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More and more sewage sludge is being produced in China. Safe and economical methods for sewage sludge disposal should be found considering the increase in sewage treatment. In order to verify the feasibility of sludge disposal on newly built highway embankments, five treatments (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 tons ha−1) of sewage sludge compost (SSC) were added to a silty-clay embankment soil on the Xi-Huang highway. The results showed that amendment with SSC increased soil available N, available P, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, and water content, and decreased soil bulk density. Application of SSC enhanced ryegrass growth and reduced runoff and soil erosion. Heavy metal losses from sediments in runoff remained constant or decreased relative to the control until a rate of 60 tons ha−1 was exceeded, when heavy metal losses appeared to increase.  相似文献   

A range of artificial aggregates has been developed from incinerated sewage sludge ash. The ash is either pelletized or slabbed and subsequently fired until it sinters and expands to form lightweight products which are later graded for use as aggregates in concrete. From the standard tests conducted on size grading, bulk density, absorption and fracture strength, it appears that both the pellets and slabs are potentially suitable as lightweight aggregates in concrete. Preliminary studies on concrete incorporating these aggregates support this hypothesis. No studies of potential containment release at high temperature was made during these studies.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study investigated the effect of raw water quality and coagulant type and dosage on the efficiency of aluminium recovery from water treatment...  相似文献   

Acidic bioleaching of heavy metals from sewage sludge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the use of controlled bio-acidification prior to land application as a decontamination process to remove heavy metals from sludge. The sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were naturally available in the sludge samples and were activated by providing sulfur and aeration at 28°C–30°C. Activation resulted in bio-acidification to pH 2 within 5–11 days. Successive inoculation of fresh sludges with 5% acidified samples reduced the acidification time to 2–3 days in most samples. Bio-acidification resulted in dissolving significant quantities of heavy metals from all sludge types tested. The maximum solubilization results were: 86%–97% for Ni; 48%–98% for Pb; 26%–71% for Cr; 18%–91% for Zn; 16%–90% for Cu; 7%–60% for Cd. Limited metal solubilization results were observed in the various control samples that accompanied the bio-acidified samples. The leaching results in the control samples were limited to 2%–19% for Ni, 0%–7% for Pb, 0%–5% for Cr, 0.3%–4% for Zn, 0.2%–4% for Cu and 0%–3% for Cd. The results confirmed that Ni and Pb were the easiest metals to dissolve from the various sludge types. On the other hand, the lowest solubilization results were observed for Cu and Cd, and moderate solubilization results were achieved for Cr. The bio-acidification process resulted in moderate gains in terms of improving the suitability of tested sludges for land application. Received: April 19, 1999 / Accepted: November 4, 1999  相似文献   

In our previous work, the primary sludge from wastewater treatment plants was shown to contain a considerable amount of cellulose (about 20%, based on suspended solids) owing to the discharge of toilet paper. For the purpose of using the cellulose as a biomass resource, this study examined a simple method for its recovery. When fibrous cellulose was suspended in 0.3% sulfuric acid and autoclaved at 130°C for 60 min, 85%–88% of the initial solids remained without dissolving. Under these conditions, an activated sludge sample not containing cellulose was strongly hydrolyzed and only 7% of the initial solids remained. The prescribed amounts of cellulose added to the activated sludge sample were quantitatively recovered by the autoclaving treatment. In the treatment of primary sludge containing >20% cellulose, residual solids with relatively high levels of cellulose (>69%) could be obtained. The results indicate that the method proposed here could recover cellulose practically from waste sewage sludge for biomass utilization. Received: July 17, 2000 / Accepted: July 4, 2001  相似文献   

Sludge from gullies, on two types of streets with different traffic intensity, was investigated using two recommended EU methods for leachability testing of waste: a two-stage batch test and an up-flow percolation test. The main purpose of this investigation was to gain more knowledge about these leaching test methods to be able to make future decisions on the general applicability of the proposed tests. A number of parameters were determined in the sludge as well as in the eluates obtained from the two leaching tests. These include pH, conductivity, dissolved organic carbon and inorganic ions as chloride ions. A number of metals as Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni and Zn, were determined by inductive coupled plasmamass spectrometry and organic compounds were screened by high performance liquid chromatography-diode array UV detection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. It was found that the concentrations of metals and organic compounds in the sludge were several orders of magnitudes higher than the actual eluate concentrations. For all metals the concentrations were well below the proposed limit values for non-hazardous waste included in the Council decision document 2003/33/EC. Generally, concentrations obtained in batch test were equal or higher than from percolation tests. The repeatability of the percolation and the batch test were in average 28 and 17%, respectively.  相似文献   

To recover pigment grade TiO2, operating plants all over the world use chemical processes. Slag-based technology is considered to be attractive because of low waste generation and low chemical cost due to high titanium content and is poised to replace the conventional technology. This paper provides a review of the slag-based technology with the specific aim to produce leachable slag and achieving high titania yield from recovered wastes. Leachable oxides of the lower oxidation state, such as TiO and Ti2O3, facilitate the leaching process. However, during smelting these oxides increase the viscosity of the slag. Formation of titanium carbide or carbonitride is also not desirable as it leads to resistance to the leaching of titanium. This report highlights the problems and their possible solutions to obtain leachable slag.  相似文献   

Heavy metal removal from contaminated sludge for land application: a review   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In recent years, various methods for heavy metal removal from sewage sludge have been extensively studied in order to minimize the prospective health risks of sludge during land application. In this paper, a comparative review and critical analysis of the application of chemical extraction, bioleaching, electroreclamation, and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), in removing heavy metals from contaminated sludges is presented. Moreover, speciation studies, which can indicate ease of leachability of the different forms of heavy metals in sludge, are also presented. Experimental studies revealed a broad range in metal extraction efficiencies of the different extraction technologies. Acid treatment seemed to effectively remove Cd, attaining as much as 100% removal for some studies, as compared to bioleaching. SFE also gave higher removal efficiency than bioleaching. Cr, Pb and Ni seemed to be also effectively removed by the acid treatment. For the removal of Cu, Mn and Zn, the bioleaching process seemed to be appropriate with maximum removal efficiencies of 91%, 93% and 96% for the three metals, respectively, and as high as 64% minimum removal efficiency for Zn. The SFE process also gave good results for Cu, Mn and Zn removal. Electroreclamation exhibited better removal efficiency for Mn, but is still inferior to acid treatment and bioleaching processes. For chemical extraction, because of the adverse impacts that can result from the use of inorganic acids and complexing agents, interest can be directed more toward utilizing organic acids as extracting agents because of their biodegradability and capability to remove metals at mildly acidic condition, hence requiring less acid. The bioleaching process, although it seems to give a higher yield of metal extraction with lower chemical cost than chemical extraction, may be limited by the inability of the system to cope with the natural environmental conditions, requires strict monitoring of aeration rate and temperature and has applicability to only low sludge solids concentration. A full-scale study would be useful to better assess the efficiency of the process. The electroreclamation technology is limited by its relatively higher energy consumption and limited applicability to sludge. The SFE method, on the other hand, is limited by the complexity of the process and the cost of ligands suitable for effective metal extraction. Both of these technologies are still in their early stage of application and hence there is a need for further basic and applied studies. Finally, the common advantage for almost all treatment technologies studied is that the extraction efficiencies for some metals are high enough to remove metals from sludge to levels suitable for land application.  相似文献   

Residues from forest-industry wastewater-treatment systems are treated as waste at many pulp and paper mills. These organic substances have previously been shown to have potential for production of large quantities of biogas. There is concern, however, that the process would require expensive equipment because of the slow degradation of these substances. Pure non-fibrous sludge from forest industry showed lower specific methane production during mesophilic digestion for 19 days, 53 ± 26 Nml/g of volatile solids as compared to municipal sewage sludge, 84 ± 24 Nml/g of volatile solids. This paper explores the possibility of using anaerobic co-digestion with municipal sewage sludge to enhance the potential of methane production from secondary sludge from a pulp and paper mill. It was seen in a batch anaerobic-digestion operation of 19 days that the specific methane production remained largely the same for municipal sewage sludge when up to 50% of the volatile solids were replaced with forest-industry secondary sludge. It was also shown that the solid residue from anaerobic digestion of the forest-industry sludge should be of suitable quality to use for improving soil quality on lands that are not used for food production.  相似文献   

Based on pre-experimentation, three ornamental plants, Mirabilis jalapa, Impatiens Balsamin (I. Balsamin) and Tagetes erecta L., were selected as target plants to study the phytoextraction of chromium (Cr) in tannery sludge irrigated with four treatments according to Cr concentration gradient [Control (CK); 20.50 × 103 mg kg?1 (T1); 51.25 × 103 mg kg?1 (T2); 102.50 × 103 mg kg?1 (T3)]. Results of pot experiments showed that the biomass of Mirabilis jalapa and Tagetes erecta L. had no significant differences among the four treatments, while I. Balsamin showed a decline trend in the biomass with the increase of Cr concentration, probably due to some extent to the poisoning effect of Cr under treatment T2 or T3. Mirabilis jalapa accumulated Cr concentration, with 408.97, 124.97, 630.16 and 57.30 mg kg?1 in its roots, stems, leaves and inflorescence, respectively. The translocation factor and the bioaccumulation coefficient of Mirabilis jalapa are each greater than 1, indicating that Mirabilis jalapa has the strong ability to tolerate and enrich Cr by biological processes. Comparing accumulation properties of the three ornamental plants, in the amount and allocation, Mirabilis jalapa showed the highest phytoextraction efficiency and could grow well at the high Cr concentration. Our experiments suggest that Mirabilis jalapa is the expected flower species for Cr removal from tannery sludge.  相似文献   

Although production of sewage sludge increases every year, its proper treatment has only been recently raised as a new issue, as current landfill and ocean dumping arrangements are expected to become increasingly difficult to manage in the future. The Korean Ministry of Environment plans to diversify its processing facilities and expand its processing systems by 2011, with the purpose of processing all sludge produced in Korea. According to this plan, incineration (including incineration of municipal wastes) will process 30% of the entire sewage sludge throughout the country in 2011. This study reviews the characteristics of PAH, which is one of the organic substances found in sewage sludge during the incinerating process. The total amount of PAH produced from sewage sludge incineration was found to be 6.103 mg/kg on average, and investigation performed on 16 PAHs of inlets and outlets of the air control devices at five full-scale incineration facilities showed that concentrations of the PAHs on the inlet and on the outlet ranged from 3.926 to 925.748 microg/m(3) and from 1.153 to 189.449 microg/m(3), respectively. In the case of the incineration facility fed with municipal waste (95%) and sewage sludge (5%), the total of the PAH emissions concentration was higher than that found at the incineration facilities used exclusively to treat sewage. The combustion of waste vinyl and plastics contained in municipal waste fed into the facility might contribute to the high levels of PAHs in the stack gas. However more investigation is needed on the production mechanism of PAHs at different operating conditions of the incineration facilities, such as the types of waste, and other relevant factors.  相似文献   

In this study, measurements of elutriation rate were carried out in a bench scale bubbling fluidized bed incinerator, which was used to combust sludge cake. The particle size distribution and ignition loss were analyzed to study the elutriation characteristics of bubbling fluidized bed incineration. Drawn from the experimental data, the elutriation rate constant K(i)* for fine particles were obtained and correlated with parameters. It was found that most of the solid particles (about 95%) elutriated came from the fluidized medium (inorganic matters), but few came from unburned carbon particles or soot (about 5%). Finally, this paper lists a comparison of K(i)* between this study and the published prediction equations derived or studied in non-incineration modes of fluidized bed. A new and modified correlation is proposed here to estimate the elutriation rate of fine particles emitted from a bubbling fluidized bed incinerator. Primary operation variables (superficial gas velocity and incineration temperature) affecting the elutriation rate are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge contains trace amounts of mercury, and sewage sludge incineration is a major source of mercury emissions. However, relatively few studies have reported on mercury emissions from sewage sludge incineration. Consequently, data on emissions from sewage sludge incinerators must be updated to estimate current emissions of mercury. In this study, we examined mercury emissions and speciation using continuous mercury analyzers in two incinerators. The mercury concentrations in stack gas from facilities A and B were 36.6 and 21.1???g/Nm3, respectively. As a result, the emission rate was calculated to be 0.282?C0.750?g/ton-dry sludge. Considering the total amount of sewage sludge incinerated in Japan, the mercury emissions from sewage sludge incinerators were estimated to be 0.49?C1.31?tons/year.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Disposal of sewage sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment, is one of the most intractable problems for environmental protection industry. The...  相似文献   

Due to its chemical composition, waste sludge generated in the paper industry may be used as a raw material for brick production. Brick manufacture is limited to the warmer months of the year whereas sludge is produced continuously by different effluent treatment devices. Therefore, it has to be stored until further processing. For this reason, it is essential that it is not subject to significant chemical and microbiological decomposition during storage. In the experiment, sludge from a tissue paper mill was tested for its stability. It was stored for several weeks during winter and summer periods in a pile, 2 m in height, in an open but covered store. Different leachable organic and inorganic compounds indicating possible ongoing deterioration processes, as well as pH value, redox potential, temperature, humidity and dry matter content were evaluated weekly in water extracts of homogenized sludge samples. According to the test results, the material may be considered to be chemically and microbiologically stable as there was practically no emission of odorous and toxic compounds such as H2S, NH3 and butyric acid despite prolonged storage times and elevated environmental temperatures. All the microbial species identified in the sludge during storage belong to the typical microflora of the environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study developed a novel approach to the hydrothermal synthesis of eco-hydroxyapatite (eco-HPA) from recycled limestone sludge for the removal...  相似文献   

The compostability of water-based paint sludge originating from the automotive industry was investigated. Six reactors were operated. Wastewater treatment sludge from the same industry was used as additional substrate, and corncob was used as a bulking agent. The level of paint sludge within the compost mixtures varied between 55 and 85%. All reactors yielded a temperature increase up to thermophilic phase levels (>?40 °C) for a minimum of 5 days, and organic matter and C/N losses were observed. BTEX concentrations decreased during composting. Nickel and tin levels in the final product exceeded the legal compost limits. The calorific value of the compost mixtures increased from 9532 to 18774 kJ/kg at the end of the composting process. It was seen that the process applied in this study can be utilized as a biodrying step before the usage of paint sludge at cement kilns as additional fuel.  相似文献   

The viability of anaerobic digestion of sludge from a MSW landfill leachate treatment plant, with COD values ranging between 15,000 and 19,400mg O(2)dm(-3), in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor was studied. The reactor employed had a useful capacity of 9l, operating at mesophilic temperature. Start-up of the reactor was carried out in different steps, beginning with diluted sludge and progressively increasing the amount of sludge fed into the reactor. The study was carried out over a period of 7 months. Different amounts of methanol were added to the feed, ranging between 6.75 and 1cm(3)dm(-3) of feed in order to favour the growth of methanogenic flora. The achieved biodegradation of the sludge using an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket Reactor was very high for an HRT of 9 days, obtaining decreases in COD of 84-87% by the end of the process. Purging of the digested sludge represented approximately 16% of the volume of the treated sludge.  相似文献   

A promising strategy for effectively incorporating metal-containing waste materials into a variety of ceramic products was devised in this study. Elemental analysis confirmed that copper was the predominant metal component in the collected electroplating sludge, and aluminum was the predominant constituent of waterworks sludge collected in Hong Kong. The use of waterworks sludge as an aluminum-rich precursor material to facilitate copper stabilization under thermal conditions provides a promising waste-to-resource strategy. When sintering the mixture of copper sludge and the 900 °C calcined waterworks sludge, the CuAl2O4 spinel phase was first detected at 650 °C and became the predominant product phase at temperatures higher than 850 °C. Quantification of the XRD pattern using the Rietveld refinement method revealed that the weight of the CuAl2O4 spinel phase reached over 50% at 850 °C. The strong signals of the CuAl2O4 phase continued until the temperature reached 1150 °C, and further sintering initiated the generation of the other copper-hosting phases (CuAlO2, Cu2O, and CuO). The copper stabilization effect was evaluated by the copper leachability of the CuAl2O4 and CuO via the prolonged leaching experiments at a pH value of 4.9. The leaching results showed that the CuAl2O4 phase was superior to the CuAlO2 and CuO phases for immobilizing hazardous copper over longer leaching periods. The findings clearly indicate that spinel formation is the most crucial metal stabilization mechanism when sintering multiphase copper sludge with aluminum-rich waterworks sludge, and suggest a promising and reliable technique for reusing both types of sludge waste for ceramic materials.  相似文献   

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