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Brockman, Ruth R., Carmen T. Agouridis, Stephen R. Workman, Lindell E. Ormsbee, and Alex W. Fogle, 2012. Bankfull Regional Curves for the Inner and Outer Bluegrass Regions of Kentucky. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(2): 391‐406. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00621.x Abstract: Bankfull regional curves that relate channel dimensions and discharge to watershed drainage area are useful tools for assisting in the correct identification of bankfull elevation and in stream restoration and reconstruction. This study assessed 28 stable streams located in two physiographic regions of Kentucky: the Inner Bluegrass and the Outer Bluegrass. Bankfull channel dimensions, discharge, and return period as well as average channel slope, median bed material size, sinuosity, Rosgen stream classification, and percent impervious area were determined. Significant relationships were found between drainage area and the bankfull characteristics of cross‐sectional area, width, mean depth, and discharge for both the Inner Bluegrass and Outer Bluegrass regions (α = 0.05). It was also found that the percent impervious area in a watershed had minimal effect on bankfull dimensions, which is attributed to the well‐vegetated nature of the streambanks, cohesive streambank materials, and bedrock control. No significant differences between any of the Inner Bluegrass and Outer Bluegrass regional curves were found (α = 0.05). Comparisons were made between the Inner Bluegrass and Outer Bluegrass curves and others developed in karst‐influenced areas in the Eastern United States. Although few significant differences were found between the regional curves for bankfull discharge and width, a number of the curves differed with regards to bankfull cross‐sectional area and mean depth.  相似文献   

Abstract: Regional curves, which relate bankfull channel dimensions and discharge to watershed drainage area, are developed to aid in identifying the bankfull stage in ungaged watersheds, and estimating the bankfull discharge and dimensions for river studies and natural channel design applications. This study assessed 26 stable stream reaches in two hydro‐physiographic regions of the Florida Coastal Plain: the Northwest Florida Coastal Plain (NWFCP) and the North Florida Coastal Plain (NFCP). Data from stream reaches in Georgia and Alabama were also used to develop the Florida regional curves, since they are located in the same hydro‐physiographic region. Reaches were selected based on the presence of U.S. Geological Survey gage stations and indicators of limited watershed development (e.g., <10% impervious surface). Analyses were conducted to determine bankfull channel dimensions, bankfull discharge, average channel slope, and Rosgen stream classification. Based on these data, significant relationships were found between bankfull cross‐sectional area, width, mean depth, and discharge as a function of drainage area for both regions. Data from this study suggested that bankfull discharges and channel dimensions were larger from NWFCP streams than from Coastal Plain streams in North Carolina and Maryland. Bankfull discharges were similar between NFCP and Georgia coastal plain streams; therefore, the data were combined into one regional curve. In addition, the data were stratified by Rosgen stream type. This stratification strengthened the relationships of bankfull width and mean depth as a function of drainage area.  相似文献   

Regional curves are empirical relationships that can help identify the bankfull stage in ungaged watersheds and aid in designing the riffle dimension in stream restoration projects. Bankfull regional curves were developed from gage stations with drainage areas less than 102 mi2 (264.2 km2) for the Alleghany Plateau/Valley and Ridge (AP/VR), Piedmont, and Coastal Plain regions of Maryland. The AP/VR regions were combined into one region for this project. These curves relate bankfull discharge, cross‐sectional area, width, and mean depth to drainage area within the same hydro‐physiographic region (region with similar rainfall/runoff relationship). The bankfull discharge curve for the Coastal Plain region was further subdivided into the Western Coastal Plain (WCP) and Eastern Coastal Plain (ECP) region due to differences in topography and runoff. Results show that the Maryland Piedmont yields the highest bankfull discharge rate per unit drainage area, followed by the AP/VR, WCP, and ECP. Likewise, the Coastal Plain and AP/VR streams have less bankfull cross‐sectional area per unit drainage area than the Piedmont. The average bankfull discharge return interval across the three hydro‐physiographic regions was 1.4 years. The Maryland regional curves were compared to other curves in the eastern United States. The average bankfull discharge return interval for the other studies ranged from 1.1 to 1.8 years.  相似文献   

Bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships are used to estimate channel dimensions for streamflow simulation models, which require channel geometry data as input parameters. Often, one nationwide curve is used across the entire United States (U.S.) (e.g., in Soil and Water Assessment Tool), even though studies have shown that the use of regional curves can improve the reliability of predictions considerably. In this study, regional regression equations predicting bankfull width, depth, and cross‐sectional area as a function of drainage area are developed for the Physiographic Divisions and Provinces of the U.S. and compared to a nationwide equation. Results show that the regional curves at division level are more reliable than the nationwide curve. Reliability of the curves depends largely on the number of observations per region and how well the sample represents the population. Regional regression equations at province level yield even better results than the division‐level models, but because of small sample sizes, the development of meaningful regression models is not possible in some provinces. Results also show that drainage area is a less reliable predictor of bankfull channel dimensions than bankfull discharge. It is likely that the regional curves can be improved using multiple regression models to incorporate additional explanatory variables.  相似文献   

Haucke, Jessica and Katherine A. Clancy, 2011. Stationarity of Streamflow Records and Their Influence on Bankfull Regional Curves. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(6):1338–1347. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00590.x Abstract: Bankfull regional curves, which are curves that establish relationships among channel morphology, discharge, drainage area, are used extensively for stream restoration. These curves are developed upon the assumption that streamflows maintain stationarity over the entire record. We examined this assumption in the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin where agricultural soil retention practices have changed, and precipitation has increased since the 1970s. We developed a bankfull regional curve for this area using field surveys of bankfull channel performed during 2008‐2009 and annual series of peak streamflows for 10 rivers with streamflow records ranging from the 1930s to 2009. We found bankfull flows to correlate to a 1.1 return period. To evaluate gage data statistics, we used the sign test to compare our channel morphology to historic 1.5 return period discharge (Q1.5) for five time periods: 1959‐1972, 1973‐1992, 1993‐2008, 1999‐2008, and the 1959‐2008 period of record. Analysis of the historic gage data indicated that there has been a more than 30% decline in Q1.5 since 1959. Our research suggests that land conservation practices may have a larger impact on gaging station stationarity than annual precipitation changes do. Additionally, historic peak flow data from gages, which have records that span land conservation changes, may need to be truncated to represent current flow regimes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The model bankfull discharge recurrence interval (annual series) (Ta) in streams has been approximated at a 1.5‐year flow event. This study tests the linkage between regional factors (climate, physiography, and ecoregion) and the frequency of bank‐full discharge events in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Patterns of Ta were found to be significant when stratified by EPA Ecoregion. The mean value for Ta in the PNW is 1.4 years; however, when the data is stratified by ecoregion, the humid areas of western Oregon and Washington have a mean value of 1.2 years, while the dryer areas of Idaho and eastern Oregon and Washington have a mean value of 1.4 to 1.5 years. Among the four factors evaluated, vegetation association and average annual precipitation are the primary factors related to channel form and Ta. Based on the results of the Ta analyses, regional hydraulic geometry relationships of streams were developed for the PNW, which relate variables, such as bank‐full cross‐sectional area, width, depth, and velocity, to bankfull discharge and drainage area. The verification of Ta values, combined with the development of regional hydraulic geometry relationships, provides geographically relevant information that will result in more accurate estimates of hydraulic geometry variables in the PNW.  相似文献   

Regional curves relate drainage area to the bankfull channel characteristics discharge, cross‐sectional area, width, and mean depth. These curves are used for a variety of purposes, including aiding in the field identification of bankfull elevation and in the natural channel design process. When developing regional curves, the degree to which landform, geology, climate, and vegetation influence stream systems within a single physiographic province may not be fully considered. This study examined the use of the U.S. Geological Survey's Hydrologic Landscape Regions (HLR), as well as data from 2,856 independent sites throughout the contiguous United States (U.S.), to develop a set of regional curves (bankfull discharge, cross‐sectional area, width, and mean depth) for (1) the contiguous U.S., (2) each of the 20 HLRs, (3) each of the eight physiographic divisions, (4) 22 of the 25 physiographic provinces, and (5) individual HLRs within the physiographic provinces. These regional curves were then compared to each other, as well as those from the literature. Regional curves developed for individual HLRs, physiographic divisions, and physiographic provinces tended to outperform the contiguous U.S. indicating increased stratification was beneficial. Further stratifying physiographic provinces by HLR markedly improved regional curve reliability. Use of HLR as a basis of regional curve development, rather than physiographic region alone, may allow for the development of more robust regional curves.  相似文献   

He, Laien and Gregory V. Wilkerson, 2011. Improved Bankfull Channel Geometry Prediction Using Two‐Year Return‐Period Discharge. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(6):1298–1316. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00567.x Abstract:  Bankfull discharge (Qbf) and bankfull channel geometry (i.e., width, Wbf; mean depth, Dbf; and cross‐section area, Abf) are important design parameters in stream restoration, habitat creation, mined land reclamation, and related projects. The selection of values for these parameters is facilitated by regional curves (regression models in which Qbf, Wbf, Dbf, and Abf are predicted as a function of drainage area, Ada). This paper explores the potential for the two‐year return‐period discharge (Q2) to improve predictions of Wbf, Dbf, and Abf. Improved predictions are expected because Q2 estimates integrate the effects of basin drainage area, climate, and geology. For conducting this study, 29 datasets (each representing one hydrologic region) spanning 14 states in the United States were analyzed. We assessed the utility of using Q2 by comparing statistical measures of regression model performance (e.g., coefficient of determination and Akaike’s information criterion). Compared to using Ada, Q2 is shown to be a “clearly superior” predictor of Wbf, Dbf, and Abf, respectively, for 21, 13, and 25% of the datasets. By contrast, Ada yielded a clearly superior model for predicting Wbf, Dbf, and Abf, respectively, for 0, 0, and 14% of the datasets. Our conclusion is that it alongside with developing conventional regional curves using Ada it is prudent to develop regional curves that use Q2 as an independent variable because in some cases the resulting model will be superior.  相似文献   

Channel dimensions are important input variables for many hydrologic models. As measurements of channel geometry are not available in most watersheds, they are often predicted using bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships. This study aims at improving existing equations that relate bankfull width, depth, and cross‐sectional area to drainage area (DA) without limiting their use to well‐gauged watersheds. We included seven additional variables in the equations that can be derived from data that are generally required by hydrologic models anyway and conducted several multiple regression analyses to identify the ideal combination of additional variables for nationwide and regional models for each Physiographic Division of the United States (U.S.). Results indicate that including the additional variables in the regression equations generally improves predictions considerably. The selection of relevant variables varies by Physiographic Division, but average annual precipitation (PCP) and temperature (TMP) were generally found to improve the models the most. Therefore, we recommend using regression equations with three independent variables (DA, PCP, and TMP) to predict bankfull channel dimensions for hydrologic models. Furthermore, we recommend using the regional equations for watersheds within regions from which data were used for model development, whereas in all other parts of the U.S. and the rest of the world, the nationwide equations should be given preference.  相似文献   

Procopio, Nicholas A., 2010. Hydrologic and Morphologic Variability of Streams With Different Cranberry Agriculture Histories, Southern New Jersey, United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(3):527-540. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00432.x Abstract: The creation of reservoirs and the modification of stream channels are common practices used to facilitate the efficient production of cranberries. The potential impacts to hydrologic and geomorphic aspects of streamflow and channel structure have not been adequately assessed. In this study, the streamflow regime of 12 streams and the channel morphologies of 11 streams were compared for study sites in the Pinelands region of New Jersey with upstream active-cranberry bogs, upstream abandoned-cranberry bogs, and basins with no apparent agricultural history. Flow regime metrics included measures of low-flow, median-flow, and bankfull discharge, two measures of streamflow variability (spread and a modified Richards-Baker Flashiness index), and the frequency of overbank flooding. Stream-channel morphology metrics included average bank slope, average bankfull width, average bankfull depth, average bankfull width-to-depth ratio, and average bankfull area. No significant differences between stream types were apparent for any of the metrics. Basin-area normalized streamflow values of all 12 study sites were highly correlated to each other. Significant relationships existed between some of the flow-regime and channel-morphology metrics. Due to the lack of significant differences between stream types, it appears that neither historic nor current cranberry agricultural practices considerably influence flow regimes or the channel morphology of streams in the New Jersey Pinelands.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bankfull depth and discharge are basic input parameters to stream planform, stream restoration, and highway crossing designs, as well as to the development of hydraulic geometry relationships and the classification of streams. Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of definitions for bankfull that provide a range of values, and the actual selection of bankfull is subjective. In this paper, the relative uncertainty in determining the bankfull depth and discharge is quantified, first by examining the variability in the estimates of bankfull and second by using fuzzy numbers to describe bankfull depth. Fuzzy numbers are used to incorporate uncertainty due to vagueness in the definition of bankfull and subjectivity in the selection of bankfull. Examples are provided that demonstrate the use of a fuzzy bankfull depth in sediment trans. port and in stream classification. Using fuzzy numbers to describe bankfull depth rather than a deterministic value allows the engineer to base designs and decisions on a range of possible values and associated degrees of belief that the bankfull depths take on each value in that range.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geomorphic processes may partly determine channel geometry. Soil particle uplift during freezing and thawing cycles and bank sloughing during wetting and drying periods were observed. Soil properties and channel dimension were measured to determine the dominant processes controlling channel geometry in eight small (mean area 0.096 km2) drainages in Logan Canyon, Utah. Soil cohesion was low (plasticity index > 15) for all but one of the drainages sampled. Basin scale geomorphic variables were examined to determine if they control channel dimension. Bankfull width was highly correlated to channel length and valley length with r2 values of 0.85 and 0.84, respectively. A strong canonical correlation (0.64) showed that distance from the watershed divide, bank liquid limit, and bank sand content were effective predictor variables of bankfull width and depth. The interrelations between geomorphic and pedogenic processes were the strongest determinants of ephemeral channel dimension in this study.  相似文献   

/ Little attention has been paid to wetland stream morphology in the geomorphological and environmental literature, and in the recently expanding wetland reconstruction field, stream design has been based primarily on stream morphologies typical of nonwetland alluvial environments. Field investigation of a wetland reach of Roaring Brook, Stafford, Connecticut, USA, revealed several significant differences between the morphology of this stream and the typical morphology of nonwetland alluvial streams. Six morphological features of the study reach were examined: bankfull flow, meanders, pools and riffles, thalweg location, straight reaches, and cross-sectional shape. It was found that bankfull flow definitions originating from streams in nonwetland environments did not apply. Unusual features observed in the wetland reach include tight bends and a large axial wavelength to width ratio. A lengthy straight reach exists that exceeds what is typically found in nonwetland alluvial streams. The lack of convex bank point bars in the bends, a greater channel width at riffle locations, an unusual thalweg location, and small form ratios (a deep and narrow channel) were also differences identified. Further study is needed on wetland streams of various regions to determine if differences in morphology between alluvial and wetland environments can be applied in order to improve future designs of wetland channels.KEY WORDS: Stream morphology; Wetland restoration; Wetland creation; Bankfull; Pools and riffles; Meanders; Thalweg  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Regional average evapotranspiration estimates developed by water balance techniques are frequently used to estimate average discharge in ungaged streams. However, the lower stream size range for the validity of these techniques has not been explored. Flow records were collected and evaluated for 16 small streams in the Southern Appalachians to test whether the relationship between average discharge and drainage area in streams draining less than 200 acres was consistent with that of larger basins in the size range (> 10 square miles) typically gaged by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This study was designed to evaluate predictors of average discharge in small ungaged streams for regulatory purposes, since many stream regulations, as well as recommendations for best management practices, are based on measures of stream size, including average discharge. The average discharge/drainage area relationship determined from gages on large streams held true down to the perennial flow initiation point. For the southern Appalachians, basin size corresponding to perennial flow is approximately 19 acres, ranging from 11 to 32 acres. There was a strong linear relationship (R2= 0.85) between average discharge and drainage area for all streams draining between 16 and 200 acres, and the average discharge for these streams was consistent with that predicted by the USGS Unit Area Runoff Map for Georgia. Drainage area was deemed an accurate predictor of average discharge, even in very small streams. Channel morphological features, such as active channel width, cross‐sectional area, and bankfull flow predicted from Manning's equation, were not accurate predictors of average discharge. Monthly baseflow statistics also were poor predictors of average discharge.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydraulic geometry relationships, or regional curves, relate bankfull stream channel dimensions to watershed drainage area. Hydraulic geometry relationships for streams throughout North Carolina vary with hydrology, soils, and extent of development within a watershed. An urban curve that is the focus of this study shows the bankfull features of streams in urban and suburban watersheds throughout the North Carolina Piedmont. Seventeen streams were surveyed in watersheds that had greater than 10 percent impervious cover. The watersheds had been developed long enough for the streams to redevelop bankfull features, and they had no major impoundments. The drainage areas for the streams ranged from 0.4 to 110.3 square kilometers. Cross‐sectional and longitudinal surveys were conducted to determine the channel dimension, pattern, and profile of each stream and power functions were fitted to the data. Comparisons were made with regional curves developed previously for the rural Piedmont, and enlargement ratios were produced. These enlargement ratios indicated a substantial increase in the hydraulic geometry for the urban streams in comparison to the rural streams. A comparison of flood frequency indicates a slight decrease in the bankfull discharge return interval for the gaged urban streams as compared to the gaged rural streams. The study data were collected by North Carolina State University (NCSU), the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC), and Charlotte Storm Water Services. Urban regional curves are useful tools for applying natural channel design in developed watersheds. They do not, however, replace the need for field calibration and verification of bankfull stream channel dimensions.  相似文献   

Zink, Jason M., Gregory D. Jennings, and G. Alexander Price, 2012. Morphology Characteristics of Southern Appalachian Wilderness Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 762‐773. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00647.x Abstract: Watersheds without urbanization or impacts from logging are rare in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The Joyce Kilmer/Slickrock Wilderness of North Carolina and Tennessee contains 24 km2 of old‐growth forest, with the balance of the wilderness in a mature second‐growth forest. The watersheds of Little Santeetlah and Slickrock Creek are located within the wilderness. Morphological information, including channel dimensions and longitudinal profiles, was gathered from 14 alluvial stream reaches in these watersheds. The study sites had drainage areas from 0.25 to 41.6 km2 and stream slopes from 0.014 to 0.104 m/m. Bankfull cross‐section dimensions of the study stream reaches were strongly correlated to drainage area across the observed range of slopes and bed morphology. Cross‐section area and width relationships for the streams in this study did not differ significantly from regional curves for the mountain physiographic region of North Carolina. Observations of these reaches did not suggest a definitive rule regarding the proportion of steps and riffles in streams. Pools occupied greater than 50% of the length in all stream reaches with slopes less than 0.07 m/m. Significant correlation existed between step height ratio and slope, suggesting that step height can be approximated as the product of channel width and slope. Riffle length and riffle slope ratios were also significantly correlated with slope, though pool spacing was not.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream channel stability is affected by peak flows rather than average annual water yield. Timber harvesting and other land management activities that contribute to soil compaction, vegetation removal, or increased drainage density can increase peak discharges and decrease the recurrence interval of bankfull discharges. Increased peak discharges can cause more frequent movement of large streambed materials, leading to more rapid stream channel change or instability. This study proposes a relationship between increased discharge and channel stability, and presents a methodology that can be used to evaluate stream channel stability thresholds on a stream reach basis. Detailed surveys of the channel cross section, water surface slope, streambed particle size distribution, and field identification of bankfull stage are used to estimate existing bankfull flow conditions. These site specific stream channel characteristics are used in bed load movement formulae to predict critical flow conditions for entrainment of coarse bed material (D84 size fraction). The “relative bed stability” index, defined as the ratio of critical flow condition to the existing condition at bankfull discharge, can predict whether increased peak discharges will exceed stream channel thresholds.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mapping stream channels and their geomorphic attributes is an important step in many watershed research and management projects. Often insufficient field data exist to map hydromorphologic attributes across entire drainage basins, necessitating the application of hydrologic modeling tools to digital elevation models (DEMs) via a geographic information system (GIS). In this article, we demonstrate methods for deriving synthetic stream networks via GIS across large and diverse basins using drainage‐enforced DEMs, along with techniques for estimating channel widths and gradient on the reach scale. The two‐step drainage enforcement method we used produced synthetic stream networks that displayed a high degree of positional accuracy relative to the input streams. The accuracies of our estimated channel parameters were assessed with field data, and predictions of bankfull width, wetted width and gradient were strongly correlated with measured values (r2 = 0.92, r2 = 0.95, r2 = 0.88, respectively). Classification accuracies of binned channel attributes were also high. Our methodology allows for the relatively rapid mapping of stream channels and associated morphological attributes across large geographic areas. Although initially developed to provide salmon recovery planners with important salmon habitat information, we suggest these methodologies are relevant to a variety of research and management questions.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Knowledge of bankfull discharge (Qbf) is essential for planners, engineers, geomorphologists, environmentalists, agricultural interests, developments situated on flood prone lands, surface mining and reclamation activities, and others interested in floods and flooding. In conjunction with estimating Qbf, regionalized bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships, which relate Qbf and associated channel dimensions (i.e., width, depth, and cross‐section area) to drainage basin area (Ada), are often used. This study seeks to improve upon the common practice of predicting Qbf using Ada exclusively. Specifically, we hypothesize that predictions of Qbf can be improved by including estimates of the 2‐year recurrence‐period discharge (Q2) in regression models for predicting Qbf. For testing this hypothesis, we used Qbf estimates from 30 reports containing data for streams that span 34 hydrologic regions in 16 states. Corresponding values of Q2 and Ada were compiled from flood‐frequency reports and other sources. By comparing statistical measures (i.e., root mean squared error, coefficient of determination, and Akaike’s information criterion), we determined that predicting Qbf from Q2 rather than Ada yields consistently better estimates of Qbf. Other principal findings are (1) data are needed for at least 12 sites in a region for reliable hydraulic geometry model selection and (2) an approximate range of values for Qbf/Q2 is 0.10‐3.0.  相似文献   

Channel dimensions (width and depth) at varying flows influence a host of instream ecological processes, as well as habitat and biotic features; they are a major consideration in stream habitat restoration and instream flow assessments. Models of widths and depths are often used to assess climate change vulnerability, develop endangered species recovery plans, and model water quality. However, development and application of such models require specific skillsets and resources. To facilitate acquisition of such estimates, we created a dataset of modeled channel dimensions for perennial stream segments across the conterminous United States. We used random forest models to predict wetted width, thalweg depth, bankfull width, and bankfull depth from several thousand field measurements of the National Rivers and Streams Assessment. Observed channel widths varied from <5 to >2000 m and depths varied from <2 to >125 m. Metrics of watershed area, runoff, slope, land use, and more were used as model predictors. The models had high pseudo R2 values (0.70–0.91) and median absolute errors within ±6% to ±21% of the interquartile range of measured values across 10 stream orders. Predicted channel dimensions can be joined to 1.1 million stream segments of the 1:100 K resolution National Hydrography Dataset Plus (version 2.1). These predictions, combined with a rapidly growing body of nationally available data, will further enhance our ability to study and protect aquatic resources.  相似文献   

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