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Models are needed that predict both spatial and temporal improvements to ecosystems following reductions of acidifying emissions that produce `acid rain'. Logistic regression models were developed for the occurrence of fish and two fish-eatingbirds, common loons (Gavia immer) and common mergansers(Mergus merganser), using monitoring data collected onlakes across Ontario. These models were applied in the Algomaregion, including the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW). Using theWaterfowl Acidification Response Modeling System (WARMS), severalSO2 emission reduction scenarios were simulated, i.e. thosecontributing to measured 1982–1986 sulphate deposition levels, 1994levels (corresponding to full implementation of Canadian SO2emission reductions as stipulated in the 1991 Canada/U.S. AirQuality Agreement), 2010 levels (1994 plus full U.S. reductions),and both a 50% and a 75% further reduction beyond 2010 levels. Some habitat improvements in Algoma were predicted under the 2010scenario for all biota, but substantial increases in habitatquality, especially for mergansers, would occur only under further reductions. The TLW showed little change in chemistry orbiota, while lakes near the Montreal River were predicted toimprove substantially.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution: Focus - To investigate the urban land-useinfluences on transport of heavy metals to lakesand metal concentrations in fish liver (perch andcrucian carp), ten lakes...  相似文献   

The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) was established in 1980 as asite for study of the ecosystem effects of acidic deposition, andsince then there has been 40% reduction in North AmericanSO2 emissions. Monitoring records for bulk deposition,shallow and deep ground water, two headwater streams and two lakeoutflows have been tested to identify statistically significantmonotonic trends. The TLW appears to be responding to decliningacidifying emissions because the most prevalent chemical trendacross sample types/stations was decreasing SO4 2-. Increasing pH was detected in four of the seven data sets, butonly the H+ decrease in bulk deposition was of a magnitudeto be an important ionic compensation for the SO4 2-decline. There is little evidence of acidification recovery inTLW waters however. Increasing alkalinity was found only in theoutflow of the penultimate lake of the basin, and in fact, deepground water and the other lake outflow had decreasing alkalinitytrends (i.e., continuing acidification). For the surface waterstations, the greater part of the ionic compensation fordeclining SO4 2- was decreasing base cations, and as aresult, these waters are probably becoming more dilute with time,although only the headwater streams exhibited decliningconductivity. Five of seven data sets had increasing dissolvedorganic carbon concentrations. Increasing NO3 - wasimportant in ground waters. Drought has strongly influencedtrends and delayed recovery by mobilizing S stored in catchmentwetlands and/or soils.  相似文献   

Rognerud  S.  Grimalt  J. O.  Rosseland  B. O.  Fernandez  P.  Hofer  R.  Lackner  R.  Lauritzen  B.  Lien  L.  Massabuau  J. C.  Ribes  A. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2002,2(2):209-232
High concentration of Hg, less volatile PCB congeners and p,p-DDE in Arctic charr from an arctic lake was mainly causedby biomagnification in the food chain where cannibalism was thedriving force. We suggest that low sediment fluxes of Hg, low net production of methyl mercury, and short food chains excludingpiscivory explain the low levels of Hg in the invertebrate feeding fish population in five European high mountain lakes.Concentrations of less volatile PCB congeners in insectivorous fish populations from the European high mountain lakes were mainly influenced by fish age and atmospheric deposition, indicated by the sediment inventory. Atmospheric deposition influenced by local sources may explain the higher concentrationsof pesticides (p,p-DDT, p,p-DDE and -HCH) observedin fish from the Pyrenees compared to the other sites. Theconcentrations of Hg and organochlorines did not exceedthe guidelines for fish consumption, except for Hg levelsin the oldest fish from the arctic lake.  相似文献   

Studies worldwide have shown that mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitouscontaminant, reaching even the most remote environments such ashigh-altitude lakes via atmospheric pathways. However, very fewstudies have been conducted to assess Hg contamination levels ofthese systems. We sampled 90 mid-latitude, high-altitude lakes from seven national parks in the western United States during afour-week period in September 1999. In addition to the synoptic survey, routine monitoring and experimental studies were conducted at one of the lakes (Mills Lake) to quantify MeHg fluxrates and important process rates such as photo-demethylation. Results show that overall, high-altitude lakes have low total mercury (HgT) and methylmercury (MeHg) levels (1.07 and 0.05 ng L-1, respectively), but a very good correlation of Hg to MeHg (r2= 0.82) suggests inorganic Hg(II) loading is a primary controlling factor of MeHg levels in dilute mountain lakes. Positive correlations were also observed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and both Hg and MeHg, although to a much lesser degree. Levels of MeHg were similar among the seven national parks, with the exception of Glacier National Park where lowerconcentrations were observed (0.02 ng L-1), and appear to berelated to naturally elevated pH values there. Measured rates ofMeHg photo-degradation at Mills Lake were quite fast, and thisprocess was of equal importance to sedimentation and stream flowfor removing MeHg. Enhanced rates of photo-demethylation are likely an important reason why high-altitude lakes, with typically high water clarity and sunlight exposure, are low in MeHg.  相似文献   

In order to analyse potential influences of soda industryeffluents on the ecological integrity of Traunsee (TS) weinvestigated the fish community of the lake in comparison witha reference lake (Hallstättersee HS) and used a reconstructionfrom the (older) literature concerning the original speciescomposition of Traunsee. Published `Index of Biotic Integrity(IBI)' metrics were considered to be of limited value due tothe relatively low species number in the oligotrophic, Alpinelake. Therefore we included, in addition to speciescomposition, studies on egg distribution, larval fishdensities, life-history parameters (i.e. growth, maturity,fecundity, age and size composition), stress levels and heavymetal content of the dominant whitefish (Coregonuslavaretus), as well as overall fish density and biomass (usinghydroacoustics) to assess the ecological status of the fishcommunity. Two of the original 18 species have disappearedfrom the lake, presumably in connection with the introductionof non-native eel (Anguilla anguilla) and theconstruction of a power plant in the outflow. Silt from grindedlimestone together with highly alkaline pore waters is emittedvia industrial wastewater from Sodaworks and covers part of thelake bottom. We observed that eggs of whitefish were spawnedmainly in the main inflowing river and close to the shore, thusavoiding the silty areas and making the anticipated damage tothe reproductive potential of whitefish neglectable. This wascorroborated by larval surveys done weekly on both lakes fromJanuary to May, which showed halve the density of whitefishlarvae in TS compared to HS. Estimates of potentially spawningfish from hydroacoustic surveys resulted in a ratio of 1(TS) :3 (HS). Analysis of whitefish revealed that they are growingfaster in TS and have higher fecundity leading to somecompensation of lower abundance. High levels of fishing in TSmight have led to this pattern and to depressed yields asindicated by the age composition. Level of oxidative stress andheavy metal content were not discernible from the referencelake. Therefore we concluded that negative impacts on theecological status of the fish community resulted from fisheriesmismanagement and a power plant situated in the outflow of thelake, considered to have damaged spawning places for somespecies, but not from soda industry effluents.  相似文献   

The effect of lime and ash additions upon the below ground ectomycorrhizal communities was studied at two spruce forest sites, Horröd and Hasslöv, in Southern Sweden. At Hasslöv, fifteen years after the addition of 8.75 ton ha-1 of dolomite, the species richness of the mycorrhizal community was unchanged. However, the liming resulted in an almost total replacement of species normally found under the site conditions, with only three morphotypes from a total of 24 distinguished being common to both the control and limed plots. At Horröd, four years after the application of 3.25 ton ha-1 crushed lime, there was a significant reduction in the number of species recorded. This was not a result of a reduction in root tips sampled, since there was no significant treatment effect upon root tip abundance. Instead, it appeared that the less common species present in the control plots had been lost following liming. At the same site, the addition of 4.28 ton ha-1 of wood ash had little effect upon the mycorrhizal community as a whole, with only small changes recorded in the abundance of a small number of species. This study highlights the urgent need for additional data on the temporal and load response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to the addition of lime. This information is vital in view of the proposed widespread use of lime as a counter measure to soil acidification.  相似文献   

In an acid mining lake (pH 2.6) enclosure experiments wereperformed with the addition of different concentrations oforganic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. SSCP-communityfingerprints, based on 16S rRNA gene amplicons, were performed tomonitor changes in the structure of the total bacterialcommunity and the sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in themesocosms. Total bacterial cell counts, as assessed byepifluorescence microscopy, were increased in the mesocosmsamended with organic carbon. The addition of carbon alsoincreased the number of abundant bacterial taxa substantiallyalong depth. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) could be detected inall enclosures and all parts of the water column. These SRBbelonged to genus Desulfobacter as indicated bycoroborating molecular data.  相似文献   

The holomictic Traunsee is the deepest and second largest lakein Austria. The special characteristic of this ecosystem isthe fact that local salt and soda industries presumably alterthe lake by the discharge of waste materials. Since thebeginning of the 20th century salt and soda works areannually releasing up to 50,000 tons of solid wastes and up to150,000 tons of chloride into Traunsee. To assess potentialeffects of these anthropogenic impacts on the bacterioplanktonthree sampling sites, influenced as well as not influenced bythe industrial discharge, were chosen for comparison andsampled monthly from November 1997 to October 1998. Bacterialabundance ranged between 0.4 to 3.0 × 106 cells ml-1 with decreasing numbers along the depth profile. Theproportion of actively respiring bacteria, i.e. INT [2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride]reducing cells, never exceeded 10% of DAPI (4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole) stained cells. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to examine the seasonal and spatial distribution of dominant phylogenetic groups of thebacterioplankton. Up to 84% of bacteria detected with DAPIcould be detected via FISH applying the universal bacterialprobe EUB338. Percentages of alpha- and beta-Proteobacteriaand members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster did notexceed 60% of DAPI-stained cells.Beta-Proteobacteriaappeared to be the most abundant group, not only in Traunsee butalso in two reference lakes, Attersee and Hallstättersee. No significant differences in any of the bacterial parameters couldbe detected between the three sampling sites and all measurementswere found in the range reported for oligotrophic lakes. The highdischarge of the Traun River, resulting in a lake water renewaltime of only one year, may diminish possible effects of industrial waste discharge in the pelagic zone.  相似文献   

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