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It is in the nature of astrophysics that many of the processes and most of the objects one tries to understand are physically inaccessible. Thus, it is important that those aspects that can be studied in the laboratory be rather well understood. The electron-screening effect on fusion reactions addresses one such aspect: the observed effect under laboratory conditions is presently not understood.  相似文献   

The classification and shorthand designation of chemical reactions are considered. It is concluded that single-step reactions can be divided into a finite number of types, each of which could be represented by an unambiguous symbol. The various types are listed and illustrated. Multi-step reactions, however, cannot be classified (in any detail) in a limited number of ways and for such reactions the use of symbols to represent each step unambiguously results in unwieldy designations.  相似文献   

无机阴离子对类-Fenton反应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比研究了4种常见无机阴离子(ClO4-、NO3-、Cl-和SO42-)对类-Fenton 反应中H2O2分解和有机物(莠去津=2.1 μmol·L-1和苯酚=50μmol·L-1)降解的影响.实验在pH=3.00±0.05 (25℃) 条件下完全混合反应器中进行.结果表明,在类-Fenton 反应过程中,ClO4-和NO3- 的存在对H2O2分解和有机物降解几乎没有影响;在不存在有机物条件下,Cl-和SO42- 的加入使得H2O2分解速率显著降低,ClO4-≈NO3- Cl- SO42-;莠去津存在条件下,莠去津降解速率为ClO4-≈NO;C1'SO42-,而H2O2分解速率为ClO4-≈NO3-≈Cl- SO42-;苯酚存在条件下,苯酚和H2O2的降解速率为ClO4-≈NO3-≈SO42- Cl-.无机阴离子对类-Fenton反应的影响一方面是由于Cl-和SO42-与Fe3 发生络合反应,阻碍了Fe3 与H2O2络合物的形成,减少了·OH 的产生;另一方面Cl-和SO42-消耗·OH,形成较低氧化活性的无机自由基(SO4·-和Cl2·-);同时,根据类-Fenton 反应降解有机物的不同,无机阴离子对类-Fenton 反应的影响也有所不同.  相似文献   

利用2009—2012年北京城区海淀宝联站6种污染物(PM2.5、NO、NO2、O3、CO和SO2)的连续监测数据,研究了污染物浓度的周循环变化规律,以及春节、国庆节假日期间和假日前后污染物浓度变化的差异.结果表明,北京城区O3浓度存在周末高于工作日的显著"周末效应"现象,其它污染物则表现出周末低于工作日的"周末效应"现象;国庆节较长假期存在与"周末效应"相类似的"假日效应",即假日期间污染物浓度明显低于非假日期间(O3相反).而春节期间PM2.5、CO、SO2出现"反常"浓度(污染物浓度在假日期间高于非假日期间),可能与春节期间烟花爆竹燃放有关.从污染物浓度日变化特征分析,污染物浓度高峰期与人类活动高峰期时间基本一致,而污染物在周末和工作日出现的浓度差异现象也与人类活动的周循环差异现象相吻合,NO、NO2和CO的小时平均浓度在周末和工作日的最大偏差出现在08:00,分别为-19.8%、-14.9%和-13.9%,说明北京城区出现污染物浓度的周循环变化特征和日变化特征与人类活动密切相关.  相似文献   

介绍我国大气PM2.5中的无机元素、水溶性无机离子以及含碳组分的污染特征,对近年来PM2.5与人群健康危害之间关系的研究进行了总结,并对PM2.5污染的健康风险评价进行了综述.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on results of investigations of the effects of fluctuations in the kinetics of a batch chemical reactor on the time trend of both concentration and temperature. Mixing problems and the relevant lack of ideality in the stirred tank may produce inhomogeneity in the chemical and physical properties of the global reacting system. The process is modelled by a system of stochastic ordinary differential equations whose weak solution is numerically determined by the Euler–Maruyama method. In particular, the role of the reaction order and the amplitude of fluctuation is analysed with respect to the first order moments of the concentration and temperature, respectively. The simulations have pointed out a considerable bias between the solution of the deterministic problem and the corresponding first moment trend of the stochastic approach in cases of nonlinear kinetics.  相似文献   

Magnetic field of the earth as additional zeitgeber for endogenous rhythms?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of 50% decrease and increase of the earth magnetic field on the activity of the enzymes hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) and N-acetyl-serotonintransferase (NAT) is proved in vivo and in vitro. NAT and HIOMT catalyse the melatonin biosynthesis in the pineal gland and in the retina. Our results support the hypothesis of Leask and Schulten, that molecular magnetic field sensitivity is the basis of animals' magnetic field detection.  相似文献   

电絮凝污泥调理是近年来发展起来的一种新型污泥预处理技术,具有破解污泥絮体、溶出胞外聚合物、改变污泥颗粒结构等作用,是实现后端污泥稳定化和减量化的有效手段.本研究比较了传统化学絮凝与电絮凝调理对污泥脱水性能的影响,深入分析了调理过程对污泥过滤性能、EPS组分和絮体结构的改变,并在此基础上优化了电絮凝操作条件.结果表明,以...  相似文献   

The sewage sludge conditioning process is critical to improve the sludge dewaterability prior to mechanical dewatering. Traditionally, sludge is conditioned by physical or chemical approaches, mostly with the addition of inorganic or organic chemicals. Here we report that bioleaching, an efficient and economical microbial method for the removal of sludge-borne heavy metals, also plays a significant role in enhancing sludge dewaterability. The effects of bioleaching and physical or chemical approaches on sludge dewaterability were compared. The conditioning result of bioleaching by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans on sludge dewatering was investigated and compared with the effects of hydrothermal (121℃ for 2 hr), microwave (1050 W for 50 sec), ultrasonic (250 W for 2 min), and chemical conditioning (24% ferric chloride and 68% calcium oxide; dry basis). The results show that the specific resistance to filtration (SRF) or capillary suction time (CST) of sludge is decreased by 93.1% or 74.1%, respectively, after fresh sludge is conditioned by bioleaching, which is similar to chemical conditioning treatment with ferric chloride and calcium oxide but much more effective than other conditioning approaches including hydrothermal, microwave, and ultrasonic conditioning. Furthermore, after sludge dewatering, bioleached sludge filtrate contains the lowest concentrations of chroma (18 times), COD (542 mg/L), total N (TN, 300 mg/L), NH4+-N (208 mg/L), and total P (TP, 2 mg/L) while the hydrothermal process resulted in the highest concentration of chroma (660 times), COD (18,155 mg/L), TN (472 mg/L), NH4+-N (381 mg/L), and TP (191 mg/L) among these selected conditioning methods. Moreover, unlike chemical conditioning, sludge bioleaching does not result in a significant reduction of organic matter, TN, and TP in the resulting dewatered sludge cake. Therefore, considering sludge dewaterability and the chemical properties of sludge filtrate and resulting dewatered sludge cakes, bioleaching has potential as an approach for improving sludge dewaterability and reducing the cost of subsequent reutilization or disposal of dewatered sludge.  相似文献   

牛粪-化肥配施对水稻田氮磷迁移转化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在控制外源N输入量相同的前提下,通过田间小区实验,探讨有机肥与化肥不同施用量(牛粪施用量:5,10,20t/hm2)对稻田田间土-水界面氮磷迁移转化特征的影响.结果表明:控制稻田水中NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP输出的最佳时期分别为施肥后的第5,30,7,20d,且TN和TP浓度随时间变化符合单指数衰减方程(0.7444≤R2≤0.9724;1.1×10-6F≤0.0055).采用牛粪部分代替化肥的施肥方式,在一定范围内能降低稻田退水中TN、TP输出负荷(41.8%、36.0%、64.3%;20.3%、39.1%、48.9%),还可以降低稻田水中N/P,降低水体富营养化风险.同时,牛粪的施用可提高土壤中脲酶和磷酸酶的含量,促进氮磷向植物可吸收形态转化.综合经济成本和生态效益核算,采用10t有机肥代替无机肥的处理是相对经济环保的施肥方法,该施肥方式下,氮磷年输出负荷分别为17.70,1.26kg/hm2.  相似文献   

氨(NH_3)是大气中常见的主要碱性污染气体,能够影响二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的形成和化学组分.本文利用自制的烟雾腔系统开展了NH_3对甲苯SOA形成和化学组分的影响研究,先后采用扫描移动粒径谱仪(SMPS)、气溶胶激光飞行时间质谱仪(ALTOFMS)、紫外-可见分光光度计(UV-Vis)、衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(ATR-FTIR)和荧光光谱仪(MF)测量反应产生的SOA粒子的物理化学性质.结果显示,在光照60 min的时间范围内,有NH_3条件下形成的SOA质量浓度和中心粒径相比于无NH_3条件下分别增加了50%和25%,这说明NH_3能够显著促进甲苯SOA的形成.与无NH_3条件下相比,NH_3存在时甲苯SOA化学组分的紫外可见吸收光谱在270 nm处有明显的吸收峰;红外吸收光谱出现了CN、C—N、N—H键的吸收峰;激光解吸附质谱图中含有m/z=67(C_3H_3N_2~+)、m/z=41(C_2H_2N~+)和m/z=28(CH2N+)碎片峰.这些谱图信息综合表明是NH_3和甲苯SOA中的二醛组分反应形成了咪唑类新产物.这为研究人为源SOA的形成机制提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

化学氧化和砂滤对净水工艺中颤蚓污染的协同控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为实现对净水工艺中蠕虫污染的高效控制,以颤蚓为主要研究对象,研究了化学氧化与砂滤对蠕虫污染的协同控制作用.结果表明,以化学氧化和砂滤拦截为基础的截留灭活技术对颤蚓具有高效控制效果,当ClO2投量超过0.1mg/L后,9~15m/h的滤速范围内均实现了对颤蚓的100%拦截.截留灭活过程中,化学氧化和砂滤拦截实现了对颤蚓污染的协同控制作用:砂滤可延长化学氧化接触时间,化学氧化则通过降低颤蚓的迁移能力提高了砂滤拦截效果. 通过在BAC滤池内增设石英砂垫层对仙女虫进行截留灭活,实现了对仙女虫污染的高效控制,同时避免了对BAC滤池正常吸附和降解功能的影响.  相似文献   

以赣州市定南县岭北镇一座离子型稀土矿尾砂为研究对象,通过采集现场生物土壤结皮与尾砂,采用碎皮接种法在尾砂上培育人工生物土壤结皮(BSCs),以不接种BSCs的尾砂作为对照组,对比分析人工BSCs对离子型稀土矿尾砂的改良作用.在结皮发育300d后,分析了结皮下层尾砂的pH值,容重,有机质含量,全量和速效养分含量,机械组成...  相似文献   

Somatic and genetic effects of the increase of greenhouse gases are investigated. The exhalation rates of radon and thoron are affected by the climate change through the temperature rise itself, melting of snow and ice and the change of soil moisture, and the lung cancer rate is affected by these changes. On the other hand the greenhouse warming of the troposphere leads to cooling of the stratosphere, which protects the O3 layer and reduces skin cancer. In the genetic side the temperature rise is harmful for sperm. The Rn increase leads to an increase of chromosome aberrations. Crude estimates of these effects show that the soil moisture effect is probably the largest, but the O3 protection effect may also be significant.  相似文献   

通过分析复杂井田不同含水层的常规元素、微量元素、氘氧同位素与氚同位素的水化学特征来判断各含水层的水力联系,并分别建立了Piper识别图版、Durov识别图版、氘氧同位素识别图版,借此可以快速甄别矿井突水的来源.结果表明:研究区地下水主要为大气降水补给,第四系含水层与直罗组含水层存在显著联系,直罗组含水层与延安组存在有限的联系.利用各含水层不同岩性导致的水化学离子特征差异和氘氧同位素、氚同位素的示踪特性建立识别图版,可有助于快速识别补连塔矿区突水水源,并对不同含水层的突水事故提出针对性的解决措施.  相似文献   

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