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PROBLEM: With limited resources to help reduce occupational injuries, companies struggle with how to best focus these resources to achieve the greatest reduction in injuries for the optimal cost. Safety culture has been identified as a critical factor that sets the tone for importance of safety within an organization. METHOD: An employee safety perception survey was conducted, and injury data were collected over a 45-month period from a large ready-mix concrete producer located in the southwest region of the United States. RESULTS: The results of this preliminary study suggest that the reductions in injuries experienced at the company locations was strongly impacted by the positive employee perceptions on several key factors. Management's commitment to safety was the factor with the greatest positive perception by employees taking the survey. DISCUSSION: This study was set up as a pilot project and did not unitize an experimental design. That weakness reduces the strength of these findings but adds to the importance of expanding the pilot project with an appropriate experimental design. SUMMARY: Management leadership has been identified, along with several other factors, to influence employee perceptions of the safety management system. Those perceptions, in turn, appear to influence employee decisions that relate to at-risk behaviors and decisions on the job. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The results suggest that employee perceptions of the safety system are related to management's commitment to safety, which, in turn, appear to be related to injury rates. Management should focus on how to best leverage these key factors to more positively impact injury rates within their companies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Research suggests safety climate (SC) is a strong predictor of safety-related outcomes in organizations. This study explores the relationship between six SC dimensions and four aspects of work-related driving. METHOD: The SC factors measured were "communication and procedures," "work pressures," "relationships," "safety rules," "driver training," and "management commitment." The aspects of self-reported occupational driving measured were traffic violations, driver error, driving while distracted, and pre-trip vehicle maintenance. RESULTS: Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the SC factors accounted for significant amounts of variance in all four aspects of work-related driving, over and above the control factors of age, sex, and work-related driving exposure. However, further investigation indicated certain SC factors (particularly safety rules, communication, and management commitment) were more strongly related to specific aspects of work-related driving behavior than others. Together, the SC factors were better able to predict self-reported distraction from the road than the other aspects of driving behavior measured. Implications for occupational safety, particularly for the management of work-related drivers are discussed.  相似文献   

中国可持续发展与国家安全文化战略的新对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“可持续发展”战略的实质是社会、经济发展与资源、环境相协调的一种发展模式。值得注意,这一人类社会发展模式中跨世纪重大转变的策略,尚未引起安全与减灾科技界的普遍关注,不仅在安全减灾战略研究中很少涉及,严重的是它阻碍了安全减灾诸领域跨世纪及决策课题研究的深度,造成与国际接轨进程缓慢。为此,立足可持续发展思路,并以全新视角、系统地讨论适宜安全减灾文化战略的总体对策,可望能为中国二十一世纪安全保障及科技发展提供科学指南  相似文献   

薛福连 《林业劳动安全》2003,16(1):22-22,26
根据多年的安全生产实践,有针对性地提出了安全生产现场管理的四个“三”,对安全管理大有实际意义。  相似文献   

论安全文化在企业安全生产中的地位   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
分析论述了企业安全文化的基本特征与功能,着重探讨了安全文化在企业安全生产工作中的地位,提出安全文化是企业安全生产的基础和保障,在企业安全生产各项工作中都有安全文化所担负的作用和享有的特殊地位,只有全方位、全过程的全员参与和响应,安全文化才能真正融合于企业的各项工作之中。  相似文献   

Making work safer: Testing a model of social exchange and safety management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


This study tests a conceptual model that focuses on social exchange in the context of safety management. The model hypothesizes that supportive safety policies and programs should impact both safety climate and organizational commitment. Further, perceived organizational support is predicted to partially mediate both of these relationships.


Study outcomes included traditional outcomes for both organizational commitment (e.g., withdrawal behaviors) as well as safety climate (e.g., self-reported work accidents). Questionnaire responses were obtained from 1,723 employees of a large national retailer.


Using structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques, all of the model's hypothesized relationships were statistically significant and in the expected directions. The results are discussed in terms of social exchange in organizations and research on safety climate.

Impact on Industry

Maximizing safety is a social-technical enterprise. Expectations related to social exchange and reciprocity figure prominently in creating a positive climate for safety within the organization.  相似文献   

介绍了该公司投产前进行安全评价的方法及结果和企业运用评价成果搞好安全生产工作的做法  相似文献   

浅析新形势下,林业安全生产存在的问题及其对经济效益的影响和对策。  相似文献   



The often applied engineering approach to safety management in the construction industry needs to be supplemented by organizational measures and measures based on how people conceive and react to their social environment. This requires in-depth knowledge of the broad preconditions for high safety standards in construction. The aim of the study was to comprehensively describe the preconditions and components of high safety standards in the construction industry from the perspective of both experienced construction workers and first-line managers.


Five worker safety representatives and 19 first-line managers were interviewed, all strategically selected from within a large Swedish construction project. Phenomenographic methodology was used for data acquisition and analysis and to categorize the information. Nine informants verified the results.


The study identified four main categories of work safety preconditions and components: (1) Project characteristics and nature of the work, which set the limits of safety management; (2) Organization and structures, with the subcategories planning, work roles, procedures, and resources; (3) Collective values, norms, and behaviors, with the subcategories climate and culture, and interaction and cooperation; and (4) Individual competence and attitudes, with the subcategories knowledge, ability and experience, and individual attitudes.


The results comprehensively describe high safety standards in construction, incorporating organizational, group, individual, and technical aspects. High-quality interaction between different organizational functions and hierarchical levels stood out as important aspects of safety. The results are discussed in relation to previous research into safety and into the social-psychological preconditions for other desired outcomes in occupational settings.

Impact on Industry

The results can guide construction companies in planning and executing construction projects to a high safety standard.  相似文献   

本文以讨论安全生产与国民经济的关系为出发点,论述了安全生产是国民经济的重要组成部分,阐述了安全劳动的价值;通过对有关国家安全生产情况的综合分析,研究了安全生产与国民经济状况、社会经济发展水平之间的关系;同时对职业伤害经济损失、安全生产投资在国民经济中的比例、安全生产的意义进行了分析和探讨,说明了安全生产在国民经济中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,在企业新旧管理体制变更过程中,企业不但是生产经营的主体,也是安全生产的主体,企业必须强化自身安全生产意识,建立自我约束机制,保证安全投入,及时整改革帮隐患,营造安全生产良好氛围,才能保证生产和经济的稳定发展。  相似文献   

邹碧海  向阳  唐舒闻 《安全》2020,(4):59-62
为了清晰的阐述安全文化在安全生产过程中的作用。本文利用集合的方法阐述了安全文化与安全氛围的关系,同时利用数学公式表示了安全文化与安全氛围之间的联系,得出安全文化的作用是通过不同时刻的安全氛围的累计,从而让安全文化的作用机理变得数据化、具体化,让企业以及相关部门能够更好的重视安全文化的建设,从而推动企业、乃至世界的安全生产进程。此外,安全文化的建设维度相比安全氛围建设而言显得较少,在安全生产过程中应该积极探索新的建设维度,从而完善安全文化维度建设体系。  相似文献   

为了解和评价企业建立OSHMS后,员工的主观反应和正、负两方面评价意见,对已建OSHMS 64家企业中的1602名职工(观察组)和未建OSHMS 的 61家企业中的1517名职工(对照组)做了标准化问卷调查,调查采用随机抽样、标准化问卷、统一调查程序和系统质量控制等技术方法.问卷中设置了经过专家筛选的12个问题,分A、B两组每组6个问题,其中5个为正面,1个为负面反应问题,依据回答问题的程度不同划出a、b、c和d四个级别,分别赋予不同分值.问卷调查结果表明:观察组在企业职工全员参与、职业安全卫生教育培训、作业环境整改和搞好安全生产信心与能力等多个方面都得到明显改善与提高,与未建OSHMS企业的对照组相比较,差异非常显著.同时分析结果也提示:企业推行OSHMS过程中可能增加员工心理压力和给工作带来一些不便,一小部分职工对职业安全健康管理工作发生的一些变化还不能完全适应,应引起注意.作者认为,企业通过建立和运行OSHMS可以提高企业安全生产管理水平和获得显著职业安全卫生绩效,企业职工在OSHMS建立后安全生产的意识能力和自信心都得到了明显加强.建议应进一步在企业推行应用并在实际工作中不断改进和完善.政府对于企业自主采取的先进的管理体系应予一定的支持和鼓励,如给与某些政策上的支持.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Hospital nurses have one of the highest work-related injury rates in the United States. Yet, approaches to improving employee safety have generally focused on attempts to modify individual behavior through enforced compliance with safety rules and mandatory participation in safety training. We examined a theoretical model that investigated the impact on nurse injuries (back injuries and needlesticks) of critical structural variables (staffing adequacy, work engagement, and work conditions) and further tested whether safety climate moderated these effects. METHOD: A longitudinal, non-experimental, organizational study, conducted in 281 medical-surgical units in 143 general acute care hospitals in the United States. RESULTS: Work engagement and work conditions were positively related to safety climate, but not directly to nurse back injuries or needlesticks. Safety climate moderated the relationship between work engagement and needlesticks, while safety climate moderated the effect of work conditions on both needlesticks and back injuries, although in unexpected ways. DISCUSSION AND IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Our findings suggest that positive work engagement and work conditions contribute to enhanced safety climate and can reduce nurse injuries.  相似文献   

阐述了企业安全文化的内涵及提高安全管理水平的措施  相似文献   

从人员、设备、环境三方面 ,阐述了在木材生产中应用现代安全管理技术 ,提高本质安全水平  相似文献   

Introduction: The majority of construction companies are small businesses and small business often lack the resources needed to ensure that their supervisors have the safety leadership skills to build and maintain a strong jobsite safety climate. The Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) training program was designed to provide frontline leaders in all sized companies with safety leadership skills. This paper examines the impact of the FSL training by size of business. Methods: Leaders, defined as foremen or other frontline supervisors, from small, medium, and large construction companies were recruited to participate in a study to evaluate the degree to which the FSL changed their understanding and use of the leadership skills, safety practices and crew reporting of safety-related conditions. We used linear mixed modeling methods to analyze pre-post training survey data. Results: Prior to the training, leaders from small and medium sized companies reported using safety leadership skills less frequently than those from large ones. After the training, regardless of business size, we observed that the FSL training improved leaders understanding of safety leadership skills from immediately before to immediately after the training. Additionally, leaders reported greater use of safety leadership skills, safety practices, and crew reporting of safety-related conditions from before to two-weeks after the training. However, those from small and medium sized companies reported the greatest improvement in their use of safety leadership skills. Conclusions: The FSL training improves safety leadership outcomes regardless of the size company for which the leader worked. However, the FSL may be even more effective at improving the safety leadership skills of leaders working for smaller sized construction companies or those with lower baseline levels of safety leadership skills. Practical applications: The majority of construction companies employ a small number of employees and therefore may not have the resources to provide their frontline leaders with the leadership training they need to be effective leaders who can create a strong jobsite safety climate. The Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) training can help fill this gap.  相似文献   

从安全生产与经济秩序的关系分析安全生产的各种现象、危害及其原因 ,提出了实现安全生产 ,规范市场经济秩序的对策。将安全生产纳入市场经济秩序 ,建立完善市场准入条件和事故淘汰否决制及从经济角度增强企业安全生产内动力、加大对责任事故中的腐败行为和破坏经济秩序的查处力度等方面 ,对我国建立和完善社会主义市场经济秩序过程中加强安全生产进行了探索。  相似文献   

班组长综合素质的高低,可影响安全生产.试图通过叙述抓好班组长培训与搞好安全生产的辩证关系,以期引起工业企业对抓好班组长培训工作的重视.  相似文献   

生产作业区重大危险源评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危险源是危险的根源,是系统中存在的可能发生意外释放能量的危险物质,开展重大危险源评估工作可有效预防和控制生产作业区重大安全事故的发生,保障人民群众生命财产安全,同时也为生产作业区安全监督管理提供依据。以某生产作业区为例,研究了生产作业区重大危险源辨识标准及分类分级方法,研究了重大危险源安全现状及危害等级的安全评估方法,指出了企业在重大危险源安全管理上应采取的安全技术措施和安全管理措施,为提高生产作业区安全管理水平,制定重大危险源专项应急预案提供了依据,上述辨识和评估思路和方法可为其他企业借鉴参考。  相似文献   

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