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ABSTRACT: In southern Alberta, as elsewhere, pressures on limited water supplies are increasing. Not surprisingly, a great deal of attention has been focused on irrigated agriculture, which accounts for the largest share of water consumed in the region. In order to meet broadly accepted water conservation goals, some commentators have suggested that irrigation water use should be metered and that irrigators should be charged based on the amount of water used. An alternative proposal would have water management authorities rely upon the perceived adaptability of irrigators. This paper offers a perspective on the willingness of irrigators to conserve water. Based on a survey of 183 irrigation farmers conducted over the summer and early fall of 1998, we found that irrigators are generally aware of the need to conserve water and soil moisture, and that a variety of water conserving strategies were being employed. Water saving technologies specific to irrigation agriculture were less widely adopted. The findings suggest that there is considerable potential to reduce the amount of water consumed by the irrigation sector through increased efficiency, but that change will be limited if current economic circumstances and institutional arrangements persist.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two CVM surveys were administered to 211 urban households and 188 rural farmer‐irrigators in the Comarapa watershed in Bolivia, South America, to estimate stakeholder willingness to pay (WTP) for a proposed upper watershed restoration program. Mean monthly household WTP to improve drinking water was $1.95 (65% of current charges), while mean annual WTP among farmer‐irrigators to improve irrigation water was $17 per hectare (34% of current costs). Aggregated to the entire population of households and farmer‐irrigators total WTP is $77,400 per year, which is 77% of the minimum cost to implement a watershed restoration program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .Many growing municipalities near irrigated agriculture are advocating a transfer of water now utilized for irrigation to municipal use. Alternatives are presented whereby this water can be transferred to municipal use in exchange for treated sewage effluent. The irrigation water would in effect be cycled through the municipal system prior to use on the farms. A case study of the Tucson region illustrates the relevant legal, economic and technical aspects. Effluent could be delivered to irrigators in Avra Valley at a cost less than that now paid for water pumped from declining water tables. In return the City of Tucson could import ground water now being used for irrigation through an existing pipeline which presently cannot be used because of a court injunction obtained by the irrigators. It appears that such an exchange agreement could be made without modification of existing statutory law. Similar exchange arrangements may prove to be feasible in other regions containing irrigated agriculture. Increased efficiency of water use can be achieved avoiding external effects which commonly arise in a direct transfer and are difficult to evaluate. High quality water is allocated to municipal use whereas nutrient-rich sewage effluent is transferred to irrigation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Agricultural runoff, such as dissolved mineral salts and selenium, creates pronounced downstream impacts to agricultural producers and to wildlife. The ability to manage these problems efficiently depends critically on the institutional pricing structure of irrigation water delivery agencies. An important characteristic of irrigation water delivery is whether irrigators pay per unit of water received or make one payment regardless of the quantity of water received. In this study we compare the effectiveness of agricultural runoff reduction policies in two regions that employ these different water pricing structures. We find that reduction policy is more effective and can be achieved at a lower cost when water is priced on a per unit basis and that growers have greater incentive to act on their own to reduce runoff problems. Operating under a per unit pricing system encourages water conservation and runoff reduction, which creates public benefits that are not achieved under the single-payment, fixed allotment method of irrigation water delivery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current policies for correcting the problem of irrigation return flow pollution tend to attack the symptoms of the problem, rather than its cause. The present institutional arrangement for allocating irrigation water is seen as the source of the problem. This paper examines the water quality benefits of altering the institutional arrangement to allow for irrigation water transfers through a rental market. It is conceptualized that by creating a water rental market an opportunity cost would be associated with the use of irrigation water such that profit maximizing farmers would be induced to use his water supply more efficiently and rent the surplus to other irrigators, thus reducing return flow pollution. It is shown that a water rental market could increase water quality in the Yakima River in southcentral Washington by 31 percent as well as increase farm incomes and crop production.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water irrigation pumpage of the High Plains Aquifer is controlled at the state level in Texas and Oklahoma but at the regional level in Kansas and Nebraska. Critical declines in the aquifer that threatened the reliability of local public water supply wells prompted Nebraska's Upper Republican Natural Resources District (URNRD) to mandate water restrictions in 1978. Under current regulations, irrigators may not extract more than 1,842 millimeters of water per certified hectare (ha) in any five‐year period. Meter monitoring ensures that irrigators comply with restrictions. Farmers now incorporate irrigation scheduling into their cropping practices in order to meet URNRD controls. This study examines whether irrigators are using ground water efficiently while complying with pumpage limits. Crop irrigation requirements (CIR) from 1986 to 1999 were derived from a water balance approach incorporating Penman‐Monteith evapotranspira‐tion (ET) calculations from weather data supplied by the High Plains Climate Center automated weather station network. A ratio of average water pumped per well to the CIR was developed to verify irrigation efficiency. Results indicate that irrigation applications were less than CIR during most irrigation seasons. Irrigation efficiency increases can be attributed to crop rotations, favorable growing season precipitation, use of ET estimates to schedule irrigation, and water allocations limited to less than all certified hectares.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pressure is increasing in the western United States to reallocate water from irrigated agriculture to other competitive uses. Since water is normally allocated through water rights and not necessarily by the price system, the question of economic efficiency is a continual concern. Study results show that returns per acre-foot of water used in western irrigation are quite high and are closely tied to the livestock industry. Returns per acre-foot of water used for crops ranged from $60 to $1,500. When water was used to support livestock, returns per acre-foot ranged from $100 to $600. Clearly, losses of water supply that reduced irrigation production could also lower farm income significantly. Estimated returns also show what alternative uses would have to pay for water under competitive market conditions. Production elasticities are also shown for various states.  相似文献   

Chang, Jian‐xia, Yi‐min Wang, and Qiang Huang, 2011. Water Dispatch Model for Middle Route of a South‐to‐North Water Transfer Project in China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(1):70‐80. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00478.x Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present a simulation model to address the water dispatch problem of the south‐to‐north water transfer project for the Middle Route system in China. Reasonable rules and a system network structure are established. This model consists of five modules: (1) a data‐processing module, (2) an initial control module, (3) a multisource simulation dispatch module, (4) a system identification module, and (5) a revision module. Water allocated to each province and city along the route is obtained by simulation, and the long‐term operation results show that water supply reliabilities are significantly improved if the transferred water is jointly dispatched with the local water resources.  相似文献   

Water scarcity presents an obstacle to economic development in the western United States. Water rights markets help improve water allocation, allowing states to derive the highest economic benefit from available resources, and supporting new uses and economic development. However, the implicit (marginal) prices of water rights attributes are uncertain. To address this problem, we apply econometric analysis to a unique dataset to estimate the implicit values that market participants place on the attributes of shares of ditch company water rights in Colorado's South Platte River Basin. Our analysis demonstrates that ditch company share buyers value proximity of water diversion, reliability of water deliveries, and temporal flexibility of water use. To assess reliability we introduce the use of the coefficient of variation to capture, in one variable, the randomness of supply from ditch company shares that are not a single water right, but a portfolio of rights with different appropriation dates. Finally, we test and correct for spatial autocorrelation for the first time in a study of water market prices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water marketing is an increasing important topic for policy makers and water managers, especially in the Western United States. Indian reserved rights (or Winters rights) differ in significant ways from water rights under most state prior appropriation systems. As Winters rights are quantified, a number of issues are emerging concerning the extent to which these water rights may be marketed, particularly to off-reservation users. This paper will review the evolution of Indian reserved water rights and discuss key issues surrounding the marketing of these rights.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A state-local partnership exists in Colorado and Kansas with respect to management of the High Plains aquifer. This paper examines 330 irrigators' attitudes about the locus-of-control for different management activities in the High Plains-Ogallala region. Local control was preferred by most irrigators. The local district was most supported for 19 active management activities, whereas the state was favored for eight specific activities, primarily research efforts and water rights administration. Eight activities that had the potential for restricting water use were rejected in that irrigators indicated that no agency should be involved. Kansas and Colorado exhibited statistically significant preference differences for only five management options. A significantly higher percentage of those irrigators who preferred local control believed in sustainable management of the aquifer and aggressive groundwater management, and that their district served their interests.  相似文献   

We create a proxy for the cost of irrigation water in Georgia from a sample of Georgia irrigators by investigating the marginal cost of pumping groundwater. We then combine this proxy with agronomic and climatic variables to estimate the response of agricultural water use to differences in the marginal cost of irrigation. The results show that pumping costs are a significant determinant of water use, and imply that agricultural water use would be moderately affected by institutional changes that would explicitly price water.  相似文献   

We compared two methods of estimating crop water consumption to assess whether remote sensing techniques provide consumptive use (CU) estimates commensurate with conventional methods. Using available historical satellite and meteorological data, we applied Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution using Internalized Calibration (METRIC) to 317,455 ha in the South Platte basin, in northeastern Colorado, for the 2001 irrigation season. We then compared these derived CU estimates with values calculated by using the Colorado Water Conservation Board's South Platte Decision Support System StateCU model. Evaluating the data by irrigation ditch service area, we disaggregated the output to allow for comparison by service area size, crop type, irrigation method, water supply source, and water availability. We concluded that METRIC is a suitable alternative to StateCU in the South Platte basin and could help to identify areas with inhibited crop growth or deficit irrigation practices. In addition, METRIC could be used as a complement to StateCU to refine StateCU model parameters, allowing for more accurate estimates of crop water shortages and groundwater recharge associated with irrigation delivery and application.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In Virginia, as in many states, priority to streamflow is held by riparian landowners who are predominantly agricultural users. The streamfiow may also have a high potential value to non-agricultural users who do not have riparian rights. The potential benefits of transferring streamfiow priority rights from agricultural to non-agricultural use were evaluated using simulation for an eastern Virginia watershed. Lowering irrigators' priority to streamflow reduced crop yields and irrigated returns in some years because of inadequate water supplies. However, the transfer of priorities increased the likelihood that the urban reservoir would be able to withdraw water from the stream without interruption. As a result, priority trades reduced the size of reservoir needed to meet a given water requirement by municipal users. The resulting savings in reservoir construction and maintenance costs more than offset the losses to irrigators. Net savings could be achieved even if the reservoir were required to release water periodically to maintain a minimum level of instream flow. The conclusion is that the state should encourage trading of access to streamflow in order to increase the use efficiency of streamfiows. Alternative means by which the state can facilitate water exchanges are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A mathematical model of agricultural water use and a hydrological and economic simulation model were linked to quantify the economic and hydrological impact of deficit irrigation, increased water application efficiency, and farm storage dams when maintaining an IFR (instream flow requirement) under stochastic water supply conditions. The main finding was that a water conservation policy aimed at reducing the amount of water withdrawn from the river could bring more pressure to bear on stream flow. Water can only be saved if consumptive use is reduced. Increased water application efficiency is detrimental to other users as a result of reduced return flow. The economic cost of maintaining a specific IFR increases with the use of all three strategies as the probability of maintaining the IFR increases. Because of the control that can be exercised over the supply of water, a farm storage dam is the best strategy for minimizing the costs for irrigators. The interaction between water legislation, water policy administration, technology, hydrology, and human value systems necessitates an integrated approach to facilitate water management at catchment level and to formulate policies that will be in the interest of society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A national and interregional programming model was used in projecting the impacts of alternative energy policies and prices on agricultural production, land use, and irrigation. The alternatives analyzed include (a) natural gas deregulation, (b) natural gas curtailment, (c) doubled energy prices, and (d) tripled energy prices. These alternatives are compared with a base alternative where prices and conditions are at normal levels. Restraints in the model control availability of water, land, nitrogen fertilizers, and energy. Water production functions were used to adjust water use to conform with projected energy prices and policies. Natural gas curtailment would have the largest effect on nitrogen use on irrigated land. Values or shadow prices for lands that remains in irrigation would increase under all of the alternatives because of reduced supply. Increased energy prices generally would increase use of surface water for irrigation and reduce use of ground water due to higher pumping costs. Reductions of 50 percent or more in ground water use would occur in the South Central and Western regions of the United States. Water supply prices increase under all of the alternatives; with the amount varying by regions and the policy or price situation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The karez is a traditional irrigation water source, consisting of hand-dug horizontal wells, that is still used in parts of South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. This paper describes the construction, management, and current problems of karez irrigation systems based on investigations conducted in Baluchistan Province, Pakistan. While karezes have served irrigation needs well in the past, they are now threatened by high costs of labor for construction and maintenance, and by the encroachment of tubewells which lower the water tables on which the karez systems depend. Possible methods for improving karez performance and needs for research are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A two-stage simulation/mathematical programming model was developed to derive irrigation water values that reflect efficient response to reduced water supplies. The failure of many previous water valuation studies to represent the dynamic dimension of irrigation was shown to result in overestimation of derived water values. Water values are also shown to be dramatically influenced by both application system characteristics, as well as the relative costs of irrigation inputs. Finally, the marginal value of irrigation water was shown to vary considerably over the irrigation season, reaching its maximum when atmospheric demand is highest and crops are most susceptible to water stress. Results presented should be of interest to policymakers investigating the viability of alternative water reallocation mechanisms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water budget studies are essential for water resources and environmental management. In this study, a water budget analysis is presented for the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) in South Florida for the period from 1973 to 1991. The EAA is a highly productive irrigation/drainage basin that has a high water table and organic soils. Water quality problems are associated with the drainage discharge from the basin. During dry periods, supplemental water is used for irrigation and in rainy periods excess water with relatively higher phosphorus content is pumped out of the basin to Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades ecosystem. Elevated concentrations of phosphorus in the runoff/drainage that is discharged from the EAA basin have created water quality problems. The mean surface water inflow to the basin was 63,990 ha-m, and the outflow was 131,447 ha-m per year. On the average, supplemental surface water use was 47,411 ha-m, and runoff/drainage was 114,816 ha-m per year. The mean annual basin rainfall was 120.9 cm. A general trend in the decline of the wet season rainfall is observed.  相似文献   

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