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ABSTRACT: The Gunnison River in the Gunnison Gorge is a canyon river where upstream dams regulate mainstem discharge but do not affect debris-flow sediment supply from tributaries entering below the reservoirs. Regulation since 1966 has altered flood frequency, streambed mobility, and fluvial geomorphology creating potential resource-management issues. The duration of moderate streamflows between 32.3 and 85.0 m3/s has increased threefold since 1966. This, along with flood-peak attenuation, has facilitated fine-sediment deposition and vegetation encroachment on stream banks. The Shields equation and on-site channel geometry and bed-material measurements were used to assess changes in sediment entrainment in four alluvial reaches. Sand and fine gravel are transported through riffle/pool reaches at most discharges, but the cobbles and boulders composing the streambed in many reaches now are infrequently entrained. Periodic debris flows add coarse sediment to rapids and can increase pool elevation and the streambed area affected by backwater and fine-sediment accumulation. Debris-flow supplied boulders accumulate on fans and in rapids and constrict the channel until reworked by larger floods. The response to streamflow-régime changes in the Gunnison Gorge could serve as an analog for alluvial reaches in other regulated canyon rivers.  相似文献   

A fluvial geomorphological methodology for designing natural stable channels is being widely applied for river restoration. It is an analogue procedure, as the W/d ratio and sinuosity from a reference reach are scaled to determine the restoration design. The choice of reference reach is crucial and published criteria specify that it should be stable, correspond to the stream type at the restoration site, have the same valley type, and be from the same hydrophysiographic region. For stable, meandering gravel cobble bed rivers flowing through alluvial flood plains (C3 and C4 stream types), UK regime equations are used to evaluate the procedure. Successful design requires particular combinations of the ratios of bankfull discharge, bed material size and load, valley slope, and bank vegetation category between the reference and restoration sites. These critical ratios, which are confirmed by U.S. field data, provide guidelines for selecting a suitable reference reach for C3‐C4 stream types. They also indicate that the reference reach can be in any valley type or hydrophysiographic region. The geomorphological procedure will apply to all stable stream types, provided the reference reach is correctly identified. Specific guidelines for each stream type await the development of additional regime equations.  相似文献   

River engineers use sediment transport formulas to design regulated channels in which the river's ability to transport bedload would remain in equilibrium with the delivery of materials from upstream. In gravel-bed rivers, a number of factors distort the simple relationship between particle size and hydraulic parameters at the threshold of sediment motion, inherent in the formulas. This may lead to significant errors in predicting the bedload transport rates in such streams and hence to instability of their regulated channels. The failure to recognize a nonstationary river regime may also result in unsuccessful channelization. Rapid channel incision has followed channelization of the main rivers of the Polish Carpathians in the 20th century. A case study of the Raba River shows that incision has resulted from the increase in stream power caused by channelization and the simultaneous reduction in sediment supply due to variations in basin management and a change in flood hydrographs. Calculations of bedload transport in the river by the Meyer-Peter and Müller formula are shown to have resulted in unrealistic estimates, perhaps because the different degree of bed armoring in particular cross-sections was neglected. It would have been possible to avoid improper channelization if the decreasing trend in sediment load of the Carpathian rivers had been recognized on the basis of geomorphological and sedimentological studies. Allowing the rivers to increase their sinuosity, wherever possible without an erosional threat to property and infrastructure, and preventing further in-stream gravel mining are postulated in order to arrest channel incision and reestablish the conditions for water and sediment storage on the floodplains.  相似文献   

/ Rivers transport sediment from eroding uplands to depositional areas near sea level. If the continuity of sediment transport is interrupted by dams or removal of sediment from the channel by gravel mining, the flow may become sediment-starved (hungry water) and prone to erode the channel bed and banks, producing channel incision (downcutting), coarsening of bed material, and loss of spawning gravels for salmon and trout (as smaller gravels are transported without replacement from upstream). Gravel is artificially added to the River Rhine to prevent further incision and to many other rivers in attempts to restore spawning habitat. It is possible to pass incoming sediment through some small reservoirs, thereby maintaining the continuity of sediment transport through the system. Damming and mining have reduced sediment delivery from rivers to many coastal areas, leading to accelerated beach erosion. Sand and gravel are mined for construction aggregate from river channel and floodplains. In-channel mining commonly causes incision, which may propagate up- and downstream of the mine, undermining bridges, inducing channel instability, and lowering alluvial water tables. Floodplain gravel pits have the potential to become wildlife habitat upon reclamation, but may be captured by the active channel and thereby become instream pits. Management of sand and gravel in rivers must be done on a regional basis, restoring the continuity of sediment transport where possible and encouraging alternatives to river-derived aggregate sources.KEY WORDS: Dams; Aquatic habitat; Sediment transport; Erosion; Sedimentation; Gravel mining  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Riffles in moderately entrenched stream reaches with gradients of 2 percent to 4 percent that have received excessive sediment from upstream have a distinctly different and higher proportion of smaller mobile particles than riffles in systems that are in dynamic equilibrium. The mobile fraction on the riffle can be estimated by comparing the relative abundance of various particle sizes present on the riffle with the dominant large particles on an adjacent bar. Riffle particles smaller than the dominant large particles on the bar are interpreted as mobile. The mobile percentile of particles on the riffle is termed “Riffle Stability Index” (RSI) and provides a useful estimate of the degree of increased sediment supply to riffles in mountain streams. The RSI addresses situations in which increases in gravel bedload from headwaters activities is depositing material on riffles and filling pools, and it reflects qualitative differences between reference and managed watersheds. The RSI correlates well with other measures of stream channel physical condition, such as V and the results of fish habitat surveys. Thus, it can be used as an indicator of stream reach and watershed condition and also of aquatic habitat quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Rhodamine WT dye‐tracer injections in rivers of the Willamette Basin yield concentration‐time curves with characteristically long recession times suggestive of active transient storage processes. The scale of drainage areas contributing to the stream reaches studied in the Willamette Basin ranges from 10 to 12,000 km2. A transient storage assessment of the tracer studies has been completed using the U.S. Geological Survey's One‐dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage (OTIS) model, which incorporates storage exchange and decay functions along with the traditional dispersion and advection transport equation. The analysis estimates solute transport of the dye. It identifies first‐order decay coefficients to be on the order of 10?5/sec for the nonconservative Rhodamine W.T. On an individual subreach basis, the first‐order decay is slower (typically by an order of magnitude) than the transient storage process, indicating that nonconservative tracers may be used to evaluate transient storage in rivers. In the transient storage analysis, a dimensionless parameter (As/A) expresses the spatial extent of storage zone area relative to stream cross section. In certain reaches of Willamette Basin pool‐and‐riffle, gravel‐bed rivers, this parameter was as large as 0.5. A measure of the storage exchange flux was calculated for each stream subreach in the simulation analysis. This storage exchange is shown subjectively to be higher at higher stream discharges. Hyporheic linkage between streams and subsurface flows is the probable physical mechanism contributing to a significant part of this inferred active transient storage. Hyporheic linkages are further suggested by detailed measurements of river discharge with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler system delineating zones in two large rivers where water alternately enters and leaves the surface channels through gravel‐and‐cobble riverbeds. Measurements show patterns of hyporheic exchange that are highly variable in time and space.  相似文献   

Rivers crossing coastal plains are often inefficient conveyors of sediment, so that changes in upstream sediment dynamics are not evident at the river mouth. Extensive accommodation space and low stream power often result in extensive alluvial storage upstream of estuaries and correspondingly low sediment loads at the river mouth. However, gaging stations with sediment records are typically well upstream of the coast, and thus tend to overestimate sediment yields by under-representing the lower coastal plain and because there is often a net loss of sediment in lower coastal plain reaches. Studies of alluvial sediment storage have generally focused on accommodation space, but, using examples from Texas, we show that low transport capacity controlled largely by slope is a crucial factor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A flume study was conducted to examine (1)changes in the particle-size distribution of sediments in riffles due to the proportion of sand in transport and the total rate of bedload transport at the time the riffle is deposited and (2) the effect of high sand transport rates on the stability of gravel riffles. The median particle size of sediment deposited in the riffle was larger than that of the sediment in transport. Small but significant (a = 0.05) decreases in the median particle size of riffle sediments resulted as the sand-to-gravel ratio. Increased concentrations of sand in transport caused previously stable gravel riffles to undergo scour. These results, in combination with information from other studies, suggest that an alluvial channel with pool-riffle sequences and with sand and gravel beds may respond to an increased delivery of sand by reducing form roughness. Form roughness can be reduced by degrading riffles and filling pools. Subsequent responses may be increases in width-to-depth ratio and slope.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data were collected in 1992 from 17 mountain streams located within fine- to coarse-grained schist formations on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests. These were used to examine predictive relationships potentially useful in monitoring stream channel stability and fishery habitat. Channel morphology, sediment, and lithological data were obtained at 123 riffle sites. An analysis of materials deposited on gravel bars showed that at most sites, critical grain size, calculated using Duboy's tractive force equation, often does not provide accurate estimates of particle sizes moved at bankfull discharge. The tractive force equation gave reasonable estimates (± 10 mm) at 16 percent of the sites, but significantly over- or underestimated the sizes at the remaining sites. Regression and discriminant analysis showed that the relationship between critical grain size and the geometric mean diameter of material deposited on gravel bars was influenced most by the substrate size, slope, and width-to-depth ratio. Similarly, lithology was correlated with the size of particles moved. Particle sizes moved at bankfull discharge were not well correlated with residual pool depth or pool length.  相似文献   

: Estimates of specific annual suspended sediment yields, some of which rank among the highest reported in the world, are presented for 33 basins of South Island, New Zealand. Yield from each basin was determined by combining a suspended sediment concentration rating with the complete flow record of each catchment stream gaging station. A multiple regression analysis between sediment yields and climatic, hydrologic and physiographic parameters of each basin demonstrates that most of the variance in yields is explained by catchment mean rainfall. Geology apparently has little influence on sediment yield as suspended sediment concentration ratings, from rivers draining catchments of differing lithology, and regolith, are indistinguishable. Specific suspended sediment yield prediction equations are given for four defined regions covering in area almost all South Island; and except for one area, feature rainfall as the principle independent variable. Differences between regions may be due to variations in intensity, frequency, and duration patterns of storms. It is proposed that a simple power law relationship between yield and rainfall provides useful suspended sediment yield estimates in mountainous regions of temperate maritime climate, provided catchments have not been modified extensively by man.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Major erosion of urban stream channels is found in smaller basins in the North Texas study area with contributing drainage areas of less than ten square miles. Within these basins, four basic channel types are identified based on bed and bank lithologies: alluvial banks and bottoms, alluvial banks and gravel bottoms, alluvial banks with rock bottoms, and rock banks with rock bottoms. Most channels (75 percent) have alluvial banks with gravel or rock bottoms. Channel slopes are steep (.38 to.76 percent). Rock consists predominantly of shale and limestone. Channel cross sections are divided into the following four zones based on weathering, scour and entrainment mechanisms: soil zone, slake zone, rock zone and bed material zone. Erodibility of the channels is determined using multiple techniques including reach hydraulics and stream power computations, submerged jet testing, slab entrainment thresholds, and slake durability rates. Procedures are based on both empirical and modeled time series estimates of channel erosion. Field and modeled results support rates of erosion of up to four inches per year. Rates are tied to flow regime, climate, and type of channel bed and banks.  相似文献   

Hummel, Ryan, Jennifer G. Duan, and Shiyan Zhang, 2012. Comparison of Unsteady and Quasi‐Unsteady Flow Models in Simulating Sediment Transport in an Ephemeral Arizona Stream. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 987‐998. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00663.x Abstract: Hydrodynamic and sediment transport models are useful engineering tools for predicting unsteady flood flow and sediment transport. Many models such as HEC‐RAS, HEC‐6, and IALLUVIAL apply quasi‐unsteady flow model, whereas others apply the unsteady flow model. It remains unknown if a quasi‐unsteady flow model is sufficiently accurate for simulating sediment transport in rapidly varied unsteady flood events, especially in ephemeral rivers in arid and semiarid regions. This study compared the quasi‐unsteady HEC‐RAS 4.1 model with one‐dimensional (1D) Finite Volume Method (FVM) based model in simulating flood flow and sediment transport in the Pantano Wash, a dryland river in the state of Arizona. The objective is to determine which sediment transport method is appropriate in predicting bed elevation changes in an ephemeral stream, Pantano Wash, and if an unsteady model is more accurate than a quasi‐unsteady flow model in predicting sediment transport. Results showed that the quasi‐unsteady HEC‐RAS model and the 1D FVM yielded similar results of bed degradation and aggradation for this dryland stream, although the FVM model predicted better flood hydrographs. Among the seven sediment transport formulas embedded in HEC‐RAS, Yang’s and Engelund‐Hansen’s equations gave the best matches with the field measurements for this particular case study.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the past 10 years the Rosgen classification system and its associated methods of “natural channel design” have become synonymous to some with the term “stream restoration” and the science of fluvial geomorphology. Since the mid 1990s, this classification approach has become widely adopted by governmental agencies, particularly those funding restoration projects. The purposes of this article are to present a critical review, highlight inconsistencies and identify technical problems of Rosgen’s “natural channel design” approach to stream restoration. This paper’s primary thesis is that alluvial streams are open systems that adjust to altered inputs of energy and materials, and that a form‐based system largely ignores this critical component. Problems with the use of the classification are encountered with identifying bankfull dimensions, particularly in incising channels and with the mixing of bed and bank sediment into a single population. Its use for engineering design and restoration may be flawed by ignoring some processes governed by force and resistance, and the imbalance between sediment supply and transporting power in unstable systems. An example of how C5 channels composed of different bank sediments adjust differently and to different equilibrium morphologies in response to an identical disturbance is shown. This contradicts the fundamental underpinning of “natural channel design” and the “reference‐reach approach.” The Rosgen classification is probably best applied as a communication tool to describe channel form but, in combination with “natural channel design” techniques, are not diagnostic of how to mitigate channel instability or predict equilibrium morphologies. For this, physically based, mechanistic approaches that rely on quantifying the driving and resisting forces that control active processes and ultimate channel morphology are better suited as the physics of erosion, transport, and deposition are the same regardless of the hydro‐physiographic province or stream type because of the uniformity of physical laws.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mass (solute) transport in a stream or lake sediment bed has a significant effect on chemical mass balances and microbial activities in the sediment. A “1D vertical dispersion model” is a useful tool to analyze or model solute transfer between river or lake water and a sediment bed. Under a motionless water column, solute transfer into and within the sediment bed is by molecular diffusion. However, surface waves or bed forms create periodic pressure waves along the sediment/water interface, which in turn induce flows in the pores of the sediment bed. The enhancement of solute transport by these interstitial periodic flows in the pores has been incorporated in a 1D depth‐dependent “enhanced dispersion coefficient (DE).” Typically, DE diminishes exponentially with depth in the sediment bed. Relationships have been developed to estimate DE as a function of the characteristics of sediment (particle size, hydraulic conductivity, and porosity) and pressure waves (wave length and height). In this paper, we outline and illustrate the calculation of DE as well as the penetration depth (dp) of the flow effect. Sample applications to illustrate the computational procedure are provided for dissolved oxygen transfer into a stream gravel bed and release of phosphorus from a lake bed. The sensitivity of the results to input parameter values is illustrated, and compared with the errors obtained when interstitial flow is ignored. Maximum values of DE near the sediment surface can be on the order of 1 cm2/s in a stream gravel bed with standing waves, and 0.001 cm2/s in a fine sand lake bed under progressive surface waves, much larger than molecular diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bank erosion along a river channel determines the pattern of channel migration. Lateral channel migration in large alluvial rivers creates new floodplain land that is essential for riparian vegetation to get established. Migration also erodes existing riparian, agricultural, and urban lands, sometimes damaging human infrastructure (e.g., scouring bridge foundations and endangering pumping facilities) in the process. Understanding what controls the rate of bank erosion and associated point bar deposition is necessary to manage large alluvial rivers effectively. In this study, bank erosion was proportionally related to the magnitude of stream power. Linear regressions were used to correlate the cumulative stream power, above a lower flow threshold, with rates of bank erosion at 13 sites on the middle Sacramento River in California. Two forms of data were used: aerial photography and field data. Each analysis showed that bank erosion and cumulative effective stream power were significantly correlated and that a lower flow threshold improves the statistical relationship in this system. These correlations demonstrate that land managers and others can relate rates of bank erosion to the daily flow rates of a river. Such relationships can provide information concerning ecological restoration of floodplains related to channel migration rates as well as planning that requires knowledge of the relationship between flow rates and bank erosion rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During waning flood flows in gravel-bed streams, finegrained bedload sediment (sand and fine gravel) is commonly winnowed from zones of high shear stress, such as riffles, and deposited in pools, where it mantles an underlying coarse layer. As sediment load increases, more fine sediment becomes available to fill pools. The volume of fine sediment in pools can be measured by probing with a metal rod, and, when expressed as the fraction (V*) of scoured residual pooi volume (residual pool volume with fine sediment removed), can be used as an index of the supply of mobile sediment in a stream channel. Mean values of V* were as high as 0.5 and correlated with qualitative evaluations of sediment supply in eight tributaries of the Trinity River, northwestern California. Fine-sediment volume correlated strongly with scoured pool volume in individual channels, but plots of V* versus pool volume and water surface slope revealed secondary variations in fines volume. In sediment-rich channels, V* correlated positively with scoured pool volume; in sediment-poor channels, V* correlated negatively with water-surface slope. Measuring fine sediment in pools can be a practical method to evaluate and monitor the supply of mobile sediment in gravel-bed streams and to detect and evaluate sediment inputs along a channel network.  相似文献   

Ephemeral and intermittent streams are abundant in the arid and semiarid landscapes of the Western and Southwestern United States (U.S.). Connectivity of ephemeral and intermittent streams to the relatively few perennial reaches through runoff is a major driver of the ecohydrology of the region. These streams supply water, sediment, nutrients, and biota to downstream reaches and rivers. In addition, they provide runoff to recharge alluvial and regional groundwater aquifers that support baseflow in perennial mainstem stream reaches over extended periods when little or no precipitation occurs. Episodic runoff, as well as groundwater inflow to surface water in streams support limited naturally occurring riparian communities. This paper provides an overview and comprehensive examination of factors affecting the hydrologic, chemical, and ecological connectivity of ephemeral and intermittent streams on perennial or intermittent rivers in the arid and semiarid Southwestern U.S. Connectivity as influenced and moderated through the physical landscape, climate, and human impacts to downstream waters or rivers is presented first at the broader Southwestern scale, and secondly drawing on a specific and more detailed example of the San Pedro Basin due to its history of extensive observations and research in the basin. A wide array of evidence clearly illustrates hydrologic, chemical, and ecological connectivity of ephemeral and intermittent streams throughout stream networks.  相似文献   

The morphological form of mixed sand and gravel beaches is distinct, and the process/response system and complex dynamics of these beaches are not well understood. Process response models developed for pure sand or gravel beaches cannot be directly applied to these beaches. The Canterbury Bight coastline is apparently abundantly supplied with sediments from large rivers and coastal alluvial cliffs, but a large part of this coastline is experiencing long-term erosion. Sediment budget models provide little evidence to suggest sediments are stored within this system. Current sediment budget models inadequately quantify and account for the processes responsible for the patterns of erosion and accretion of this coastline. We outline a new method to extrapolate from laboratory experiments to the field using a geographical information system approach to model sediment reduction susceptibility for the Canterbury Bight. Sediment samples from ten representative sites were tumbled in a concrete mixer for an equivalent distance of 40 km. From the textural mixture and weight loss over 40 km tumbling, we applied regression techniques to generate a predictive equation for Sediment Reduction Susceptibility (SRS). We used Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) to extrapolate the results from fifty-five sites with data on textural sediment composition to field locations with no data along the Canterbury Bight, creating a continuous sediment reductions susceptibility surface. Isolines of regular SRS intervals were then derived from the continuous surface to create a contour map of sediment reductions susceptibility for the Canterbury Bight. Results highlighted the variability in SRS along this coastline.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A simulation model [Salmonid Spawning Analysis Model (SSAM)] was developed as a management tool to evaluate the relative impacts of stream sediment load and water temperature on salmonid egg survival. The model is useful for estimating acceptable sediment loads to spawning habitat that may result from upland development, such as logging and agriculture. Software in common use in the USA were adapted for use in gravel bedded rivers and linked to simulate water temperature (the USFWS Instream Water Temperature, SNTEMP model) and water and sediment routing (the USAE Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs, HEC-6 model, version 3.2). These models drive the redd (spawning nest) model (the USDA-ABS Sediment Intrusion Dissolved Oxygen SIDO model) which simulates sediment intrusion and dissolved oxygen concentration in the redd environment. The SSAM model predictions of dissolved oxygen and water temperature compared favorably with field data from artificial redds containing hatchery chinook salmon eggs.  相似文献   

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