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Multivariate statistical methods, such as cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA) and principal component analysis (PCA), were used to analyze the water quality dataset including 13 parameters at 18 sites of the Daliao River Basin from 2003-2005 (8424 observations) to obtain temporal and spatial variations and to identify potential pollution sources. Using Hierarchical CA it is classified 12 months into three periods (first, second and third period) and the 18 sampling sites into three groups (groups A, B and C). Six significant parameters (temperature, pH, DO, BOD(5), volatile phenol and E. coli) were identified by DA for distinguishing temporal or spatial groups, with close to 84.5% correct assignment for temporal variation analysis, while five parameters (DO, NH(4)(+)-N, Hg, volatile phenol and E. coli) were discovered to correctly assign about 73.61% for the spatial variation analysis. PCA is useful in identifying five latent pollution sources for group B and C (oxygen consuming organic pollution, toxic organic pollution, heavy metal pollution, fecal pollution and oil pollution). During the first period, sites received more oxygen consuming organic pollution, toxic organic pollution and heavy metal pollution than those in the other two periods. For group B, sites were mainly affected by oxygen consuming organic pollution and toxic organic pollution during the first period. The level of pollution in the second period was between the other two periods. For group C, sites were mainly affected by oil pollution during the first period and oxygen consuming organic pollution during the third period. Furthermore, source identification of each period for group B and group C provided useful information about seasonal pollution. Sites were mainly affected by fecal pollution in the third period for group B, indicating the character of non-point source pollution. In addition, all the sites were also affected by physical-chemistry pollution. In the second and third period for group B and second period for group C sites were also affected by natural pollution.  相似文献   

Cattle in the Kempen area (in the province North-Brabant, the Netherlands) were investigated for cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper in livers and kidneys. The animals originated from farms located within a 20 km radius around several zinc refinery plants. The local soil is polluted with zinc and cadmium because of a thermal refining process used in the past.Mean cadmium organ concentrations were 2.5 times, and mean lead organ concentrations were 1.5 times higher than the concentrations found in controls. Copper levels tended to be decreased, but zinc levels did not differ from controls.The observed cadmium and lead organ concentrations did not indicate intoxication of the animals, but 22% of the kidneys and 3% of the livers investigated trespassed the maximum tolerance limit of cadmium with regard to human consumption.Continuous control of cadmium organ contents in organs from slaughtercattle kept in cadmium-polluted areas is recommended.  相似文献   

Air pollution in Athens basin and health risk assessment   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An inventory of air pollution sources within the Athens basin is carried out for the years 1989, 1992 and 1998 and the results areinputted in a climatological model for predicting ambient concentrations. Despite of the significant growth in the numberof road vehicles and the deteriorating traffic, the emissions andambient concentrations of fine particulates, CO, NOx and VOCappear to remain reasonably constant over for the period 1989 to 1998, while these of SO2 and Pb are reduced, mainly due to the renewal of vehicle fleet, the use of catalytic technologies and the improved quality of the used fuel. The results further indicate that for CO, NOx and VOC the major source is road traffic, while for PM2.5 and SO2 both space heating andtraffic share responsibility. The air pollutant concentrations monitored by the network of 11 stations are reviewed and statistics related to air quality guidelines are presented. As fine particulate levels are not monitored, approximate PM2.5and PM10 concentrations are derived from black smoke ones on basis of experimentally determined conversion factors. The computed and monitored air pollution levels are compared and found in reasonable agreement. The results of the above analysisshow that the levels of all `classical' pollutants, with the exception of SO2 and Pb, exceed significantly the WHO guidelines and are thus expected to exert a significant healthimpact. The latter could be quantified in relation to the PM2.5 or PM10 levels on the basis of risk assessment information developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results show that the existing levels of fine particle concentrations in Athens increase significantly the mortality and morbidity, and reduce the average longevity of the entirepopulation from 1.3 to 1.7 years.  相似文献   

Modeling of non-point source pollution in a Mediterranean drainage basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SWAT ver. 2000 was used to predict hydrographs, and sediment, nitrate and total phosphorus loadings from a 1349 km2 mountainous/agricultural watershed in Northern Greece. The model was calibrated and verified using continuous meteorological data from eight stations within the drainage area, and runoff, sediment and nutrient concentrations measured at nine stations located within the main tributaries of the watershed, for the time period from May 1st, 1998 to January 31st, 2000. Model validation methodology and resulting input parameters appropriate for Mediterranean drainage basins are presented. Predicted by the model hydrographs, sedimentographs and pollutographs are plotted against observed values and show good agreement. Model performance is evaluated using the root mean square error computation and scattergrams of predicted versus observed data. The validated model is also used to test the effectiveness of three alternative cropping scenarios in reducing nutrient loadings from the agricultural part of the watershed. The study showed that this model, if properly validated, can be used effectively in testing management scenarios in Mediterranean drainage basins.  相似文献   

Cd, Zn, Cu, and metallothionein (MT) levels have been determined in the renal cortex and liver of 70 persons who died in Lodz and its surroundings in the years 1985–1989. The mean concentrations were: 44.9±28.6 µg Cd/g, 52.0±16.7 µg Zn/g, 2.4±1.0 µg Cu/g, 0.79±0.40 µmol Hg/g, and 3.5±1.8 µg Cd/g, 66.7±30.5 µg Zn/g, 4.9±2.1 µg Cu/g, 0.50±0.38 µmol Hg/g wet tissue in renal cortex and liver, respectively, with mean age 54.0±13.8. Smokers showed 2.4 times higher levels of Cd in the renal cortex than non-smokers. The mean body burden of Cd was 33.4±17.3 mg. Smoking increases it twofold from 22.0 mg in non-smokers to 41.8 mg in smokers.This work was supported by the grant CPBR 11.12(C-56/86) from the Institute of Rural Medicine, Lublin, Poland.Deceased.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the levels of anions (nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, bromide, chloride, and fluoride) and cations (potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium) in selected springs and groundwater sources in the urban-west region of Zanzibar Island. The levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) were also studied. Thirty water samples were collected in December 2012 from various types of water sources, which included closed hand-dug wells (CHDW), open hand-dug wells (OHDW), springwater (SW), public bore wells (PBW), and bore wells owned by private individuals (BWP), and analyzed after filtration and sometimes dilution. The cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The anions were analyzed by chemically suppressed ion chromatography (IC). The ranges of the levels of the investigated parameters were as follows: Na 13.68–3,656 mg L?1, K 2.66–583 mg L?1, Mg 0.63–131.10 mg L?1, Ca 16.79–189.9 mg L?1, Cl? 8.61–4,340.97 mg L?1, F? 0–1.02 mg L?1, Br? 0–10.88 mg L?1, NO3 ? 0.18–342.4 mg L?1, NO2 ? 0–1.39, SO4 2? 4.43–534.02 mg L?1, TDS 7–6,380 mg L?1, and SAR 0.63–50. Except fluoride, most of the studied parameters in the water samples had concentrations beyond the permissible limits of the World Health Organization (WHO). The elevated concentrations are a result of seepage of contaminated water from on-site septic tanks, pit latrines, landfill leachates, fertilizer applications, and domestic effluents. These results should alert domestic water stakeholders in Zanzibar to the urgent task of initiating a quick mitigation response to control these alarming water risks.  相似文献   

The increasing order of the mean concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn in the tissues of Mugil cephalus of seven coastal lagoons of Sinaloa State (NW Mexico) was liver > gills > muscle, while for Pb it was gills > muscle ≥ liver. There were no differences between the mean concentrations of Cd and Pb of the three tissues determined in the samples of the seven lagoons and, although there were some significant differences, there was no indication of a latitude-related trend in the distribution of Cu and Zn: the Cu content of the muscle tended to be higher in the northern than in the southern lagoons, although in the case of the gills the highest and lowest mean values indicated an opposite trend, with the highest and lowest values in one southern and one northern lagoon. In the case of the liver, there were no differences and no indication of a regional trend. There were no differences in the mean Zn contents of muscle and gills; in the case of the liver, one of the lagoons of the central part of the state had a significantly higher value than one of the southern lagoons and all the rest had similar values. In addition, there was no clear indication of season-related differences in any of the three tissues. According to our results, the metal contents of the muscle of this species are not of concern for human health, since the allowable ingestion would be in the order of 0.9 kg/day.  相似文献   

Soils play a vital role in the quality of the urban environment and the health of its residents. City soils and street dusts accumulate various contaminants and particularly potentially toxic elements (PTEs) from a variety of human activities. This study investigates the current condition of elemental concentration in the urban soils of Hamedan, the largest and the fastest-growing city in western Iran. Thirty-four composite soil samples were collected from 0 to 10 cm topsoil of various land uses in Hamedan city and were analyzed for total concentration of 63 elements by ICP-MS. The possible sources of elemental loadings were verified using multivariate statistical methods (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) and geochemical indices. The spatial variability of the main PTEs was mapped using geographic information system (GIS) technique. The results revealed a concentration for As, Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, and V in the soil samples comparable to the background values as well as a range of associations among these elements in a single component suggesting geogenic sources related to geological and pedogenic processes, while the soils mostly presented a moderate to considerable enrichment/contamination of Cd, Zn, Pb, and Sb and moderate enrichment/contamination of Cu, Zn, and Mo. It was found that anthropogenic factors, vehicular traffic in particular, control the concentration of a spectrum of elements that are typical of human activities, i.e., Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, and Zn. Lead and Sb were both the most enriched elements in soils with no correlation with land use highlighting general urban emissions over time and the impact of transport networks directly on soil quality. The highest concentrations of As were recorded in the southern part of the city reflecting the influence of metamorphic rocks. The effect of the geological substrate on the Co and Ni contents was confirmed by their maximum concentrations in the city’s marginal areas. However, high spatial variability of urban elements’ contents displayed the contribution of various human activities. In particular, the increased concentration of Cd, Sb, and Pb was found to be consistent with the areas where vehicular traffic is heaviest.  相似文献   

Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is tightly linked to land use activities that determine the sources and magnitudes of pollutant loadings to stream water. The pollutant loads may also be alleviated within reservoirs because of the physical interception resulting from changed hydrological regimes and other biochemical processes. It is important but challenging to assess the NPS pollution processes with human effects due to the measurement limitations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of human activities such as land uses and reservoir operation on the hydrological and NPS pollution processes in a highly agricultural area-the Iowa River Basin-using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The evaluation of model performance at multiple sites reveals that SWAT can consistently simulate the daily streamflow, and monthly/annual sediment and nutrient loads (nitrate nitrogen and mineral phosphorus) in the basin. We also used the calibrated model to estimate the trap efficiencies of sediment (~78%) and nutrients (~30%) in the Coralville Reservoir within the basin. These non-negligible effects emphasize the significance of incorporating the sediment and nutrient removal mechanisms into watershed system studies. The spatial quantification of the critical NPS pollution loads can help identify hot-spot areas that are likely locations for the best management practices.  相似文献   

A survey of the concentrations of heavy metals — cadmium, zinc and total mercury — in the tissues of fifteen fish species from Samborombón Bay, La Plata river estuary, in Argentina, has been carried out. Liver appeared to be the main organ accumulating cadmium and zinc, while both liver and muscle showed a similar ability for accumulating mercury. The bioaccumulation process was verified for the three metals analyzed, even though low concentrations have been determined. The biomagnification process of the metals studied was not verified in this environment. The highest metal concentrations were recorded in Mugil liza, and particulate matter and sediments — which are closely related to its trophic and ecological habits — seemed to be the main source of metals for this species. Both Micropogonias furnieri and Mugil liza were recognized as possible indicator species for future monitoring programmes for heavy metals in Samborombón Bay. Considering the present results, this area of La Plata river estuary is characterized as a non-polluted environment.Scientific Researcher from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Researches (CONICET), of Argentina  相似文献   

The WWF water risk assessment tool is a universal methodology, as the establishment of its indicators fully consider various types of natural and social environments. When this tool is applied to China, a large country with a complex water situation in a period of rapid development, appropriate localization adjustment is necessary to ensure that indicators are generally stable and assessment results are internationally comparable. Based on the localization of WWF water risk assessment tools, this is the first application assessing water risk in China in terms of physical risks, regulatory risks and reputation risks. It explores the sources of China's water risk from industrial sectors and constructs a classification index system according to the degree of water dependence and the level of water pollution. Using the classification index system and relevant data, we find the key industrial sectors, enterprises and production processes to reduce water risk in China's ten major water valleys and offer some effective and practical management suggestions. Due to the large regional differences of water risk-bearing capacity in China, the assessment results should be interpreted in combination with specific national conditions of China and emphasis should be laid on key areas and industries.  相似文献   

We developed an assessment and monitoring plan for birds in connection with the exploration and potential development of a large natural gas field in the Lower Urubamba drainage of Peru, a project of Shell Prospecting and Development Peru (SPDP). Our objectives were to: (1) inventory the birds in the area, including information on habitat use and abundance, and (2) devise long-term monitoring protocols for birds. We sampled birds through a combination of visual and auditory surveys and mist-netting at 4 well sites and 3 sites along the Urubamba and Camisea rivers. We recorded 420 speciesduring 135 days of field work. We consider the highest prioritiesfor a future monitoring program to be: (1) establish whether edge effects are occurring at well sites, along roads and alongthe planned pipeline route and determine the significance and extent of these effects and (2) assess the impact of increased human access to the area on game and other exploited species. The remoteness of the area, its rugged terrain and dense vegetation and the lack of trained personnel limit the choice of survey and monitoring methods. We recommend use of mist-netting and transects for monitoring edge effects and useof transects for monitoring game and other exploited species.  相似文献   

This paper examines the vulnerability of the Congo Basin's forests through a GIS platform, taking into consideration the variables of population growth, road density, logging concession, and forest fragmentation. The assessment indicates that the forests will continue to shrink towards the interior over the next 50 years. Current contiguous forests will fragment into three large blocks, including one on the west side of the Congo River and two in the Democratic Republic of Congo, while a large number of small forest patches will retain in the periphery of the large blocks. The study shows that integrated GIS assessment of the driving forces of tropical deforestation can shed light on the future forest distribution and provide a tool to address the broader implications of social and economic development for tropical deforestation.  相似文献   

We examined benthic condition in three small watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay. Characterization of benthic condition was based on the combined measurements of benthic fauna, sediment toxicity, and sediment contaminant loads. Significant differences between watersheds were detected for sediment contaminant concentrations and water quality. The intensity of benthic impairment was greatest in the river surrounded by the most developed watershed. Spatial patterns of benthic condition were detected within all three watersheds. In contrast to current, intense focus on nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, qualitative comparison of our findings to land-use patterns supports findings of other studies that suggest benthic condition in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay may more closely relate to urbanization than agricultural land uses.  相似文献   

Understanding the groundwater quality is important as it is the main factor determining its suitability for drinking, domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. In order to assess the groundwater quality, 30 groundwater samples have been collected in year 2008. The water samples collected in the field were analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), major cations like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and anions like bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate, in the laboratory using the standard methods given by the American Public Health Association. The groundwater locations were selected to cover the entire study area and attention was been given to the area where contamination is expected. The expected groundwater contaminants were chloride, nitrate, TDS, etc. The results were evaluated in accordance with the drinking water quality standards given by the World Health Organization (WHO 1993). To know the distribution pattern of the concentration of different elements and to demarcate the higher concentration zones, the contour maps for various elements were also generated, discussed, and presented.  相似文献   

A coupled three-dimensional hydrodynamic–ecological model was used for the assessment of water quality in Narva Bay during one biologically active season. Narva Bay is located in the south-eastern Gulf of Finland. Narva River with a catchment’s area covering part of Russia and Estonia discharges water and nutrients to Narva Bay. The ecological model includes phytoplankton carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, chlorophyll a, zooplankton, detritus carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, inorganic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus and dissolved oxygen as state variables. Both the hydrodynamic and ecosystem models were validated using a limited number of measurements. The hydrodynamic model validation included comparison of time series of currents and temperature and salinity profiles. The ecological model results were compared with the monitoring data of phytoplankton biomass, total nitrogen and phosphorus and dissolved oxygen. The comparison of hydrodynamic parameters, phytoplankton biomass, surface layer total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen and near-bottom layer total nitrogen was reasonable. Time series of spatially mean values and standard deviations of selected parameters were calculated for the whole Narva Bay. Combining model results and monitoring data, the characteristic concentrations of phytoplankton biomass, total nitrogen and phosphorus and near-bottom dissolved oxygen were estimated. Phytoplankton biomass and total phosphorus showed seasonal variations, of 0.6–1.1 and 0.022–0.032 mg/l, respectively, during spring bloom, 0.1–0.3 and 0.015–0.025 mg/l in summer and 0.2–0.6 and 0.017–0.035 mg/l during autumn bloom. Total nitrogen and near-bottom oxygen concentrations were rather steady, being 0.25–0.35 and 2–6 mg/l, respectively. The total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations show that according to the classification of Estonian coastal waters, Narva Bay water belongs to a good water quality class.  相似文献   

Forage and soil molybdenum (Mo) were measured in the vicinity of a Mo processing plant in southwestern Pennsylvania, USA. Molybdenum concentrations in red clover plants (Trifolium pratense L.), measured at 23 sites, ranged from 1.1 to 56.6 mg kg–1. Fourteen of the 23 sites sampled had red clover plants with Mo concentrations over the threshold value of 6 mg kg–1. Red clover Cu:Mo concentration ratios were below the recommended ratio of 4 in 19 of the sites. The low Cu:Mo values, along with high plant Mo concentrations, indicates that there is a potential risk of molybdenosis in ruminant animals in this area. Acid digested (sorbed) soil Mo concentrations, measured at 30 sites, ranged from 7.0 (background level) to 131 mg kg–1. Using the Baker Soil Test (BST) extract, molybdenum soil concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 3.99 mg kg–1. Regression equations were developed to predict plant uptake of soil Mo based on the red clover plant, soil extracts and soil pH data. The R-squared values for predicting plant uptake were 81.9% for the BST extract and 81.6% for the acid digestion extract plus soil pH. Based on the above results, a protocol has been implemented for assessing the risk of high soil Mo near this Mo processing plant.  相似文献   

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