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The detailed sorption steps and biodegradation characteristics of fluoroquinolones(FQs)including ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, lomefloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin were investigated through batch experiments. The results indicate that FQs at a total concentration of 500 μg/L caused little inhibition of sludge bioactivity. Sorption was the primary removal pathway of FQs in the activated sludge process, followed by biodegradation, while hydrolysis and volatilization were negligible. FQ sorption on activated sludge was a reversible process governed by surface reaction. Henry and Freundlich models could describe the FQ sorption isotherms well in the concentration range of 100–300 μg/L. Thermodynamic parameters revealed that FQ sorption on activated sludge is spontaneous, exothermic, and enthalpy-driven. Hydrophobicity-independent mechanisms determined the FQ sorption affinity with activated sludge. The zwitterion of FQs had the strongest sorption affinity, followed by cation and anion, and aerobic condition facilitated FQ sorption. FQs were slowly biodegradable, with long half-lives( 100 hr). FQ biodegradation was enhanced with increasing temperature and under aerobic condition,and thus was possibly achieved through co-metabolism during nitrification. This study provides an insight into the removal kinetics and mechanism of FQs in the activated sludge process, but also helps assess the environmental risks of FQs resulting from sludge disposal.  相似文献   

It was focused on the effect of different sludge concentrations on the performances of an algal-activated sludge symbiotic system in terms of wastewater treatment, algal-activated sludge characteristics and community structure. The results showed that the highest nutrient removal efficiencies were obtained in the reactor R~2 with soluble chemical oxygen demand(sC OD), ammonia nitrogen(NH_4~+-N) and phosphate(PO_4~(3-)-P) removal efficiencies of(90.6 ± 2.3)%,(97.69 ± 2.6)% and(83.81 ± 2.3)%, respectively. Further investigation exhibited that sludge concentration has a great effect on the dissolved oxygen(DO) concentration, the pH, the growth of algae and the extracellular polymeric substance(EPS) production, which resulted in influencing the settleability and the performance of symbiotic system. The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE) analysis demonstrated that the sludge concentration had a selective power for particular members of algae. Meantime, the stimulated algal population would selectively excite the members of bacteria benefited for the formation of algal-bacterial consortia.The variation of microbial compositions, which was influenced by the different sludge concentrations, might be ultimately responsible for the different treatment performances.  相似文献   

Changes of protists, which were categorized into different functional groups primarily according to their feeding habits, in two full-scale municipal wastewater treatment systems experiencing sludge bulking were investigated over a period of 14 months. Protist biomass represented 3.7% to 5.2% of total biomass on average under normal sludge conditions, and the percentage increased significantly (p < 0.05) under sludge bulking conditions. The biomass of Chilodonella spp., capable of eating filamentous bacteria, tended to decrease in both systems when sludge bulking occurred, showing that the abnormal growth of filamentous bacteria did not lead to a biomass bloom of this group of protists. On the other hand, the bactivorous protists represented more than 96% of total protist biomass, and the biomass of this group, particularly the attached ciliates, increased significantly (p < 0.05) when sludge bulking occurred. The significant increase of the attached ciliates may have possibly facilitated the growth of filamentous bacteria through selectively preying on non-filamentous bacteria and further exacerbated sludge bulking. The redundancy analysis and correlation analysis results showed that the biomass changes of the attached ciliates were primarily related to the sludge volume index and to some extent related to five-day biochemical oxygen demand loading and hydraulic retention time.  相似文献   

利用生物沥浸法和以添加石灰与三氯化铁为代表的化学法对污泥进行调理,继而采用隔膜厢式压滤机深度脱水是目前在我国应用较为广泛的工艺,但系统比较两种工艺所产生的污泥的堆肥效果的研究还很鲜见.为此,本试验分别对相同来源的污泥用两种方法进行调理后再用机械脱水,将获得的污泥饼进行工程化高温好氧堆肥,并以相同来源的常规脱水污泥(CS,指含水率80%左右的污泥)作为对照,探究其堆肥过程及产品性质的差异.结果表明,采用条垛式堆肥(条垛底宽2.8 m、高1.2 m、长10 m),生物沥浸污泥(BS)和石灰调理污泥(LS)堆肥所需辅料仅为CS的9.1%.尽管BS堆体中的NH+4-N含量始终最高,但其氨气挥发量仅为LS堆体的9.7%和CS堆体的31.4%.42 d时各堆体的CO2释放速率和水溶性C/N相比堆肥前均明显下降,说明堆体均已腐熟.LS堆肥产品的种子发芽指数(GI)仅为57.3%,而BS堆肥产品和CS堆肥产品的GI均为90%左右,显然后两者对种子的毒害已完全消除.此外,BS堆肥产品中的养分含量(N+P2O5+K2O)明显高于LS堆肥产品和CS堆肥产品,总养分分别高出28.5%和73.0%;其速效养分指标WSN亦分别高出40.6%和102%.综上所述,较之LS堆肥或CS堆肥,采用BS高温堆肥不仅可以显著减少辅料的添加量,且其堆肥过程中的氨气损失少,堆肥产品腐熟度好,养分含量高,因此,污泥生物沥浸处理-高温发酵技术是对推动堆肥后土地利用极有帮助的深度脱水工艺和资源化方法.  相似文献   

为了克服利用微型动物群落物种变化指示活性污泥运行状态存在的微型动物鉴别误判、分类和统计分析工作量大等问题,通过PCA法的相关性分析判断絮体微观形态参数降维成综合指标的可能性,采用“微型动物运动视频采集+定量图像分析”法表征微型动物的运动速度(平均线速度V和平均角速度W),分析SBR系统中锐利楯纤虫(A.lynceus)等7种自由运动型微型动物的运动速度与污泥絮体微观特性之间的相关性.结果表明:多个污泥絮体微观形态参数之间存在较好的相关性,可降维成2大综合指标(絮体大小密实度(SC)和絮体形状规则度(SR)).絮体SC和SR指标与须足轮虫属(Euchlanis sp.)、凹扁前口虫(F.depressa)和锐利楯纤虫(A.lynceus)的运动速度之间具有较显著相关性(|r|>0.50,P<0.05),因此利用典型的自由运动型微型动物运动速度变化能够快速指示污泥絮体的微观形态变化.  相似文献   

焦化废水产生于煤炭的不完全气化过程,其水质成分复杂,处理工艺技术单元多、水力停留时间长且存在多指标目标,处理过程需消耗大量能量,从若干工程实践中发现,影响焦化废水处理工程运行能耗的因素主要包括水质特性、工艺流程、运行时间、设备状况等,系统分析这些因素对运行能耗的贡献,了解耗能规律并模型化,可为焦化废水处理工程设计提供节能依据.本研究以好氧/水解/好氧(OHO)流化床工艺为核心的实际焦化废水处理工程为案例,根据耗能设备、处理目标和单元功能不同将整个处理工程分解为气浮、废水输送、泥渣输送、鼓风曝气、混合、脱水、加药、公用的8个耗能系统,分别分析各系统的耗能因子,建立模型,加权得到总能耗模型;然后分别用HRT(停留时间)法和24 h法计算能耗值,与实际24 h读表电耗值相比较评价模型的准确性.分析结果表明,焦化废水处理工程总运行能耗与进水水量、污泥量、溶解氧、硝化液回流比、进水COD、进水总氮浓度的相关性强;HRT法与24 h法得到的能耗值与实际24 h读表能耗值呈显著线性关系,R2分别为0.93和0.97,相对误差分别为4.28%~19.18%和3.45%~8.94%,模型分析值与工程实测值吻合度比较好,表明模型准确可靠.因此认为,基于耗能单元系统建立的工程系统总能耗模型可以用于预测因水质特性、工艺流程、设备条件等变化的实际工程运行总能耗,得到了建立焦化废水处理工程单元解析模型的系统性新方法.  相似文献   

汶川地震诱发了大量泥石流灾害,灾损土地利用和生态修复是灾区产业重建面临的重要课题。以北川县都坝河小流域为研究对象,通过调查灾损土地禀赋、灾害特征、土地需求,采取多因素耦合和关键因子限制分析法,探讨灾害胁迫条件下的经济活动与生态修复之间的互馈作用,结果表明:(1)流域新增土地供给源主要为泥石流灾损土地,土地资源化利用受灾害、聚落和产业结构控制;(2)灾损土地根据成因划分为沟口堆积型、沟道冲淤型以及岸坡侵蚀型,三者的肥力、安全性及交通条件等特征具有显著差异;(3)基于"因灾分区、耕地优先、产业共建、美居造景"的原则,建立了灾损土地的利用方式和生态修复模式,并选取杨家沟进行验证,沟域灾损土地利用方式为生态林地、产业林地及优质耕地,分别占比28.5%、56.3%、15.2%,生态修复措施主要为提高土地安全度、提升植被覆盖率和增强水保功能。该研究建立的震区土地利用和生态修复模式可有力协调人地矛盾、发展绿色经济和提升人居环境。  相似文献   

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