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This paper describes seven cases of confined chorionic mosaicism with trisomy 3. The chromosomally abnormal cell line in chorionic villi was revealed in three cases at diagnostic CVS and in four cases at the evacuation of the uterine cavity after a missed abortion had been diagnosed by ultrasound. In two of these cases, the abortion occurred after apparently normal development of the fetus during the second trimester of pregnancy. An evaluation of the effect of confined chorionic mosaicism with trisomy 3 on the viability of the conceptus has been attempted.  相似文献   

True structural chromosomal mosaicism are rare events in prenatal cytogenetics practice and may lead to diagnostic and prognostic problems. Here is described the case of a fetus carrying an abnormal chromosome 15 made of a whole chromosome 2p translocated on its short arm in 10% of the cells, in association with a normal cell line. The fetal karyotype was 46,XX,add(15)(p10).ish t(2;15)(p10;q10)(WCP2+)[3]/46,XX[27]. Pregnancy was terminated and fetus examination revealed a growth retardation associated with a dysmorphism including dolichocephaly, hypertelorism, high forehead, low-set ears with prominent anthelix and a small nose, which were characteristic of partial trisomy 2p. Possible aetiologies for prenatal mosaicism involving a chromosomal structural abnormality are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A prospective 3-year collaborative study was undertaken in 1987 to collect cytogenetic data from diagnostic chorionic villus samples (CVS) in the U.K. in order to determine the predictive value of the chromosome abnormalities encountered. Twenty-seven laboratories contributed a total number of 7595 cases, of which 97·6 per cent were successful. Excluding single cell anomalies, a total of 480 cytogenetic abnormalities were reported, of which 137 were familial structural rearrangements and 343 were de novo problems. Non-mosaic trisomies of chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 (n=157), non-mosaic sex chromosome abnormalities (n=33), and triploidy (n=6) were all confirmed in cells of fetal origin where follow-up information was available. Of the nine remaining non-mosaics including tetraploidy, trisomies of other autosomes, and extra markers, only a trisomy 16 and a case of a supernumerary marker proved genuine. Eighty-eight cases of mosaicism were reported to the study, of which only nine were confirmed as genuine: two cases involving chromosome 13, one trisomy 18, two examples of extra marker chromosomes, three 45,X, and one 47,XXX. There were no reports of false-negative findings. Presumptive maternal cell contamination was encountered in 39 cases, a detected incidence of 0·5 per cent. Four cases of presumptive ‘vanishing twin’ were recorded: in three of these, direct preparations showed a female karyotype, whereas cultures indicated a male (with male fetuses in two cases). The fourth case was of a female fetus with male and female cells in the CVS cultures. Subtle structural chromosome abnormalities were missed in three instances. Accurate prediction of the fetal karyotype was shown to require detailed knowledge of both the nature and the distribution of abnormal cells in the extra-embryonic tissues. In many cases, this could only be made where results from direct preparations and cultured cells were available. A number of conclusions were reached from these and similar data in the literature regarding the reliability of chromosome findings in CVS.  相似文献   

A case of prenatally diagnosed non-mosaic trisomy 20 in cells cultured from a chorionic villus sample (CVS)is presented. The term placental karyotype was also non-mosaic trisomy 20. The karyotype of thenewborn was 46,XY/47,XY,+20 in foreskin cultures and in a second skin culture; blood lymphocyte culture was 46,XY. Aside from diffuse, hypopigmentary swirls along the lines of Blaschko observed on hisextremities and trunk, referred to as hypomelanosis of Ito, the patient is clinically normal at 8¾ years ofage. In addition, he is one of the oldest reported cases of mosaic trisomy 20 confirmed after birth forwhich the clinical outcome has been monitored. This case demonstrates that these trisomy 20 findings are compatible with normal psychomotor development and phenotype. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simplified method is described for processing both direct preparations and long-term cultures from the same fragment of chorionic villi. Enzyme separation of the outer trophoblast layers (used for direct preparations) from the inner mesenchymal core (used to initiate long-term cultures) facilitates the utilization of the same fragments for the two procedures, without jeopardizing the success of either method. This has proved useful in cases where the sample was so small that only one method of chromosome preparation may have been possible using other techniques.  相似文献   

A large number of chorionic villi samples obtained from women undergoing elective first trimester termination of pregnancy was analysed by enzyme assays similar to those applied to cultured amniotic cells. The levels of 15 lysosomal enzymes were compared to those observed in tissue cultures of amniotic cells obtained through amniocentesis at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy and the results were discussed in order to assess the usefulness of trophoblast biopsy for first trimester diagnosis of hereditary lysosomal diseases. The data suggest the applicability of this source of fetal cells for prenatal diagnosis of fifteen respective genetically determined enzyme deficiencies with the probable exception of α-L -iduronidase deficiency. Enzyme determinations were performed on chorionic villi samples of two pregnancies at risk for Tay-Sachs disease, three pregnancies for GM1 gangliosidosis type 1, one for mucopolysaccharidosis type VI and one for Wolman's disease.  相似文献   

Three cases of unusual chromosomal mosaicism are reported for which the cytogenetic data show inconsistent findings between CVS and AC or fetal tissue, and which cannot be explained simply by non-disjunction. For case 1, in CVS the karyotype was 46,XY, whereas lymphocytes and fibroblasts revealed 69,XXY. DNA fingerprinting indicated one paternal and two maternal chromosome sets, the latter most probably due to omission of maternal meiosis II. For case 2, in CVS mos 46,XX/47,XX,+mar de novo was observed. Amniotic fluid cells had the karyotype 46,XX. The origin of the marker chromosome might be explained by at least two events of unknown order (a somatic chromosome/chromatid deletion and non-disjunction of the homologous chromosome). In case 3 (CVS: mos 46,XY/46,XY,19q+ de novo; amniotic fluid cells, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts: 46,XY), the surplus of chromosome material in 19q+ might be explained on the basis of a somatic translocation. The idea of a chimera is less convincing, as the mosaic finding is restricted to one tissue. Furthermore, there was no hint of a vanishing twin. Hitherto, no case of structural chromosome mosaicism in CVS has been reconfirmed in fetal tissues.  相似文献   

Trisomy 18 in direct chorionic villus preparations needs further investigation since the chromosome abnormality may be confined to the placenta and may not represent the actual fetal karyotype. We performed, retrospectively, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with the chromosome 18 centromere probe (L1.84) on interphase nuclei of destained slides of all cases of full trisomy 18 (n=22) and mosaic trisomy 18 (n=8) detected among 7600 first-trimester chorionic villus samples during an 8-year period (1985–1992). More nuclei displaying three signals were encountered in cases of full and mosaic trisomy 18 confirmed in fetal tissue than in non-confirmed cases. FISH can be useful for the verification of trisomy 18 in direct chorionic villus preparations.  相似文献   

Cystinosis was diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy by studies of uptake and retention of [35S]-cystine by intact biopsy samples of chorionic villi. The diagnosis was confirmed by similar studies on cell cultures of villi and fetal skin fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Two cases of mosaic trisomy 7 confined to the cultured cells and not found in direct preparation were detected from 200 consecutive first-trimester chorionic villus samples (CVS) analysed. The mosaicism was similar in the two cases, but the pregnancy outcome was different. In both cases, the direct metaphases from the CVS were 46, XY. Culture metaphases were mos46,XY/47,XY, + 7; the trisomy 7 was seen in 34 per cent of cells from case 1 and 53 per cent from case 2. A sonogram at 151/2 weeks revealed fetal death in utero in case 1, and the patient declined amniocentesis. The fetal tissue failed to grow in culture, but the placental cultured cells were 47,XY, + 7 in 28 (100 per cent) cells analysed. In the second case, all the amniotic fluid cells were 46,XY and the pregnancy resulted in a normal male with a 46,XY karyotype in the cord blood and foreskin fibroblast cultures. The term placenta was mosaic with 13/163 (8 per cent) trisomy 7 cells. Extensive cytogenetic studies on the placenta for the first time confirmed trisomy 7 mosaicism confined to the villus cultures.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of citrullinemia is performed using a direct argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) assay on chorionic villi (CV) and citrulline concentration measurement in early amniotic fluid (AF). Here we report the results of 40 prenatal diagnoses performed using this method, discuss the difficulties encountered in interpreting the results, and propose the use of the citrulline/ornithine+arginine ratio (which is more discriminatory than citrulline concentration alone) when performing prenatal diagnosis of citrullinemia. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report on a fetus with multiple congenital anomalies detected at the prenatal ultrasound examination and a trisomy 6 mosaicism in the amniocytes. The pregnancy was interrupted in the 18th gestational week and the autopsy revealed malformations including cleft right hand, arthrogryposis and hypoplasia of the 4th digit of the left hand, syndactylies and overlapping toes, facial dysmorphism with hypertelorism and low-set ears, ventricular septum defect (VSD), intestinal malrotation and scoliosis. Trisomy 6 mosaicism was detected in cultured amniocytes (13.3%), confirmed in umbilical cord fibroblasts (40%) and by fluorescence in situ hybridization on other fetal tissues. Trisomy 6 mosaicism is a very rare finding with only eight cases previously reported to our best knowledge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hopes are held out for chorion villus sampling, a technique which is gaining more and more importance for the first trimester prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal aberrations and metabolic abnormalities. A variety of inherited skin diseases can be diagnosed postnatally and prenatally (in the second trimester) by ultrastructural diagnostic markers. For evaluation of prenatal diagnosis in the first trimester, we investigated chorionic villi derived from the trophoblast layer of the early pregnancy by light microscopy and conventional electron microscopy. The ultrastructure of the cellular layers covering the villi, i.e., the inner cytotrophoblast and the outer syncytiotrophoblast, as well as that of the connective tissue of the inner extraembryonic mesoderm, are thoroughly described in relation to the ultra-structural changes in certain genodermatoses including epidermolyses and keratinization disorders. We found that chorionic villi have only a few of the characteristics differentiated in skin, and none of the structures which are relevant to the diagnosis of genodermatoses. In our view, the ultrastructural approach is not suitable for first trimester prenatal diagnosis of genodermatoses in chorionic villi.  相似文献   

Multiple sulphatase deficiency was diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy by demonstrating markedly reduced activities of arylsulphatases and heparin sulphamidase by direct assays on chorionic villi (CV). The diagnosis was confirmed by assays on cell cultures of villi and fetal skin fibroblasts. Two further pregnancies of this mother were monitored similarly and predicted to be unaffected; one produced a normal healthy infant, the other miscarried shortly after CV sampling.  相似文献   

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