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中图法(第四版)自1999年出版以来,环境科学发生了突飞猛进的变化,因此应着手修改,建议如下:环境科学类目不应包括灾害及其防治,集中可持续发展类目并单列,生态保护类目应单列,增设循环经济类目,环境管理类目中增设ISO14000环境管理体系等等.  相似文献   

1996年5月15日,八届全国人大常委会第十九次会议审议通过了《关于修改中华人民共和国水污染防治法的决定、并于当日起施行。(关于修改中华人民共和国水污染防治法的决定》是在当前江河水质日趋恶化,城市普遍缺水的情况下做出的,因此显得尤为必要。它对我国实施可持续发展战略和水污染防治工作具有极其重要的意义。下面就此次修改目的、必要性及修改过程、修改重点等情况介绍如下:原《中华人民共和国水污染防治法)(以下简称“原法”)于1984年5月11日经第六庙全国人大常委会第五次会议通过.并于1984年5月11日中华人民共和国主席令第1…  相似文献   

1983年国际电工委员会出版IEC68—2—13试验M:低气压试验方法标准第四版。该第四版标准与1966年的第三版标准相比,在内容上主要作了以下几点的修改: 1. 第四版标准的海拔高度气压值符合ISO2533标准规定,其数值可在150毫巴和700毫巴之间的一条曲线上选取。  相似文献   

正环境保护部近日联合国家发展和改革委员会、公安部修订发布了《国家危险废物名录》(2016版),自2016年8月1日起施行。问:本次《名录》修订的主要内容有哪些?答:(1)修改了前言。与2008年版《名录》相比,本次修订前言部分主要调整内容包括:一是明确了医疗废物的管理内容。二是修改了危险废物与其他固体废物的混合物,以及危险废物处理后废物属性的判定说明。三是新增危险废物豁免管理、以及通  相似文献   

正电磁兼容新国标将出台8月1日,国标委发布关于国家标准《电磁兼容安装和减缓导则HEMP传导骚扰保护装置的规范》征求意见的通知。本标准等同采用IEC/TR 61000-5-5:1996(第1.0版)《电磁兼容安装和减缓导则第5-5部分:HEMP传导骚扰保护装置的规范基本EMC出版物》,按GB/T 1.1—2009以及GB/T20000.2—2009的要求编制。主要修改内容如下:  相似文献   

金道吾 《环境技术》2000,18(5):25-30
国际标准化组织 /国际电工委员会 (ISO/IEC)指南 2 1《采用国际标准为国家标准指南》1 999年版已经发布。 1 999年版的内容比 1 981年版有较大修改。现将国家质量技术监督局质技监标函 [2 0 0 0 ]0 5 8号文发的《采用国际标准管理办法 (草案 )》和《产品采标率统计办法 (草案 )》内容予以报道 ,希望热心的读者和作者参与讨论提出意见。  相似文献   

正国务院印发《国务院关于修改建设项目环境保护管理条例的决定》《国务院关于修改〈建设项目环境保护管理条例〉的决定》已经2017年6月21日国务院第177次常务会议通过,7月16日国务院以国务院令第682号发布《关于修改建设项目环境保护管理条例的决定》,自2017年10月1日起施行。《条例》修改的主要内容包括:一是删除有关行政审批事项。取消对环评单位的资质管理;将环评登记表由审批制改为备案制;将建设项目环保设施竣工验收由环保部门验收改  相似文献   

《国务院关于修改〈建设项目环境保护管理条例〉的决定》已经2017年6月21日国务院第177次常务会议通过,7月16日国务院以国务院令第682号发布《关于修改<建设项目环境保护管理条例>的决定》,自2017年10月1日起施行。  相似文献   

《全国生态环境保护纲要》 (以下简称《纲要》 )已经国务院批准正式发布 (《纲要》全文见《人民日报》 2000年 12月 22日第五版 )。这是全面实施生态保护与污染防治并重、生态保护与生态建设并举方针的重要文件,为全国也为环境保护行政主管部门进一步加强生态环境保护工作做出了明确的政策规定。国家环境保护总局以环发 [2000]235号文于 2000年 12月 6日发出 "关于深入贯彻落实《全国生态环境保护纲要》的通知 ",并作了新闻问答。新闻问答内容刊登如下。 ——编者   一、国家为什么要制定《全国生态环境保护纲要》 ?   党中央、国务院…  相似文献   

本项标准化工作任务是修订《GB2421-89电工电子产品环境试验规程总则》。标准起草人先后查阅了国内外有关资料;并翻译了《IEC68-1-1988“第六版”环境试验第1部分:总则》;分析对比GB2421-89与IEC68-1-1988(第六版)之间差...  相似文献   

Abstract: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is charged with establishing standards and criteria for assessing lake water quality. It is, however, increasingly evident that a single set of national water quality standards that do not take into account regional hydrogeologic and ecological differences will not be viable as lakes clearly have different inherent capacities to meet such standards. We demonstrate a GIS‐based watershed classification strategy for identifying groups of Nebraska reservoirs that have similar potential capacity to attain a certain level of water quality standard. A preliminary cluster analysis of 78 reservoirs was performed to determine the potential number of Nebraska reservoir groups. Subsequently, a Classification Trees method was used to refine number of classes, describe the structure of reservoir watershed classes, and to develop a predictive model that relates watershed conditions to reservoir classes. Results suggest that Nebraska reservoirs can be represented by nine classes and that soil organic matter content in the watershed is the most important single variable for segregating the reservoirs. The cross‐validation prediction error rate of the Classification Tree model was 26.3%. Because all geospatial data used in this work are available nationally, the method could be adopted throughout the U.S. Hence, this GIS‐based watershed classification approach could provide water resources managers an effective decision‐support tool in managing reservoir water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Inter-station analysis was employed to evaluate the adequacy of the precipitation network in topographically complex West Virginia. A 25-year period was determined as the minimum lingth of record needed for relatively stable and fairly accurate estimates of long-term (50-year) precipitation and in frequency analysis. Data from the 83 National Weather Service stations with 25-year records were adjusted for consistency and evaluated separately by zones east (31 stations) and west (52 stations) of the Appalachian divide. Correlation coefficients (r) and average standard errors of estimate were computed for all station pairs within 50 miles distance and 1000 feet elevation difference of each other. The third polynomial equation of inter-station distance eliminated using elevation and land slope as the criteria in network design in this mountainous terrain. A network with (r) = 0.9 estimates annual precipitation with accuracy as great as 5 percent, but requires about 250 additional gages (i.e., about 200 percent of the present density).  相似文献   

Treatment of tannery wastewater is problematic due to high and variable concentrations of complex pollutants often combined with high salinity levels. Two series of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (CWs) planted with Arundo donax and Sarcocornia fruticosa were set up after a conventional biological treatment system operating at a tannery site. The aim of the CWs was polishing organics and nitrogen from the high salinity effluent (2.2-6.6?g Cl(-)?L(-1)). Both plant species established and grew well in the CW. Arundo, however, had more vigorous growth and a higher capacity to take up nutrients. The CWs were efficient in removing COD and BOD(5) with removal efficiencies varying between 51 and 80% for COD (inlet: 68-425?mg?L(-1)) and between 53 and 90% for BOD(5) (inlet: 16-220?mg?L(-1)). Mass removal rates were up to 615?kg COD ha(-1)?d(-1) and 363 BOD(5) kg?ha(-1)?d(-1). Removal efficiencies were 40-93% for total P, 31-89% for NH(4)(+) and 41-90% for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. CW systems planted with salt tolerant plant species are a promising solution for polishing saline secondary effluent from the tannery industry to levels fulfilling the discharge standards.  相似文献   

针对我国西北地区某燃煤型城市2002年1月1日至3月31日SO2小时浓度的时间序列资料,应用混沌重构相空间理论和分形理论,探讨了不同嵌入维下时间序列关联维的变化规律,并计算了该时间序列的Kolmogorov熵和最大Lyapunov指数。结果表明,该时间序列是一混沌时间序列,其最大预测时间为19h。  相似文献   

为了开发利用短梗五加这一潜在的民间药用植物资源,采用GC-MS方法对短梗五加乙醚部分化学成分进行了分析。结果表明,经毛细管色谱柱分析分离出31个成分,应用色谱峰面积归一法分析各成分的相对含量,含量较高的物质3,7,11-三甲基-2,6,10-十二碳三烯-1-醇为50.21%,化合物类型主要为萜类及其衍生物。本方法简便、可靠、快速、重现性好,为短梗五加的化学成分研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

基于GIS的我国农村老年人口时空发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘娜  陈瑛 《资源开发与保护》2012,(4):325-327,F0003
以2000年、2003年、2006年和2009年4个时间点的农村老年人口数据为基础,从农村老年人口系数、老少比和养老负担3个指标对我国大陆31个地区的农村老年人口状况做了时间和空间上的对比分析。结果表明,农村老龄化发展迅速且从东部向中西部快速递进,农村老龄化的集中程度趋于降低。  相似文献   

中国政府承诺CO2排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。在工业部门深化应对气候变化和全面推进绿色转型的背景下,数量庞大的工业园区已然成为"十四五"乃至今后一个时期工业领域实现科学、精准碳减排的关键靶点。本研究首先剖析了中国工业园区低碳发展面临的挑战与机遇;进而以2015年为基准年,面向2035和2050年美丽中国建设两阶段战略目标,研究提出了工业园区碳减排的目标、路径和潜力,以期为园区深化低碳发展提供决策参考。研究显示,2015年中国工业园区CO2排放总量约为28亿吨,占全国总排放量的31%。通过产业结构调整、能效提升、能源结构优化、碳捕集等低碳路径,2015-2050年全国园区预期可减排CO2 18亿吨,在2015年基础上减排60%以上;其中,2015-2035年减排8亿吨,2035-2050年减排10亿吨。  相似文献   

The experience of the International Expert Panel on Environment for the Xiaolangdi dam/reservoir project in China (XEP) showed that the Panel meetings resulted in a marked improvement in project environmental performance by all parties participating in project implementation, with no parties exempt from the Panel's evaluations. Unfortunately the Loan Agreement authorizes use of the Panel only through the project stages of final design and construction, hence the 12th Panel meeting, which matched project construction completion, ended this series. The Panel has recommended that some meetings of the Panel be held during the project's operations stage in order to maintain continuing attention to environmental needs. The XEP experience showed that the XEP, in addition to monitoring project environmental performance, was very valuable for (i) training of Chinese staff involved in project implementation, and (ii) serving in the role as expert consultant for guiding the work of the Chinese participants. The XEP experience also showed the need for making a clear separation between evaluation, the overall resettlement program per se, and the environmental effects of the program. The Panel recommended that the Ministry of Water Resources and World Bank cooperate in sponsoring a book on The Environmental History of the Xiaolangdi Project, including both dam construction as well as resettlement problems, which would serve as a very valuable reference for guiding environmental planning for future dam projects in China (Ludwig, H.F. 1994–2000).  相似文献   

选择3种中药配方,以其水提液对体长3-5cm锦鲤进行诱食活性(触球法)试验.每组实验重复5次,实验结果采用Excel和SPSS软件分析.结果表明,配方1对锦鲤的诱食有抑制作用,配方2与配方3对锦鲤有诱食反应,抑制或诱食的强弱与中药的浓度有关.其中,配方1 P=0.004< 0.05,配方2 P=0.0005< 0.05,配方3 P=0.0003< 0.0,经复合饵料饲喂后,实验鱼体长和体重都比基础饵料增长显著,说明3种饵料对锦鲤的生长都有促进作用.其中,配方2降低饵料系数0.2801,增重率达17.66%.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to describe the fate and transport of hydrazinium (N2H5+) and competing Ca2+ and H+ cations applied in acidic solutions to columns of Ca2+/H+-saturated sandy soil during steady saturated flow conditions. Instantaneous ternary H+-Ca2+-N2H5+ cation exchange using the Gaines-Thomas approach was combined with second-order, irreversible, kinetic chemisorption of exchange-phase N2H5+ ions as major retention mechanisms for N2H5+. Exchange-mediated chemisorption is assumed to occur as chemical binding of N2H5+ ions located on carboxyl-group exchange sites to nearby carbonyl groups, consequently decreasing the effective soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). Comparison of simulated and observed breakthrough curves (BTCs) for concentrations of N2H5+ and Ca2+ ions in column effluent was used in model evaluation. The cation transport model with cation exchange coupled with exchange-mediated chemisorption provided a valid first approximation for N2H5+ transport.  相似文献   

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