ng/ml serum range in the general population, reaching high ng/ml and low μg/ml serum concentrations in the occupationally exposed. For those congeners lacking toxicity data with regard to hepatotoxicity and reproductive toxicity read-across extrapolations was performed. Other effects at lower dose levels were observed for some well-studied congeners. The risk characterization showed no concern for hepatotoxicity or reproductive toxicity in the general population except in a subpopulation eating PFOS-contaminated fish, illustrating that high local exposure may be of concern. For the occupationally exposed there was concern for hepatotoxicity by PFOA and all congeners in combination as well as for reproductive toxicity by all congeners in combination, thus a need for reduced exposure was identified. Concern for immunotoxicity by PFOS and for disrupted mammary gland development by PFOA was identified in both study populations as well as a need of additional toxicological data for many PFAS congeners with respect to all assessed endpoints.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Many coasts are eroding. In the Comoros, as in many other small island developing states (SIDS), communities frequently respond to coastal erosion by building...  相似文献   

We have conducted measurements of naturally occurring radionuclides (7)Be, (210)Pb and (210)Po in air at ground level at Chilton, Oxfordshire, England. The sampling and analysis regime for the latter two isotopes has been optimised to minimise uncertainties in measurement due to decay of (210)Po and in-growth of (210)Pb during the sampling and analysis period. Analysis times were reduced by using Cerenkov counting to assay the (210)Bi daughter of (210)Pb. Monthly data collected over a four-year period are presented and discussed. (7)Be activity concentrations appear to peak in spring. (210)Pb activity concentrations also follow a seasonal trend reflecting different (222)Rn emanation rates from soil during winter and summer. Data for (210)Po show no such trend.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the spatial-ethological structure of social vole (Microtus socialis Pall.) colonies was made on the basis of studies performed in Dagestan (1987–1991) and the southern Kalmyk Republic (1993–1998). Notwithstanding differences in environmental conditions and the extent and forms of anthropogenic impact, the population structure of the species proved to be similar and stable. Irrespective of population density, its core consists of family groups. Specific features of social behavior (aggressiveness toward unfamiliar animals) provide for the protection of home ranges and help to maintain a stable population structure.  相似文献   

In Pakistan there is little data on environmental contamination of rural water sources by pesticides. This study evaluated pesticide contamination of groundwater in four intensive cotton growing districts. Water samples were collected from 37 rural open wells in the areas of Bahwalnagar, Muzafargarh, D.G. Khan and Rajan Pur districts of Punjab and analysed for eight pesticides which are mostly used. Information on types of pesticide used and distance to nearest pesticide mixing area and application areas was obtained for each site. From the eight pesticides analysed, six pesticides were detected in the water samples. Only cypermethrin and cabosulfan were not detected. The percentage of detection of bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, carbofuran, endosulfan, methyl parathion and monocrotophos was, respectively 13.5%, 5.4%, 59.4%, 8%, 5.4% and 35.1% in July; 16.2%, 13.55%, 43.2%, 8%, N.D. (not detected) and 24.3% in October. Maximum contamination levels (MCLs) established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water were not exceeded. The study has shown the need for monitoring pesticide contamination in rural water resources, and the development of drinking water quality standards for specific pesticides in Pakistan. The conclusions and recommendations will be disseminated to senior decision makers in central and local governments, extension agents and farmers.  相似文献   

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