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Visibility impairment in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is an area of concern. A field study conducted from July 2003 to February 2005 was followed by data analysis and receptor modeling to better understand the temporal and spatial patterns of haze and the sources contributing to the haze in the Columbia River Gorge in the states of Washington and Oregon. The nephelometer light scattering and surface meteorological data at eight sites along the gorge showed five distinct wind patterns, each with its characteristic diurnal and spatial patterns in light scattering by particles (bsp). In summer, winds were nearly always from west to east (upgorge) and showed decreasing bsp with distance into the gorge and a pronounced effect of the Portland, OR, metropolitan area on haze, especially in the western portions of the gorge. Winter often had winds from the east with very high levels of bsp, especially at the eastern gorge sites, with sources east of the gorge responsible for much of the haze. The major chemical components responsible for haze were organic carbon, sulfate, and nitrate. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) using chemically speciated Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments data indicated seven source factors in the western gorge and five factors in the eastern gorge. Organic mass is a large contributor to haze in the gorge in all seasons, with a peak in fall. The PMF analysis suggests that approximately half of the organic mass is biomass smoke, with mobile sources as the second largest contributor. PMF analysis showed nitrates (important in fall and winter) mainly attributed to a generic secondary nitrate factor, with the next largest contributor being oil combustion at Mt. Zion, WA and mobile sources at Wishram, WA. Sulfate is a significant contributor in all seasons, with peak sulfate concentrations in summer.  相似文献   


Visibility impairment in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is an area of concern. A field study conducted from July 2003 to February 2005 was followed by data analysis and receptor modeling to better understand the temporal and spatial patterns of haze and the sources contributing to the haze in the Columbia River Gorge in the states of Washington and Oregon. The nephelometer light scattering and surface meteorological data at eight sites along the gorge showed five distinct wind patterns, each with its characteristic diurnal and spatial patterns in light scattering by particles (bsp). In summer, winds were nearly always from west to east (upgorge) and showed decreasing bsp with distance into the gorge and a pronounced effect of the Portland, OR, metropolitan area on haze, especially in the western portions of the gorge. Winter often had winds from the east with very high levels of bsp, especially at the eastern gorge sites, with sources east of the gorge responsible for much of the haze. The major chemical components responsible for haze were organic carbon, sulfate, and nitrate. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) using chemically speciated Inter-agency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments data indicated seven source factors in the western gorge and five factors in the eastern gorge. Organic mass is a large contributor to haze in the gorge in all seasons, with a peak in fall. The PMF analysis suggests that approximately half of the organic mass is biomass smoke, with mobile sources as the second largest contributor. PMF analysis showed nitrates (important in fall and winter) mainly attributed to a generic secondary nitrate factor, with the next largest contributor being oil combustion at Mt. Zion, WA and mobile sources at Wishram, WA. Sulfate is a significant contributor in all seasons, with peak sulfate concentrations in summer.  相似文献   

Sandroni V  Migon C 《Chemosphere》2002,47(7):753-764
Atmospheric fluxes of six trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) with Al as a crustal reference were measured at Cap Ferrat (French Riviera) between February 1997 and July 1998. An original sampling protocol enabled the separation of labile (seawater at pH 2) and residual fractions in the total atmospheric input. Median acid-labile fractions were 91%, 69%, 83%, 84%, 97% and 98% of the total for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, respectively. Under the conditions used, lability of individual metals is related to the anthropogenic component of the samples. Enrichment factors and anthropogenic fraction are estimated for each metal. Some interannual changes are investigated (Pb, Zn). The observed increase of Zn inputs may be linked to local input from the Nice district waste plant (commissioned in 1988), 6.5 km away.  相似文献   

Estimates of the atmospheric deposition to Galveston Bay of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are made using precipitation and meteorological data that were collected continuously from 2 February 1995 to 6 August 1996 at Seabrook, TX, USA. Particulate and vapor phase PAHs in ambient air and particulate and dissolved phases in rain samples were collected and analyzed. More than 95% of atmospheric PAHs were in the vapor phase and about 73% of PAHs in the rain were in the dissolved phase. Phenanthrene and napthalene were the dominant compounds in air vapor and rain dissolved phases, respectively, while 5 and 6 ring PAH were predominant in the particulate phase of both air and rain samples. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 4 to 161 ng m−3 in air samples and from 50 to 312 ng l−1 in rain samples. Temporal variability in total PAH air concentrations were observed, with lower concentrations in the spring and fall (4–34 ng m −3) compared to the summer and winter (37–161 ng m−3). PAHs in the air near Galveston Bay are derived from both combustion and petroleum vaporization. Gas exchange from the atmosphere to the surface water is estimated to be the major deposition process for PAHs (1211 μg m− 2 yr− 1), relative to wet deposition (130 μg m−2 yr− 1) and dry deposition (99 μg m−2 yr− 1). Annual deposition of PAHs directly to Galveston Bay from the atmosphere is estimated as 2  t yr−1.  相似文献   

Moss and lichen samples from eleven remote sites from all parts of Norway were analysed for persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons. The highest and lowest concentration levels were found in the most southwesterly and northerly locations, respectively. Moss and lichen samples from one site were also analysed for other organic micropollutants. They were found to contain alkanes, mostly of biogenic origin, PAH and phthalates.  相似文献   

珠江口大气氮磷干湿沉降通量及其污染特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为准确核定入海污染负荷和系统实施入海污染物总量控制,观测了珠江口地区大气氮磷的干湿沉降通量,并分析了其时空变异规律、化学组成特征以及主要的影响因素。结果显示,珠江口地区大气总氮和总磷的平均月沉降通量分别约为299.00、4.12kg/km2,其中湿沉降通量占总沉降通量的60%以上。干沉降和湿沉降通量均表现出明显的时空变异规律,前者的季节性变化主要受农业活动氮磷挥发的影响,而后者与年内降雨量分布以及季风作用下降雨云团来源的关系更为密切;沉降负荷的空间分布规律基本与不同区域受人类活动影响的特点相一致。由于不同污染来源和季风气候的影响,氮沉降化学组成的季节差异特征也较为明显,氨氮在秋冬季沉降中所占的比例明显高于春夏季,而有机氮则与之相反。  相似文献   

A study of deposition velocities to snow was conducted during the 1982–1983 and 1983–1984 winters at the University of Michigan Biological Station in northern Michigan. Weekly measurements were made of dry deposition rates to snow and the atmospheric concentrations of the depositing species. SO2, with an average concentration of 2.2 ppb, was the dominant atmospheric sulfur containing species. NO2, with an average concentration of 1.8 ppb, was the dominant atmospheric nitrogenous species. NO3 deposition was due primarily to HNO3, which averaged 0.2 ppb. The HNO3 deposition velocity averaged 1.4cm s−1. The SO2 deposition velocity varied with temperature, averaging 0.15 cm s−1 for samples with appreciable exposure time above − 3°C, and 0.06 cm s−1 for samples which remained below an ambient temperature of −3°C. Deposition velocities of Ca2+, Mg2+ , Na+, K+ and NH+4 were 2.1, 1.5, 0.44, 0.51 and 0.10cm s−1, respectively. The mass median diameters of these species were 4.4, 2.7, 1.8, 0.9 and 0.46 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

Soluble fluoride (F), measured using an ion-selective electrode, was monitored during 1982–1983 in monthly bulk (wet and dry) atmospheric deposition samples collected at 17 locations in the lower Tamar Valley, Tasmania, where an aluminium (Al) smelter is located. Glass samplers (funnel-bottle type) were used, with duplications by plastic samplers at five locations later. The spatial and temporal variations in F deposition in relation to wind flow and rainfall are discussed, and its impact on the environment is highlighted. The mean deposition rates of F, as measured from September 1982 to August 1983, ranged from about 90 μg m−2 day−1 at the intended ‘background’ location to 12,568 μg m−2day−1 at a location about 1 km east-southeast from the smelter. The depositional fluxes of F and insoluble Al (another elemental tracer of the smelter) are significantly correlated (P < 0.001). They were much higher within 3 km of the smelter, where vegetation damage by fluoride contamination was most evident. However, air emissions from the smelter could travel at least 10 km up the valley. Wet deposition was the predominant removal process for F during autumn and winter, while dry deposition appeared to be more significant in summer. The plastic samplers collected about 8 and 17% more F and Al, respectively, but with higher standard deviations. Thus the variations observed could be largely due to sampling fluctuations.  相似文献   

The response of alpine heathland vegetation and soil chemistry to N additions of 0, 10, 20 and 50 kg N ha−1 year−1 in combination with simulated accidental fire (+/−) was monitored over a 5-year period. N addition caused rapid and significant increases in plant tissue N content and N:P and N:K of Calluna vulgaris, suggesting increasing phosphorus and potassium limitation of growth. Soil C:N declined significantly with N addition, indicating N saturation and increasing likelihood of N leakage. Fire further decreased soil C:N and reduced potential for sequestration of additional N. This study shows that alpine heathlands, which occupy the headwaters of many rivers, have limited potential to retain deposited N and may rapidly become N saturated, leaking N into downstream communities and surface waters.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fluxes, particularly those of ammonium, are extremely high in Dutch forests. In soils exposed to high ammonium deposition, acidification, eutrophication or a combination of both processes may occur. In addition to the amounts of ammonium deposited, the rate of soil nitrification determines which process takes place. A nation-wide investigation, in which three coniferous tree species were involved, was carried out to study the relation between deposition fluxes, measured by means of throughfall and bulk samplers, and the chemical composition of the soil. The ammonium deposition accounted directly for the high ammonium content and the high ammonium/cation ratios in the soil. In the top layer of most of the forest soils which were investigated nitrification rates were low. In these stands ammonium/cation ratios in the soil often reflected ammonium/cation ratios in throughfall water. Even in soils with relatively high nitrification rates, ammonium concentrations exceeded those of nitrate in the top layer of the mineral soil, indicating that ammonium deposition was more important than nitrification rate in determining the predominant form of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) and giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron gigantea) were more susceptible to leaf chemical changes following exposure to acid mist (pH 3.4-2.0) or acid mist/ozone combinations, than to ozone alone (0.1-0.2 microl/litre), when plants were exposed to alternating doses of these pollutants for 6-9 weeks. Under acid mist treatment, leaves exhibited higher levels of nitrogen and sulfur, two elements applied in acid mist. In addition, levels of foliar sodium, and, in the case of giant sequia, potassium, as well, increased under acid mist treatment. Iron and manganese were also mobilized, resulting in significant increases in these elements in pine, and decreases in manganese in giant sequoia foliage. The acid treatment also reduced chlorophyll b concentrations in pine, and, to a less significant extent, in giant sequoia. Calcium, magnesium, barium and strontium were differentially accumulated in giant sequoia compared to Jeffrey pine. Under acid mist treatment, all of these elements (except strontium) declined in concentration in giant sequoia, with calcium showing the most significant trend. The more extensive changes in leaf chemistry induced by acid mist are consistent with earlier observations of significant changes in spectral reflectance of these seedlings after 3 weeks of fumigation. Limited foliage samples collected from these two species in 1985 and 1986 in Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks in the southern Sierra Nevada do not in themselves indicate any clearcut or severe effects of ozone alone on leaf chemistry of these species, but a mild influence of nitrate-laden acid deposition, possibly in combination with ozone, is consistent with the rise in nitrogen and lignin levels in Jeffrey pine on sites observed to have moderate visible injury symptoms. No firm conclusions about effects of pollutants on leaf chemistry in these field sites is possible without further study.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of atmospheric particulate matter can be a significant source of phosphorus (P) to oligotrophic aquatic ecosystems, including high-elevation lakes. In this study, measurements of the mass concentration and size distribution of aerosol particles and associated particulate P are reported for the southern Sierra Nevada, California, for the period July–October, 2008. Coarse and fine particle samples were collected with Stacked Filter Units and analyzed for Total P (TP) and inorganic P (IP) using a digestion-extraction procedure, with organic P (OP) calculated by difference. Particle size-resolved mass and TP distributions were determined concurrently using a MOUDI cascade impactor. Aerosol mass concentrations were significantly elevated at the study site, primarily due to transport from offsite and emissions from local and regional wildfires. Atmospheric TP concentrations ranged from 11 to 75 ng m?3 (mean = 37 ± 16 ng m?3), and were typically dominated by IP. Phosphorus was concentrated in the coarse (>1 μm diameter) particle fraction and was particularly enriched in the 1.0–3.2 μm size range, which accounted for 30–60% of the atmospheric TP load. Wildfire emissions varied widely in P content, and may be related to fire intensity. The estimated dry depositional flux of TP for each daily sampling period ranged between 7 and 118 μg m?2 d?1, with a mean value of 40 ± 27 μg m?2 d?1. Relative rates of dry deposition of N and P in the Sierra Nevada are consistent with increasing incidence of N limitation of phytoplankton growth and previously observed long-term eutrophication of lakes.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of atmospheric deposition of trace elements to an epilithic lichen were assessed using a spatial grid of 28 field sites in 1998 throughout Maricopa County, Arizona, USA. In addition, samples of Xanthoparmelia spp. from Arizona State University lichen herbarium material (1975-1976) was utilized for a limited number of sites in order to explore temporal trends. The lichen material was cleaned, wet digested and analyzed by ICP-MS for a suite of elemental concentrations [antimony (Sb), cadmium (Cd), cerium (Ce), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), dysprosium (Dy), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), gold (Au), holmium (Ho), lead (Pb), lutetium (Lu), neodymium (Nd), nickel (Ni), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), praseodymium (Pr), samarium (Sm), scandium (Sc), silver (Ag), terbium (Tb), thulium (Tm), tin (Sn), uranium (U), ytterbium (Yb), yttrium (Y), and zinc (Zn)]. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis suggest three major factors, which, depending on regional aerosol fractionation, explain most of the variation in elemental signatures: (1) a group of widely distributed rare earth elements (2) a highly homogenous Co, Cr, Ni, and Sc component representing the influence of mafic rocks, and (3) anthropogenic emissions. Elemental concentrations in Maricopa County lichens were generally comparable to those reported for relatively unpolluted areas. Only highly urbanized regions, such as the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area and the NW corner of the county, exhibited elevated concentrations for Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd. Lead levels in lichens have fallen over the last 30 years by 71%, while Zn concentrations for some regions have increased by as much as 245%. From the spatial pattern of elemental deposition for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pr, Pb, and Cu, we infer that agriculture, mining, industrial activities, and traffic probably are the major air pollutant sources in Maricopa County.  相似文献   

The ammonium content and the base cation content, expressed relative to ammonium, are enhanced in the soil of Dutch forests, due to the extremely high deposition of ammonium to the forest floor. A nation-wide investigation was carried out to establish whether and how these changed nitrogen fluxes in deposition and soil affect the nutritional status of coniferous trees. The chemical composition of needles of Douglas fir, Scots pine and Corsican pine showed a regional trend similar to that of deposition and soil solution. Particularly nutrients, expressed relative to nitrogen, decreased from North to South. Of the macronutrients phosphorus was most often deficient and therefore probably limiting in the Douglas fir stands. Many pine trees suffered from relative magnesium shortages. In all stands, magnesium and, in Douglas stands, also phosphorus contents of the needles were negatively correlated with ammonium and ammonium/cation ratios in deposition. However, in contrast to pine trees, nutrient contents in needles of Douglas fir showed correlation with nitrate rather than with ammonium in the soil solution. Correlation analyses indicate that nitrogen fluxes in the soil, indirectly affect the nutritional status of coniferous trees.  相似文献   

Water soluble organic nitrogen (WSON) compounds are ubiquitous in precipitation and in the planetary boundary layer, and therefore are a potential source of bioavailable reactive nitrogen. This paper examines weekly rain data over a period of 22 months from June 2005 to March 2007 collected in 2 types of rain collector (bulk deposition and “dry + wet” deposition) located in a semi-rural area 15 km southwest of Edinburgh, UK (N55°51′44″, W3°12′19″). Bulk deposition collectors are denoted in this paper as “standard rain gauges”, and they are the design used in the UK national network for monitoring precipitation composition. “Dry + wet” deposition collectors are flushing rain gauges and they are equipped with a rain detector (conductivity array), a spray nozzle, a 2-way valve and two independent bottles to collect funnel washings (dry deposition) and true wet deposition. On average, for the 27 weekly samples with 3 valid replicates for the 2 types of collectors, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) represented 23% of the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in bulk deposition. Dry deposition of particles and gas on the funnel surface, rather than rain, contributed over half of all N-containing species (inorganic and organic). Some discrepancies were found between bulk rain gauges and flushing rain gauges, for deposition of both TDN and DON, suggesting biological conversion and loss of inorganic N in the flushing samplers.  相似文献   

Gaseous ammonia (NH3) is the most abundant alkaline gas in the atmosphere. In addition, it is a major component of total reactive nitrogen. The largest source of NH3 emissions is agriculture, including animal husbandry and NH3-based fertilizer applications. Other sources of NH3 include industrial processes, vehicular emissions and volatilization from soils and oceans. Recent studies have indicated that NH3 emissions have been increasing over the last few decades on a global scale. This is a concern because NH3 plays a significant role in the formation of atmospheric particulate matter, visibility degradation and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to sensitive ecosystems. Thus, the increase in NH3 emissions negatively influences environmental and public health as well as climate change. For these reasons, it is important to have a clear understanding of the sources, deposition and atmospheric behaviour of NH3. Over the last two decades, a number of research papers have addressed pertinent issues related to NH3 emissions into the atmosphere at global, regional and local scales. This review article integrates the knowledge available on atmospheric NH3 from the literature in a systematic manner, describes the environmental implications of unabated NH3 emissions and provides a scientific basis for developing effective control strategies for NH3.  相似文献   

Physical characterization and chemical analysis of settled dusts collected in Xi’an from November 2007 to December 2008 show that (1) dust deposition rates ranged from 14.6 to 350.4 g m−2 yr−1. The average deposition rate (76.7 g m−2 yr−1) ranks the 11th out of 56 dust deposition rates observed throughout the world. The coal-burning power was the major particle source; (2) on average (except site 4), ∼10% of the settled dusts having size <2.6, ∼30% having size <10.5, and >70% having size <30 μm; (3) the concentrations for 20 out of 27 elements analyzed were upto 18 times higher than their soil background values in China. With such high deposition rates of dusts that contain elevated levels of toxic elements, actions should be taken to reduce emission and studies are needed to assess the potential impacts of settled particles on surface ecosystem, water resource, and human health in the area.  相似文献   

The results of trace element content analysed in Sphagnum capillifolium and Pseudevernia furfuracea exposed in bags in 1999 are reconsidered to evaluate the reliability of moss and lichen transplants to detect urban trace element atmospheric pollution, using Naples as a case example. After 4 months' exposure, trace element concentrations were at least twice as high as the pre-exposure values and in general higher in Sphagnum than in Pseudevernia. Moss samples were enriched in the following order: As=Cu>Mo>Pb>V>Co>Cr>Zn; lichen samples in the order: Mo>Cu>As=Co=Ni>V>Pb. Based on the calculation of a cumulative load factor, all sites located along the coast had higher trace element loads compared to sites in the hilly inland area. Complementary SEM, TEM and EDS observations showed, despite significant damage to tissue and cell integrity, the recurrent presence of particulate matter in moss and lichen, indicating the considerable presence of dust in the urban atmosphere which, according to chemical composition, may be due both to anthropogenic and natural sources such as volcanic rock and soil and sea salts.  相似文献   

The San Jacinto River (SJR) waste pits that lie just under the 1–10 overpass in eastern Harris County east of Houston, Texas, USA, were created in the 1960s as dumping grounds for paper mill waste. The deposition of this waste led to accumulation of highly toxic polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCCDDs/PCDFs) over the course of several decades. After abandonment, the waste material eventually became submerged under the waters of the SJR, resulting in widespread environmental contamination that currently constitutes a significant health concern for eastern Harris County communities. The original waste pits were rediscovered in 2005, and the San Jacinto waste site is now a designated EPA superfund site. The objective of this review then is to discuss the history and current state of containment around the San Jacinto waste pits and analyze spatial and temporal trends in the PCDD/PCDF deposition through the SJR system from the data available. We will discuss the current exposure and health risks represented by the Superfund site and the SJR system itself, as well as the discovery of liver, kidney, brain (glioma), and retinoblastoma cancer clusters in eastern Harris County across multiple census tracts that border the Superfund site. We will also cover the two primary management options, containment versus removal of the waste from the Superfund and provide recommendations for increased monitoring of existing concentrations of polychlorinated waste in the SJR and its nearby associated communities.  相似文献   

Bulk deposition composition and pine branch washing were measured from April 1999 to March 2000 on the east coast of Spain. The main objective was to characterise N deposition patterns with special emphasis on dry deposition. Bulk deposition in the region is dominated by neutralisation processes by Ca2+ and HCO3-, ClNa of marine origin and a high correlation between NO3- and SO4(2-). SO4(2-) concentrations show a decrease with respect to previous studies in the region in agreement with generalized sulfur emission decreases while the remaining ions, including NO3-, are higher due to their general increase as well as to the inclusion of dry deposition in bulk collectors in the present study. An enrichment in NO3- has been observed in dry deposition composition branch washing) with respect to bulk deposition, while an impoverishment has been observed in the case of NH4+. Annual bulk deposition varies between 7.22-3.1 and 3.5-1.8 Kg ha(-1) year(-1) for S- SO4(2-) and N- NO3-, respectively. N total deposition goes from 9.78 to 6.8 Kg ha(-1) year(-1) at most stations, with the lowest deposition at the control station and Alcoi. The relative dry deposition with respect to the total was over 40% at most stations, going up to 75% at the southern station. N-deposition is expected to be higher considering that N-NH4+ deposition has been underestimated in this study.  相似文献   

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