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Toxic effect of Zn(II) on a green alga (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) in the presence of sepiolite and kaolinite was investigated. The Zn-free clays were found to have a negative impact on the growth of C. pyrenoidosa in comparison with control samples (without adding any clay or Zn(II)). When Zn(II) was added, the algae in the presence of clays could be better survived than the control samples, which was actually caused by a decrease in Zn(II) concentration in the solution owing to the adsorption of Zn(II) on the clays. When the solution system was diluted, the growth of algae could be further inhibited as compared to that in a system which had the same initial Zn(II) concentration as in the diluted system. This in fact resulted from desorption of Zn(II) from the zinc-contaminated clays, although the effect varied according to the different desorption capabilities of sepiolite and kaolinite. Therefore the adsorption and desorption processes of Zn(H) played an important part in its toxicity, and adsorption and desorption of pollutants on soils/sediments should be well considered in natural eco-environmental systems before their risk of toxicity to aquatic organisms was assessed objectively.  相似文献   

The test was designed to assess the toxicity of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) to Chlorella ellipsoidea and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae during 15 d with concentrations of MTBE from high (2.00×104 mg/L) to low (2 mg/L). The results showed that the toxicity was low when the concentration of MTBE was 1.00×104-2.00×104 mg/L (the greatest inhibition of growth-rate was 70%-71%, occurring on day 1-5). Low concentrations (2-500 mg/L) stimulated algal growth up to the greatest effect of 85%-200% when the concentration of MTBE was 50-100 mg/L on day 3-5. The low concentrations may lead to an algal bloom owing to overabundance, which represents an aquatic ecological risk. However, the stimulatory effect occurred only during the day 1-5 and disappeared gradually during the day 13-15. The toxicity of MTBE (72-120 h EC50) is 6.65×103-9.58×103 mg/L for C. ellipsoidea and that is 1.14×104-2.00×104 mg/L for A. spiroides. We found that the toxicity and ecological risk of MTBE for the algal community structure were low. The toxicity was influenced by the duration of the test. We suggest that the duration of the test should not be shorter than half a life-cycle.  相似文献   

以栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)为受试生物,研究了栉孔扇贝对8:2氟调聚羧酸(8:2FTCA)的代谢转化特征以及代谢过程中靶器官的氧化应激响应.结果发现,栉孔扇贝可将8:2FTCA转化为8:2氟调聚不饱和酸(8:2FTUCA)、7:3氟调聚羧酸(7:3FTCA)、全氟辛酸(PFOA)、全氟壬酸(PFNA)和全氟庚酸(PFHpA)等代谢产物.栉孔扇贝鳃和肝脏中代谢产物总量最高,为8:2FTCA的主要代谢靶器官.与本课题组前期虾夷扇贝的相关研究相比,8:2FTCA在栉孔扇贝与虾夷扇贝体内的生物转化行为主要有3方面相似之处:检测到的代谢产物相同、代谢靶器官相同以及鳃是最终代谢产物PFOA生成和蓄积的主要场所;不同之处主要体现在栉孔扇贝中代谢产物以7:3FTCA占比较高,虾夷扇贝中则是PFOA占比较高.同时在8:2FTCA暴露过程中,栉孔扇贝靶器官的关键抗氧化酶出现了一定的应激效应.丙二醛(MDA)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)等氧化应激指标以及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)等抗氧化酶系出现不同程度变化:GSH-Px在整个代谢转化过程中呈现抑制效应;SOD,CAT活性在鳃中呈诱导效应,而在肝脏中呈现明显的剂量-效应关系,低剂量组中均呈抑制效应,高剂量组中大部分时间呈诱导效应.GSH和MDA含量不仅表现出剂量-效应关系,组织间也存在差异.暴露实验结束后,生理指标均有不同程度恢复.  相似文献   

Atmospheric simulation chambers,are unique tools for investigating atmospheric processes in the gas and heterogeneous phases.They can provide a controlled yet realistic environment that simulates atmospheric conditions.In the current study,a Teflon atmospheric simulation chamber of 600 L,named THALAMOS(thermally regulated atmospheric simulation chamber) has been developed and cross-validated.THALAMOS can be operated over the temperature range 233 to 373 K under both static and flow conditions.It...  相似文献   

Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), which usually involves sensitization to P1A1 (HPA-1a), may have devastating complications for the fetus. These may be prevented by antenatal treatment of severe cases with either maternally administered high-dose gamma-globulin and/or repeated intrauterine platelet transfusions. Determination of the paternal platelet phenotype is useful for counselling parents who have had one or more affected pregnancies. This report of an unaffected pregnancy in a woman with a history of previous pregnancies complicated by NAIT illustrates the role of paternal and fetal platelet phenotyping in managing existing pregnancies at risk of NAIT.  相似文献   

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