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Life cycle assessment was carried out using IMPACT2002+ to estimate the environmental impact of coated white board production, which is common in China. Normalized results showed that the potential impacts of respiratory inorganics, terrestrial ecotoxicity, global warming, and non-renewable energy had a dominant contributions to overall environmental impact. Specifically, emissions from chemical and energy production processes exhibited higher potential impact (more than 80% of the total contribution) on the environment than that of emissions generated from transport, landfill, wastewater treatment, and paper plants infrastructure. Energy recovery from black liquor and energy generation based on natural gas are key factors in reducing overall environmental potential impact. The current paper presents improvements on the environmental performance of a coated white board production site in China.  相似文献   

Recovering energy from wastes is a useful strategy for integrated waste and energy management in an eco-industrial park (EIP) and gives promising reduction of wastes, total energy consumption and operation cost. In Jinqiao EIP, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, an industrial symbiosis, based on the energy recovery from municipal sewage sludge and re-refined oil, was proposed in the central heat-supplying company of Jinqiao EIP. It is expected that hot off-gas or part of the steam from the central heat-supplying company could be used for sludge drying and used oil re-refining while the dried sludge and refined oil can be partial substitution for fossil fuel. For the purpose of assessing the environmental performance of this industrial symbiosis, life cycle assessment (LCA) was used and different scenarios were set up in this study to evaluate the Global warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Human toxicity air (HTA) and Total Environmental Impact Potential (TEIP) of the system. Results indicate that when the substitute ratio of coal by sludge is 14%, the proposed industrial symbiosis has the least environmental impact. Compared with the current situation (sludge is landfilled), co-combustion of dried sludge and re-refined oil with coal at optimal scale will release less CO2, CH4, NOx, N2O and CO, but more SO2, H2S, NH3, HCl, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and heavy metals.  相似文献   

对接经济系统和环境系统是支撑循环经济决策的关键,而可持续性评价以及在传统生命周期影响评价(LCA)基础上发展起来的生命周期可持续性评价(LCSA)是重要决策支撑工具.近年来对可持续性评价的关注使得生命周期成本分析(LCC)及其在资源循环决策中的应用得以快速发展.大量研究表明LCC是有效的经济决策支撑工具.但是由于"生命周期成本分析"的其他相关称谓与LCC术语上模糊,以及成本效益分析(CBA)等相关成本评估工具在方法用途上的类似,使得在实际研究中LCC的相关概念混淆甚至错误使用的现象时有发生.针对如上研究背景,本文采用文献研究法和案例分析法,旨在厘清LCC及相关术语的概念和内涵,并为LCC以及LCSA在未来的研究提出实用性建议.首先,通过文献研究回顾了LCC的发展脉络,厘清了在人们对社会和环境问题关注下,LCC逐渐从普通的成本评估发展成为LCSA核心部分的发展路径.同时,使用Citespace对国内和国际2000-2017年LCC相关论文发表情况进行图谱分析,发现和国内相比,国际期刊的LCC相关研究已经从概念探索和企业成本控制发展到了特定领域系统的成本优化研究.进一步,引入"可持续性三支柱"的概念来阐释LCSA的经济、环境、社会三个维度以及它与LCC的关系,然后区分了LCC的类似术语的定义和成本范围,并阐述了与传统CBA方法的差别.在此基础上,以欧盟VEEP项目为案例,从定性和定量两个维度阐释了LCC的分析视角和计算过程.最后,对LCC在中国未来的研究方向提出了具体建议,包括:扩大运用领域,标准化,研究方法间的结合,以及数据库和软件工具的开发.  相似文献   

为了研究不同坝型对环境造成的影响,采用混合生命周期评价方法定量分析并比较同规模的重力坝和堆石坝水电枢纽布置在全生命周期内的温室气体排放.研究基于糯扎渡工程实例,生命周期考虑材料设备生产阶段、运输阶段、施工阶段和运行维护阶段.结果表明:重力坝方案和堆石坝方案生命周期温室气体排放量分别为1145.49×104和815.85×104t(以CO2当量计),重力坝比堆石坝多排放40.4%.其中,重力坝在生产、运输和运行阶段的碳足迹比堆石坝大,但堆石坝在施工阶段的碳足迹比重力坝大.运行阶段的温室气体排放量占全生命周期碳足迹的比例最大,其次是材料设备生产阶段、施工阶段和运输阶段.糯扎渡水电工程的碳排放因子明显低于火电碳排放因子,合理开展水电建设,是实现我国"十二五"规划碳减排目标的有效途径.  相似文献   

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied to two smallholder milk production systems in Peru in order to evaluate the environmental burden of milk produced in each. An Andean highland milk production system where livestock feeding is restricted to permanent pastures supplemented with on farm grown ryegrass-clover was opposed to a coastal system with dairy cows fed a diet consisting of fodder maize and purchased concentrate. Milk production levels (kg/cow day) differed considerably with 2.57 for the highland and 19.54 for the coastal system. A Life Cycle Inventory was calculated for the functional unit of 1 kg energy corrected milk (ECM) and the environmental impacts global warming, acidification and eutrophication were estimated for 1 kg ECM, 1 ha and 1 animal, considering the multi-functionality of the system. The highland system was characterized by a high land use (23.1 m2a/kg ECM vs. 1.71 m2a/kg ECM at the coast). Irrigation water and energy were on the other hand used to a much higher amount at the coast (7291 l/kg ECM and 8791 MJ/kg ECM, respectively) than in the highlands (848 l/kg ECM and 0.20 MJ/kg ECM). Global warming potential, acidification and eutrophication were higher for 1 kg ECM produced in the highlands than at the coast by 10.6 kg CO2 equivalents, 6.58 g sulfur dioxide equivalents and 10.63 g phosphate equivalents, respectively. Nevertheless, 5220 kg CO2 equivalents more were emitted per animal at the coast than in the highlands. Also acidification and eutrophication were estimated to be on average 6 and 4 times higher at the coast compared to the highlands when expressed for the functional units of 1 ha and 1 animal.


Whereas livestock is mainly responsible for impacts on the environment in the highlands, at the coast both livestock related emissions and forage cultivation play an important role. Furthermore CO2 releases from soybean cultivations heavily contribute to total emissions. Sensitivity analysis indicates that for dairy systems relying on crop by-products as feed the choice of the allocation method is a crucial point in a LCA study. Based on the results of this study, strategies in order to reduce the environmental burden of milk production should focus on an increase of production levels and a reduction of methane emissions from enteric fermentation in the highlands and a modification of the concentrate components replacing soya as the protein source at the coast.  相似文献   

The main purpose of industrial ecology is to evaluate and minimize impacts from economic activities of human society. Tourism as one economic activity, results in a full range of environmental impacts, but few applications of industrial ecology to tourism management have previously been discussed. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used in this research to explore environmental impacts of island tourism, and then the environmental loads per tourist per trip can be found. Penghu Island in Taiwan is taken as an example to examine this new approach. Various environmental loads in transportation, accommodation, and recreation activity sector are all inventoried and calculated here. In summary, per tourist per trip uses 1606 MJ of energy, 607 L of water, and emits 109,034 g of CO2, 2660 g of CO, 597 g of HC, 70 g of NOx. In addition, per tourist per trip also discharges 416 L of wastewater, 83.1 g of BOD, and 1.95 g of solid waste. In terms of energy use, the transportation consumes the largest energy (67%); in particular, the airplane sector. Moreover, per Penghu tourist results in more environmental loads than local people; for example, the amount of solid waste discharge per tourist is 1.95 kg per day, while that of per local people is 1.18 kg. Finally, the advantages and limitations of such LCA approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present a new analytical tool, called COMPLIMENT, which can be used to provide detailed information on the overall environmental impact of a business. COMPLIMENT integrates parts of tools such as life cycle assessment, multi-criteria analysis and environmental performance indicators. It avoids disadvantages and combines complementary aspects of these three tools. The methodology is based on environmental performance indicators, expanding the scope of data collection towards a life cycle approach and including a weighting and aggregation step. A case study on the Thai pulp industry illustrates the usefulness of COMPLIMENT.  相似文献   

The emergence of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on the global stage as a design and policy tool increases the importance of assessing and managing uncertainty. This article develops and implements uncertainty methods for hybrid LCA. Hybrid LCA combines a bottom-up construction of the supply-chain based on facility-level data on material/energy use with a top-down economic input-output (EIO) model to account for processes for which direct data were unavailable. For the bottom-up part of the LCA, we account for variability in process and usage pattern data by developing parameter ranges. For the EIO side we develop a method to assess price uncertainty. These methods are explored through a case study examining energy use and carbon dioxide emissions of manufacturing and use of a laptop computer, a 2001 Dell Inspiron 2500. Results show that manufacturing the computer requires 3010-4340 MJ of primary energy, 52-67% less than the energy to make a desktop computer, and emits 227-270 kg CO2. The manufacturing phase represents 62-70% of total primary energy of manufacturing and operation. This indicates, as for desktop computers, that mitigating manufacturing energy use, for example through extending lifespan, can be an important strategy to manage the life cycle energy of laptop computers. Results also indicate that truncation error from excluded processes in the bottom-up process model is significant, perhaps particularly so due to complex supply chains of information technology products.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to assess the environmental effectiveness of a strategic measure aimed at resource productivity enhancement. The cement industry has been identified as a relevant sector for this global issue, since the related production process enables the use of waste in partial substitution of raw materials and in substitution of traditional fuels. The analysis of the cement production sector in Italy has been here performed, investigating the recovery of energy from waste through co-incineration. In terms of air emissions, the emission performances of cement kilns appear independent from the use of alternative fuels at the percentages usually employed. However, in order to measure the cleanliness of a production system, systematic analysis with global perspective is needed. For this aim, the principles of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) have been used for a case study analysis of an Italian active plant using an amount of recovered plastics as an alternative fuel resource. The improvement on the investigated process has been quantitatively measured as a way for cleaner production, first in terms of gross energy requirement, and then through an environmental performance comparison with a sector benchmark. The analysis has highlighted the benefits on the global environmental balance for the practice of co-incineration in the cement production process.  相似文献   

基于LCA的稻秸合成甲醇的环境-经济成本分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以年产5万t甲醇的稻秸气化合成甲醇系统为研究对象,采用生命周期评价方法,对该系统进行了环境-经济成本分析.结果表明,稻秸合成甲醇系统的环境影响成本是284.99元/t(以甲醇计),且主要集中在生产转化过程和下游甲醇燃料消费2个单元阶段.在不同环境影响类型中,温室效应是生命周期最主要的环境影响因素,由于稻秸固碳作用产生的环境成本是-152.79元/t,生产上游温室效应影响负荷为负、总环境影响负荷为负.每t稻秸甲醇的真实成本比煤基甲醇低76.84元.  相似文献   

新能源公交车是未来城市公交行业节能及温室气体减排的重点发展方向.新能源公交车在行驶阶段具有良好的节能及温室气体减排效果,而汽车制造、能源生产等相关生命周期阶段的能耗及温室气体排放常被忽视,且目前新能源公交车的乘客运载功能相对较弱,可能对节能及温室气体减排的潜力造成较为显著的影响.因此,本文基于北京市公交车的运营特征,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,选择客运周转量作为功能单位,核算了天然气公交车、混合动力公交车和纯电动公交车等新能源公交车相对于柴油公交车的节能及温室气体减排效益.结果表明:发展新能源公交车对促进北京市公交行业及城市节能低碳发展具有积极的作用,但相对于基于运营里程的核算结果,本研究新能源公交车节能及温室气体减排潜力均较低,主要原因是新能源公交车的实际载客量相对较低;混合动力公交车和纯电动公交车在空调开启时的节能潜力与温室气体减排潜力均远低于天然气公交车;通过发展情景分析,建议北京市现阶段应优先发展天然气公交车,适当发展纯电动公交车和混合动力公交车,以减少北京市公交车的总体能耗,同时降低温室气体排放强度.  相似文献   


为了对光伏产业的环境影响、技术进步、经济成本进行系统分析,采用生命周期评价对光伏产业环境影响进行量化分析;基于评价结果,构建光伏产业技术进步评价模型并计算技术进步率;将光伏产业生产设备投资额结合环境影响评价结果计算成本下降率,同时梳理近年来的光伏电价补贴政策,计算补贴下降率;最后将光伏产业技术进步与经济成本进行综合分析。结果表明:生产1 kWp多晶硅光伏组件时光伏产业的环境影响潜值为83.83 Pt,高纯多晶硅、硅片、电池片和组件的环境影响潜值占比分别为43.05%、16.24%、14.84%和25.87%;以2016年为基准年,2017—2020年光伏产业技术进步率分别为5.20%、8.98%、12.48%和20.91%,成本下降率分别为−5.81%、−21.05%、−25.23%和−32.63%,补贴下降率分别为−15.60%、−30.36%、−40.46%和−51.33%;同期光伏补贴下降率大于技术进步率和成本下降率,技术进步速度和成本下降速度在2017年后较为同步,反映了补贴下降在一定程度上能够倒逼企业采用更先进的技术以降低成本。



分别以再生长丝〔以回收再生聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)瓶片为原料制备〕及原生长丝(以精对苯二甲酸和乙二醇为原料制备)为分析对象,利用生命周期评价(LCA)方法量化分析生产各阶段的环境影响及贡献,并提出减小环境影响的建议。选取全球变暖潜值、酸化效应潜值、非生物耗竭、光化学臭氧合成、陆地生态毒性潜值 5种环境影响类别进行分类计算。结果表明:再生长丝生产过程中熔融纺丝阶段的环境影响贡献大于物理处理阶段;通过特征化分析和归一化分析,与原生PET长丝相比,生产每100 kg的再生PET长丝全球变暖潜势减少32.09 kg (以CO2计),酸化效应潜值减少0.37 kg (以SO2计);原生PET长丝和再生PET长丝生产过程中环境影响贡献最大的类别均为非生物耗竭。根据生命周期多边形法对5种环境影响类别的综合直观评估结果表明,再生PET长丝相比于原生PET长丝对环境影响更小,可以从能源优化、工艺环节改善等方面减小环境影响。


以宁波市象山县水湖涂名优水产围海养殖工程为研究对象,通过构建生态服务价值损害评估指标体系,分析了围海养殖区的生态损害特征,并基于海域自我恢复能力,研究了围海养殖工程的生态补偿标准和资源恢复周期。结果显示:(1)名优水产围海养殖工程造成的生态损害总价值为318.90万元/a,单位面积损害价值为3.20万元/hm2·a。生态损害主要以生态服务型为主,占总量比例为53.54%。(2)生物资源型损害类别中,潮间带生物损害价值最大,为59.71万元,其次为紫菜养殖和鱼卵、仔鱼,二者损害价值量相当,占总量比例均为13.55%,底栖生物和游泳生物价值损失则均较小。(3)生态服务型损害类别中,一级类别主要以调节服务价值为主,占总量比例为32.56%。二级损害类别中,废弃物处理损害价值最大,为71.77万元,休闲娱乐损害价值也较大,占总量比例为12.80%,其他类型则价值损失较小。(4)名优水产围海养殖工程基于海域自我恢复能力的生态补偿标准为280.90万元/a,单位面积补偿价值为2.82万元/hm2·a,对比生态损害价值确定的补偿标准,总量减少11.92%。项目施工结束后,近岸滩涂恢复速度为4.6320 hm2/a,约13年后新围大堤附近滩涂将恢复到围海前的基线水平。  相似文献   

基于LCA的新能源轿车节能减排效果分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
新能源汽车在行驶过程中具有节能、环保等优点,在我国目前汽车保有量激增、能耗总量和温室气体排放量不断增大,城市交通对城市空气污染贡献日益增加的情况下,应用和推广新能源汽车被视为替代传统汽车、减缓环境危害的重要工具,但其生产阶段的能耗及污染问题同样不容忽视.因此,本研究运用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,选用美国阿贡国家实验室开发的GREET模型,对混合动力轿车、纯电动轿车、氢燃料电池轿车、E10乙醇汽油轿车4类新能源轿车在车辆制造、燃料及电力生产、行驶、拆解4个阶段的能耗及主要大气污染物排放进行了分析计算,并与传统汽油轿车进行比较.结果表明,同传统汽油轿车相比,4种新能源轿车的全生命周期能耗有不同程度的降低,其中,纯电动轿车在降低能耗方面最具优势.同时,4种新能源轿车全生命周期综合环境影响均低于传统汽油轿车,其中以氢燃料电池轿车的综合环境影响最小.  相似文献   


为探究我国战略环境影响评价(简称战略环评)研究发展与演变特征,以近20年Web of Science 和中国知网收录文献作为研究对象,运用CitesSpace文献分析工具绘制知识图谱,对比分析国际上与国内战略环评的研究力量、演变特征等信息,结合实践探索情况以及聚类分析实证结果,重点分析战略环评领域研究热点,通过对比国际上战略环评研究成果,提出新时期我国环境影响评价宏观管理的展望与设想。通过国际上与国内战略环评研究重点的对比可知,战略环评是公认的参与全球环境治理的工具,它适用于复杂动态巨系统的预测评价,是优化国土开发格局、保障生态安全的政策工具,为多利益相关方提供了对话、协商与决策的平台。尽管近年来我国大区域战略环评实践与生态环境分区管控研究成果显著,对比国外属于创新性研究实践,但整体上依然存在发文力度不大、国际合作不足等现象。为进一步提升战略环评预防效应,一方面,需积极融入生态文明建设,系统总结战略环评实践成果,实践—理论—再实践,不断完善适合我国国情的战略环评宏观理论和方法,推广我国研究成果走向国际;另一方面,需持续注入研究活力,加快构建涵盖多学科、多领域的专家库,集成各类技术资源,联合各方技术力量,为提高政策、战略、规划的“绿色含量”出谋划策。





The Yongding New River is essential for the water supplies of Tianjin. To date, there is no comprehensive report that assesses the year-round water quality of the Yongding New River Main stream. Moreover, little attention has been given to determining a combined weight for improving the traditional comprehensive water quality identification index (ICWQII) by the game theory. Seven water quality parameters were investigated monthly along the main stream of the Yongding New River from May 2018 to April 2019. Organic contaminants and nitrogen pollution were mainly caused by point sources pollution, and the total phosphorus mainly by non-point source pollution. Dramatic spatio-temporal variations of water quality parameters were jointly caused by different pollutant sources and hydrometeorological factors. In terms of this study, an improved comprehensive water quality identification index (ICWQII) based on entropy weight or variation coefficient and traditional CWQII underestimated the water qualities, and an ICWQII based on the superstandard multiple method overvalued the assessments. By contrast, water qualities assessments done with an ICWQII based on the game theory matched perfectly with the practical situation. The ICWQII based on game theory proposed in this study takes into account not only the degree of disorder and variation of water quality data, but also the influence of standard-exceeded pollution indicators, whose results are relatively reasonable. All findings and the ICWQII based on game theory can provide scientific support for decisions related to the water environment management of the Yongding New River and other waters.  相似文献   

为完善增程式电动汽车(Extended range electric vehicle,EREV)全生命周期环境影响和经济效益评价研究,对EREV、纯电动汽车(Battery electric vehicle,BEV)和内燃机汽车(Internal combustion engine vehicle,ICEV)进行了对比分析.基于生命周期评价理论和生命周期成本分析方法,构建了车辆生命周期资源消耗、能源消耗、环境影响和成本评价模型,针对不同汽车各阶段材料消耗、能源消耗和环境排放三大特性,识别EREV、BEV和ICEV的环境负荷差异,并从初始购置成本、使用维护成本和报废回收成本3个方面评价了EREV、BEV和ICEV的生命周期成本差异.综合碳排放特性和经济属性,进一步提出减碳经济性评价指标,科学评价EREV和BEV的环境效益和减碳经济性,并讨论了不同电力结构下EREV、BEV和ICEV的生命周期温室气体排放情况和减碳经济性变化.对增程式电动汽车进行全生命周期内综合评价研究,进一步明确EREV在多种能源类型汽车技术路线中的环境效益和减碳经济性.结果表明,相比于ICEV,BEV和EREV在运行使...  相似文献   

城市化下河流健康评价问题是当前人们关注的热点问题.本文针对城市化地区河流健康不断恶化的问题,选取了与其密切相关的生态水文过程的5个要素9个指标构建了河流健康评价指标体系,并运用熵权物元模型对湖州市区不同城市化水平下的河流健康状况进行了定量评价和动态分析.通过对1991、2001、2006年太湖流域湖州市区河流健康综合关联度的计算分析,得出了研究区河流健康状况朝着病态方向发展的趋势.同时发现河网发育系数变化率、绿地覆盖率和农林业产值增长率等限制因子对河流健康的影响不容忽视.而通过与多指标综合评价方法进行比较,表明熵权物元模型能有效克服权重判定的主观性以及河流健康概念的模糊性和各评价指标之间的不相容性问题,可为平原河网地区的河流健康提供一种新的评价方法.  相似文献   

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