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《Safety Science》2006,44(7):583-597
Safe behaviour programs are currently a popular strategy for improving safety in large organizations. This paper provides a critical look at the assumptions that underlie such programs and identifies some of their limitations.Safe behaviour programs run the risk of assuming that unsafe behaviour is the only cause of accidents worth focusing on. The reality is that unsafe behaviour is often merely the last link in a causal chain and not necessarily the most effective link to focus on, for the purposes of prevention.One major drawback of these programs is that they miss critically important unsafe behaviour, such as attempts by workers to re-start processes that have been temporarily interrupted. Conventional safe behaviour programs aimed at front line workers are also of no use in preventing accidents in which the behaviour of front line workers is not involved.Given that it is the behaviour of management that is most critical in creating a culture of safety in any organization, behavioural safety observations are likely to have their greatest impact if directed upwards, at managers.The paper concludes with an appendix about accident repeater programs that are sometimes introduced along with safe behaviour programs.  相似文献   

面对煤矿事故频发现状,立足矿井安全实际生产困难,深入探索矿工不安全行为影响因素。研究表明,煤矿安全事故中,员工不安全行为是导致事故发生的主要原因。通过建立实验平台模拟煤矿员工工作现场,比较不同文化程度的矿工不安全行为发生率以及安全文化教育后矿工不安全行为发生率趋势。对比发现,文化程度越高的员工的不安全行为发生次数不一定越低,且安全文化教育的刺激作用具有保质期。  相似文献   

为减少维修差错导致的不安全事件,从维修资源管理对机务人员不安全行为的影响进行探讨,以团队合作、沟通交流、工作压力、领导能力、工作环境及惯例作为维修资源管理变量,考虑不安全行为意向对不安全行为的中介作用,提出了维修资源管理各因素对机务人员不安全行为的影响假设。通过实证分析,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的方法验证了维修资源管理各因素对机务人员不安全行为的影响假设。实证结果表明:维修资源管理各因素对机务人员不安全行为及意向有不同的影响作用。为机务人员的安全行为管理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

“不谴责”安全文化的机理与运用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安全生产的形势正在实现持续好转,但因人员违章和不安全行为引发的事故仍未根本杜绝,人因问题成为当今安全管理和文化建设研究一项十分重要的课题。通过行为安全研究和管理体系分析表明,规章制度的完整性、有效性、可操作性及员工的接受能力等因素,都将影响到员工遵章程度和安全行为。不加区分对待和从管理的深层次剖析,对违章和不安全行为一律强调和执行严厉处罚的纪律处理,并不能很好的解决人员违章问题。本文通过对人员行为安全、规章制度建设和管理体系的全面分析,阐述了"不谴责"安全文化建设的工作原理,针对不同的安全管理阶段和工作实际,提出了推行基于"公平和公正"这一"不谴责"安全文化的具体对策,对解决企业当前安全管理工作中所遇到的一些问题,有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Airports represent highly complex organisations, incorporating such interdependent operations as airlines, ground transport, flight services, ground services, refueling, maintenance, customer services, catering, administration and security. Airports, and especially International Airports, must ensure that their operations are conducted in a safe and efficient manner, as the consequence of any error or failure during operations has the potential for catastrophic outcomes. The international governing body for air transportation, ICAO, requires that airports must implement a Safety Management System as a means of ensuring safe operations and eliminating or reducing the likelihood of low frequency/high consequence incidents. This research project sought to determine the extent to which the implementation of a Safety Management System (SMS) influenced the attitudes of airport employees toward unsafe acts. The hypothesis tested was that the implementation of an SMS into an airport will result in an improvement in attitudes toward safety. A Safety Culture Survey was utilized to measure these attitudes. Two International Airports were chosen to measure the extent to which the introduction of an SMS at one airport would influence the safety attitude and culture of those employees. Sharjah International Airport, UAE, was used as the experimental group, as it did not have a formal SMS in operation, with another English-speaking International Airport (the Second Airport) being used as a control group, as it already had an SMS in operation. A Safety Culture Survey was used as the pre and post-test measure over a 12-month period to determine the extent of influence of the introduction of the SMS at Sharjah Airport. The results of Phase 1 of the survey (June 2008) were compared against the results of Phase 2 of the survey (June 2009). The average score reported by participants at Sharjah Airport increased significantly from pre-test measure to post-test measure in relation to communication, safety rules, supportive environment, personal risk appreciation, work environment, and involvement. At the same time, the average score for personal priorities decreased significantly from Phases 1 to 2. Results indicate that participants at Sharjah Airport recorded a significant positive shift in attitude to the safety factors covered in the Safety Culture Survey, whilst at the same time responses from the Second Airport showed no such shift in attitude. The Second Airport showed neither decline nor improvement in responses. Whilst some methodological issues were identified, the results were of sufficient strength as to conclude that the outcomes reported support the hypothesis that the introduction of an SMS at Sharjah Airport has effected positive changes not observed at the Second Airport. Recommendations for ongoing research were made to further explore the strength of relationship between SMS and safety attitudes, as well as the relationship between safe attitude and safe behaviour.  相似文献   

职工不安全行为是导致铁路事故的重要因素之一,为了预防和控制铁路职工的不安全行为,减少人为事故的发生,从个体、环境、设备和管理4个维度对影响职工不安全行为的因素进行分析并建立铁路职工不安全行为的影响因素指标体系,应用网络层次分析法对各因素的影响程度进行量化分析.结果表明:作业制度、激励机制、安全意识、安全教育、安全文化、...  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that unsafe behaviour is intrinsically linked to workplace accidents. A positive correlation exists between workers’ safe behaviour and safety climate on construction sites. Construction workers’ attitude towards safety is influenced by their perception of risk, management, safety rules and procedures. Pakistan, a developing country, is currently experiencing a strong growth in its construction activities. Unfortunately, the enforcement of safety regulations in Pakistan is not widespread. Indeed, some relevant regulations are both outdated and irrelevant to daily construction operations. This paper investigates local construction workers’ behaviour, perception and attitude toward safety, and attempts to link the research findings to the influence of national culture. A three-part interview-based questionnaire survey has identified that the majority of workers have a good degree of risk awareness and self-rated competence. Additionally, workers’ intentional behaviour was empirically explained by their attitudes towards their own and management’s safety responsibilities, as well as their perception of the risk they are generally exposed to in their workplace. The paper also reveals that workers operating in a more collective and higher uncertainty avoidance environment, are more likely to have safety awareness and beliefs, which can exhibit safer on-site behaviour.  相似文献   

Investigating factors that influence individual safety behavior at work   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
INTRODUCTION: A qualitative study was conducted to investigate the factors that influence individual safety behavior at work. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from a variety of occupations. RESULTS: The analysis revealed several organizational and social factors that explain why individuals engage in unsafe work practices. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of organizational/social factors on safety behavior were discussed. The results suggest that important organizational factors, in addition to job design and engineering systems, may be overlooked when identifying the causes of workplace accidents. Such factors include early socialization, and the need to portray a positive image. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The implications for management and industry are discussed.  相似文献   

违章行为与心理因素分析   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
据统计,“三违”是安全生产事故的主要罪魁祸首。分析众多事故的原因,无外乎是由人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态造成的,而物的不安全状态归根到底也是人的因素造成的。违章行为是“三违”的表现,它不仅与安全意识淡薄、安全观念落后、安全文化素质及安全生产管理水平低下等因素有关,更重要的原因是人的心理因素,职工的心理隐患是不安全行为的潜在帮凶。研究人的心理因素对违章行为的影响,寻找出一套强化安全心理素质、调整心理因素的方法,对于提高职工的安全意识,杜绝违章行为,减少伤亡事故,保护人民群众的健康和生命财产安全,具有重要现实意义和指导意义的。  相似文献   

中美两国汽车驾驶安全影响因素研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
影响汽车驾驶安全的各国道路交通系统以及驾驶员的驾驶行为等存在着差异性 ,许多差异可以通过统计数据的分析 ,或者其他定量研究方法获取 ,但仍然有许多影响驾驶安全的因素难以发现。笔者通过焦点团体座谈会的方法 ,从驾驶者的角度 ,搜集并分析了中美两国驾驶安全的主要影响因素 ,以及具有美国驾驶经历会对我国驾驶员有何影响。通过中美两国定性数据的对比分析 ,得出了主要影响因素 ,与此同时 ,通过问卷调查定量地分析了这些因素的严重程度。  相似文献   

Leadership is considered an essential element in guaranteeing the safe running of organizations. The purpose of the present study is to find out how leader behaviours influence employees’ safety behaviours (perceived safety behaviours) in the nuclear field. In an attempt to answer this question, the authors of this research have considered the way this influence is exercised, taking into consideration some important factors like safety culture and safety climate. To achieve this, the empowerment leadership model, based on a behavioural approach to leadership, was used. The sample was made up of 566 employees from a Spanish nuclear power plant. The results indicated that when safety culture was strong, leader behaviour generated a higher safety climate among the members, which predicted their perceived safety behaviours. Support was found for a structural model linking leadership and safety behaviour to safety culture and safety climate. The implications of these findings for the theory of safety and the way they can be put into practice are outlined.  相似文献   

为有效的控制建筑工人的不安全行为,从而减少事故,须分析出建筑工人不安全行为主要影响因素,并提出针对性控制措施。从各种不安全行为中提取13个影响因子,在此基础上通过访谈和调研获得直接影响矩阵,借助决策试验和评价实验室方法(DEMATEL)计算出每个因子的影响度、原因度和中心度,由此分析出安全态度、安全技能、安全认知和安全培训在影响因素体系中最为重要,领导的重视对建筑工人的不安全行为也有很大影响。结果表明:个人因素是影响工人安全行为的主要因素,环境因素和管理因素通过影响个人因素影响工人的安全行为。最后,针对个人影响因素,提出了合理开展安全培训、加强现场行为管理、加强安全心理干预、完善用工制度等措施。  相似文献   

地铁项目安全绩效关键影响因素分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在分析研究地铁安全事故案例的基础上,识别出对地铁项目安全绩效的48个关键影响因素,将这些影响因素归为五大类,即项目参与各方对安全的影响程度、人员的不安全行为及不安全状态、材料的不安全状态、机械/设备的不安全状态和现场环境的不安全状态;采取调查问卷的方式,运用结构方程建模得出各个指标的重要度及各指标之间的相互影响。研究结果表明:"项目参与各方对安全的影响程度"和"现场环境的状态"对地铁安全绩效的贡献最大,同时,其他因素也有较强的影响,在地铁施工中应以此为重点,加强安全防范。  相似文献   

基于SEM的不安全行为与其意向关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为检验不安全行为与不安全行为意向的关系,基于计划行为理论(TPB),对7个煤矿的735名一线作业人员进行问卷调查,收集工人被记录的和未被记录的不安全行为数据。采用结构方程模型(SEM)对不安全行为意向与不安全行为之间的关系进行分析。结果表明:安全行为态度、班组安全氛围、不安全行为风险认知偏差与不安全行为意向显著相关(路径系数分别为-0.36,-0.23和-0.57);不安全行为意向与不安全行为显著相关(路径系数为0.85);行为风险认知偏差与不安全行为显著相关(路径系数为0.51);而安全行为态度、班组安全氛围与不安全行为的关系并不显著。  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to reproduce the results of a previous investigation on the safety benefits of individualized training for older drivers. We modified our method to address validity and generalizability issues.

Methods: Older drivers were randomly assigned to one of the 3 arms: (1) education alone, (2) education?+?on road training, and (3) education?+?on road?+?simulator training. Older drivers were recruited from a larger urban community. At the pre- and posttests (separated by 4 to 8 weeks) participants followed driving directions using a Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation system.

Results: Our findings support the positive influence of individualized on-road training for urban-dwelling older drivers. Overall, driving safety improved among drivers who received on-road training over those who were only exposed to an education session, F(1, 40) = 11.66, P = .001 (26% reduction in total unsafe driving actions [UDAs]). Statistically significant improvements were observed on observation UDAs (e.g., scanning at intersections, etc.), compliance UDAs (e.g., incomplete stop), and procedural UDAs (e.g., position in lane).

Conclusion: This study adds to the growing evidence base in support of individualized older driver training to optimize older drivers’ safety and promote continued safe driving.  相似文献   

为了提高建筑安全后续研究的有效性与针对性,从人因视角对其研究现状及发展趋势进行了系统总结。采用定性文献综述的方法从实践需求和理论发展2个维度对国内外人因相关文献资料进行梳理、研判,通过明确焦点领域、核心方向、关键关注点等途径以明晰建筑安全研究现状及发展趋势,确定发展瓶颈,据此介入寻求突破的可能。研究结果表明:建筑工人不安全行为心理研究不足是人因视角下制约建筑安全理论发展的瓶颈,也是提升建筑安全管理应对的关键着力点;同时,从认知过程新视角证实了基于认知神经学范畴的研究是突破上述瓶颈的关键方向,在此基础上结合神经测量技术ERP新工具论证了该论断的可行性,为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于流程思想的矿工安全行为习惯塑造研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对煤矿安全生产中的矿工不安全行为问题,在分析不安全行为控制难点的基础上,结合安全行为理论,提出通过安全行为习惯塑造来控制矿工的不安全行为,并对塑造矿工安全行为习惯的5个阶段——文本化、流程再造、制度化、物化、习惯化分别进行阐述。研究表明:塑造安全行为习惯不仅需要灌输安全理念,还应对不合理的作业流程、制度重新设计,其最终落脚点是使矿工形成自主的安全行为习惯。只有落实到行为习惯的控制措施才能对不安全行为产生自发的控制作用。  相似文献   

航空维修差错分析及其管理   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
航空维修差错是诱发或直接导致飞行事故最重要的原因之一 ,对维修差错进行分类和分析有助于航空安全。笔者在分析航空维修环境变化的基础上 ,基于Reason模型构建了维修差错分类与诱因分析的框架 ,并结合机务维修的实际情况 ,对框架所包括的不安全行为、不安全行为的先兆、不安全的管理及组织因素进行了初步编码。文章还简要论述了维修差错的管理技术 ,指出借助框架编制详细的差错分类与分析编码系统是发展的方向。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2003,41(9):739-757
It has been argued that the effects of safety programmes extend to safety related behaviour outside the work environment. Data from studies of the behaviour of workers in three industries with a high focus on safety were examined in order to explore this argument. By means of data collected through a questionnaire, safe behaviour and emergency preparedness behaviour at home and during leisure time were measured in a case-control study. The findings indicate that workers in two of the three studies did not transfer safe behaviour from workplaces with a high focus on safety to home and leisure arenas. The safety consciousness acquired by workers at their workplaces in the absence of specially designed home and leisure time intervention projects seems to be insufficiently comprehensive or deep enough to influence safe behaviour in other arenas. While safe behaviour was not transferred, the emergency preparedness behaviour was. This indicates that the contextual and situational aspects of emergency preparedness are shared across risk arenas.  相似文献   

为了研究组织氛围对建筑工人不安全行为的影响,从班组级安全氛围、班组级安全教育和项目级安全氛围三个层面测量组织氛围,基于组织氛围与安全态度、不安全动机及安全能力之间的关系,构建建筑工人不安全行为发生的机理。通过23个项目267份有效问卷收集数据,采用结构方程模型(SEM)进行验证,采用决策试验和评价实验室(DEMATEL)进一步计算和分析各潜变量之间的影响度和被影响度。研究结果表明:班组级安全氛围对安全态度、班组级安全教育对安全态度、安全能力对安全态度、安全态度对安全动机的影响显著;安全动机和安全能力对不安全行为的影响显著;班组级安全氛围、班组级安全教育和项目级安全氛围之间相互关系显著;班组级安全氛围、班组级安全教育和项目级安全教育是典型的原因影响因素,通过安全态度共同影响不安全行为。根据研究结果,提出应对措施,可为安全管理工作提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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