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Eleven mesopelagic fish species from the Weddell/Scotia Sea region of the Antarctic captured during the austral spring 1983, austral fall 1986, and austral winter 1988, were analyzed for proximate composition. Water, ash level, protein, lipid and carbohydrate were examined in relation to depth of occurrence and season. No depth-related trends were evident, primarily due to a low species diversity and minimal differences in those species' vertical distributions. The Antarctic speciesElectrona antarctica showed a significant increase in lipid level (% wet wt and % ash-free dry wt) between spring, fall and winter. The increase may signify an accumulation over the productive season, possibly as a reserve for the winter months. Lipid levels (% wet wt and % ash-free dry wt) were significantly lower in the Weddell Sea specimens examined in this study than in previously examined identical and congeneric species taken during the same season from a more productive near-shore Antarctic region. Comparisons with congeners and confamilials from tropical-subtropical and temperate systems revealed variable trends. The Antarctic speciesE. antarctica andCyclothone microdon had lower water and protein (% wet wt) levels than similar species from tropical-subtropical or temperate regions. Lipid levels of the two species are similar to temperate individuals, while energy levels are slightly higher. In contrast, species of the genusBathylagus show no trends in composition as a function of latitude. Differences in productivity, water-column temperature-structure, and seasonality are important considerations when examining trends among mesopelagic species.  相似文献   

Stomach contents were analysed from the 7 most numerous species of mesopelagic fish caught in a series of 11 hauls over a 24 h period at 230 to 266 m depth in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. The numerical abundance of organisms per filled stomach and the frequency of occurrence of empty stomachs were used to indicate feeding periodicity. The ecological significance of the feeding periodicity was considered by examining it in connection with an investigation of the day-night vertical distribution of zooplankton and micronekton to 2000 m at the same station. Additional dietary evidence on the 7 species considered was also obtained from the vertical series. Feeding selectivity was examined by comparing the composition of the zooplankton population, sampled separately but simultaneously with the micronekton, with that from the overall stomach contents of the species examined. Feeding periodicity was demonstrated for 6 species, of which 3 were found to be feeding selectively: Valenciennellus tripunctulatus on calanoid copepods, Argyropelecus aculeatus on ostracods, and Lampanyctus cuprarius on amphipods and possibly euphausiids. The limited data available on the other 3 species suggested that they were either random feeders (A. hemigymnus and Lobianchia dofleini) or perhaps selecting against a particular group (Notolychnus valdiviae). No indication of feeding periodicity or selectivity was found for Chauliodus danae. The overall pattern of results confirmed the supposed close correlation between vertical migration and feeding in mesopelagic fish.  相似文献   

Coelenterazine, a luciferine, and luciferase activity specific to coelenterazine were detected and assayed in various tissues of mid-water fishes, Argyropelecus hemigymnus, Chauliodus sloani, Myctophum punctatum, Vinciguerria attenuata and Cyclothone braueri. Coelenterazine was found mainly in digestive systems and photophores of these fishes. A large species to species variation was found: extremely high levels of coelenterazine and luciferase were found in the M. punctatum digestive system whereas only a very low level of coelenterazine was detected in C. braueri. Coelenterazine was detected in A. hemigymnus eggs supporting the hypothesis of a maternal transfer of luminous capabilities. Luciferase activity specific to coelenterazine was found in photophores as well as in various other tissues suggesting another (besides light emission) biological function for this enzymatic activity. Distribution of coelenterazine in all tissues of the individuals supports the hypothesis of the dietary acquisition of coelenterazine by these fishes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of 65Zn specific activity and total zinc in benthic fishes on the outer continental shelf off central Oregon (USA) were examined. A differential equation that relates specific activity of 65Zn in fish to that in fish food was used to estimate 's (zinc uptake-rate coefficients) for 3 different size classes of the flounder Lyopsetta exillis, a small predator of pelagic Crustacea, and for 1 size class of the flounder Microstromus pacificus, a large predator of infauna. The 's obtained for L. exilis were very close to the obtained in the laboratory for the flounder Pleuronectes platessa. The estimated for M. pacificus was very much smaller than the 's estimated for the other two species. A model that related to predicted weight-specific feeding rates suggested that the smaller of M. pacificus was caused by a low absorption efficiency of zinc from its prey. Sensitivity studies indicated that time histories of specific activity in the fishes are not sensitive to moderate changes in . The negative correlation between specific activity in the diet and in the weight of L. exilis was the major cause of the negative correlative between specific activity and weight in this species. In M. pacificus, where composition of diet does not vary with size, specific activity was independent of weight. The time history of specific activity in M. pacificus was very much lower than those in the different size classes of L. exilis, a result caused mainly by the much lower specific activity of the prey of M. pacificus. Differences in specific activity among other benthic fishes were also correlated with differences in specific activity of their prey. The food-web dynamics responsible for these patterns are discussed. Variation in total zinc concentrations among species was small. Within species of flounder, zinc concentration varied only slightly or not at all with weight.  相似文献   

Several species of Antarctic mesopelagic fishes that have different minimal depths of occurrence but the same environmental temperature were collected in November–December 1983 and in March 1986 between 0 and 1 000 m in the open water near the marginal ice zone in the vicinity of 60°S 40°W (1983) and 65°S 46°W (1986), and oxygen consumption rate (V O 2) and the activity of two metabolic enzymes, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, an indicator of the anaerobic potential of locomotory muscle) and citrate synthase (CS, an indicator of citric acid cycle activity or aerobic potential), were determined. In four dominant species, whole-individual oxygen-consumption rate (y, ml O2 individual–1 h–1) varied with weight (X, g) according to the equation y=aX b, with b values falling between 0.889 and 1.029. The relation of weight-specific LDH activity (y, U g–1 wet wt) with weight (x, g) was also described by the equation y=aX b, with b values varying between 0.229 and 1.025. Weight-specific CS activity declined with weight, with b values from-0.031 to-0.369. V 2 O, LDH activity and CS activity all declined markedly with increased species' minimum depth of occurrence (the depth below which 90% of a species' population lives). Comparisons with previous studies on ecologically equivalent species of the California Borderland indicate that depth-related decreases in metabolism are the result of adapted traits of deeper-living species, not declining temperature within the water column. The metabolic rate of Antarctic mesopelagic fishes is approximately twice that of California species at equivalent temperatures; similar rates were found at the normal habitat temperatures of the two groups. Thus, a well-developed compensation for temperature is present in the Antarctic fishes: cold adaptation. Differences in enzymic activity among species, and among different sized individuals of a species are related to differences in metabolic rate and locomotory capacity. Enzymic indices can be used to estimate metabolic rates and evaluate ecological parameters such as predatory strategies and niche separation.  相似文献   

The proximate composition of 33 species of mesopelagic fishes collected from the eastern Gulf of Mexico during May–June 1984, July–November 1985 and January 1986 was determined. Water level increased and ash-free dry weight (% dry weight) and protein level (% wet weight) decreased with increasing species' minimum depth of occurrence (that depth below which 90% of a species' population lives). Lipid level (% wet weight or % ash-free dry weight), did not change with species' minimum depth of occurrence. Skeletal ash level (% wet weight) generally decreased with minimum depth of occurrence, whereas carbohydrate level did not change with depth. The variable water level, low lipid level, and high protein level in eastern Gulf of Mexico fishes resulted in a low energy content. These results are generally characteristic of fishes from warm, stable regions of low productivity, such as the eastern North Pacific Gyre. The constant food supply provided by a stable environment may obviate the need for large lipid reserves, in contrast to colder waters at higher latitudes where food availability is seasonal. In addition, the large energy requirements for diel excursions into high-temperature surface waters by the many vertically migrating fishes of this region may influence lipid deposition. The relatively high protein level found in migrators compared to that in non-migrators or weak migrators indicates that locomotory demands influence the percentage of protein found in Gulf fishes. The lack of a positive correlation between protein level and the food availability of a zoogeographic region, suggested in previous studies, is supported here.  相似文献   

This study reports the vertical distribution of fish larvae during the 1999 summer upwelling season in the Canaries-African Coastal Transition Zone (the Canaries-ACTZ). The transition between the African coastal upwelling and the typical subtropical offshore conditions is a region of intense mesoscale activity that supports a larval fish population dominated by African neritic species. During the study, the thermal stratification extended almost to the surface everywhere, and the surface mixed layer was typically shallow or non-existent. Upwelling occurred on the African shelf in a limited coastal sub-area of our sampling. The vertical distributions of the entire larval fish population, as well as of individual species, were independent of the seasonal thermocline. Fish larvae and mesozooplankton were concentrated at intermediate depths regardless of the thermocline position, probably because of its weak signature and spatial and temporal variability. Day/night vertical distributions suggest that some species did not perform diel vertical migration (DVM), whereas others showed either type I DVM or type II DVM. The opposing DVM patterns of different species compensate for each other resulting in no net DVM for the larval fish population as a whole.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distributions of adult mesopelagic fishes are described from acoustic and trawl surveys over the full-depth of 500 m at 169 stations on a longitudinal transect crossing the Humboldt Current (03°45′S, 81°76′W and 18°23′S, 71°13′W) at 50–200 nautical miles off Peru during austral spring (October–November) of 2001, 2002 and 2003. A total of 2,952 kg of fishes was collected, which included 13 families, 23 genera and 28 species. The mesopelagic community is dominated by the families Phosichthyidae (Vinciguerria lucetia), Myctophidae (Diogenichthys laternatus and Lampanyctus idostigma) and Bathylagidae (Leuroglossus urotranus), accounting for 60.4, 12.8 and 3.7%, respectively, of the total catch. Based on horizontal distribution patterns these species were categorized into three groups, i.e. northern-central upwelling front group (L. urotranus, Nemichthys fronto and Scopelarchoides nicholsi), Southern upwelling front group (Hygophum reinhardti, Myctophum nitidulum, Paralepis sp and Scopeloberyx sp.) and pan-Humboldt Current group (V. lucetia, D. laternatus, L. (Nannobrachium) idostigma, L. omostigma, M. aurolaternatum, Triphoturus oculeus, Bathylagus (Melanolagus) berycoides, Leuroglossus stilbius, Argyropelecus affinis, Sternoptyx obscura, Melamphaes sp., Stomias sp. and Scopelosaurus sp.). Nighttime vertical distribution was characterized by a single abundance peak in the upper 50 m. Daytime patterns showed three peaks of abundance: an upper peak, in the upper 100 m, a midwater peak between 200 and 400 m, coinciding with an oxygen minimum zone, and a deeper peak between 400 and 500 m. V. lucetia was dominant in the upper and midwater peaks while myctophids, other planctivorous and piscivorous fishes were distributed in the midwater. Acoustic back-scattered energy (S a) was ubiquitous in the region. Maximum S a was mainly located between 11° and 18°S during day and night. V. lucetia is a significant component of the sound-scattering layers in the Humboldt Current Region off Peru.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and migration (seasonal, diel and ontogenetic) of Calanus helgolandicus are described from the shallow (100 m) shelf-seas to the south-west of the British Isles. In 1978 and 1979, the overwintering population of C. helgolandicus consisted primarily of Stage V copepodites and adults. By late winter/early spring the copepodites had moulted to adult females (>90%), which matured and bred the first cohorts of the year, prior to onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom in April/May. C. helgolandicus reached a peak of numerical abundance in August of 20x103 copepodites m-2 (over the depth range sampled -0 to 70 m), which was 200 times the population in winter. The seasonal peak of abundance occurred 4 mo after the peak of the bloom of phytoplankton in spring. The yearly development of the copepod was not always out of phase with the diatom bloom, as seen when the data from 1978 was placed in the context of a longer time-series collected at 10 m over 22 yr (1960–1981, inclusive). Large vertical migrations were observed in the younger copepodites (CI and II) in May from below to above the thermocline. In the remainder of the year, the CI and CII stages behaved differently and were located above the thermocline within the euphotic zone. The largest vertical displacements of biomass were seen in the summer months due to the migrations of the CV stages and adults, which had developed from the spring cohorts. It was contended that the seasonal and vertical migrations of C. helgolandicus are part of a more complex pattern of inherent behavior than has been reported previously and that, however difficult this is to discern in the natural populations, it always expresses itself.  相似文献   

The consequences for white skeletal muscle of the whole body variation in water and protein content were examined in 11 mesopelagic fishes taken off the coast of Oregon, USA, in 1983. For such muscles, water content varied from 71 to 91% of muscle wet weight, and protein content ranged from 56 to 141 mg g-1 muscle wet weight, depending on the species. Dilution by increased water content did not account for the decrease in protein content. Total muscle protein was partitioned into soluble (myogen or sarcoplasmic) and insoluble (myofibrillar) components. Both the myogen and myofibrillar components are reduced in muscle with decreased protein content. The activities (units g-1 wet wt) of white muscle L-lactate dehydrogenase and L-malate dehydrogenase are higher in fishes undergoing diel vertical migration to surface waters than in fishes that either do not migrate or do not migrate to surface waters. The differences in enzyme activities are not due to a general dilution of muscle protein. The actin content of white skeletal muscle was maintained at a relatively constant level in all 11 species examined and was similar to actin levels observed previously in the white skeletal muscle of scombrids and demersal fishes. This conservation of actin content requires species with a reduced muscle protein content to maintain a significant fraction of their total protein as actin. The specific activities of the myofibrillar Mg2+–Ca2+-activated adenosine triphosphatases of the mesopelagic species are similar in all 11 species studied. Thus, the ratios of proteins in the isolated myofibrils are probably similar. These results suggest that, in species with decreased muscle protein, there is an increase in the non-myofibrillar form of actin.  相似文献   

The problem of vertical distribution and the movements of copepods was studied from several plankton samples collected by vertical hauls in the Saronic Bay, Greece during two cruises (8 to 17 August and 21 November to 1 December, 1969). The species, whose vertical movements were analyzed, were divided into 3 groups: (1) Those which perform diurnal vertical migration (generally psychrophilic species found in summer samples in deeper layers and in reduced numbers). In autumn, the number of specimens is generally increased and many individuals reach the surface at night. From surface hauls it is known that these species abound in night surface hauls during the cold period. (2) Those species which execute a seasonal vertical migration. These, too are, in general, psychrophilic and found in summer in the deep water layers. In autumn, the population of the upper layers increases. From surface hauls it is known that these species abound in day and night surface samples. (3) Copepods which remained at the surface layer in both seasons of our cruises. These species are thermophilic and are absent from surface hauls during the cold period.  相似文献   

The material was collected in the western equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean at a 24 h station on December 21 to 23, 1968. Collections were made by means of 2 Juday nets from 2 winches simultaneously. A series of hauls was made at 2 h intervals. The vertical distribution of 17 Cyclopoida species, belonging to 3 families (Oithonidae, Oncaeidae and Corycaeidae) was studied. From 0 to 300 m, the absolute number of Cyclopoida individuals was practically constant throughout the 24 h period. The bulk of the species performed no diurnal vertical migration, or migrated with low intensity in the usual way (i.e. moved upward at night and downward during the day). Only 2 Oncaeidae species performed significant diuranl vertical migration. No reversed migration in Cyclopoida was discovered. To characterize the vertical distribution of Cyclopoida, the distribution of the cores of populations (abundancies between 25 and 75%) was examined. During the 24 h period, the cores of populations of various Cyclopoida species were found at different depths; this steplike distribution was not disturbed in migrating species. The cores of populations differed both with habitat depth and time of ascent of the migrating species to the surface layer. This peculiarity, probably, tends to lessen the intensity of food competition between Cyclopoida species with similar nutritional habits.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution and nocturnal migration of zooplankton species in relation to the development of the seasonal thermocline in the shallow waters (90 m) of Patraikos Gulf (Ionian Sea, Greece) were investigated using a WP-2 closing net. Juvenile and adult copepods accounted for a mean of 91% of the total collected in three sampling periods, i.e. May, July and September 1985.Ctenocalananus vanus, Paracalanus parvus andOithona plumifera were the dominant copepods. The majority of the zooplankton tend to aggregate at the thermocline layer. Among copepods the two congeneric speciesClausocalanus pergens andC. furcatus exhibited different migratory responses to the development of the thermocline.C. pergens occurred in the lower part of the thermocline andC. furcatus in the upper region or above. The diel vertical migration of all species could be divided into four types: (1) no vertical migration; (2) upward migration at night; (3) occasional migration; and (4) reverse migration (down at night). In July when the strongest thermocline developed, most zooplankters rose close to the surface at night. For most species, temperature discontinuity did not limit their diel migration.Please address all correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr J.J. Lykakis  相似文献   

Vertical distribution, life cycle, and developmental characteristics of the mesopelagic copepod Gaidius variabilis Brodsky in the Oyashio region were investigated by combining analyses of field copepodite populations with laboratory-rearing data of egg hatching and naupliar development. Field samplings from five discrete depths between the surface and ≤2000 m were made approximately every month for 1 year. Most populations of G. variabilis occurred between 600 and 1000 m depth. A modest degree of reversed diel vertical migration behavior and some stage-specific depth-distribution patterns were noted. All copepodite stages were observed throughout the year, suggesting a year-round spawning of G. variabilis. From a prominent abundance peak of Copepodite Stage 1 (C1) seen in June to August, together with development times of eggs and nauplii obtained in laboratory-rearing experiments, the major spawning season was extrapolated to be April to June, the phytoplankton bloom season. Tracing the peak abundance of each copepodite stage (distinguishing males and females for C4 to C6), the generation times of males and females were deduced as 2 and 1 year, respectively. All between-stage increments in terms of wet-, dry-, and ash-free dry weights were greatest in C3/C4, and least in C5/C6 for both males and females. The increments in C3/C4 and C4/C5 were greater for males than for females, reflecting a longer stage duration of the males. These weights did not increase in C5/C6 males, possibly because feeding ceased in C6 males. These results for G. variabilis are compared with those for some mesopelagic copepods previously reported from other regions. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

Diets of the demersal fishes on the shelf off Iwate,northern Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diets of demersal fishes were determined on the shelf (ca. 130 m deep) off Iwate, Japan. Samples were taken in three different types of habitat, an artificial reef (AR) site, a natural reef (NR) site, and sandymud bottom (SB) site, from May 1987 to September 1991, mostly every two months. A total of 67 prey items were recognized in the stomachs of 45 predator fish species. The most important preys were the pelagic fishes Sardinops melanostictus and Engraulis japonicus, which comprised 37% wet wt of the overall stomach contents. The percentage of pelagic fishes was highest at AR site, where fish density was highest. The dominant ten species could be divided into five feeding types. The pelagic fish feeders Physiculus maximowiczi and Gadus macrocephalus fed mainly on S. melanostictus. The dietary breadth of P. maximowiczi was wide, while that of Gadus macrocephalus was narrow. The pelagic crustacean feeder Theragra chalcogramma mostly consumed Themisto japonica and euphausiids and showed the least dietary overlap with other fishes. Benthic fish feeders were Hemitripterus villosus and Liparis tanakai. The benthic crustacean feeders Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii consumed benthic crustaceans as well as pelagic and benthic fishes and showed the largest dietary breadth. The benthic invertebrate feeders Gymnocanthus intermedius, Dexistes rikuzenius and Tanakius kitaharai fed mainly on polychaetes and benthic crustaceans. But Gymnocanthus intermedius consumed a significant proportion of pelagic fishes. Ontogenetic dietary shift was recognized for these fishes. Pelagic fishes were consumed more intensively by larger individuals, especially true of A. alcicornis, Theragra chalcogramma and Gadus macrocephalus. Predominancy of the two most adundant species, P. maximowiczi and A. alcicornis, may be supported by their wide dietary breadth and the significant proportion of pelagic fish in their diets. Interspecific dietary overlap was low in most cases suggesting that food resources were well partitioned, although some high overlap was observed among the pelagic fish feeders, A. alcicornis, and Gymnocanthus intermedius, and among the benthic invertebrate feeders. Interspecific competition seemed more likely in the benthic invertebrate feeders than in the pelagic fish feeders partly because of superabundance of the pelagic prey S. melanostictus.  相似文献   

The occurrence of chitinase in the stomach contents of Enophrys bison and Platichthys stellatus was investigated. The highest chitinase activity and the greatest percentage of chitinoclastic bacteria in relation to the total bacterial flora were associated with fish whose stomach content was composed primarily of chitinous animals. Stomach contents lacking visible chitin possessed low or no detectable levels of chitinase activity and few chitinoclastic bacteria. Juvenile E. bison treated with chloramphenicol to remove their indigenous bacterial flora had no detectable level of chitinase in their stomach contents while non-treated juveniles showed inducible chitinase activity, indicating the bacterial origin for the chitinase.Published as Technical Paper No. 4435, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. This research was supported by NIH training grant 5TO1 GM-00704 and NSF grant DES73-06611 AO2.  相似文献   

Observations from a one-person submersible (Wasp) in fall, 1982, revealed a persistent aggregation of non-migrating, Stage V copepodites of Calanus pacificus californicus Brodsky in a band 20±3 m thick at a depth of 450 m, about 100 m above the bottom of the Santa Barbara Basin, California. Copepod abundances, calculated from nearest-neighbor distances measured directly from the submersible, yielded maximum densities of 26×106 copepodites m-3. Quiescent behavior, low laminarinase activity, low protein content, high lipid content and evidence of low excretion rate all suggest that these copepodites were in a state of diapause. Diapausing C. pacificus californicus at other locations along the eastern Pacific coast were also captured in discrete depth plankton tows. Both the submersible observations and the net collections suggest that the dense aggregation of diapausing copepods we observed in the Santa Barbara Basin was a phenomenon associated with seasonal upwelling cycles, and that such aggregations occur during non-upwelling periods when food is scarce in surface waters. Numerous predators, especially the deep sea smelt Leuroglossus stilbius, were observed feeding upon the aggregated copepods; thus, in contrast to the conventional picture of surface-dominated food distribution, deep-water aggregations of C. pacificus californicus may support the mesopelagic community during periods of low food availability in surface waters.  相似文献   

The sediments of two tidal flats in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, USA, were studied to determine the distribution and abundance of the interstitial microalgal communities. The hydrography of the bay, as well as fluetuations in various physical and chemical parameters appear to regulate the biomass and the vertical and intertidal distribution of these organisms.  相似文献   

The fecundity of nine species of adult female calanoid copepods, and molting rates for copepodite stages of Calanus marshallae were measured in 24 h shipboard incubations from samples taken during the upwelling season off the Oregon coast. Hydrographic and chlorophyll measurements were made at approximately 300 stations, and living zooplankton were collected at 36 stations on the continental shelf (<150 m depth) and 37 stations offshore of the shelf (>150 m depth) for experimental work. In our experiments, maximum egg production rates (EPR) were observed only for Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus mimus, 65.7 and 3.9 eggs fem-1 day-1 respectively, about 95% of the maximum rates known from published laboratory observations. EPR of all other copepod species (e.g., C. marshallae, Acartia longiremis and Eucalanus californicus) ranged from 3% to 65% of maximum published rates. Fecundity was not significantly related to body weight or temperature, but was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a concentration for all species except Paracalanus parvus and A. longiremis. Copepod biomass and production in on-shelf waters was dominated by female P. mimus and C. marshallae, accounting for 93% of the adult biomass (3.1 mg C m-3) and 81% of the adult production (0.19 mg C m-3 day-1). Biomass in the off-shelf environment was dominated by female E. californicus, P. mimus, and C. pacificus, accounting for 95% of the adult biomass (2.2 mg C m-3) and 95% of the adult production (0.08 mg C m-3 day-1). Copepodite (C1-C5) production was estimated to be 2.1 mg C m-3 day-1 (on-shelf waters) and 1.2 mg C m-3 day-1 (off-shelf water). Total adult + juvenile production averaged 2.3 mg C m-3 day-1 (on-shelf waters) and 1.3 mg C m-3 day-1 (off-shelf waters). We compared our measured female weight-specific growth rates to those predicted from the empirical models of copepod growth rates of Huntley and Lopez [Am Nat (1992) 140:201-242] and Hirst and Lampitt [Mar Biol (1998) 132:247-257]. Most of our measured values were lower than those predicted from the equation of Huntley and Lopez. We found good agreement with Hirst and Lampitt for growth rates <0.10 day-1 but found that their empirical equations underestimated growth at rates >0.10 day-1. The mismatch with Hirst and Lampitt resulted because some of our species were growing at maximum rates whereas their composite empirical equations predict "global" averages that do not represent maximum growth rates.  相似文献   

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