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Intrauterine fetal movement plays a key role in normal embryonic and fetal development (Moessinger, 1983). When movement is absent or decreased, abnormal development takes place which can be appreciated in newborns and/or fetuses with the fetal akinesia/ hypokinesia sequence. This sequence is caused by a number of heterogeneous entities which result in decreased fetal movements by the action of intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Prenatal diagnosis of the akinesia/hypokinesia sequence may be possible during the second trimester through the use of real-time ultrasonographic evaluation of fetal movement. We report a family with three consecutive affected pregnancies in which the prenatal presentation of this sequence varied. Based on the phenotypic findings of the three affected fetuses, we believe that although they superficially resemble those features found in the New–Laxova syndrome, they are probably affected with a distinctly different lethal form of akinesia/ hypokinesia transmitted in an autosomal recessive fashion.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the usefulness of fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in ischemic brain injury. We report seven cases of fetal brain ischemia prenatally suspected on ultrasound (US) and confirmed by fetal MRI. Sonographic abnormalities included ventricular dilatation (n=3), microcephaly (n=1), twin pregnancy with in utero death of a twin and suspected cerebral lesion in the surviving co-twin (n=3). MRI was performed with a 1.0 T unit using half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE) sequences between 28 and 35 weeks of gestation. US and MRI images were compared with pathologic findings or postnatal imaging. MRI diagnosed hydranencephaly (n=1), porencephaly (n=2), multicystic encephalomalacia (n=2), unilateral capsular ischemia (n=1), corpus callosum and cerebral atrophy (n=1). In comparison with US, visualization of fetal brain anomalies was superior with MRI. The present cases demonstrate that MRI is a valuable complementary means of investigation when a brain pathology is discovered or suspected during prenatal US. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) is a rare condition characterized by intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), congenital limb contractures, pulmonary hypoplasia, hydramnios and craniofacial abnormalities. The present report comprises an autopsy study of three fetuses to illustrate the variable clinical manifestations and neuropathological findings. Fetus 1 had arthrogryposis and no movement on fetal ultrasound examination. Aborted at 21 weeks, the fetus showed micrognathia, bilateral joint contracture with pterygia at the elbow and axilla. Growth retardation and pulmonary hypoplasia were not major features. Neuropathologic examination revealed anterior horn cell loss and lateral corticospinal tract degeneration in spinal cord, with marked muscular atrophy. Fetus 2, 20 weeks' gestation, had fetal akinesia, nuchal thickening, left pleural effusion, and Dandy-Walker malformation on ultrasound examination. Autopsy showed low-set ears, ocular hypertelorism, cleft palate, flexion contractures with pterygia over axilla, elbow and groin, pulmonary hypoplasia, Dandy-Walker malformation, unremarkable spinal cord and skeletal muscle. Fetus 3, 21 weeks' gestation, was aborted for fetal akinesia, neck and limb webbing and severe arthrogryposis. At autopsy, similar facial abnormalities, contracture and pterygia in neck and multiple major joints were found. Borderline pulmonary hypoplasia and severe lumbar scoliosis were also present. The brain, spinal cord and muscle were unremarkable. In these three fetuses, the prenatal ultrasound and autopsy findings were characteristic of FADS. Neurogenic spinal muscular atrophy was the basis of fetal akinesia in Case 1. Dandy-Walker malformation was present in Case 2, but the pathogenetic mechanism of fetal akinesia was not clear as spinal cord and muscle histology appeared normal. The etiology of akinesia was undetermined in Case 3; no extrinsic or intrinsic cause was identified. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report three siblings from consecutive pregnancies affected with restrictive dermopathy (RD). During the second pregnancy, fetal behavioural development and growth were studied extensively using ultrasound at 1–4 week intervals. Dramatic and sudden changes occurred in fetal body movements and growth but not until the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. Prominent at that time were prolonged periods of fetal quiescence and very low heart rate variability, together with abnormally executed body movements of short duration. Retarded femoral development and jerky abrupt fetal body movements (abnormal movement quality) were already present in the early second trimester of pregnancy. Facial anomalies emerged despite the presence of fetal mouth movements. The clinical features of RD were only partly explained by present knowledge of skin development and the fetal akinesia deformation sequence hypothesis. Quantitative assessment of fetal movements proved to be a poor early marker for antenatal diagnosis of this disorder. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transcervical samples collected by lavage, aspiration, and cytobrush from women between 6 and 13 weeks of gestation were tested for the presence of fetal cells using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for chromosomes X, Y, 1, and 21, and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA sequences derived from chromosomes X, Y, and 21. With a few exceptions, a good correlation was observed between the results of sexing the fetuses using FISH or PCR on transcervical cell (TCC) samples retrieved by lavage and those obtained by testing fetal (placental) tissue. In a comparative study between TCC samples collected by lavage or cytobrush, the sex of the fetus was correctly diagnosed by PCR amplification of a Y-derived DNA sequence. Variable results were observed with samples obtained by aspiration, mainly because this procedure was found to be more prone to failure to remove thick mucus without previous injection of physiological saline. Chromosome 21-derived small tandem repeats (STRs) of fetal origin were successfully detected in about 40 per cent of TCC samples recovered by lavage. Two cases of chromosomal abnormalities, one of trisomy 21 and one of triploidy, were detected in TCC samples in the course of our investigations.  相似文献   

From the public health point of view, several formal attempts have been made to measure the impact of prenatal diagnosis (PND) on the incidence of Down's Syndrome (DS), but the results have varied widely. The impact of PND (reduction in the birth rate of chromosomally abnormal neonates) is related to utilization rates but quantitative estimates of this have not been established. In a three-year (1981–1983) total population study from Queensland, Australia, we present results to measure the impact of a voluntary PND programme on the birth incidence of DS, and also other chromosomally abnormal births. Utilization rates for the PND service were 15·5 per cent in that population of mothers 35 years and over. Numbers and rates of all cases of chromosomal abnormalities are presented, subclassified by type of diagnosis–-either by PND or by clinical diagnosis after birth. For the total population, 7·3 per cent of cases of DS were detected prenatally, and 15·4 per cent of all chromosome abnormalities. (A method for measuring the impact of PND is described.) Using this in conjunction with our demographic data, we estimate that with a 15 per cent utilization rate of PND by older mothers, 14 per cent of DS births can be prevented in this age group, or a 5 per cent overall reduction can be achieved if mothers of all ages are considered. One index–-the ratio of the percentage of DS births which are preventable compared with the population utilization rates of PND–-has potential for widespread use. Queensland data for this ratio is 0·34, a figure consistent with that from other studies. Thus a 3·5 per cent drop in the overall DS birth rate may be expected for each 10 per cent increase in the utilization rates of PND for mothers of 35 years and over. A diagram is presented which may serve as a model for improved data collection and better impact estimates in the future.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the psychological reaction of two groups of parents to a pregnancy termination after they had undergone a prenatal diagnostic procedure. The analysis involved interviews with a study group of 76 patients who were at risk of giving birth to a child with a genetic disease or defect and a comparison group of 124 who had a pregnancy termination after a major anomaly had been detected by routine ultrasound and who were not at known risk for a genetic disease. Only patients in the study group had received counselling before the prenatal diagnosis and were aware that the fetus could be affected. The overall reaction of the comparison group was one of shock, denial of fetal abnormality, and guilt over ‘abandoning the fetus’. A feeling of guilt was expressed by patients in the comparison group (73 per cent versus 29 per cent) in the period immediately following the interruption. One-third of patients in both groups felt obliged to undergo a therapeutic abortion. More patients in the study group than in the comparison group expressed the need to see a psychiatrist at the time of the study (19 per cent versus 7 per cent) and viewed future pregnancies as a replacement for the lost pregnancy (63 per cent versus 19 per cent). The recommendations of the study focus on information sessions to personnel, nursing support, analgesia during the expulsion period, an atmosphere of respect that should be present at the time that the fetus is viewed, the anticipation of mourning, and the long-term follow-up of the couple to ensure that counselling for future pregnancies and psychological support are provided when needed.  相似文献   

Acardiac anomaly is a rare condition affecting monochorionic multiple pregnancies. We review this condition with emphasis on its prenatal diagnostic features and treatment options. Due to the parasitic hemodynamic dependence of the acardiac twin on the pump twin, it is important to monitor the pump twin for signs of decompensation and, if indicated, intervene by interrupting vascular supply to the acardiac twin. The goal of treatment is to maximize the pump-twin's chance of survival. To assist with the decision of when to treat, we suggest a new classification system based on prognostic factors, specifically the size and growth of the acardiac twin and the cardiovascular condition of the pump twin. When the acardiac twin is small and no signs of cardiovascular impairment in the pump twin are present, we suggest serial ultrasound surveillance to detect any worsening of the condition. In cases with a large acardiac twin or rapid growth of the acardiac mass, we recommend prompt intervention. Once treatment is indicated, the intrafetal approach to interrupt the vascular supply to the acardiac twin appears to be superior to cord occlusion techniques as it is simpler, safer and more effective. The first line of treatment, if available, should be ultrasound-guided laser coagulation or radiofrequency ablation of the intrafetal vessels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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