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模拟燃烧11 种常见物质(秸杆、木材、煤和生活垃圾等),并收集烟气中可溶于甲醇的有机产物,利用紫外-可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)和三维荧光光谱(EEMs)对收集的甲醇可溶性有机物(MSOM)进行表征.进一步,结合非负矩阵分解法(NMF)提取三维荧光光谱主要组分的特征激发/发射光谱,根据荧光信号轮廓差异对不同种类物质进行区分,旨在建立棕色碳溯源依据.结果显示,秸杆和木材燃烧源棕色碳在紫外-可见吸收光谱上呈现相似的谱形,均在265nm处存在肩峰;瓦楞纸板和塑料燃烧源棕色碳的吸收则随波长增加单一下降.由于基本组分相同,各生物质及纸板对应的棕色碳的EEM有着相似的轮廓,NMF解析结果表明,生物质和纸板的MSOM存在3种主要荧光组分,分别为两种类腐殖质C1、C2和类蛋白质C3;煤的EEM在长波处有较强的分布,可归因于芳香类基团,由其EEM分解出M1、M2和M3荧光团,三者位置均较生物质红移.根据荧光团位置以及光谱信号轮廓特征,可对生物质和煤进行区分;泡沫、塑料袋和塑料瓶属于有机高分子材料,其EEM与生物质有较大的差别,且三者之间也存在差异,泡沫和塑料袋的MSOM含有4种荧光成分,而从塑料瓶的MSOM中只可得到两种荧光团,特征明显.  相似文献   

一种未见报道过的厌氧氨氧化微生物的鉴定及其活性分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
采用完全混合连续流反应器,以硝化污泥为种泥进行厌养氨氧化微生物的富集培养,在培养的第40 d就具有了明显的厌氧氨氧化活性,在200d时活性达到2160 mg·g-1·d-1(NH4 -N,以VSS计).采用分子生物学手段对培养得到的微生物进行鉴定,确定其为一种尚未被报道的可进行厌氧氨氧化反应的细菌.实验证明培养得到的厌氧氨氧化微生物是以NO2--N为电子受体进行反应,NO3--N不能直接被该厌氧氨氧化微生物利用;反应的适宜pH范围为7~8左右;无机碳源对其厌氧氨氧化活性有很大的影响,在缺少无机碳源时活性几乎被完全抑制.  相似文献   

A new mammal, Mondegodon eutrigonus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the earliest Eocene locality of Silveirinha, Portugal. This species shows dental adaptations indicative of a carnivorous diet. M. eutrigonus is referred to the order Acreodi and considered, along with the early Paleocene North American species Oxyclaenus cuspidatus, as a morphological intermediate between two groups of ungulate-like mammals, namely, the triisodontids and mesonychians. Considering that triisodontids are early to early-late Paleocene North American taxa, Mondegodon probably belongs to a group that migrated from North America towards Europe during the first part of the Paleocene. Mondegodon could represent thus a relict genus, belonging to the ante-Eocene European mammalian fauna. The occurrence of such a taxon in Southern Europe may reflect a period of isolation of this continental area during the Paleocene/Eocene transition. In this context, the non-occurrence of closely allied forms of Mondegodon in the Eocene North European mammalian faunas is significant. This strengthens the hypothesis that the mammalian fauna from Southern Europe is characterized by a certain degree of endemism during the earliest Eocene. Mondegodon also presents some striking similarities with an unnamed genus from the early Eocene of India which could represent the first Asian known transitional form between the triisodontids and mesonychians.  相似文献   

Ionic liquids(ILs) are a class of solvents increasingly used as "green chemicals." Widespread applications of ILs have led to concerns about their accidental entry to the environment.ILs have been assessed for some environmental impacts;however,little has been done to characterize their potential impacts on drinking water if ILs accidentally enter surface water.IL cations are often aromatic or alkyl quaternary amines that resemble structures of previously confirmed N-nitrosamine(NA) precursors.T...  相似文献   

对农村薪柴(杨木和毛竹)燃烧排放的4类溶解性棕色碳(BrC)组分,包括水溶性有机物(WSOM)、水溶性类腐殖质(HULISWS)、碱溶性有机物(ASOM)和碱溶性类腐殖质(HULISAS)的组成特征和光学性质进行了初步研究.结果显示,薪柴燃烧排放出大量的BrC,其中BrCT(WSOM+ASOM)占烟气PM2.5质量的46%~56%,排放因子为(7.5~16)g/kg.HULIS是薪柴燃烧排放BrC的重要组分,占BrCT的44%~46%.4类BrC的特征吸收指数(SUVA254)、光吸收效率(MAE365)和Ångström指数(AAE)值分别为1.9~4.0m2/g、0.4~2.1m2/g和6.2~11.1,说明薪柴燃烧排放BrC具有较高的芳香度、较强的光吸收能力且其光吸收具有较强的波长依赖性.三维荧光光谱分析结果显示,薪柴燃烧排放BrC主要以类蛋白荧光物质组成为主,这与雨水和大气气溶胶中水溶性BrC以类腐殖质荧光物质组成为主的特征存在显著差异.相关性分析结果显示,BrC的MAE365与HIX和SUVA254呈现显著的正相关性,与E2/E3、FI、BIX和βα呈现显著的负相关性,说明薪柴燃烧排放BrC的光吸收特性与其芳香性、腐殖化程度、自生源贡献和新鲜度等紧密相关.本研究结果有助于进一步认识生物质燃烧BrC的排放特征,为探索大气BrC的来源和环境效应提供数据基础和科学依据.  相似文献   

To explore eutrophication and algal bloom mechanisms in channel type reservoirs, a novel enclosure experiment was conducted by changing light intensity (LI) in the Daning River of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). Square enclosures (side 5.0 m) were covered on the surface with shading materials of different thickness, and with their bases open to the river. Changes and characteristics of the main eutrophication factors under the same water quality and hydrodynamic conditions but different LI were evaluated. All experimental water samples were neutral and alkalescent, with high nitrogen and phosphate concentrations, low potassium permanganate index, stable water quality, and different LI. At the same water depth, LI decreased with increasing shade material, while dissolved oxygen and water temperature were both stable. The growth peak of phytoplankton was with light of 345-4390 lux underwater or 558-7450 lux above the water surface, and water temperature of 25.6-26.5℃. Algae were observed in all water samples, accounting for 6 phylum and 57 species, with algal density changing frequently. The results showed that significantly strong or weak light was unfavorable for phytoplankton growth and the function together with suitable temperature and LI and ample sunshine encouraged algal blooms under the same water quality and hydrodynamic conditions. Correlation analysis indicated that algae reduced gradually lengthwise along water depth in the same enclosure while pH became high. The power exponent relationship between chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and LI was found by curve fitting, that is Chl-a = K(LI)n.  相似文献   

Coke plant effluents with high contents of organic compounds are mainly treated by biological aerobic fermentation after physical pre-treatment.In this study,a brown coal condensate wastewater from a low temperature coking process was fermented under methanogenic conditions in discontinuous experiments.By this fermentation,acetate,propionate,and the main polyphenolic compounds(catechol,resorcinol and hydroquinone) were degraded to a level below the detection limit.The COD was reduced by 72% with a residual ...  相似文献   

Agricultural ecosystems are a source of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions and losses of nutrients to waterways. Several studies have recognized this and have documented the potential to reduce GHG fluxes and nutrient loss to waterways by using carbon offsets to fund the implementation of land retirement and afforestation. However, the ability to use land for both agricultural production and environmental conservation is also important. This study develops a novel analytical framework that is used to examine the cross-media (water and air) environmental effects of implementing offset-funded conservation practices in a working-lands setting. The framework is applied to a case study which examines the extent to which carbon pricing can affect practice implementation costs and the optimal distribution of these practices throughout an agricultural watershed. Results indicate that carbon offsets can reduce conservation practice implementation costs and have the potential to reduce greater amounts of nonpoint source pollution for a given cost of implementation. This conclusion has significant implications for policymaking, particularly with regard to using markets for GHG emissions to achieve water quality improvements where water quality trading or government conservation programs have historically been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

1985年由抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)引发的褐潮首次出现于美国东北部的一些沿海海湾,后来又于1997年在南非的萨尔达尼亚湾暴发;2009年秦皇岛海域褐潮的暴发使中国成为世界上第三个受其影响的国家。尽管抑食金球藻对人体健康没有直接的不利影响,但是它会导致贝类生长缓慢甚至死亡,从而造成巨大的经济损失和严重的生态问题。本文对国内外学者近年来在抑食金球藻的生理生化特征、暴发与消亡的原因、生态危害及预防措施等方面的研究进行了系统总结,为抑食金球藻褐潮防治及维持海洋生态系统的稳定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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