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This article addresses the role of Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in present-day Avanersuaq from anthropological and biological perspectives, and asks whether or not sustainable resource utilisation is a useful concept in northwest Greenland. We describe the relations that unfold around walrus and walrus hunting, in the communities living adjacent to the North Water polynya on the eastern side of Smith Sound. We examine the interplay of walrus population abundance, hunting practices, uses, and formal (governmental) and informal (traditional) ways of regulating the hunt, and we analyse how walruses acquire multiple values as they circulate in different networks. Sustainable resource utilisation, we conclude, is a concept that is relevant in Avanersuaq and beyond, because it works as a biological standard, and hence organises laws, norms, and practices of formal management. Simultaneously, the term is problematic, because it ignores manifold levels of human and societal values connected to walrus.  相似文献   

Carbonyl compounds are very important for the trophospheric physico-chemistry because they are the result of the first photo-oxidation stage of almost all organic compounds and they are the essential originators of the free radicals. In the present review we make a synthesis of the studies on the carbonyl compounds chemistry in the trophosphere by successively examining: measurement methods in the trophosphere, sources of primary carbonyl compounds, formation of secondary carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere, reactivity of carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Globally, blue carbon (i.e., carbon in coastal and marine ecosystems) emissions have been seriously augmented due to the devastating effects of anthropogenic pressures on coastal ecosystems including mangrove swamps, salt marshes, and seagrass meadows. The greening of aquaculture, however, including an ecosystem approach to Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture (IAA) and Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) could play a significant role in reversing this trend, enhancing coastal ecosystems, and sequestering blue carbon. Ponds within IAA farming systems sequester more carbon per unit area than conventional fish ponds, natural lakes, and inland seas. The translocation of shrimp culture from mangrove swamps to offshore IMTA could reduce mangrove loss, reverse blue carbon emissions, and in turn increase storage of blue carbon through restoration of mangroves. Moreover, offshore IMTA may create a barrier to trawl fishing which in turn could help restore seagrasses and further enhance blue carbon sequestration. Seaweed and shellfish culture within IMTA could also help to sequester more blue carbon. The greening of aquaculture could face several challenges that need to be addressed in order to realize substantial benefits from enhanced blue carbon sequestration and eventually contribute to global climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The purpose of this research is to explore the connection of financial development, sustainable environmental-economic growth, and energy consumption...  相似文献   

In the context of intense emissions causing atmospheric pollution, tree growth reductions could be related to soil chemistry modifications or direct foliar injuries. To verify these hypotheses, mineral soils were sampled in an area (Murdochville, Canada) where previous studies had demonstrated that tree growth was impacted by smelter emissions and that forest floor lead concentrations could be used as a proxy for atmospheric pollutant depositions. Samples were analysed for Al, Pb (concentrations and isotope ratios), basic cations (Ca, K, P, and Mg) and Zr. Mass balance calculations were performed on soil profiles to assess vertical migration of elements. Pb concentrations in litter diminished gradually with distance from the smelter. The Pb isotope ratios in these organic soil layers were close to those measured in the Murdochville ores. These patterns were not encountered in mineral soil layers. Pb isotope ratios in these layers were close to those measured in uncontaminated geological materials, and Pb concentrations and basic cation depletions were not related to the proximity of the smelter. Growth reduction was closely associated with litter Pb concentrations, which were used as a proxy for atmospheric deposition, but was not correlated with any elemental concentration or cation depletion measured in mineral soil layers. Our overall results suggest that trees responded mainly to direct atmospheric emissions, which caused foliar damage, rather than to soil chemistry modifications.  相似文献   


In sustainable development, energy is critical in human activities and shapes a sustainable future. Thus, it is an unignorable element in human development. This paper analyzes the contributions of renewable energy sources (RES)’s to the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainable development. Moreover, we add energy security as a possible fourth dimension into the analysis. For the sample size, we limit the countries members of the OECD and run generalized methods of moments for the period from 1995 to 2015. This method can produce efficient estimators under the problems of endogeneity, omitted-variable bias, measurement errors, and heteroscedastic residuals. According to the results, RES has a small reducing effect (?.007%) on output in the Cobb-Douglas production function for the economic dimension. We found that RES has a positive contribution to the environmental dimension and abates the level of carbon emission (?.093%). RES also confirms the inverted-U shape of environmental Kuznets curve. In the social dimension, RES improves human development and a 1% increase in RES consumption causes to .0045% increase in human development. In the last contribution, RES has a positive effect on sustainable energy supply security in the context of electricity generation (.032%). Although the effects of RES on the environment, social, and energy security are significant, they are limited. These limitations point to barriers that can be overcome over time. Our conclusions recommend that these effects might flourish with technical developments and political support in the long run. Furthermore, public awareness, rising income level, and economies of scale are also beneficial in this process. As a result, RES might be an excellent source for a sustainable future and development. Especially, RES might have remarkable contributions to the 7th, 11th, 12th, and 13th goals of sustainable development.



Background, aim and scope  

Phytoremediation does exploit natural plant physiological processes and can be used to decontaminate agricultural soils, industrial sites, brownfields, sediments and water containing inorganic and organic pollutants or to improve food chain safety by phytostabilisation of toxic elements. It is a low-cost and environment friendly technology targetting removal, degradation or immobilisation of contaminants. The aim of the present review is to highlight some recent advances in phytoremediation in the Alpine context.  相似文献   

This paper contains a statistical analysis of bulk precipitation chemistry of rain falling on the Tillingbourne Catchment, Surrey. Over the years 1978–1981, mean volume-weighted concentrations were: pH, 4.15, 70.8 μeq ℓ−1 H+; organic, 2.8 mg ℓ−1; total SO2−4, 80.5 μeq ℓ−1; NO3, 36.2 μeq ℓ−1; NH+4, 40.9 μeq ℓ−1; Cl (2 years) 97.4 μeq ℓ−1, rainfall 1067mm. Compared to other sites in the U.K. and elsewhere receiving acid precipitation in this pH is at the low end of the range, but levels of the other ions are moderate. Similar relations apply to deposition. Ion concentrations are highly correlated, especially total SO2−4, NO3 and NH+4. This group is linked more loosely to pH and organic content, while Cl does not correlate at all with the other ions, implying a totally different source, probably sea salt. H+ ions in rain correlate better with NO3 than with SO2−4 and regression analysis suggests that almost all the NO3 is probably associated with nitric acid, whereas only about 57% of the SO2−4 is associated with sulphuric acid. Deposition is approximately related to rainfall by a power law relationship in which the exponent of the equation varies between 0.5 and 0.9. However, it is concluded that an adequate estimate of deposition cannot be obtained from rainfall alone.  相似文献   

Contamination of the environment due to mining and mineral processing is an urgent problem worldwide. It is often desirable to establish a grass cover on old mine waste since it significantly decreases the production of leachates. To obtain sustainable growth, it is often necessary to improve several properties of the waste such as water-holding capacity, nutrient status, and toxicity. This can be done by addition of organic materials such as wood residues, e.g., compost. In this study, we focus on the solution chemistry of the leachates when a substrate containing historic sulfidic mine waste mixed with 30 % (volume) bark compost is overgrown by Agrostis capillaris. The pot experiments also included other growth-promoting additives (alkaline material, mycorrhiza, and metabolizable carbon) to examine whether a more sustainable growth could be obtained. Significant changes in the plant growth and in the leachates composition were observed during 8 weeks of growth. It was concluded that in this time span, the growth of A. capillaris did not affect the composition of the leachates from the pots. Instead, the composition of the leachates was determined by interactions between the bark compost and the mine waste. Best growth of A. capillaris was obtained when alkaline material and mycorrhiza or metabolizable carbon was added to the substrate.  相似文献   



The age of E-mail Submission has passed — The Age of ESS Submission has arrived  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The iron and steel industries are a vital driving force for propelling the nation’s economic growth. In 2019, to boost the economy and to...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cremation is commonly practiced around the world because it requires small space for the disposal of ashes. Among various options for ash disposal,...  相似文献   

Eco-certification is widely considered a tool for reducing environmental impacts of aquaculture, but what are the likely environmental outcomes for the world’s fastest growing animal-food production sector? This article analyzes a number of eco-certification schemes based on species choice, anticipated share of the global seafood market, size of eligible producers, and targeted environmental impacts. The potential of eco-certification to reduce the negative environmental impacts of aquaculture at scale presently appears uncertain as: (a) certification schemes currently focus on species predominantly consumed in the EU and US, with limited coverage of Asian markets; (b) the share of certified products in the market as currently projected is too low; (c) there is an inequitable and non-uniform applicability of certification across the sector; (d) mechanisms or incentives for improvement among the worst performers are lacking; and (e) there is incomplete coverage of environmental impacts, with biophysical sustainability and ecosystem perspectives generally lacking.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments the toxicity of lead to worms in soil was determined following the draft OECD earthworm reproduction toxicity protocol except that lead was added as solid lead nitrate, carbonate and sulphide rather than as lead nitrate solution as would normally be the case. The compounds were added to the test soil to give lead concentrations of 625-12 500 microg Pb g(-1) of soil. Calculated toxicities of the lead decreased in the order nitrate> carbonate> sulphide, the same order as the decrease in the solubility of the metal compounds used. The 7-day LC50 (lethal concentration when 50% of the population is killed) for the nitrate was 5321+/-275 microg Pb g(-1) of soil and this did not change with time. The LC50 values for carbonate and sulphide could not be determined at the concentration ranges used. The only parameter sensitive enough to distinguish the toxicities of the three compounds was cocoon (egg) production. The EC50s for cocoon production (the concentration to produce a 50% reduction in cocoon production) were 993, 8604 and 10246 pg Pb g(-1) of soil for lead nitrate, carbonate and sulphide, respectively. Standard toxicity tests need to take into account the form in which the contaminant is present in the soil to be of environmental relevance.  相似文献   

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